本段内容主要参考了这篇文章,【鸿蒙应用ArkTS开发系列】- http网络库使用讲解和封装,并完善了appendQueryParams、isValidUrl这两个函数,修改回调函数名称为success、fail。
是一个枚举类,主要是构造一个请求所需的参数集合,包括 地址、请求方式、请求参数、返回数据类型、设置请求头信息。具体实现如下:
export interface RequestOptions { url?: string; method?: RequestMethod; queryParams?: Record<string, string>; extraData?: string | Object | ArrayBuffer; header?: Object; } export enum RequestMethod { OPTIONS = "OPTIONS", GET = "GET", POST = "POST", PUT = "PUT", HEAD = "HEAD", DELETE = "DELETE", TRACE = "TRACE", CONNECT = "CONNECT" }
//注意这一行非常关键,需要别名,不然无法调用request(options)函数 import { httpCore as HttpCore } from './HttpCore'; import { RequestOptions } from './RequestOption'; export class HttpManager { private static mInstance: HttpManager; //不允许实例 private constructor() { } static getInstance(): HttpManager { if (!HttpManager.mInstance) { HttpManager.mInstance = new HttpManager(); } return HttpManager.mInstance; } request<T>(options: RequestOptions): Promise<T> { return HttpCore.request(options); } }
import http from '@ohos.net.http'; import { RequestOptions } from '../net/RequestOption'; export class HttpCore { request<T>(requestOption: RequestOptions): Promise<T> { return new Promise<T>((success, fail) => { this.sendRequest(requestOption) .then((response) => { if (typeof response.result !== 'string') { fail(new Error("Invalid data type")); } else { let bean: T = JSON.parse(response.result); if (bean) { success(bean); } else { fail(new Error("JSON to T failed")); } } }) .catch((error) => { fail(error); }) }); } private sendRequest(requestOption: RequestOptions): Promise<http.HttpResponse> { let httpRequest = http.createHttp(); let successFunction, failFunction; const resultPromise = new Promise<http.HttpResponse>((success, fail) => { successFunction = success; failFunction = fail; }) if (!this.isValidUrl(requestOption.url)) { return Promise.reject(new Error("URL format error")); } let promise = httpRequest.request(this.appendQueryParams(requestOption.url, requestOption.queryParams), { method: requestOption.method, header: requestOption.header, extraData: requestOption.extraData, expectDataType: http.HttpDataType.STRING }); promise.then((response) => { console.info('Result:' + response.result); console.info('code:' + response.responseCode); console.info('header:' + JSON.stringify(response.header)); successFunction(response); }).catch((err) => { failFunction(err); }).finally(() => { httpRequest.destroy(); }); return resultPromise; } /** * typescript中高级类型Record * 组装参数 * @param url * @param queryParams * @returns */ private appendQueryParams(url: string, queryParams: Record<string, string>): string { var params: string; var i: number = 0; for (const key in queryParams) { if (i == 0) { params += key + "=" + queryParams[key]; } else { params += "&" + key + "=" + queryParams[key]; } i++; console.log(key + ":" + queryParams[key]); } if (params != null) { return url + "?" + params } return url } /** * 校验url是否合法,正则 * @param url * @returns */ private isValidUrl(url: string): boolean { var regular = /^(?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~:/?#[\]@!\$&'\*\+,;=.]+$/; if (regular.test(url)) { return true; } return false; } } //注意这一行非常关键 export const httpCore = new HttpCore();
这三段代码中用到了非常多的陌生关键字,Promise、typeof、.then、.catch、.finally、Record<string, string>、.test,它们是做什么的
const myRecord:Record<string, string>={ name:'张三' , city: 'Beijing', country: 'China' }
{ "response_code": 0, "results": [{ "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "Who was among those killed in the 2010 Smolensk, Russia plane crash tragedy?", "correct_answer": "The Polish President", "incorrect_answers": ["Pope John Paul II", "Bang-Ding Ow", "Albert Putin"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "What was the first sport to have been played on the moon?", "correct_answer": "Golf", "incorrect_answers": ["Football", "Tennis", "Soccer"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "Which of these countries remained neutral during World War II?", "correct_answer": "Switzerland", "incorrect_answers": ["United Kingdom", "France", "Italy"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "How many manned moon landings have there been?", "correct_answer": "6", "incorrect_answers": ["1", "3", "7"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "In what year was the M1911 pistol designed?", "correct_answer": "1911", "incorrect_answers": ["1907", "1899", "1917"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "During WWII, in 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and what other city?", "correct_answer": "Nagasaki", "incorrect_answers": ["Kawasaki", "Tokyo", "Kagoshima"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "These two countries held a commonwealth from the 16th to 18th century.", "correct_answer": "Poland and Lithuania", "incorrect_answers": ["Hutu and Rwanda", "North Korea and South Korea", "Bangladesh and Bhutan"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "The idea of Socialism was articulated and advanced by whom?", "correct_answer": "Karl Marx", "incorrect_answers": ["Vladimir Lenin", "Joseph Stalin", "Vladimir Putin"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "Which German field marshal was known as the `Desert Fox`?", "correct_answer": "Erwin Rommel", "incorrect_answers": ["Ernst Busch", "Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen", "Wilhelm List"] }, { "type": "multiple", "difficulty": "easy", "category": "History", "question": "Which one of these was not a beach landing site in the Invasion of Normandy?", "correct_answer": "Silver", "incorrect_answers": ["Gold", "Juno", "Sword"] }] }
import ArrayList from '@ohos.util.ArrayList';
import { TestApiBean } from './TestApiBean';
export class ResTestAPiBean {
response_code?: string;
results?: Array<TestApiBean>;
export class TestApiBean { id?:string; question?: string; correct_answer?: string; type?: string; constructor( id:string, question: string, correct_answer: string, type: string ) { this.id=id; this.question = question; this.correct_answer = correct_answer; this.type = type; } }
import prompt from '@ohos.promptAction' import util from '@ohos.util'; //引入自定义类 import { HttpManager } from './net/HttpManager' import { RequestMethod } from './net/RequestOption'; import { TestApiBean } from './entity/TestApiBean'; import { ResTestAPiBean } from './entity/ResTestAPiBean'; @Entry @Component struct Index { private tabsController = new TabsController(); @State index: number = 0; // 选项卡下标,默认为第一个 //组件Index自带的函数,类似于重写@Override,在build()之前就会执行 aboutToAppear() { this.loadApiTestData(); } //@State此时的状态就非常有用了,当你上下拉刷新UI的时候,只需要重新给此变量赋值就会自动刷新界面(UI) @State testApiBeanList: Array<TestApiBean> = new Array<TestApiBean>(); /** * 调用封装的网络请求类,访问网络API并获取列表数据 */ loadApiTestData() { HttpManager.getInstance().request<ResTestAPiBean>({ url: "https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=10&category=23&difficulty=easy&type=multiple", method: RequestMethod.GET }).then((result) => { for (let i = 0; i < result.results.length; i++) { let item = result.results[i]; this.testApiBeanList.push({ id: util.generateRandomUUID(true), question: item.question, correct_answer: item.correct_answer, type: item.type }); } }).catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); } //开始构建UI build() { Column() { Tabs({ controller: this.tabsController }) { TabContent() { Column() { List({ space: 10, initialIndex: 0 }) { ForEach(this.testApiBeanList, (item: TestApiBean, index: number) => { // 循环渲染ListItem ListItem() { Row() { Column() { Text(item.correct_answer).fontSize(16).fontColor($r("app.color.color_list_title")) Text(item.question).fontSize(14).fontColor($r("app.color.color_list_abstract")) }.width('100%').alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) }.width('100%').justifyContent(FlexAlign.Start).padding({ left: 16, right: 16, top: 8, bottom: 8 }) .onClick(() => { //选项单击事件 prompt.showToast({ message: this.testApiBeanList[index].question, duration: 2000 }) }) } }, item => item.id) }.width("100%").listDirection(Axis.Vertical).scrollBar(BarState.Auto) }.width('100%').height('100%').justifyContent(FlexAlign.Start).backgroundColor("#eeeeee") }.tabBar(this.tabHome()) TabContent() { Column() { Text("订阅内容").fontSize(32) }.width('100%').height('100%').justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center).backgroundColor("#eeeeee") }.tabBar(this.tabSub) TabContent() { Column() { Text("我的内容").fontSize(32) }.width('100%').height('100%').justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center).backgroundColor("#eeeeee") }.tabBar(this.tabMe) }.barPosition(BarPosition.End) }.width('100%').height('100%') } @Builder tabHome() { Column() { Image(this.index == 0 ? $r('app.media.ic_menu_home_focus') : $r('app.media.ic_menu_home_normal')) .size({ width: 25, height: 25 }).margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) Text("首页").fontSize(16).fontColor(this.index == 0 ? "#2a58d0" : "#6b6b6b") }.width('100%').height('100%').onClick(() => { this.index = 0; this.tabsController.changeIndex(this.index) }) } @Builder tabSub() { Column() { Image(this.index == 1 ? $r('app.media.ic_menu_sub_focus') : $r('app.media.ic_menu_sub_normal')) .size({ width: 25, height: 25 }).margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) Text("订阅").fontSize(16).fontColor(this.index == 1 ? "#2a58d0" : "#6b6b6b") }.width('100%').height('100%').onClick(() => { this.index = 1; this.tabsController.changeIndex(this.index) }) } @Builder tabMe() { Column() { Image(this.index == 2 ? $r('app.media.ic_menu_me_focus') : $r('app.media.ic_menu_me_normal')) .size({ width: 25, height: 25 }).margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) Text("我的").fontSize(16).fontColor(this.index == 2 ? "#2a58d0" : "#6b6b6b") }.width('100%').height('100%').onClick(() => { this.index = 2; this.tabsController.changeIndex(this.index) }) } }
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