import time import random def create01(n,m): #产生数字m以内 n个算式 numbers=1 list_equation = [] while numbers<=n: add1=random.randint(11,21) add2=random.randint(2,21) ops1=ops[0] eq=str(add1)+ops1+str(add2) val=eval(eq) if add1-add2>=0 and add1+add2<=m and add1!=add2: #if add1%add2==0 and add1*add2<=m : #这是乘除法出题 需要修改ops=['*','/'] #continue #print('第',numbers,'题') time.sleep(0) #print(add1,ops1,add2,'=') #question=question='{} {} {} {}'.format(add1,ops1,add2,'=') #这是随机加减法 下面改成只出减法 自行修改即可 question=question='{} {} {} {}'.format(add1,'-',add2,'=') if question not in list_equation: list_equation.append(question) #ask=int(input('答案是几:')) #if ask==val: #print('恭喜你,答对了') #print() #numbers+=1 #random.shuffle(ops) #else: #print('答错了,正确答案是',val) #print() numbers+=1 #print(numbers-1) random.shuffle(ops) for i in list_equation[:20]: #循环nums次 写入前20个式子 with open ('出题.txt','a') as f: f.write(i+'\n\n') print('两数加减法保存在:出题.txt 文件中') def create02(n,m): #产生数字m以内 n个算式 list_equation = [] numbers=1 while numbers<=n: add1=random.randint(2,21) add2=random.randint(2,21) add3=random.randint(2,21) add4=random.randint(2,21) ops1=ops[0] #eq=str(add1)+ops[random.randint(0,1)]+str(add2) #val=eval(eq) if add1-add2>=0 and add1+add2<=m and add3-add4>=0 and add3!=add2 and add3!=add1 and add1!=add4 and add2!=add4 and add3+add4<=m: #if add1%add2==0 and add1*add2<=m and add3%add4==0 and add3*add4<=m: #这是乘除法出题 需要修改ops=['*','/'] #continue #print('第',numbers,'题') time.sleep(0) #print(add1,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add2,'比较',add3,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add4,) #ask=int(input('答案是几:')) #if ask==val: #print('恭喜你,答对了') #print() #numbers+=1 #random.shuffle(ops) #else: #print('答错了,正确答案是',val) #print() numbers+=1 #print(numbers-1) #print(add1,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add2,'比较',add3,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add4,) question='{} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(add1,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add2,'比较',add3,random.sample(ops,1)[0],add4) if question not in list_equation: list_equation.append(question) random.shuffle(ops) for i in list_equation[:20]: #循环nums次 写入前20个式子 with open ('出题.txt','a') as f: f.write(i+'\n\n') print('两数加减法比大小保存在:出题.txt 文件中') def create03(nums): """ :param nums: 需要生成个数 :return: 返回元组,含等式和答案 """ #存储等式 list_equation = [] #存储答案 list_result = [] for i in range(nums): #jishutansuozhe判断计算结果,不能为负值,若为负值,就重新生成 result = -1 while result < 0: # 随机生成第1位,20以内 first = random.randint(1, 20) # 随机生成第1个加减符号 first_symbol = random.choice(["+", "-"]) # 随机生成第2位,20以内 second = random.randint(1, 10) # 随机生成第2个加减符号 second_symbol = random.choice(["+", "-"]) # 随机生成第3位,20以内 three = random.randint(1, 10) if first!=second and first!=three and second!=three : equation = str(first) + first_symbol + str(second) + second_symbol + str(three) + "=" if first_symbol == "+": if second_symbol == "+": result =first + second + three else: if second - three>0: result = first + second - three else: if second_symbol == "+": if first - second>0: result =first - second + three else: if first - second>three and first > second : result = first - second - three if result > 0 and result<=20: #判断是否重复 if equation not in list_equation: list_equation.append(equation) list_result.append(equation+str(result)) break for i in list_equation[:20]: #循环nums次 写入前20个式子 with open ('出题.txt','a') as f: f.write(i+'\n\n') print('3数加减法保存在:出题.txt 文件中') print(list_equation[:20]) return (list_equation,list_result) if __name__ == '__main__': with open ('出题.txt','a') as f: f.truncate(0) #清空文件 ops=['+','-'] #ops=['*','/'] #print(random.sample(ops,1)[0]) random.shuffle(ops) ops1=ops[0] random.shuffle(ops) ops2=ops[0] n = 20 #出200个题目 最后输出20个 m = 20 #出20以内加减法 #随机生成2个数加减算式 create01(n,m) #随机生成2项加减比大小 create02(n,m) #随机生成32个数加减算式 create03(200)#循环200次 获得前20个式子 time.sleep(3)
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