使用工具:Excel2007;金蝶K3 WISE 12.3;IMS系统;航天金税系统。
- CREATE view [dbo].[cnfapiao]
- as
- select t.fbillno 单据编号,t6.F208SED 商品及劳务名称,t2.fname '发票抬头/客户信息(名称)','台' 计量单位,t3.fmodel 规格型号,
- t1.fqty 数量,t6.FE59AXC '单价(含税/不含税)',t1.fqty*t6.FE59AXC '金额(含税/不含税)','' 备注,'0.17' 税率,
- case when t5.FP7B2S6='增值税普通发票' then '普通发票' else '专用发票' end 发票种类,
- '1090242040000000' '税收分类编码(16位)',--请根据公司实际情况填写
- '0' 享受优惠政策,
- '1.0' 版本号
- from icsale t
- inner join icsaleentry t1 on t1.finterid=t.finterid
- inner join t_Organization t2 on t2.fitemid=t.fcustid
- inner join t_icitem t3 on t3.fitemid=t1.fitemid
- inner join seorder t4 on t4.finterid=t1.forderinterid
- left join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].T24162222255Xg33 t5 on t5.F15662P2222X564=right(CONVERT(varchar,t4.FBillNo),8)--根据IMS系统销售订单关联发票信息
- inner join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].TTP2A0J t6 on t6.FW5M1ZH=t3.Fnumber and t6.FH20L1O-t6.FE59AXC>0--根据IMS系统物料关联硬件信息
- where t.FExchangeRate=1 and t.fcheckerid is null--硬件价格
- union all
- select t.fbillno 单据编号,t6.FAPK2U9 商品及劳务名称,t2.fname '发票抬头/客户信息(名称)','台' 计量单位,t3.fmodel 规格型号,
- t1.fqty 数量,t1.fauxtaxprice-t6.FE59AXC '单价(含税/不含税)',t1.fqty*(t1.fauxtaxprice-t6.FE59AXC) '金额(含税/不含税)','' 备注,'0.17' 税率,
- case when t5.FP7B2S6='增值税普通发票' then '普通发票' else '专用发票' end 发票种类,
- '1090242040000000' '税收分类编码(16位)',--请根据公司实际情况填写
- '0' 享受优惠政策,'1.0' 版本号 from icsale t
- inner join icsaleentry t1 on t1.finterid=t.finterid
- inner join t_Organization t2 on t2.fitemid=t.fcustid
- inner join t_icitem t3 on t3.fitemid=t1.fitemid
- inner join seorder t4 on t4.finterid=t1.forderinterid
- left join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].T24162222255Xg33 t5 on t5.F15662P2222X564=right(CONVERT(varchar,t4.FBillNo),8)--根据销售订单关联发票信息
- inner join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].TTP2A0J t6 on t6.FW5M1ZH=t3.Fnumber and t6.FH20L1O-t6.FE59AXC>0--根据物料关联硬件信息
- --inner join t_MeasureUnit t4 on t4.fitemid=t1.funitid
- where t.FExchangeRate=1 and t.fcheckerid is null--软件价格
- union all
- select t.fbillno 发票号码,t6.F208SED 商品及劳务名称,t2.fname '发票抬头/客户信息(名称)','台' 计量单位,t3.fmodel 规格型号,
- t1.fqty 数量,t1.fauxtaxprice '单价(含税/不含税)',t1.fqty*t1.fauxtaxprice '金额(含税/不含税)','' 备注,'0.17' 税率,
- case when t5.FP7B2S6='增值税普通发票' then '普通发票' else '专用发票' end 发票种类,
- '1090242040000000' '税收分类编码(16位)',--请根据公司实际情况填写
- '0' 享受优惠政策,'1.0' 版本号
- from icsale t
- inner join icsaleentry t1 on t1.finterid=t.finterid
- inner join t_Organization t2 on t2.fitemid=t.fcustid
- inner join t_icitem t3 on t3.fitemid=t1.fitemid
- inner join seorder t4 on t4.finterid=t1.forderinterid
- left join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].T24162222255Xg33 t5 on t5.F15662P2222X564=right(CONVERT(varchar,t4.FBillNo),8)--根据销售订单关联发票信息
- INNER join [IMS].[portal].[dbo].TTP2A0J t6 on t6.FW5M1ZH=t3.Fnumber and t6.FE59AXC=t6.FH20L1O--根据物料关联硬件信息
- --inner join t_MeasureUnit t4 on t4.fitemid=t1.funitid
- where t.FExchangeRate=1 and t.fcheckerid is null--非软件类产品清单

- CREATE view [dbo].[outfapiao]
- as
- select distinct t.fbillno 单据编号,t3.fname 商品及劳务名称,t2.fname '发票抬头/客户信息(名称)','台' 计量单位,t3.fmodel 规格型号,
- t1.fqty 数量,t1.Fstdamount/t1.fqty '单价(含税/不含税)',t1.Fstdamount '金额(含税/不含税)',
- '合同号:'+t4.fbillno+'\n'+'贸易方式:一般贸易'+'\n'+'币种:'+t5.fname+'\n'+'合同FOB总价:'+convert(nvarchar,(select sum(q.famount) from icsaleentry q where q.finterid=t.finterid and (q.fitemid>22565 or q.fitemid<22563)))+'运保费:'+case when (convert(nvarchar,(select sum(u.famount) from icsaleentry u where u.finterid=t.finterid and u.fitemid<22566 and u.fitemid>22562))) is null then '0' else (convert(nvarchar,(select sum(u.famount) from icsaleentry u where u.finterid=t.finterid and u.fitemid<22566 and u.fitemid>22562))) end+'合同总额'+convert(nvarchar,(select sum(w.famount) from icsaleentry w where w.finterid=t.finterid))+'\n'+'汇率:'+convert(nvarchar,t.FExchangeRate) 备注,
- '0' 税率,'普通发票' 发票种类,
- '1090242040000000' '税收分类编码(16位)',--请根据公司实际情况填写
- '0' 享受优惠政策,'1.0' 版本号 from icsale t
- inner join icsaleentry t1 on t1.finterid=t.finterid
- inner join t_Organization t2 on t2.fitemid=t.fcustid
- inner join t_icitem t3 on t3.fitemid=t1.fitemid
- inner join seorder t4 on t4.finterid=t1.forderinterid
- inner join t_currency t5 on t5.fcurrencyid=t.fcurrencyid
- where t.FExchangeRate>1 and t.fcheckerid is null and (t1.fitemid>22565 or t1.fitemid<22563) and t1.Fprice>0
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