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手把手教学RRT三维算法MATLAB仿真(代码可直接运行,视频手把手教学)_if cubeflag || cylinderflag || sphereflag continue

if cubeflag || cylinderflag || sphereflag continue; end


视频地址在这里  手把手教rrt算法(1)-变量定义_哔哩哔哩_bilibili





  1. %% 清空变量
  2. clear;
  3. clc
  4. %% 定义变量
  5. axisStart = [0 0 0];
  6. axisLWH = [1000 1000 1000];
  7. %定义障碍物
  8. cubeInfo.exist = 0;
  9. cylinderInfo.exist = 0;
  10. sphereInfo.exist = 0;
  11. pathPoint = [0 0 0;
  12. 100 100 100;
  13. 1000 1000 1000]; %一系列的路径点
  14. cubeInfo = createCubeObject(cubeInfo); %创建长方体障碍物信息
  15. cylinderInfo = createCylinderObject(cylinderInfo); %创建圆柱障碍物信息
  16. sphereInfo = createSphereObject(sphereInfo); %创建球形障碍物信息
  17. %% 画图
  18. figure(1)
  19. colorMatCube = [1 0 0];
  20. colorMatCylinder = [0 1 0];
  21. colorMatSphere = [0 0 1];
  22. pellucidity = 0.6; %透明度
  23. hold on;
  24. scatter3(pathPoint(1,1),pathPoint(1,2),pathPoint(1,3),'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0]);
  25. scatter3(pathPoint(end,1),pathPoint(end,2),pathPoint(end,3),'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','b');
  26. drawCubeObject(cubeInfo,colorMatCube,pellucidity); %画长方体障碍物
  27. drawCylinderObject(cylinderInfo,colorMatCylinder,pellucidity); %画圆柱体障碍物
  28. drawSphereObject(sphereInfo,colorMatSphere,pellucidity); %画球形障碍物
  29. text(pathPoint(1,1),pathPoint(1,2),pathPoint(1,3),'起点');
  30. text(pathPoint(end,1),pathPoint(end,2),pathPoint(end,3),'终点');
  31. view(3)
  32. grid on;
  33. axis equal;
  34. axis([0 1000 0 1000 0 1000])
  35. xlabel('x')
  36. ylabel('y')
  37. zlabel('z')
  38. %% 寻找路径
  39. totalPath = [];
  40. for k1 = 1:size(pathPoint,1)-1
  41. startPoint = pathPoint(k1,:);
  42. goalPoint = pathPoint(k1+1,:);
  43. Path = RRT(startPoint,axisStart,axisLWH,goalPoint,cubeInfo,cylinderInfo,sphereInfo);
  44. if ~isempty(Path)
  45. for k2 = 1:size(Path,1)-1
  46. line([Path(k2,1) Path(k2+1,1)],[Path(k2,2) Path(k2+1,2)],[Path(k2,3) Path(k2+1,3)],'LineWidth',1,'Color','red');
  47. end
  48. totalPath = [totalPath;Path];
  49. end
  50. end


  1. function cubeInfo = createCubeObject(cubeInfo)
  2. cubeInfo.axisX = [500 300];
  3. cubeInfo.axisY = [200 400];
  4. cubeInfo.axisZ = [100 100];
  5. cubeInfo.length = [100 100];
  6. cubeInfo.width = [100 50];
  7. cubeInfo.height = [100 100];
  8. cubeInfo.exist = 1;
  9. end


  1. function cylinderInfo = createCylinderObject(cylinderInfo)
  2. cylinderInfo.X = [500 300];
  3. cylinderInfo.Y = [500 300];
  4. cylinderInfo.Z = [100 100];
  5. cylinderInfo.radius = [50 20];
  6. cylinderInfo.height = [200 100];
  7. cylinderInfo.exist = 1;
  8. end


  1. function sphereInfo = createSphereObject(sphereInfo)
  2. sphereInfo.centerX = [700 800];
  3. sphereInfo.centerY = [700 800];
  4. sphereInfo.centerZ = [700 800];
  5. sphereInfo.radius = [50 80];
  6. sphereInfo.exist = 1;
  7. end


  1. function drawCubeObject(cubeInfo,colorMatCube,pellucidity)
  2. % 画长方体障碍物的函数
  3. if cubeInfo.exist
  4. for k1 = 1:size(cubeInfo.axisX,2)
  5. plotcube([cubeInfo.length(k1) cubeInfo.width(k1) cubeInfo.height(k1)],[cubeInfo.axisX(k1) cubeInfo.axisY(k1) cubeInfo.axisZ(k1)],pellucidity,colorMatCube);
  6. end
  7. end
  8. end


  1. function drawCylinderObject(cylinderInfo,colorMatCylinder,pellucidity)
  2. if cylinderInfo.exist
  3. % 第一个参数是圆柱体的底部圆心坐标值,第二个参数是圆柱体直径,第三个参数是圆柱高度
  4. % 第四个参数是透明度,第五个参数是颜色矩阵
  5. for k1 = 1:size(cylinderInfo.X,2)
  6. coor = [cylinderInfo.X(k1) cylinderInfo.Y(k1) cylinderInfo.Z(k1)];
  7. diameter = cylinderInfo.radius(k1)*2;
  8. height = cylinderInfo.height(k1);
  9. facealpha = pellucidity;
  10. color = colorMatCylinder;
  11. plotcylinder(coor,diameter,height,facealpha,color)
  12. end
  13. end
  14. end


  1. function drawSphereObject(sphereInfo,colorMatSphere,pellucidity)
  2. if sphereInfo.exist
  3. for k1 = 1:size(sphereInfo.centerX,2)
  4. xCoor = sphereInfo.centerX(k1);
  5. yCoor = sphereInfo.centerY(k1);
  6. zCoor = sphereInfo.centerZ(k1);
  7. radius = sphereInfo.radius(k1);
  8. [x,y,z] = sphere(50);
  9. mesh(x*radius+xCoor,y*radius+yCoor,z*radius+zCoor,'FaceColor',colorMatSphere,'EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha',pellucidity);
  10. end
  11. end
  12. end


  1. function newCoor = expandPoint(nearCoor,randCoor,step)
  2. deltaX = randCoor(1) - nearCoor(1);
  3. deltaY = randCoor(2) - nearCoor(2);
  4. deltaZ = randCoor(3) - nearCoor(3);
  5. r = sqrt(deltaX^2+deltaY^2+deltaZ^2);
  6. fai = atan2(deltaY,deltaX);
  7. theta = acos(deltaZ/r);
  8. x = step*sin(theta)*cos(fai);
  9. y = step*sin(theta)*sin(fai);
  10. z = step*cos(theta);
  11. newCoor = [x+nearCoor(1) ,y+nearCoor(2),z+nearCoor(3)];
  12. end


  1. function [nearCoor,preIndex] = findNearPoint(randCoor,T)
  2. tempDis = inf;
  3. calcuDis = @(x,y) sqrt((x(1)-y(1))^2+(x(2)-y(2))^2+(x(3)-y(3))^2);
  4. for k1 = 1:size(T.x,2)
  5. dis = calcuDis([T.x(k1) T.y(k1) T.z(k1)],randCoor);
  6. if tempDis>dis
  7. tempDis = dis;
  8. index = k1;
  9. end
  10. end
  11. nearCoor = [T.x(index) T.y(index) T.z(index)];
  12. preIndex = index;
  13. end


  1. function cubeFlag = isCubeCollision(cubeInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step)
  2. %% 长方体碰撞检测函数,如果发生碰撞则返回1
  3. cubeFlag = 0;
  4. if cubeInfo.exist
  5. for k1 = size(cubeInfo.axisX,2)
  6. xMin = cubeInfo.axisX(k1);
  7. xMax = cubeInfo.axisX(k1)+cubeInfo.length(k1);
  8. yMin = cubeInfo.axisY(k1);
  9. yMax = cubeInfo.axisY(k1)+cubeInfo.length(k1);
  10. zMin = cubeInfo.axisZ(k1);
  11. zMax = cubeInfo.axisZ(k1)+cubeInfo.length(k1);
  12. for k2 = 0:step/100:step
  13. deltaX = newCoor(1) - nearCoor(1);
  14. deltaY = newCoor(2) - nearCoor(2);
  15. deltaZ = newCoor(3) - nearCoor(3);
  16. r = sqrt(deltaX^2+deltaY^2+deltaZ^2);
  17. fai = atan2(deltaY,deltaX);
  18. theta = acos(deltaZ/r);
  19. x = k2*sin(theta)*cos(fai);
  20. y = k2*sin(theta)*sin(fai);
  21. z = k2*cos(theta);
  22. checkPoint = [x+nearCoor(1),y+nearCoor(2),z+nearCoor(3)];
  23. if (xMin<checkPoint(1) && checkPoint(1) < xMax) && (yMin<checkPoint(2) && checkPoint(2) < yMax) && (zMin<checkPoint(3) && checkPoint(3) < zMax)
  24. cubeFlag = 1;
  25. return;
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. end


  1. function cylinderFlag = isCylinderCollision(cylinderInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step)
  2. %% 圆柱体碰撞检测函数,当发生碰撞的时候返回1
  3. cylinderFlag = 0;
  4. calcuDis = @(x,y) sqrt((x(1)-y(1))^2+(x(2)-y(2))^2);
  5. if cylinderInfo.exist
  6. for k1 = 1:size(cylinderInfo.X,2)
  7. zMin = cylinderInfo.Z(k1);
  8. zMax = zMin+cylinderInfo.height(k1);
  9. for k2 = 0:step/100:step
  10. deltaX = newCoor(1) - nearCoor(1);
  11. deltaY = newCoor(2) - nearCoor(2);
  12. deltaZ = newCoor(3) - nearCoor(3);
  13. r = sqrt(deltaX^2+deltaY^2+deltaZ^2);
  14. fai = atan2(deltaY,deltaX);
  15. theta = acos(deltaZ/r);
  16. x = k2*sin(theta)*cos(fai);
  17. y = k2*sin(theta)*sin(fai);
  18. z = k2*cos(theta);
  19. checkPoint = [x+nearCoor(1),y+nearCoor(2),z+nearCoor(3)];
  20. if calcuDis(checkPoint(1:2),[cylinderInfo.X(k1) cylinderInfo.Y(k1)])<cylinderInfo.radius(k1) && zMin<checkPoint(3) & checkPoint(3) < zMax
  21. cylinderFlag = 1;
  22. return;
  23. end
  24. end
  25. end
  26. end
  27. end


  1. function sphereFlag = isSphereCollision(sphereInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step)
  2. sphereFlag = 0;
  3. calcuDis = @(x,y) sqrt((x(1)-y(1))^2+(x(2)-y(2))^2+(x(3)-y(3))^2);
  4. if sphereInfo.exist
  5. for k1 = 1:size(sphereInfo.centerX,2)
  6. center = [sphereInfo.centerX(k1) sphereInfo.centerY(k1) sphereInfo.centerZ(k1)];
  7. for k2 = 0:step/100:step
  8. deltaX = newCoor(1) - nearCoor(1);
  9. deltaY = newCoor(2) - nearCoor(2);
  10. deltaZ = newCoor(3) - nearCoor(3);
  11. r = sqrt(deltaX^2+deltaY^2+deltaZ^2);
  12. fai = atan2(deltaY,deltaX);
  13. theta = acos(deltaZ/r);
  14. x = k2*sin(theta)*cos(fai);
  15. y = k2*sin(theta)*sin(fai);
  16. z = k2*cos(theta);
  17. checkPoint = [x+nearCoor(1),y+nearCoor(2),z+nearCoor(3)];
  18. if calcuDis(checkPoint,center)<sphereInfo.radius(k1)
  19. sphereFlag = 1;
  20. return;
  21. end
  22. end
  23. end
  24. end
  25. end


  1. function plotcube(varargin)
  2. % https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15161-plotcube
  3. % PLOTCUBE - Display a 3D-cube in the current axes
  4. %
  5. % PLOTCUBE(EDGES,ORIGIN,ALPHA,COLOR) displays a 3D-cube in the current axes
  6. % with the following properties:
  7. % * EDGES : 3-elements vector that defines the length of cube edges
  8. % * ORIGIN: 3-elements vector that defines the start point of the cube
  9. % * ALPHA : scalar that defines the transparency of the cube faces (from 0
  10. % to 1)
  11. % * COLOR : 3-elements vector that defines the faces color of the cube
  12. %
  13. % Example:
  14. % >> plotcube([5 5 5],[ 2 2 2],.8,[1 0 0]);
  15. % >> plotcube([5 5 5],[10 10 10],.8,[0 1 0]);
  16. % >> plotcube([5 5 5],[20 20 20],.8,[0 0 1]);
  17. % Default input arguments
  18. inArgs = { ...
  19. [10 56 100] , ... % Default edge sizes (x,y and z)
  20. [10 10 10] , ... % Default coordinates of the origin point of the cube
  21. .7 , ... % Default alpha value for the cube's faces
  22. [1 0 0] ... % Default Color for the cube
  23. };
  24. % Replace default input arguments by input values
  25. inArgs(1:nargin) = varargin;
  26. % Create all variables
  27. [edges,origin,alpha,clr] = deal(inArgs{:});
  28. XYZ = { ...
  29. [0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 1] [0 1 1 0] ; ...
  30. [1 1 1 1] [0 0 1 1] [0 1 1 0] ; ...
  31. [0 1 1 0] [0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 1] ; ...
  32. [0 1 1 0] [1 1 1 1] [0 0 1 1] ; ...
  33. [0 1 1 0] [0 0 1 1] [0 0 0 0] ; ...
  34. [0 1 1 0] [0 0 1 1] [1 1 1 1] ...
  35. };
  36. XYZ = mat2cell(...
  37. cellfun( @(x,y,z) x*y+z , ...
  38. XYZ , ...
  39. repmat(mat2cell(edges,1,[1 1 1]),6,1) , ...
  40. repmat(mat2cell(origin,1,[1 1 1]),6,1) , ...
  41. 'UniformOutput',false), ...
  42. 6,[1 1 1]);
  43. cellfun(@patch,XYZ{1},XYZ{2},XYZ{3},...
  44. repmat({clr},6,1),...
  45. repmat({'FaceAlpha'},6,1),...
  46. repmat({alpha},6,1)...
  47. );
  48. view(3);


  1. function plotcylinder(coor,diameter,height,facealpha,color)
  2. %% plot_cylinder(dat_xia(k2,1:3),dat_xia(k2,4),dat_xia(k2,5),1,rand(1,3));
  3. % 第一个参数是圆柱体的底部圆心坐标值,第二个参数是圆柱体直径,第三个参数是圆柱高度
  4. % 第四个参数是透明度,第五个参数是颜色矩阵
  5. %% 函数解释:把这个函数当做黑箱处理,只需要记住函数的输入就可以,知道是干什么的,内部实现过于复杂,很难解释清楚
  6. % coor: 中心坐标
  7. % diameter: 直径
  8. % height: 高度
  9. % facealpha: 透明度
  10. % color: 颜色
  11. r = diameter/2;
  12. theta = 0:0.3:pi*2;
  13. hold on
  14. for k1 = 1:length(theta)-1
  15. X=[coor(1)+r*cos(theta(k1)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(k1+1)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(k1+1)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(k1))];
  16. Y=[coor(2)+r*sin(theta(k1)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(k1+1)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(k1+1)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(k1))];
  17. Z=[coor(3),coor(3),coor(3)+height,coor(3)+height];
  18. h=fill3(X,Y,Z,color);
  19. set(h,'edgealpha',0,'facealpha',facealpha)
  20. end
  21. X=[coor(1)+r*cos(theta(end)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(1)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(1)) coor(1)+r*cos(theta(end))];
  22. Y=[coor(2)+r*sin(theta(end)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(1)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(1)) coor(2)+r*sin(theta(end))];
  23. Z=[coor(3),coor(3),coor(3)+height,coor(3)+height];
  24. h=fill3(X,Y,Z,color);
  25. set(h,'edgealpha',0,'facealpha',facealpha)
  26. fill3(coor(1)+r*cos(theta),coor(2)+r*sin(theta),coor(3)*ones(1,size(theta,2)),color)
  27. fill3(coor(1)+r*cos(theta),coor(2)+r*sin(theta),height+coor(3)*ones(1,size(theta,2)),color)
  28. view(3)


  1. function Path = RRT(startPoint,axisStart,axisLWH,goalPoint,cubeInfo,cylinderInfo,sphereInfo)
  2. %% RRT算法寻找路径点
  3. %% 变量定义
  4. calcuDis = @(x,y) sqrt((x(1)-y(1))^2+(x(2)-y(2))^2+(x(3)-y(3))^2);
  5. iterMax = 5000; %最大迭代次数
  6. iter = 0; %当前迭代次数
  7. step = 5; %步长
  8. count = 1; %计数器
  9. Thr = 10; %阈值
  10. %构建树
  11. T.x(1) = startPoint(1);
  12. T.y(1) = startPoint(2);
  13. T.z(1) = startPoint(3);
  14. T.pre(1) = 0;
  15. while iter < iterMax
  16. iter = iter+1;
  17. %% 在空间中随机采样
  18. randCoor = samplePoint(axisStart,axisLWH,goalPoint);
  19. %% 寻找树上最近点
  20. [nearCoor,preIndex] = findNearPoint(randCoor,T);
  21. %% 按照指定步长生成新的扩展点
  22. newCoor = expandPoint(nearCoor,randCoor,step);
  23. %% 碰撞检测
  24. cubeFlag = isCubeCollision(cubeInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step); %长方体碰撞检测函数
  25. cylinderFlag = isCylinderCollision(cylinderInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step); %圆柱体碰撞检测函数
  26. sphereFlag = isSphereCollision(sphereInfo,nearCoor,newCoor,step); %球形障碍物碰撞检测函数
  27. if cubeFlag || cylinderFlag || sphereFlag
  28. continue;
  29. end
  30. %% 将新点插入树中
  31. count = count+1;
  32. T.x(count) = newCoor(1);
  33. T.y(count) = newCoor(2);
  34. T.z(count) = newCoor(3);
  35. T.pre(count) = preIndex;
  36. line([nearCoor(1) newCoor(1)],[nearCoor(2) newCoor(2)],[nearCoor(3) newCoor(3)],'LineWidth',1); %绘制每一个新点
  37. % pause(0.01);
  38. if calcuDis(newCoor,goalPoint)<Thr
  39. break;
  40. end
  41. end
  42. if iter==iterMax
  43. Path = [];
  44. disp('路径规划失败');
  45. return;
  46. end
  47. %% 寻找路径
  48. index = T.pre(end);
  49. count = 1;
  50. while T.pre(index)~=0
  51. Path(count,1) = T.x(index);
  52. Path(count,2) = T.y(index);
  53. Path(count,3) = T.z(index);
  54. index = T.pre(index);
  55. count = count+1;
  56. end
  57. %将初始点添加到Path中
  58. Path(count,1) = startPoint(1);
  59. Path(count,2) = startPoint(2);
  60. Path(count,3) = startPoint(3);
  61. %将目标点添加到Path中
  62. Path = flipud(Path);
  63. count = count+1;
  64. Path(count,1) = goalPoint(1);
  65. Path(count,2) = goalPoint(2);
  66. Path(count,3) = goalPoint(3);
  67. end


  1. function randCoor = samplePoint(axisStart,axisLWH,goalPoint)
  2. if rand<0.5
  3. randX = rand*axisLWH(1)+axisStart(1);
  4. randY = rand*axisLWH(2)+axisStart(2);
  5. randZ = rand*axisLWH(3)+axisStart(3);
  6. randCoor = [randX randY randZ];
  7. else
  8. randCoor = goalPoint;
  9. end
  10. end

