AudioFlinger::AudioFlinger() : BnAudioFlinger(), mMediaLogNotifier(new AudioFlinger::MediaLogNotifier()), mPrimaryHardwareDev(NULL), mAudioHwDevs(NULL), mHardwareStatus(AUDIO_HW_IDLE), mMasterVolume(1.0f), mMasterMute(false), // mNextUniqueId(AUDIO_UNIQUE_ID_USE_MAX), mMode(AUDIO_MODE_INVALID), mBtNrecIsOff(false), mIsLowRamDevice(true), mIsDeviceTypeKnown(false), mGlobalEffectEnableTime(0), mSystemReady(false) { ...... mDevicesFactoryHal = DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create(); mEffectsFactoryHal = EffectsFactoryHalInterface::create(); ...... }
其中 DevicesFactoryHalHidl.cpp , DevicesFactoryHalHybrid.cpp , DevicesFactoryHalLocal.cpp分别都继承自DevicesFactoryHalInterface
class DevicesFactoryHalInterface : public RefBase
// Opens a device with the specified name. To close the device, it is
// necessary to release references to the returned object.
virtual status_t openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) = 0;
static sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> create();
// Subclasses can not be constructed directly by clients.
DevicesFactoryHalInterface() {}
virtual ~DevicesFactoryHalInterface() {}
sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> DevicesFactoryHalInterface::create() {
return new DevicesFactoryHalHybrid();
class DevicesFactoryHalHybrid : public DevicesFactoryHalInterface { public: // Opens a device with the specified name. To close the device, it is // necessary to release references to the returned object. virtual status_t openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device); private: friend class DevicesFactoryHalInterface; // Can not be constructed directly by clients. DevicesFactoryHalHybrid(); virtual ~DevicesFactoryHalHybrid(); sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> mLocalFactory; sp<DevicesFactoryHalInterface> mHidlFactory; };
DevicesFactoryHalHybrid.cpp中分别创建了不同的实现对象,通过 USE_LEGACY_LOCAL_AUDIO_HAL
DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::DevicesFactoryHalHybrid() : mLocalFactory(new DevicesFactoryHalLocal()), mHidlFactory( #ifdef USE_LEGACY_LOCAL_AUDIO_HAL nullptr #else new DevicesFactoryHalHidl() #endif ) { } status_t DevicesFactoryHalHybrid::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) { if (mHidlFactory != 0 && strcmp(AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_A2DP, name) != 0) { return mHidlFactory->openDevice(name, device); } return mLocalFactory->openDevice(name, device); }
static status_t load_audio_interface(const char *if_name, audio_hw_device_t **dev) { const hw_module_t *mod; int rc; rc = hw_get_module_by_class(AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, if_name, &mod); if (rc) { ALOGE("%s couldn't load audio hw module %s.%s (%s)", __func__, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, if_name, strerror(-rc)); goto out; } rc = audio_hw_device_open(mod, dev); if (rc) { ALOGE("%s couldn't open audio hw device in %s.%s (%s)", __func__, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, if_name, strerror(-rc)); goto out; } if ((*dev)->common.version < AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_MIN) { ALOGE("%s wrong audio hw device version %04x", __func__, (*dev)->common.version); rc = BAD_VALUE; audio_hw_device_close(*dev); goto out; } return OK; out: *dev = NULL; return rc; } status_t DevicesFactoryHalLocal::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) { audio_hw_device_t *dev; status_t rc = load_audio_interface(name, &dev); if (rc == OK) { *device = new DeviceHalLocal(dev); } return rc; }
DevicesFactoryHalHidl::DevicesFactoryHalHidl() { mDevicesFactory = IDevicesFactory::getService(); //后续会讲到 if (mDevicesFactory != 0) { // It is assumed that DevicesFactory is owned by AudioFlinger // and thus have the same lifespan. mDevicesFactory->linkToDeath(HalDeathHandler::getInstance(), 0 /*cookie*/); } else { ALOGE("Failed to obtain IDevicesFactory service, terminating process."); exit(1); } } DevicesFactoryHalHidl::~DevicesFactoryHalHidl() { } // static status_t DevicesFactoryHalHidl::nameFromHal(const char *name, IDevicesFactory::Device *device) { if (strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_PRIMARY) == 0) { *device = IDevicesFactory::Device::PRIMARY; return OK; } else if(strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_A2DP) == 0) { *device = IDevicesFactory::Device::A2DP; return OK; } else if(strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_USB) == 0) { *device = IDevicesFactory::Device::USB; return OK; } else if(strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_REMOTE_SUBMIX) == 0) { *device = IDevicesFactory::Device::R_SUBMIX; return OK; } else if(strcmp(name, AUDIO_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID_STUB) == 0) { *device = IDevicesFactory::Device::STUB; return OK; } ALOGE("Invalid device name %s", name); return BAD_VALUE; } status_t DevicesFactoryHalHidl::openDevice(const char *name, sp<DeviceHalInterface> *device) { if (mDevicesFactory == 0) return NO_INIT; IDevicesFactory::Device hidlDevice; status_t status = nameFromHal(name, &hidlDevice); if (status != OK) return status; Result retval = Result::NOT_INITIALIZED; Return<void> ret = mDevicesFactory->openDevice( hidlDevice, [&](Result r, const sp<IDevice>& result) { retval = r; if (retval == Result::OK) { *device = new DeviceHalHidl(result); //后续讲解 } }); if (ret.isOk()) { if (retval == Result::OK) return OK; else if (retval == Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS) return BAD_VALUE; else return NO_INIT; } return FAILED_TRANSACTION; }
sp<IAudioTrack> AudioFlinger::createTrack( audio_stream_type_t streamType, uint32_t sampleRate, audio_format_t format, audio_channel_mask_t channelMask, size_t *frameCount, audio_output_flags_t *flags, const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer, audio_io_handle_t output, pid_t pid, pid_t tid, audio_session_t *sessionId, int clientUid, status_t *status, audio_port_handle_t portId) { sp<PlaybackThread::Track> track; sp<TrackHandle> trackHandle; sp<Client> client; status_t lStatus; audio_session_t lSessionId; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); PlaybackThread *thread = checkPlaybackThread_l(output); //创建回放线程 if (thread == NULL) { ALOGE("no playback thread found for output handle %d", output); lStatus = BAD_VALUE; goto Exit; } client = registerPid(pid); //注册到Client PlaybackThread *effectThread = NULL; if (sessionId != NULL && *sessionId != AUDIO_SESSION_ALLOCATE) { ...... track = thread->createTrack_l(client, streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount, sharedBuffer, lSessionId, flags, tid, clientUid, &lStatus, portId); setAudioHwSyncForSession_l(thread, lSessionId); } // return handle to client trackHandle = new TrackHandle(track); //返回Track的代理 Exit: *status = lStatus; return trackHandle; }
// checkPlaybackThread_l() 取出线程
AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread *AudioFlinger::checkPlaybackThread_l(audio_io_handle_t output) const
return mPlaybackThreads.valueFor(output).get(); //那么线程在哪里创建的
sp<AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track> AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::createTrack_l( const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client, audio_stream_type_t streamType, uint32_t sampleRate, audio_format_t format, audio_channel_mask_t channelMask, size_t *pFrameCount, const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer, audio_session_t sessionId, audio_output_flags_t *flags, pid_t tid, uid_t uid, status_t *status, audio_port_handle_t portId) { //创建Track track = new Track(this, client, streamType, sampleRate, format, channelMask, frameCount, NULL, sharedBuffer, sessionId, uid, *flags, TrackBase::TYPE_DEFAULT, portId); return track; }
void AudioPolicyService::onFirstRef() { { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); // start tone playback thread mTonePlaybackThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmTone"), this); // start audio commands thread mAudioCommandThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmAudio"), this); // start output activity command thread mOutputCommandThread = new AudioCommandThread(String8("ApmOutput"), this); mAudioPolicyClient = new AudioPolicyClient(this); mAudioPolicyManager = createAudioPolicyManager(mAudioPolicyClient); //创建代理管家 } // load audio processing modules sp<AudioPolicyEffects>audioPolicyEffects = new AudioPolicyEffects(); { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mAudioPolicyEffects = audioPolicyEffects; } }
extern "C" AudioPolicyInterface* createAudioPolicyManager(
AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface)
return new AudioPolicyManager(clientInterface);
extern "C" void destroyAudioPolicyManager(AudioPolicyInterface *interface)
delete interface;
udioPolicyManager::AudioPolicyManager(AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface)
status_t status = mpClientInterface->openOutput(......);
status_t AudioPolicyService::AudioPolicyClient::openOutput(......)
sp<IAudioFlinger> af = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
if (af == 0) {
ALOGW("%s: could not get AudioFlinger", __func__);
return af->openOutput(module, output, config, devices, address, latencyMs, flags);
status_t AudioFlinger::openOutput(......)
sp<ThreadBase> thread = openOutput_l(module, output, config, *devices, address, flags);
return NO_INIT;
sp<AudioFlinger::ThreadBase> AudioFlinger::openOutput_l(......) { sp<PlaybackThread> thread; if (flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD) { thread = new OffloadThread(this, outputStream, *output, devices, mSystemReady); } else if ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT) || !isValidPcmSinkFormat(config->format) || !isValidPcmSinkChannelMask(config->channel_mask)) { thread = new DirectOutputThread(this, outputStream, *output, devices, mSystemReady); } else { thread = new MixerThread(this, outputStream, *output, devices, mSystemReady); } mPlaybackThreads.add(*output, thread); return thread; }
status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track::start(......) { status_t status = NO_ERROR; sp<ThreadBase> thread = mThread.promote(); if (state == PAUSED || state == PAUSING) { if (mResumeToStopping) { // happened we need to resume to STOPPING_1 mState = TrackBase::STOPPING_1; ALOGV("PAUSED => STOPPING_1 (%d) on thread %p", mName, this); } else { mState = TrackBase::RESUMING; ALOGV("PAUSED => RESUMING (%d) on thread %p", mName, this); } } else { mState = TrackBase::ACTIVE; //设置Track的状态 ALOGV("? => ACTIVE (%d) on thread %p", mName, this); } status = playbackThread->addTrack_l(this); return status; }
status_t AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::addTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track) { status_t status = ALREADY_EXISTS; if (mActiveTracks.indexOf(track) < 0) { ...... // set retry count for buffer fill if (track->isOffloaded()) { if (track->isStopping_1()) { track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStopRetriesOffload; } else { track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStartupRetriesOffload; } track->mFillingUpStatus = mStandby ? Track::FS_FILLING : Track::FS_FILLED; } else { track->mRetryCount = kMaxTrackStartupRetries; //重试次数 track->mFillingUpStatus = track->sharedBuffer() != 0 ? Track::FS_FILLED : Track::FS_FILLING; } track->mResetDone = false; track->mPresentationCompleteFrames = 0; mActiveTracks.add(track); sp<EffectChain> chain = getEffectChain_l(track->sessionId()); if (chain != 0) { chain->incActiveTrackCnt(); } char buffer[256]; track->dump(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(buffer), false /* active */); status = NO_ERROR; } onAddNewTrack_l(); //触发音频混合线程MixerThread的 return status; }
AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::mixer_state AudioFlinger::MixerThread::prepareTracks_l( Vector< sp<Track> > *tracksToRemove) { mixer_state mixerStatus = MIXER_IDLE; // find out which tracks need to be processed size_t count = mActiveTracks.size(); //已激活的Track数量 ...... for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { //遍历查询 const sp<Track> t = mActiveTracks[i]; // this const just means the local variable doesn't change Track* const track = t.get(); { //取cblk audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = track->cblk(); // The first time a track is added we wait // for all its buffers to be filled before processing it int name = track->name(); ...... // XXX: these things DON'T need to be done each time //设置数据来源为Track mAudioMixer->setBufferProvider(name, track); mAudioMixer->enable(name); //设置音量等参数 mAudioMixer->setParameter(name, param, AudioMixer::VOLUME0, &vlf); mAudioMixer->setParameter(name, param, AudioMixer::VOLUME1, &vrf); mAudioMixer->setParameter(name, param, AudioMixer::AUXLEVEL, &vaf); mAudioMixer->setParameter( name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::FORMAT, (void *)track->format()); mAudioMixer->setParameter( name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::CHANNEL_MASK, (void *)(uintptr_t)track->channelMask()); mAudioMixer->setParameter( name, AudioMixer::TRACK, AudioMixer::MIXER_CHANNEL_MASK, (void *)(uintptr_t)mChannelMask); ...... mMixerStatusIgnoringFastTracks = mixerStatus; if (fastTracks > 0) { mixerStatus = MIXER_TRACKS_READY; } return mixerStatus; }
void AudioFlinger::MixerThread::threadLoop_mix()
// mix buffers...
if ((mSleepTimeUs == 0) && (sleepTimeShift > 0)) {
mSleepTimeUs = 0;
mStandbyTimeNs = systemTime() + mStandbyDelayNs;
//TODO: delay standby when effects have a tail
void AudioMixer::process()
mState.hook(&mState); //hook指针根据Track的个数和它的音频格式使用不同的处理函数
void AudioMixer::enable(int name)
name -= TRACK0;
ALOG_ASSERT(uint32_t(name) < MAX_NUM_TRACKS, "bad track name %d", name);
track_t& track = mState.tracks[name];
if (!track.enabled) {
track.enabled = true;
ALOGV("enable(%d)", name);
invalidateState(1 << name); //刷新
void AudioMixer::invalidateState(uint32_t mask)
if (mask != 0) {
mState.needsChanged |= mask;
mState.hook = process__validate; //赋给函数指针
void AudioMixer::process__validate(state_t* state) { uint32_t enabled = 0; uint32_t disabled = 0; ...... if (countActiveTracks > 0) { if (resampling) { ..... state->hook = process__genericResampling; //采样 } else { if (state->outputTemp) { delete [] state->outputTemp; state->outputTemp = NULL; } if (state->resampleTemp) { delete [] state->resampleTemp; state->resampleTemp = NULL; } state->hook = process_OneTrack16BitsStereoNoResampling; //采样 } }
void AudioMixer::process__OneTrack16BitsStereoNoResampling(state_t* state)
t.bufferProvider->getNextBuffer(&b); //获得可读缓冲
numFrames -= b.frameCount;
t.bufferProvider->releaseBuffer(&b); //释放缓冲区
MixerThread获取Track的数据,进行混音后通过AudioStreamOutPut的 *output 写入音频输出设备
AudioFlinger的分析就到这里,AudioFlinger通过APS创建混音线程,混音线程将Track中的数据取出,进入环形缓冲区处理,最终输出到音频硬件设备;这个过程较为复杂,特别audio_track_cblk在此并没有详细分析;AF的分析暂且到此结束,后续连贯分析音频流程的时候会更清晰。Bye,Bye !
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