收录于:Remote Sens. 2020
收录于:IEEE Access,2020
综述2,包括,遥感领域中变化检测的应用,深度学习算法概述(历史、deep models、DBNs、SAEs、CNNs),已有的CD相关论文的汇集整理分析和涉及的期刊会议,大致分为三组(有监督、无监督CD、迁移学习),有前途的研究方向(强化学习、弱监督学习)。
AE、DBN、CNN、RNN、PCNN、GANs。 (还有近两年大火的Transformer。)
在实际应用中,根据变化信息,最终变化图 可以分为四种类型,binary maps, one-class maps, from–to maps, and instance maps,如图10所示。
Table 1. 深度学习变化检测方法。
Methods | Keywords | Publication | (Re-)Implementation |
SRCDNet | CNN; Siamese; Attention; Super-resolution; Optical RS | Super-resolution-based change detection network with stacked attention module for images with different resolutions, TGRS, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset] | Pytorch 1.2 |
ESCNet | CNN; Siamese; Superpixel; Optical RS | An End-to-End superpixel-enhanced change detection network for Very-High-Resolution remote sensing images. TNNLS, 2021. [paper], [code] | Pytorch 1.3 |
KPCAMNet | CNN; Siamese; KPCA; Unsupervised; Optical RS | Unsupervised change detection in multitemporal VHR images based on deep kernel PCA convolutional mapping network,TCYB, 2021. [paper], [code] | Python |
SeCo | CNN (ResNet); Transfer Learning; Optical RS | Seasonal contrast: unsupervised pre-training from uncurated remote sensing data, arXiv, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset] | Pytorch 1.7 |
CapsNet | Capsule Network(SegCaps); CVA; Siamese; Optical RS | Pseudo-siamese capsule network for aerial remote sensing images change detection, GRSL, 2020. [paper 1], Change Capsule Network for Optical Remote Sensing ImageChange Detection, RS, 2021. [paper 2], [code, dataset] | Keras |
BIT_CD | CNN (ResNet18); Siamese; Attention; Transformer; Optical RS | Remote sensing image change detection with transformers, TGRS, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch 1.6 |
IAug_CDNet | CNN (GauGAN+UNet); Siamese; GAN; Supervised; Optical RS | Adversarial instance augmentation for building change detection in remote sensing images, TGRS, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset] | Pytorch |
DDNet | CNN; DI+FCM; Unsupervised; SAR | Change detection in synthetic aperture radar images using a dual-domain network, GRSL, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset] | Pytorch |
SNUNet-CD | CNN (NestedUNet); Siamese; Attention; Supervised; Optical RS | SNUNet-CD: A densely connected siamese network for change detection of VHR images, GRSL, 2021. [paper], [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch 1.4 |
DSMSCN | CNN; Siamese; Multi-scale; Unsupervised/Supervised; Optical RS | A deeply supervised image fusion network for change detection in high resolution bi-temporal remote sening images, arXiv, 2020. [paper], [code, dataset] | Tensorflow 1.9 |
SiamCRNN | CNN+RNN; Siamese; Multi-source; Optical RS | Change Detection in Multisource VHR Images via Deep Siamese Convolutional Multiple-Layers Recurrent Neural Network, TGRS, 2020. [paper], [code, dataset] | Tensorflow 1.9 |
DSIFN | CNN; Attention Mechanism; Optical RS | A deeply supervised image fusion network for change detection in high resolution bi-temporal remote sening images, ISPRS, 2020. [paper], [code, dataset] | Pytorch & Keras |
CEECNet | CNN; Attention Mechanism; Similarity Measure; Optical RS | Looking for change? Roll the Dice and demand Attention, arXiv, 2020. [paper], [code, dataset] | MXNet + Python |
LamboiseNet | CNN (Light UNet++); Optical RS | Change detection in satellite imagery using deep learning, Master Thesis. [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch |
DTCDSCN | CNN; Siamese | Building change detection for remote sensing images using a dual task constrained deep siamese convolutional network model, undergoing review. [code, dataset] | Pytorch |
Land-Cover-Analysis | CNN (UNet); Post-Classification; Optical RS | Land Use/Land cover change detection in cyclone affected areas using convolutional neural networks. [report], [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | TensorFlow+Keras |
CorrFusionNet | CNN; Scene-level; Siamese; Optical RS | Correlation based fusion network towards multi-temporal scene classification and change detection, undergoing review. [code, pre-trained model], [dataset] | TensorFlow 1.8 |
SSCDNet | CNN (ResNet18); Siamese; Transfer Learning; Semantic; Streetview | Weakly supervised silhouette-based semantic scene change detection, ICRA, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch+Python3.6 |
Heterogeneous_CD | AE (Code-Aligned AE); Unsupervised; Transformation; Heterogeneous; Optical RS | Code-aligned autoencoders for unsupervised change detection in multimodal remote sensing images, arXiv, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset] | TensorFlow 2.0 |
FDCNN | CNN (VGG16); Transfer Learning; Pure-Siamese; Multi-scale; Optical RS | A feature difference convolutional neural network-based change detection method, TGRS, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Caffe+Python2.7 |
STANet | CNN (ResNet-18); Attention Mechanism; Pure-Siamese; Spatial–Temporal Dependency; Optical RS | A spatial-temporal attention-based method and a new dataset for remote sensing image change detection, RS, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset] | Pytorch+Python3.6 |
X-Net | CNN; Unsupervised; Transformation; Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | Deep image translation with an affinity-based change prior for unsupervised multimodal change detection, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset] | Tensorflow 1.4 |
ACE-Net | AE (Adversarial Cyclic Encoders); Unsupervised; Transformation; Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | Deep image translation with an affinity-based change prior for unsupervised multimodal change detection, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset] | Tensorflow 1.4 |
VGG_LR | CNN (VGG16); Transfer Learning; Pure-Siamese; SLIC; Low Ranks; Optical RS | Change detection based on deep features and low rank, GRSL, 2017. [paper] [re-implementation code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Caffe+Matlab |
CDNet | CNN; Siamese; Multimodal Data; Point Cloud Data | Detecting building changes between airborne laser scanning and photogrammetric data, RS, 2019. [paper], [code] | Pytorch |
SCCN | AE (DAE); Unsupervised; Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | A deep convolutional coupling network for change detection based on heterogeneous optical and radar images, TNNLS, 2018. [paper] [re-implementation code] | TensorFlow 2.0 |
cGAN | GAN (conditional GAN); Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | A conditional adversarial network for change detection in heterogeneous images, GRSL, 2019. [paper] [re-implementation code] | TensorFlow 2.0 |
DASNet | CNN (VGG16); Siamese; Attention Mechanism ; Optical RS | DASNet: Dual attentive fully convolutional siamese networks for change detection of high resolution satellite images, arXiv, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch+Python3.6 |
UNetLSTM | CNN (UNet); RNN (LSTM); Integrated Model; Optical RS | Detecting Urban Changes With Recurrent Neural Networks From Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Data, IGARSS, 2019. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] and [code] | Pytorch+Python3.6 |
CDMI-Net | CNN (Unet); Pure-Siamese; Multiple Instance Learning; Landslide Mapping; Optical RS | Deep multiple instance learning for landslide mapping, GRSL, 2020. [paper] [code, pre-trained model] | Pytorch+Python3.6 |
DSFANet | DNN; Unsupervised; Pre-classification; Slow Feature Analysis; Optical RS | Unsupervised deep slow feature analysis for change detection in multi-temporal remote sensing images, TGRS, 2019. [paper] [code, dataset] | TensorFlow 1.7 |
CD-UNet++ | CNN (improved UNet++); Direct Classification; Optical RS | End-to-end change detection for high resolution satellite images using improved UNet++, RS, 2019. [paper] [code] | TensorFlow+Keras |
SiameseNet | CNN (VGG16); Pure-Siamese; Optical RS | Siamese network with multi-level features for patch-based change detection in satellite imagery, GlobalSIP, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset] | TensorFlow+Keras |
Re3FCN | CNN (ConvLSTM); PCA; 3D convolution; Multi-class changes; Optical RS; Hyperspectral | Change detection in hyperspectral images using recurrent 3D fully convolutional networks, RS, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset] | TensorFlow+Keras |
FC-EF, FC-Siam-conc, FC-Siam-diff | CNN (UNet); Pure-Siamese; Optical RS | Fully convolutional siamese networks for change detection, ICIP, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset] | Pytorch |
CosimNet | CNN (Deeplab v2); Pure-Siamese; Streetview | Learning to measure changes: fully convolutional siamese metric networks for scene change detection, arXiv, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | Pytorch+Python2.7 |
Mask R-CNN | Mask R-CNN (ResNet-101); Transfer Learning; Post-Classification; Optical RS | Slum segmentation and change detection: a deep learning approach, NIPS, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset, pre-trained model] | TensorFlow+Keras |
CaffeNet | CNN (CaffeNet); Unsupervised; Transfer Learning; Optical RS | Convolutional neural network features based change detection in satellite images, IWPR, 2016. [paper] [code, dataset] | TensorFlow+Keras |
CWNN | CNN (CWNN); Unsupervised; Pre-Classification; SAR | Sea ice change detection in SAR images based on convolutional-wavelet neural networks, GRSL, 2019. [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab |
MLFN | CNN (DenseNet); Transfer learning; SAR | Transferred deep learning for sea ice change detection from synthetic aperture radar images, GRSL, 2019. [paper] [code, dataset] | Caffe+Matlab |
GarborPCANet | CNN (PCANet); Unsupervised; Pre-Classification; Gabor Wavelets; SAR | Automatic change detection in synthetic aperture radar images based on PCANet, GRSL, 2016. [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab |
Ms-CapsNet | CNN (Ms-CapsNet); Capsule; Attention Mechanism; Adaptive Fusion Convolution; SAR | Change detection in SAR images based on multiscale capsule network, GRSL, 2020. [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab+Keras2.16 |
DCNet | CNN; Unsupervised; Pre-Classification; SAR | Change detection from synthetic aperture radar images based on channel weighting-based deep cascade network, JSTARS, 2019. [paper] [code, dataset] | Caffe |
ChangeNet | CNN; Siamese; StreetView | ChangeNet: a deep learning architecture for visual change detection, ECCV, 2018. [paper] [code, dataset] | Pytorch |
Others will be added soon! |
2.2 Available codes for traditional methods
Methods | Keywords | Publication | Implementation |
Several Classical Methods | CVA; DPCA; Image Differencing; Image Ratioing; Image Regression; IR-MAD; MAD; PCAkMeans; PCDA; KMeans; OTSU; Fixed Threshold | A toolbox for remote sensing change detection. [code] | Matlab |
Matlab Toolbox Change Detection | IR-MAD; IT-PCA; ERM; ICM | A toolbox for unsupervised change detection analysis, IJRS, 2016.[paper] [code] | Matlab |
RFR,SVR,GPR | Unsupervised; Image Regression; Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | Unsupervised image regression for heterogeneous change detection, TGRS, 2019. [paper] [code] | Matlab |
HPT | Unsupervised; Transformation; Heterogeneous; Optical RS; SAR | Change detection in heterogenous remote sensing images via homogeneous pixel transformation, TIP, 2018. [paper] [re-implementation code] | Matlab |
kCCA | Canonical Correlation Analysis; Cross-Sensor; Optical RS | Spectral alignment of multi-temporal cross-sensor images with automated kernel correlation analysis, IJPRS, 2015. [paper] [code] | Matlab |
Ker. Diff. RBF | Unsupervised; K-means; Optical RS | Unsupervised change detection with kernels, GRSL, 2012. [paper] [code] | Matlab |
FDA-RM | DI-based; Frequency-Domain Analysis; Random Multigraphs; SAR | Synthetic aperture radar image change detection based on frequency domain analysis and random multigraphs, JARS, 2018. [paper] [code] | Matlab |
CD-NR-ELM | DI-based; Pre-Classification; Extreme Learning Machine; SAR | Change detection from synthetic aperture radar images based on neighborhood-based ratio and extreme learning machine, JARS, 2016. [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab |
None | Likelihood Ratio; Test Statistic; SAR | Change detection in polarimetric SAR images, 2015. [report] [code] | Python |
PCA K-Means | Unsupervised; DI-based; PCA; K Means; Optical RS | Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis and k-Means Clustering, GRSL, 2009. [paper] [re-implementation code, dataset] or [re-implementation code] | Matlab |
PTCD | Tensor; Hyperspectral Optical RS | Three-Order Tucker Decomposition and Reconstruction Detector for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Change Detection. JSTARS, 2021. [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab |
GBF-CD | Data Fusion; Graph; EM; KI; | Graph-Based Data Fusion Applied to: Change Detection and Biomass Estimation in Rice Crops. Remote Sensing, 2020 [paper] [code, dataset] | Matlab |
Others will be added soon! |
Table 3. CD开源数据集。
Type | Data set | Description |
Optical RS | DSIFN Dataset [25] | 6 bi-temporal high resolution images from Google Earth. There are 3600 image pairs with size of 512 × 512 for training, 340 for validation, and 48 for test. [Download] |
S2MTCP [26] | 1520 Sentinel-2 level 1C image pairs focused on urban areas around the world, with 10m spatial resolution and the size of 600x600 pixels. Geometric or radiometric corrections are not performed. [Download] | |
SYSU-CD [27] | 20000 pairs of 0.5-m aerial images of size 256×256 taken between the years 2007 and 2014 in Hong Kong, including 6 change types: (a) newly built urban buildings; (b) suburban dilation; (c) groundwork before construction; (d) change of vegetation; (e) road expansion; (f) sea construction. [Download] | |
S2Looking [28] | Building change detection dataset consists of 5000 registered bitemporal image pairs (size of 1024*1024, 0.5 ~ 0.8 m/pixel) of rural areas throughout the world and more than 65,920 annotated change instances, separately indicating the newly built and demolished building [Download] | |
Synthetic and real images Dataset [29] | The database contains 12,000 triples of synthetic images without object shift, 12,000 triples of model images with object shift and 16,000 triples of fragments of real remote sensing images. Performed tests have shown that the proposed CNN is promising and efficient enough in change detection on synthetic and real images [Download] | |
SEmantic Change detectiON Dataset (SECOND) [24] | a pixel-level annotated semantic change detection dataset, including 4662 pairs of aerial images with 512 x 512 pixels from several platforms and sensors, covering Hangzhou, Chengdu, and Shanghai. It focus on 6 main land-cover classes, i.e. , non-vegetated ground surface, tree, low vegetation, water, buildings and playgrounds , that are frequently involved in natural and man-made geographical changes. [Download] | |
Hyperspectral change detection dataset [1] | 3 different hyperspectral scenes acquired by AVIRIS or HYPERION sensor, with 224 or 242 spectral bands, labeled 5 types of changes related with crop transitions at pixel level. [Download] | |
River HSIs dataset [2] | 2 HSIs in Jiangsu province, China, with 198 bands, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
HRSCD [3] | 291 co-registered pairs of RGB aerial images, with pixel-level change and land cover annotations, providing hierarchical level change labels, for example, level 1 labels include five classes: no information, artificial surfaces, agricultural areas, forests, wetlands, and water. [Download] | |
WHU building dataset [4] | 2-period aerial images containing 12,796 buildings, provided along with building vector and raster maps. [Download] | |
SZTAKI Air change benchmark [5, 6] | 13 aerial image pairs with 1.5 m spatial resolution, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
OSCD [7] | 24 pairs of multispectral images acquired by Sentinel-2, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
Change detection dataset [8] | 4 pairs of multispectral images with different spatial resolutions, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
MtS-WH [9] | 2 large-size VHR images acquired by IKONOS sensors, with 4 bands and 1 m spatial resolution, labeled 5 types of changes (i.e., parking, sparse houses, residential region, and vegetation region) at scene level. [Download] | |
ABCD [10] | 16,950 pairs of RGB aerial images for detecting washed buildings by tsunami, labeled damaged buildings at scene level. [Download] | |
xBD [11] | Pre- and post-disaster satellite imageries for building damage assessment, with over 850,000 building polygons from 6 disaster types, labeled at pixel level with 4 damage scales. [Download] | |
AICD [12] | 1000 pairs of synthetic aerial images with artificial changes generated with a rendering engine, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
Database of synthetic and real images [13] | 24,000 synthetic images and 16,000 fragments of real season-varying RS images obtained by Google Earth, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
LEVIR-CD [14] | 637 very high-resolution (VHR, 0.5m/pixel) Google Earth (GE) image patch pairs with a size of 1024 × 1024 pixels and contains a total of 31,333 individual change building instances, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
Bastrop fire dataset [21] | 4 images acquired by different sensors over the Bastrop County, Texas (USA). It is composed by a Landsat 5 TM as the pre-event image and a Landsat 5 TM, a EO-1 ALI and a Landsat 8 as post-event images, labeled as changed and unchanged at pixel level, mainly caused by wildfire. [Download] | |
Google data set [23] | 19 season-varying VHR images pairswith 3 bands of red, green, and blue, a spatial resolution of 0.55 m, and the size ranging from 1006×1168 pixels to 4936×5224 pixels. The image changes include waters, roads, farmland, bare land, forests, buildings, ships, etc. Buildings make up the main changes. acquired during the periods between 2006 and 2019, covering the suburb areas of Guangzhou City, China. [Download] | |
Optical RS & SAR | California dataset [22] | 3 images, including a RS image captured by Landsat 8 with 9 channels on 2017, a SAR image captured by Sentinel-1A (recorded in polarisations VV and VH) after the occurrence of a flood, and a ground truth map. [Download] |
Homogeneous CD Dataset [30] | 6 scenarios: Scenario 1 with two single-polarizationSAR data sets; Scenario 2 with two PolSAR data sets; Scenario 3 with two optical image data sets. HeterogeneousCD: Scenario 4 with two SAR/optical (multispectral) datasets; Scenario 5 with two multispectral data sets of differentbands acquired from different sensors; Scenario 6 with twoPolSAR/optical (multispectral) data sets. [Download] | |
Street view | VL-CMU-CD [15] | 1362 co-registered pairs of RGB and depth images, labeled ground truth change (e.g., bin, sign, vehicle, refuse, construction, traffic cone, person/cycle, barrier) and sky masks at pixel level. [Download] |
PCD 2015 [16] | 200 panoramic image pairs in "TSUNAMI" and "GSV" subset, with the size of 224 × 1024 pixels, label as changed and unchanged at pixel level. [Download] | |
Change detection dataset [17] | Image sequences of city streets captured by a vehicle-mounted camera at two different time points, with the size of 5000 × 2500 pixels, labeled 3D scene structure changes at pixel level. [Download] | |
CV | CDNet 2012 [18] | 6 video categories with 4 to 6 videos sequences in each category, and the groundtruth images contain 5 labels namely: static, hard shadow, outside region of interest, unknown motion (usually around moving objects, due to semi-transparency and motion blur), and motion. [Download] |
CDNet 2014 [19,20] | 22 additional videos (∼70; 000 pixel-wise annotated frames) spanning 5 new categories that incorporate challenges encountered in many surveillance settings, and provides realistic, camera captured (without CGI), diverse set of indoor and outdoor videos like the CDnet 2012. [Download] | |
ChangeSim [31] | a challenging dataset aimed at online scene change detection and more, collecting in photo-realistic simulation environments with the presence of environmental non-targeted variations, such as air turbidity and light condition changes, as well as targeted object changes in industrial indoor environments. [Download] | |
More video datasets |
It can be seen that the amount of open datasets that can be used for change detection tasks is small, and some of them have small data sizes. At present, there is still a lack of large SAR datasets that can be used for AI training. Most AI-based change detection methods are based on several SAR data sets that contain limited types of changes, e.g., the Bern dataset, the Ottawa dataset, the Yellow River dataset, and the Mexico dataset, which cannot meet the needs of change detection in areas with complex land cover and various change types. Moreover, their labels are not freely available. Street-view datasets are generally used for research of AI-based change detection methods in computer vision (CV). In CV, change detection based on pictures or video is also a hot research field, and the basic idea is consistent with that based on RS data. Therefore, in addition to street view image datasets, several video datasets in CV can also be used for research on AI-based change detection methods, such as CDNet 2012 and CDNet 2014.
Table 4. Summary of main applications of AI-based change detection techniques.
Applications | Data Types | Papers | |
Urban contexts | Urban expansion | Satellite images | Lyu et.al (2018), Tong et.al (2007) |
SAR images | Iino et.al (2017) | ||
Public space management | Street view images | Varghese et.al (2018) | |
Road surface | UAV images | Truong et.al (2020) | |
Building change detection | Aerial images | Ji et.al (2019), Sun et.al (2019), Nemoto et.al (2017) | |
Satellite images | Huang et.al (2019), Zhu et.al (2018) | ||
Satellite/Aerial images | Jiang et.al (2020), Ji et.al (2018), Saha et.al (2020) | ||
Airborne laser scanning data and aerial images | Zhang et.al (2019) | ||
SAR images | Jaturapitpornchai et.al (2019) | ||
Satellite images and GIS map | Ghaffarian et.al (2019) | ||
Resources & environment | Human-driven environmental changes | Satellite images | Chen et.al (2016) |
Hydro-environmental changes | Satellite images | Nourani et.al (2018) | |
Sea ice | SAR images | Gao et.al (2019), Gao et.al (2019) | |
Surface water | Satellite images | Song et.al (2019), Rokni et.al (2015) | |
Forest monitoring | Satellite images | Khan et.al (2017), Lindquist et.al (2016), Deilmai et.al (2014), Woodcock et.al (2001), Gopal et.al (1996) | |
Natural disasters | Landslide mapping | Aerial images | Fang et.al (2020), Lei et.al (2019) |
Satellite images | Chen et.al (2018), Ding et.al (2016), Tarantino et.al (2006) | ||
Damage assessment | Satellite images | caused by tsunami [Sublime et.al (2019),Singh et.al (2015)], particular incident [Hedjam et.al (2019)], flood [Peng et.al (2019)], or earthquake [Ji et.al (2019)] | |
Aerial images | caused by tsunami [Fujita et.al (2017)] | ||
SAR images | caused by fires [Planinšič et.al (2018)], or earthquake [Saha et.al (2018)] | ||
Street view images | caused by tsunami [Sakurada et.al (2015)] | ||
Street view images and GIS map | caused by tsunami [Sakurada et.al (2017)] | ||
Astronomy | Planetary surfaces | Satellite images | Kerner et.al (2019) |
Table 5. CD工具。
Table 5. A list of software for change detection.
Type | Name | Description |
Commercial | ERDAS IMAGINE | provides true value, consolidating remote sensing, photogrammetry, LiDAR analysis, basic vector analysis, and radar processing into a single product, including a variety of change detection tools. |
ArcGIS | change detection can be calculate between two raster datasets by using the raster calculator tool or deep learning workflow. | |
ENVI | provides change detection analysis tools and the ENVI deep learning module. | |
eCognition | can be used for a variety of change mapping, and by leveraging deep learning technology from the Google TensorFlow™ library, eCognition empowers customers with highly sophisticated pattern recognition and correlation tools that automate the classification of objects of interest for faster and more accurate results, more. | |
PCI Geomatica | provides change detection tools, and can be useful in numerous circumstances in which you may want to analyze change, such as: storm damage, forest-fire damage, flooding, urban sprawl, and more. | |
SenseTime | SenseRemote remote sensing intelligent solutions | |
Open source | QGIS | provides many change detection tools. |
Orfeo ToolBox | change detection by multivariate alteration detector (MAD) algorithm. | |
Change Detection ToolBox | MATLAB toolbox for remote sensing change detection. |
The following papers are helpful for researchers to better understand this field of remote sensing change detection, see table 6.
Table 6. A list of review papers on change detection.
Published year | Review paper |
1989 | Digital change detection techniques using remotely sensed data, IJRS. [paper] |
2004 | Digital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review, IJRS. [paper] |
2004 | Change detection techniques, IJRS. [paper] |
2012 | Object-based change detection, IJRS. [paper] |
2013 | Change detection from remotely sensed images: From pixel-based to object-based approaches, ISPRS. [paper] |
2016 | 3D change detection–approaches and applications, ISPRS. [paper] |
2016 | Deep learning for remote sensing data a technical tutorial on the state of the art, MGRS. [paper] |
2017 | Comprehensive survey of deep learning in remote sensing: theories, tools, and challenges for the community, JRS. [paper] |
2017 | Deep Learning in Remote Sensing, MGRS. [paper] |
2018 | Computational intelligence in optical remote sensing image processing, ASOC. [paper] |
2019 | A review of change detection in multitemporal hyperspectral images: current techniques, applications, and challenges, MGRS. [paper] |
2019 | Deep learning in remote sensing applications: A meta-analysis and review, ISPRS. [paper] |
2020 | Deep Learning for change detection in remote sensing images: comprehensive review and meta-analysis, arXiv. [paper] |
2020 | Change detection based on artificial intelligence: state-of-the-art and challenges, RS. [paper] |
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