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oracle set diff off,【12c新特性】12cR1 diff 11gR2 Hidden Parameters


_ILM_FILTER_TIME0Upper filter time for ILM block compression

_ILM_FILTER_TIME_LOWER0Lower filter time for ILM block compression

_ILM_POLICY_NAMEFALSEUser specified ILM policy name

__data_transfer_cache_size0Actual size of data transfer cache

_abort_on_mrp_crashFALSEabort database instance when MRP crashes

_ac_enable_dscn_in_racFALSEEnable Dependent Commit SCN tracking

_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_disable_worker_threshold90Percentage of overlap across multiple outstanding writes

_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_enable_worker_threshold200Increase in redo generation rate as a percentage

_adaptive_window_consolidator_enabledTRUEenable/disable adaptive window consolidator PX plan

_add_nullable_column_with_default_optimTRUEAllows add of a nullable column with default optimization

_adg_buffer_wait_timeout10Active Dataguard buffer wait time in cs

_adg_instance_recoveryTRUEenable ADG instance recovery

_advanced_index_compression_options0advanced index compression options

_advanced_index_compression_options_value20advanced index compression options2

_advanced_index_compression_trace0advanced index compression trace

_allow_file_1_offline_error_1245FALSEdon’t signal ORA-1245 due to file 1 being offline

_alter_common_user_schemaTRUEallow local user to create objects in common schema

_am_container_filesystem_ausize4194304allocation unit size for non-ASM containers

_am_max_containers0maximum number of containers

_am_max_groups0maximum number of containers

_am_max_seg_bytes4000maximum number of bytes per array segment

_am_timeouts_enabledTRUEenable timeouts

_am_trace_buffer_size131072size of per-process I/O trace buffer

_appqos_cdb_setting0QoSM CDB Performance Class Setting

_appqos_po_multiplier1000Multiplier for PC performance objective value

_aq_disable_xFALSEAQ – Disable new cross processes at an instance

_aq_dq_sessions20Deq session count

_aq_eq_sessions10Enq session count

_aq_init_shards5Minimum enqueue shards per queue at an instance

_aq_precrt_partitions0Precreate Partitions

_aq_pt_processes1Partition background processes

_aq_stop_backgroundsFALSEStop all AQ background processes

_aq_subshard_Size2000Sub Shard Size

_aqsharded_cache_limit0Limit for cached enqueue/dequeue operations

_array_cdb_view_enabledTRUEarray mode enabled for CDB views

_asm_accessautoASM File access mechanism

_asm_allow_unsafe_reconnectTRUEattempt unsafe reconnect to ASM

_asm_allowdegeneratemountsTRUEAllow force-mounts of DGs w/o proper quorum

_asm_dba_spcchk_thld20000ASM Disk Based Allocation Space Check Threshold

_asm_disable_ufg_dumpFALSEdisable terminated umbilicus diagnostic

_asm_disable_ufgmemberkillFALSEdisable ufg member kill

_asm_diskerr_traces2Number of read/write errors per disk a process can trace

_asm_diskgroups2disk groups to mount automatically set 2

_asm_diskgroups3disk groups to mount automatically set 3

_asm_diskgroups4disk groups to mount automatically set 4

_asm_enable_xrovFALSEEnable XROV capability

_asm_global_dump_level267System state dump level for ASM asserts

_asm_healthcheck_timeout180seconds until health check takes action

_asm_network_timeout1Keepalive timeout for ASM network connections

_asm_networksASM network subnet addresses

_asm_nodekill_escalate_time180secs until escalating to nodekill if fence incomplete

_asm_noevenread_diskgroupsList of disk groups having even read disabled

_asm_procs_trace_diskerr5Number of processes allowed to trace a disk failure

_asm_proxy_startwait60Maximum time to wait for ASM proxy connection

_asm_remote_client_timeout300timeout before killing disconnected remote clients

_asm_resyncCkpt1024number of extents to resync before flushing checkpoint

_asm_scrub_limitAUTOASM disk scrubbing power

_asm_skip_diskval_checkFALSEskip client side discovery for disk revalidate

_asm_trace_limit_timeout30000Time-out in milliseconds to reset the number of traces per disk and the number of processes allowed to trace

_autotask_test_nameN/AName of current Autotask Test (or test step)

_aux_dfc_keep_time1440auxiliary datafile copy keep time in minutes

_awr_cdbperf_threshold21Setting for AWR CDBPERF Threshold

_awr_mmon_deep_purge_all_expiredFALSEAllows deep purge to purge AWR data for all expired snapshots

_awr_pdb_registration_enabledFALSEParameter to enable/disable AWR PDB Registration

_awr_remote_target_dblinkAWR Remote Target DBLink for Flushing

_backup_ksfq_bufmem_max2.68E+08maximum amount of memory (in bytes) used for buffers for backup/restore

_backup_min_ct_unused_optim2097152mimimun size in bytes of change tracking to apply unused space optimuzation

_bct_mrp_timeout600CTWR MRP wait timeout (seconds), zero to wait forever

_bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize2allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to disable

_bct_public_dba_buffer_maxsize0max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in bytes

_bg_spawn_diag_opts0background processes spawn diagnostic options

_block_level_offload_high_lat_thresh40000High Latency Threshold for Block Level Offload operations

_bloom_filter_size0bloom filter vector size (in KB)

_bloom_predicate_offloadTRUEenables or disables bloom filter predicate offload to cells

_bloom_rm_filterFALSEremove bloom predicate in favor of zonemap join pruning predicate

_bloom_sm_enabledFALSEenable bloom filter optimization using slave mapping

_broadcast_scn_mode1broadcast-on-commit scn mode

_cache_orl_during_openALLcache online logs

_cdb_compatibleTRUECDB Compatible

_cdb_rac_affinityTRUErac affinity for parallel cdb operations

_cell_materialize_all_expressionsFALSEForce materialization of all offloadable expressions on the cells

_cell_materialize_virtual_columnsTRUEenable offload of expressions underlying virtual columns to cells

_cell_object_expiration_hours24flashcache object expiration timeout

_cell_offload_complex_processingTRUEenable complex SQL processing offload to cells

_cell_offload_expressionsTRUEenable offload of expressions to cells

_cell_offload_sys_contextTRUEenable offload of SYS_CONTEXT evaluation to cells

_cgs_comm_readiness_check1CGS communication readiness check

_cgs_memberkill_from_rim_instanceFALSEallow a RIM instance to issue a CSS member kill

_cgs_msg_batch_size4096CGS message batch size in bytes

_cgs_msg_batchingTRUECGS message batching

_cgs_ticket_sendback50CGS ticket active sendback percentage threshold

_check_pdbid_in_redoFALSEEnable checking of pluggable database ID in redo

_cleanout_shrcur_buffersTRUEif TRUE, cleanout shrcur buffers

_cli_cachebktalloc100Percentage of memory to allocate

_client_enable_auto_unregisterFALSEenable automatic unregister after a send fails with timeout

_clone_one_pdb_recoveryFALSERecover ROOT and only one PDB in clone database

_cloud_namegsm cloud name

_collect_tempundo_statsTRUECollect Statistics v$tempundostat

_common_data_view_enabledTRUEcommon objects returned through dictionary views

_common_user_prefixC##Enforce restriction on a prefix of a Common User/Role/Profile name

_concurrency_chosen10what is the chosen value of concurrency

_controlfile_cell_flash_caching3Flash cache hint for control file accesses

_cpu_eff_thread_multiplierCPU effective thread multiplier

_crash_domain_on_exception0allow domain to exit for exceptions in any thread

_create_stat_segment0create ilm statistics segment

_ctx_doc_policy_stemsFALSEenable ctx_doc.policy_stems api

_cu_row_locking0CU row level locking

_cursor_reload_failure_threshold0Number of failed reloads before marking cursor unusable

_cvmap_buffers5000Number of change vector buffers for multi instance media recovery

_data_transfer_cache_bc_perc_x100500Percentange * 100 of buffer cache to transfer to data transfer cache

_data_transfer_cache_size0Size of data transfer cache

_data_warehousing_scan_buffersTRUEif TRUE, enable data warehousing scan buffers

_datapump_compressbas_buffer_size0specifies buffer size for BASIC compression algorithm

_datapump_metadata_buffer_size131072specifies buffer size for metadata file I/O

_datapump_tabledata_buffer_size262144specifies buffer size for table data file I/O

_db_block_cache_history_lruFALSEbuffer header tracing for lru operations

_db_block_prefetch_wasted_threshold_perc2Allowed wasted percent threshold of prefetched size

_db_dump_from_disk_and_efc0dump contents from disk and efc

_db_dw_scan_adaptive_coolingFALSEif TRUE, enable adaptive DW scan cooling

_db_dw_scan_max_shadow_count5DW Scan adaptive cooling max shadow count

_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_factor500DW Scan object cooling factor to cool all temperatures

_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_interval100DW Scan object cooling interval in number of scans, seconds, or pct of cache size

_db_dw_scan_obj_cooling_policyCACHE_SIZEDW scan objtect cooling policy

_db_dw_scan_obj_warming_increment1000DW Scan object warming increment when an object is scanned

_db_flash_cache_max_latency400Flash cache maximum latency allowed in 10 milliseconds

_db_flash_cache_max_outstanding_writes32Flash cache maximum outstanding writes allowed

_db_flash_cache_max_read_retry3Flash cache max read retry

_db_flash_cache_max_slow_io3Flash cache maximum slow io allowed

_db_num_gsm0database number in gsm dbpool

_dbfs_modify_implicit_fetchTRUEDBFS Link allows implicit fetch on modify – only on SecureFiles

_dbg_scan0generic scan debug

_dbop_enabled1Any positive number enables automatic DBOP monitoring. 0 is disabled

_dbpool_namegsm database pool name

_dd_validate_remote_locksTRUEGES deadlock detection validate remote locks

_deadlock_record_to_alert_logTRUErecord resolved deadlocks to the alert log

_defer_sga_alloc_chunk_size1.07E+09Chunk size for defer sga allocation

_defer_sga_enabledFALSEEnable deferred shared memory allocation for SGA

_defer_sga_min_spsz_at_startup5.37E+10Minimum shared pool size at startup with deferred sga enabled

_defer_sga_min_total_defer_segs_sz1.07E+11Minimum total deferred segs size for defer sga allocation

_defer_sga_test_alloc_intv0SA** sleeps for N secs before allocating a deferred segment

_deferred_seg_in_seedTRUEEnable Deferred Segment Creation in Seed

_diag_test_seg_reinc_modeFALSESets trace segmentation to be in reincarnation mode

_diag_xm_enabledFALSEIf TRUE, DIAG allows message exchanges across DB/ASM boundary

_disable_12cbigfileFALSEDIsable Storing ILM Statistics in 12cBigFiles

_disable_directory_link_checkFALSEDisable directory link checking

_disable_flashback_recyclebin_optTRUEDon’t use the Flashback Recyclebin optimization

_disable_rolling_patch0Disable Rolling Patch Feature

_dm_dmf_details_compatibility12.1.0set dm dmf details compatibility version

_dm_enable_legacy_dmf_output_typesFALSErevert dmf output types to pre-

_dnfs_rdma_enable1Enable dNFS RDMA transfers

_dnfs_rdma_max1048576Maximum size of dNFS RDMA transfer

_dnfs_rdma_min8192Minimum size of dNFS RDMA transfer

_drop_stat_segment0drop ilm statistics segment

_dump_10261_level0Dump level for event 10261, 1=>minimal dump 2=>top pga dump

_dump_scn_increment_stackDumps scn increment stack per session

_emon_pool_inc1increment in EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_pool_max10maximum number of EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_pool_min1minimum number of EMON slaves per pool type

_emon_send_timeout10000send timeout after which the client is unregistered

_emx_control0EM Express control (internal use only)

_emx_max_sessions128Maximum number of sessions in the EM Express cache

_emx_session_timeout3600Session timeout (sec) in the EM Express cache

_enable_12g_bftTRUEenable 12g bigfile tablespace

_enable_columnar_cache0Enable Columnar Flash Cache Rewrite

_enable_heatmap_internalFALSEheatmap related – to be used by oracle dev only

_enable_iee_statsTRUEenables IEE stats gathering

_enable_ilm_flush_statsTRUEEnable ILM Stats Flush

_enable_ilm_testflush_statsFALSEEnable Test ILM Stats Flush

_enable_offloaded_writesFALSEEnable offloaded writes for Unit Test

_enable_pluggable_databaseFALSEEnable Pluggable Database

_enable_securefile_flashback_optFALSEEnable securefile flashback optimization

_enqueue_deadlock_detect_all_global_locksFALSEenable deadlock detection on all global enqueues

_enqueue_sync_retry_attempts3max number of times the bg process to retry synchronous enqueue open if it failed because master could not allocate memory

_enqueue_sync_sim_mem_errorFALSEsimulate master instance running out of memory when synchronously getting a remotely mastered enqueue

_external_scn_logging_threshold_seconds86400High delta SCN threshold in seconds

_external_scn_rejection_delta_threshold_minutes0external SCN rejection delta threshold in minutes

_external_scn_rejection_threshold_hours24Lag in hours between max allowed SCN and an external SCN

_fast_index_maintenanceTRUEfast global index maintenance during PMOPs

_fast_psby_conversionTRUEEnable fast physical standby conversion

_flush_ilm_stats0flush ilm stats

_force_logging_in_upgradeTRUEforce logging during upgrade mode

_force_sys_compressTRUESys compress

_full_diag_on_rimFALSErim nodes have full DIA* function

_gc_affinity_acquire_timeTRUEif TRUE, save the time we acquired an affinity lock

_gc_async_sendFALSEsend blocks asynchronously

_gc_fg_spin_time0foreground msgq spin time

_gc_object_queue_max_length0maximum length for an object queue

_gc_save_cleanoutTRUEif TRUE, save cleanout to apply later

_gc_split_flushFALSEif TRUE, flush index split redo before rejecting bast

_gc_temp_affinityFALSEif TRUE, enable global temporary affinity

_gcr_cpu_min_free10minimum amount of free CPU to flag an anomaly

_gcr_enable_high_memory_killFALSEif TRUE, GCR may kill foregrounds under high memory load

_gcr_enable_new_drm_checkFALSEif FALSE, revert to old drm load metric

_gcr_enable_statistical_cpu_checkTRUEif FALSE, revert to old cpu load metric

_gcr_high_memory_threshold10minimum amount of Memory process must consume to be kill target

_gcr_max_rt_procsmaximum number of RT DLM processes allowed by GCR

_gcr_mem_min_free10minimum amount of free memory to flag an anomaly

_gcs_disable_switch_role_with_writerTRUEif TRUE, disable switching to local role with a writer

_gcs_min_slaves0if non zero, it enables the minimum number of gcs slaves

_gcs_res_hash_bucketsnumber of gcs resource hash buckets to be allocated

_gcs_reserved_resources400allocate the number of reserved resources in reconfiguration

_gcs_reserved_shadows400allocate the number of reserved shadows in reconfiguration

_ges_default_lmds*default lmds for enqueue hashing

_ges_direct_freeFALSEif TRUE, free each resource directly to the freelist

_ges_direct_free_res_typeCTstring of resource types(s) to directly free to the freelist

_ges_dump_open_locksFALSEif TRUE, dump open locks for the LCK process during shutdown

_ges_fgglTRUEDLM fg grant lock on/off

_ges_freeable_res_chunk_freeFALSEif TRUE, free dynamic resource chunks which are freeable

_ges_freeable_res_chunk_free_interval180time interval for freeing freeable dynamic resource chunks

_ges_gather_res_reuse_statsFALSEif TRUE, gather resource reuse statistics

_ges_hash_groups*enqueue hash table groups

_ges_lmd_mapping*enqueue to lmd mapping

_ges_nres_divide0how to divide number of enqueue resources among hash tables

_ges_resource_memory_opt4enable different level of ges res memory optimization

_ges_server_processes1number of background global enqueue server processes

_grant_secure_roleFALSEDisallow granting of SR to NSR

_gsmGSM descriptions

_gsm_config_vers0version of gsm config

_gsm_cpu_thresh75CPU busy threshold

_gsm_drv_interval30metric derived values interval

_gsm_max_instances_per_db8maximum number of instances per database in gsm cloud

_gsm_max_num_regions10maximum number of regions in gsm cloud

_gsm_region_listList of GSM Regions

_gsm_srlat_thresh20Single block read latency threshold

_gsm_thresh_respct50threshold resource percentage

_gsm_thresh_zone10threshold zone

_gwm_spare1gsm spare 1

_gwm_spare20gsm spare 2

_gwm_spare30gsm spare 3

_hang_base_file_count5Number of trace files for the normal base trace file

_hang_base_file_space_limit20000000File space limit for current normal base trace file

_hang_bool_spare1TRUEHang Management 1

_hang_cross_boundary_hang_detection_enabledTRUEHang Management Cross Boundary detection

_hang_delay_resolution_for_libcacheTRUEHang Management delays hang resolution for library cache

_hang_hang_analyze_output_hang_chainsTRUEif TRUE hang manager outputs hang analysis hang chains

_hang_int_spare2FALSEHang Management 2

_hang_log_verified_hangs_to_alertFALSEHang Management log verified hangs to alert log

_hang_lws_file_space_limit20000000File space limit for current long waiting session trace file

_hang_monitor_archiving_related_hang_interval300Time in seconds ignored hangs must persist after verification

_hang_resolution_allow_archiving_issue_terminationTRUEHang Management hang resolution allow archiving issue termination

_hang_terminate_session_replay_enabledFALSEHang Management terminates sessions allowing replay

_hashops_prefetch_size4maximum no of rows whose relevant memory locations are prefetched

_heatmap_format_1blockFALSEheatmap related – to be used by oracle dev only

_heatmap_min_maxsize0Internal testing only

_hm_xm_enabledTRUEIf TRUE, DIA0 allows message exchanges across DB/ASM boundary

_ilm_mem_limit10percentage of the max shared pool heat-map can use – internal

_ilmflush_stat_limit0ILM flush statistics limit – Internal testing only

_ilmset_stat_limit0ILM set statistics limit – Internal testing only

_ilmstat_memlimit10Percentage of shared pool for use by ILM Statistics

_p_w_picpath_redo_gen_delay0Image redo generation delay in centi-seconds (direct write mode)

_imr_rr_holder_kill_time300IMR max time instance is allowed to hold RR lock in seconds

_index_load_buf_oltp_sacrifice_pct10index load buf oltp sacrifice pct

_index_load_buf_oltp_under_pct85index load buf and comp oltp under-estimation pct

_index_max_inc_trans_pct20max itl expand percentage soft limit during index insert

_io_internal_test0I/O internal testing parameter

_io_osd_param1OSD specific parameter

_io_outlier_threshold500Latency threshold for io_outlier table

_ka_allow_reenableFALSEreenability of kernel accelerator service after disable

_ka_compatibility_requirementallkernel accelerator compatibility operation requirement

_ka_doorbell0kernel accelerator doorbell mode

_ka_locks_per_sector4locks per sector in kernel accelerator

_ka_mode0kernel accelerator mode

_ka_msg_reap_count40maximum number of KA messages to receive and process per wait

_ka_pbatch_messagesTRUEkernel accelerator perform pbatch messages

_kcfis_automem_level1Set auto memory management control for kcfis memory allocation

_kcfis_cell_passthru_dataonlyTRUEAllow dataonly passthru for smart scan

_kcfis_celloflsrv_passthru_enabledFALSEEnable offload server usage for passthru operations

_kcfis_celloflsrv_usage_enabledTRUEEnable offload server usage for offload operations

_kcfis_qm_prioritize_sys_planTRUEPrioritize Quaranitine Manager system plan

_kcfis_qm_user_plan_nameQuaranitine Manager user plan name

_kdizoltp_uncompsentinal_freq16kdizoltp uncomp sentinal frequency

_kdlf_read_flag0kdlf read flag

_kdli_descn_adjFALSEcoalesce extents with deallocation scn adjustment

_kdli_mts_soTRUEuse state objects in shared server for asyncIO pipelines

_kdli_ralc_length10485760lob length threshold to trigger rounded allocations

_kdli_ralc_rounding1048576rounding granularity for rounded allocations

_kdz_pred_nrows32767Number of rows to predicate at a time in kdzt

_kdz_proj_nrows1024Number of rows to project at a time in kdzt

_kecap_cache_size10240Workload Replay INTERNAL parameter used to set memory usage in  Application Replay

_kffmlk_hash_size512size of kffmlk_hash table

_kffmop_chunks42number of chunks of kffmop’s

_kgl_cap_hd_alo_stacksFALSEcapture stacks for library cache handle allocation

_kjac_force_outcome_current_sessionFALSEif TRUE, enable to run force outcome on the current session

_kjdd_call_stack_dump_enabledFALSEEnables printing of short call stack with the WFG

_kjdd_wfg_dump_cntrl0To control the way Wait-For_Graph is dumped

_kjltmaxgt1000record latch requests that takes longer than this many us

_kjltmaxht1000record latch reqeust that are held longer than this many us

_kjltonFALSEtrack DLM latch usage on/off

_kqdsn_max_instance_bits8maximum bits used for instance value in sequence partition

_kqdsn_min_instance_bits0minimum bits used for instance value in sequence partition

_kqdsn_partition_ratio30ratio of instance to session bits in sequence partition

_kqr_optimistic_readsFALSEoptimistic reading of row cache objects

_ksipc_libipc_pathover-ride default location of libipc

_ksipc_mode0ksipc mode

_ksipc_spare_param10ksipc spare param 1

_ksipc_spare_param2ksipc spare param 2

_ksipc_wait_flags0tune ksipcwait

_ksmlsaf0KSM log alloc and free

_ksv_slave_exit_timeout120slave exit timeout

_ksxp_skgxp_ant_optionsSKGXP ANT options

_ksxp_skgxp_inetslimit SKGXP networks

_ktilmsc_exp600expiration time of ktilm segment cache (in second)

_ktspsrch_scchk60cleanout check time of space search cache

_ktspsrch_scexp60expiration time of space search cache

_ktst_rss_max1000maximum temp extents to be released across instance

_ktst_rss_min100minimum temp extents to be released across instance

_ktst_rss_retry2maximum retries of sort segment release

_kxdbio_ctx_init_count32initial count of KXDBIO state object

_kxdbio_disable_offload_opcode0KXDBIO Disable offload for the set opcodes.  Value is a Bitmap of    0×00000001 – disable cell to cell data copy offload    0×00000002 – disable disk scrubbing offload to cell    0×00000004 – disable offloaded writes to cell

_kxdbio_enable_ds_opcode0KXDBIO Enable Dumb storage simulation for the set opcodes.

_kxdbio_hca_loadavg_thresh98HCA loadavg threshold at which writes need to get offloaded

_kxdbio_ut_ctl0kxdbio unit test controls

_latch_wait_list_pri_sleep_secs1Time to sleep on latch wait list until getting priority

_ldr_tempseg_threshold8388608amount to buffer prior to allocating temp segment (extent sizing)

_lgwr_io_outlier0LGWR I/O outlier frequency

_lm_big_cluster_optimizationsFALSEenable certain big cluster optimizations in drm

_lm_comm_channelksxpGES communication channel type

_lm_comm_msgq_busywait10busy wait time in microsecond for msgq

_lm_comm_reap_count1message reap count for receive

_lm_comm_tkts_add_factor10Ticket allocation addition factor

_lm_comm_tkts_calc_period_length5Weighted average calculation interval length (second)

_lm_comm_tkts_max_periods10Max number of periods used in weighted avearage calculation

_lm_comm_tkts_min_decrease_wait120Time to wait before allowing an allocation decrease

_lm_comm_tkts_min_increase_wait25Time to wait before allowing an allocation increase

_lm_comm_tkts_mult_factor200Ticket allocation multiplication factor

_lm_comm_tkts_nullreq_threshold25Null request frequency threshold (percentage)

_lm_drmopt128enable drm scan optimizations in 12

_lm_drmopt12_nolatchTRUEenable drm latching optimizations in 12

_lm_enqueue_blocker_dump_timeout_cnt30enqueue blocker dump timeout count

_lm_fdrm_statsFALSEgather full drm statistics

_lm_hashtable_bkt_high5High element threshold in hash table bucket

_lm_hashtable_bkt_low3Low element threshold in hash table bucket

_lm_hashtable_bkt_thr70Threshold for hash table resizing

_lm_hb_acceptable_hang_conditiondefaultlist of acceptable hang conditions in heartbeat check

_lm_hb_enable_acl_checkTRUEto enable the wait analysis with acceptable condition lists

_lm_hb_exponential_hang_time_factor2heartbeat exponential hang time multiplier

_lm_hb_maximum_hang_report_count20maximum heartbeat hang report count

_lm_idle_connection_kill_max_skips1GES idle connection max skip kill request

_lm_idle_connection_max_ignore_kill_count2GES maximum idle connection kill request ignore count

_lm_idle_connection_quorum_threshold50GES idle connection health quorum threshold

_lm_lms_opt_priorityTRUEenable freeslot lms priority optimization

_lm_lms_priority_check_frequency60000frequency of LMS priority decisions in milliseconds

_lm_msg_pool_dump_threshold20000GES message pool dump threshold in terms of buffer count

_lm_num_bnft_stats_buckets1number of buckets in the benefit stats hash table

_lm_process_lock_q_scan_limit100limit on scanning process lock queue instead of resource convert lock queue

_lm_res_tm_hash_bucket0number of extra TM resource hash buckets

_lm_resend_open_convert_timeout30timeout in secs before resubmitting the open-convert

_lm_rm_slaves1if non zero, it enables remastering slaves

_lm_wait_pending_send_queueTRUEGES wait on pending send queue

_lock_ref_constraint_count50number of nowait attempts to lock referential constraint

_log_undo_df_infoFALSEgenerate marker to log file# that belong to undo tablespace

_log_write_info_size4096Size of log write info array

_log_writer_worker_dlm_hearbeat_update_freq5000LGWR worker DLM health-monitoring heartbeat update frequency (ms)

_lthread_cleanup_intv_secs5interval for cleaning lightweight threads in secs

_lthread_clnup_hk_wait_secs3timeout after hard killing operation for lthread to exit

_lthread_clnup_pmon_softkill_wait_secs1wait timeout for PMON between soft kill and hard kill of lthreads

_lthread_clnup_spawner_sk_wait_secs30timeout for spawner between soft kill and hard kill of lthreads

_lthread_debugFALSEEnable Debugging mode for lightweight threads

_lthread_enabledTRUEEnable lightweight threads

_lthread_max_spawn_time_csecs12000maximum time interval a spawner will wait for a lthread to get ready

_lthread_spawn_check_intv_ms10time interval for a spawner to check for spawnee to get ready

_lthread_step_debuggingFALSEEnable Step wise Debugging mode for lightweight threads

_max_clients_per_emon256maximum number of clients per emon

_max_data_transfer_cache_size5.37E+08Maximum size of data transfer cache

_max_defer_gran_xfer_atonce10Maximum deferred granules transferred by MMAN atonce

_max_incident_file_sizeMaximum size (in KB, MB, GB, Blocks) of incident dump file

_max_kcnibr_ranges1048576Max number of nonlogged data block ranges

_max_log_write_io_parallelism1Maximum I/O parallelism within a log write (auto=0)

_max_log_write_parallelism1Maximum parallelism within a log write (auto=0)

_max_outstanding_log_writes2Maximum number of outstanding redo log writes

_max_queued_report_requests300Maximum number of report requests that can be queued in a list

_max_report_flushes_percycle5Max no of report requests that can be flushed per cycle

_max_string_size_bypass0controls error checking for the max_string_size parameter

_max_sys_next_extent0Dictionary managed SYSTEM tablespace maximum next extent size in MB (allowed range [16-4095], 0 if unlimited)

_memory_max_tgt_inc_cnt0counts the times checker increments memory target

_midtier_affinity_cluswait_prc_threshold6cluster wait precentage threshold to enter affinity

_min_time_between_psp0_diag_secs300minimum time between PSP0 diagnostic used for flow control

_modify_column_index_unusableFALSEallow ALTER TABLE MODIFY(column) to violate index key length limit

_mpmt_enabled_backgrounds*mpmt enabled backgrounds

_mpmt_fg_enabledFALSEMPMT mode foreground enabled

_mpmt_procs_per_osp100max procs per osp

_multi_transaction_optimization_enabledTRUEreduce SGA memory use during create of a partitioned table

_mv_add_log_placeholderTRUEadd log placeholder

_mv_cleanup_orphaned_metadataTRUEcleanup orphaned materialized view metadata

_mv_complete_refresh_conventionalFALSEuse conventional INSERTs for MV complete refresh

_mv_deferred_no_log_age_valTRUEavoid build deferred MV log age validate

_mv_expression_extend_size4096MV expression extend size

_mv_refresh_insert_no_appendTRUEmaterialized view refresh using insert no append

_nameservice_consistency_checkTRUENameService Consistency check switch

_net_timeout_latency0NET_TIMEOUT latency

_no_small_fileFALSENot to apply new extent scheme for small file temp spaces

_no_stale_joinback_rewriteFALSENo joinbacks if mv is stale

_nologging_kcnbuf_hash_buckets1024Number of nologging buffer hash buckets

_nologging_kcnbuf_hash_latches256Number of nologging buffer hash latches

_nologging_load_slotsz1048576Nologging standby: direct load buffer size

_nologging_sdcl_append_wait100Nologging standby append sdcl wait time

_nologging_sendbuf_ratio99Nologging standby: outstanding send buffer ratio

_nologging_txn_cmt_wait1500Nologging standby transaction commit wait time

_noncdb_to_pdbFALSEconverting a non-cdb to a pdb

_numa_shift_enabledTRUEEnable NUMA shift

_numa_shift_value0user defined value for numa nodes shift

_number_group_memberships_per_cache_line3maximum number of group memberships per cache line

_odci_aggregate_save_spaceFALSEtrade speed for space in user-defined aggregation

_olap_row_load_time_precisionDEFAULTOLAP Row Load Time Precision

_old_extent_schemeFALSERevert to old extent allocation

_oltp_comp_dbg_scan0oltp compression scan debug

_oltp_spillFALSEspill rows for oltp compression if loader pga limit is exceeded

_omni_enqueue_enable1Enable Omni Enqueue feature (0 = disable, 1 = enable on ASM (default), 2 = enable)

_online_ctas_diag0controls dumping diagnostic information for online ctas

_optimizer_adaptive_plan_control0internal controls for adaptive plans

_optimizer_adaptive_plansTRUEenable adaptive plans

_optimizer_ads_max_table_count0maximum number of tables in a join under ADS

_optimizer_ads_time_limit0maximum time limit (seconds) under ADS

_optimizer_ads_use_result_cacheTRUEuse result cache for ADS queries

_optimizer_ansi_join_lateral_enhanceTRUEoptimization of left/full ansi-joins and lateral views

_optimizer_ansi_rearchitectureTRUEre-architecture of ANSI left, right, and full outer joins

_optimizer_batch_table_access_by_rowidTRUEenable table access by ROWID IO batching

_optimizer_cluster_by_rowidTRUEenable/disable the cluster by rowid feature

_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid_control3internal control for cluster by rowid feature mode

_optimizer_cube_join_enabledTRUEenable cube join

_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control126controls optimizer usage of dynamic sampling directives

_optimizer_gather_feedbackTRUEoptimizer gather feedback

_optimizer_gather_stats_on_loadTRUEenable/disable online statistics gathering

_optimizer_generate_transitive_predTRUEoptimizer generate transitive predicates

_optimizer_hybrid_fpwj_enabledTRUEenable hybrid full partition-wise join when TRUE

_optimizer_multi_table_outerjoinTRUEallows multiple tables on the left of outerjoin

_optimizer_null_accepting_semijoinTRUEenables null-accepting semijoin

_optimizer_partial_join_evalTRUEpartial join evaluation parameter

_optimizer_performance_feedbackOFFcontrols the performance feedback

_optimizer_proc_rate_levelBASICcontrol the level of processing rates

_optimizer_proc_rate_sourceDEFAULTcontrol the source of processing rates

_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruningTRUEallow adaptive pruning of star transformation bitmap trees

_optimizer_unnest_scalar_sqTRUEenables unnesting of of scalar subquery

_optimizer_use_gtt_session_statsTRUEuse GTT session private statistics

_optimizer_use_histogramsTRUEenable/disable the usage of histograms by the optimizer

_oracle_scriptFALSERunning an Oracle-supplied script

_parallel_blackbox_sgaTRUEtrue if blackbox will be allocated in SGA, false if PGA

_parallel_ctas_enabledTRUEenable/disable parallel CTAS operation

_parallel_fault_tolerance_threshold3total number of faults fault-tolerance will handle

_part_access_version_by_numberTRUEuse version numbers to access versioned objects for partitioning

_part_redef_global_index_updateTRUEonline partition redefinition update global indexes

_partition_advisor_srs_activeTRUEenables sampling based partitioning validation

_partition_cdb_view_enabledTRUEpartitioned cdb view evaluation enabled

_pdb_use_sequence_cacheTRUEUse sequence cache in PDB mode

_pga_limit_check_wait_time1000000microseconds to wait for over limit confirmation

_pga_limit_dump_summaryFALSEdump PGA summary when signalling ORA-4036

_pga_limit_interrupt_smallerFALSEwhether to interrupt smaller eligible processes

_pga_limit_min_req_size4194304bytes of PGA usage below which process will not get ORA-4036

_pga_limit_simulated_physmem_size0bytes of physical memory to determine pga_aggregate_limit with

_pga_limit_target_perc200default percent of pga_aggregate_target for pga_aggregate_limit

_pga_limit_time_to_interrupt2seconds to wait until direct interrupt

_pga_limit_time_until_idle15seconds to wait before treating process as idle

_pga_limit_time_until_killed30seconds to wait before killing session over limit

_pga_limit_tracing0trace pga_aggregate_limit activity

_pga_limit_use_immediate_killTRUEuse immediate kill for sessions over limit

_pga_limit_watch_perc50percentage of limit to have processes watch

_pga_limit_watch_size1.05E+08bytes of PGA usage at which process will begin watching limit

_pin_time_statisticsFALSEif TRUE collect statistics for how long a current pin is held

_ping_wait_for_log_forceTRUEWait for log force before block ping

_pluggable_database_debug0Debug flag for pluggable database related operations

_pred_push_cdb_view_enabledTRUEpredicate pushdown enabled for CDB views

_prefered_standbystandby db_unique_name prefered for krb operations

_print_inmem_heatmap0print inmem ilm heatmap

_print_stat_segment0print ilm statistics segment

_px_adaptive_dist_methodCHOOSEdetermines the behavior of adaptive distribution methods

_px_adaptive_dist_method_threshold0Buffering / decision threshold for adaptive distribution methods

_px_adaptive_offload_percentage30percentage for PQ adaptive offloading of granules

_px_back_to_parallelOFFallow going back to parallel after a serial operation

_px_cdb_view_enabledTRUEparallel cdb view evaluation enabled

_px_concurrentTRUEenables pq with concurrent execution of serial inputs

_px_cpu_autodop_enabledTRUEenables or disables auto dop cpu computation

_px_cpu_operator_bandwidthCPU operator bandwidth in MB/sec for DOP computation

_px_cpu_process_bandwidth200CPU process bandwidth in MB/sec for DOP computation

_px_dp_array_size32767Max number of pq processes supported

_px_filter_parallelizedTRUEenables or disables correlated filter parallelization

_px_filter_skew_handlingTRUEenable correlated filter parallelization to handle skew

_px_groupby_pushdownFORCEperform group-by pushdown for parallel query

_px_hybrid_TSM_HWMB_loadTRUEEnable Hybrid Temp Segment Merge/High Water Mark Brokered load method

_px_join_skew_handlingTRUEenables skew handling for parallel joins

_px_join_skew_minfreq30sets minimum frequency(%) for skewed value for parallel joins

_px_join_skew_ratio10sets skew ratio for parallel joins

_px_load_balancing_policyUNIFORMparallel load balancing policy

_px_load_monitor_threshold10000threshold for pushing information to load slave workload monitor

_px_message_compressionTRUEenable compression of control messages for parallel query

_px_monitor_loadFALSEenable consumer load slave workload monitoring

_px_object_sampling200parallel query sampling for base objects (100000 = 100%)

_px_object_sampling_enabledTRUEuse base object sampling when possible for range distribution

_px_onepass_slave_acquisitionTRUEenable/disable one pass slave acquisition for parallel execution

_px_parallelize_expressionTRUEenables or disables expression evaluation parallelization

_px_partial_rollup_pushdownADAPTIVEperform partial rollup pushdown for parallel execution

_px_proactive_slave_alloc_threshold8parallel proactive slave allocation threshold/unit

_px_pwmr_enabledTRUEparallel partition wise match recognize enabled

_px_replication_enabledTRUEenables or disables replication of small table scans

_px_single_server_enabledTRUEallow single-slave dfo in parallel query

_px_tq_rowhvsTRUEturn on intra-row hash valueing sharing in TQ

_px_wif_dfo_declumpingCHOOSENDV-aware DFO clumping of multiple window sorts

_px_wif_extend_distribution_keysTRUEextend TQ data redistribution keys for window functions

_px_wif_min_ndv_per_slave2mininum NDV of TQ keys needed per slave for scalable WiF PX

_radm_enabledTRUEData Redaction

_re_fast_sql_operatorallenables fast boxable sql operator

_re_independent_expression_cache_size20defines max number of compiled cached expressions for iee

_re_num_complex_operator1000defines max number of compiled complex operator per ruleset-iee

_re_num_rowcache_load2defines max number of complex operators loaded with row cache

_re_result_cache_keysiz20defines max number key for result cache hash table

_re_result_cache_size20defines max number of cached elements for result cache

_read_mostly_enable_logonFALSERead mostly instances enable non-privileged logons

_read_mostly_instanceFALSEindicates this is a read_mostly instance

_read_mostly_instance_qa_control0internal parameter to control read mostly instance QA

_read_mostly_slave_timeout20000Time to wait on read mostly node when hub not available

_realfree_heap_pagesize65536hint for real-free page size in bytes

_realfree_pq_heap_pagesize65536hint for pq real-free page size in bytes

_redef_on_statementFALSEUse on-statement refresh in online redefinition

_redo_log_debug_config0Various configuration flags for debugging redo logs

_redo_log_record_life168Life time in hours for redo log table records

_region_namegsm region name

_relocate_pdbFALSERelocate PDB to another RAC instance after it is closed in the current instance

_remote_asmremote ASM configuration

_remote_awr_enabledFALSEEnable/disable Remote AWR Mode

_remove_exf_componentTRUEenable/disable removing of components EXF and RUL during upgrade

_report_capture_cycle_time60Time (in sec) between two cycles of report capture daemon

_report_capture_dbtime_percent_cutoff50100X Percent of system db time daemon is allowed over 10 cycles

_report_capture_recharge_window10No of report capture cycles after which db time is recharged

_report_capture_timeband_length1Length of time band (in hours) in the reports time bands table

_report_request_ageout_minutes60Time (in min) after which a report request is deleted from queue

_resource_includes_unlimited_tablespaceFALSEWhether RESOURCE role includes UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege

_result_cache_deterministic_plsqlFALSEresult cache deterministic PLSQL functions

_resumable_critical_alert0raise critical alert for resumable failure

_rman_roundrobin_placementNuma round robin placement for RMAN procs

_rond_test_mode0rac one node test mode

_rowlen_for_chaining_threshold1000maximum rowlen above which rows may be chained across blocks

_rowsets_cdb_view_enabledTRUErowsets enabled for CDB views

_rowsets_enabledTRUEenable/disable rowsets

_rowsets_max_rows200maximum number of rows in a rowset

_rowsets_target_maxsize524288target size in bytes for space reserved in the frame for a rowset

_rtaddm_trigger_argscomma-separated list of numeric arguments for RT addm trigger

_rtaddm_trigger_enabledTRUETo enable or disable Real-Time ADDM automatic trigger

_scalar_type_lob_storage_threshold4000threshold for VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW storage as BLOB

_securefile_log_num_latches0Maximum number of open descriptors for securefile log

_securefile_log_shared_pool_size0Size of securefile log buffer pool from SGA

_securefiles_breakreten_retry5segment retry before dishonoring retention

_securefiles_spcutlFALSEsecurefiles segment utl optimization

_serial_log_write_worker_ioFALSESerialize log write slave I/O

_set_container_serviceDEFAULTset container service

_sf_default_enabledTRUEenable 12g securefile default

_sga_alloc_slaves_term_timeout_secs120Termination timeout in secs for SA** slaves

_shrd_que_tm_processes1number of sharded queue Time Managers to start

_shrd_que_tm_statistics_duration0Shaded queue statistics collection window duration

_simulated_log_write_usecs0Simulated latency of log writes (usecs)

_skgxp_ant_optionsSKGXP ANT options (oss)

_skip_acfs_checksFALSEOverride checking if on an ACFS file system

_smm_max_size_static92160static maximum work area size in auto mode (serial)

_smm_px_max_size_static230400static maximum work area size in auto mode (global)

_snapshot_recovery_enabledTRUEenable/disable snapshot recovery

_sort_sync_min_spill_threshold90controls the mininum spill size for synchronized spill (in percent)

_sort_sync_min_spillsize262144controls the size of mininum run size for synchronized spill (in kb)

_sql_diag_repo_originallduarations where sql diag repository are retained

_sql_diag_repo_retainretain sql diag repository to cursor or not

_sql_hvshare_debug1control hash value sharing debug level

_sql_hvshare_threshold0threshold to control hash value sharing across operators

_sql_plan_directive_mgmt_control3controls internal SQL Plan Directive management activities

_sql_show_exprevalFALSEshow expression evalution as shared hash producer in plan

_stat_aggs_one_pass_algorithmFALSEenable one pass algorithm for variance-related functions

_suppress_identifiers_on_dupkeyFALSEsupress owner index name err msg

_switch_current_scan_scnTRUEswitch current uses scan scn

_switchover_timeout0Switchover timeout in minutes

_sys_logon_delay1failed logon delay for sys

_target_log_write_size0Do log write if this many redo blocks in buffer (auto=0)

_target_log_write_size_timeout1How long LGWR will wait for redo to accumulate (csecs)

_temp_undo_disable_adgFALSEis temp undo disabled on ADG

_test_hm_extent_mapFALSEheatmap related – to be used by oracle dev only

_test_param_7test parameter 7 – big integer list

_test_param_820test parameter 8 – cdb tests

_thread_state_change_timeout_pnp1800Thread state change timeout for PnP instance (in sec)

_time_based_rcv_ckpt_target0time-based incremental recovery checkpoint target in sec

_time_based_rcv_hdr_update_interval0time-based incremental recovery file header update interval in sec

_trace_ktfsFALSETrace ILM Stats Tracking

_trace_ktfs_memFALSEDebug memleak

_trace_tempFALSETrace Tempspace Management

_track_metrics_memoryTRUEEnable/disable Metrics Memory Tracking

_tsenc_obfuscate_keyBOTHEncryption key obfuscation in memory

_twenty-eighth_spare_parameterFALSEtwenty-eighth spare parameter – boolean

_twenty-fifth_spare_parametertwenty-fifth spare parameter – string list

_twenty-first_spare_parametertwenty-first spare parameter – string list

_twenty-fourth_spare_parametertwenty-fourth spare parameter – string list

_twenty-second_spare_parametertwenty-second spare parameter – string list

_twenty-seventh_spare_parameterFALSEtwenty-seventh spare parameter – boolean

_twenty-sixth_spare_parameterFALSEtwenty-sixth spare parameter – boolean

_twenty-third_spare_parametertwenty-third spare parameter – string list

_txn_control_trace_buf_size4096size the in-memory buffer size of txn control

_unified_audit_flush_interval3Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Interval

_unified_audit_flush_threshold85Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Threshold

_unified_audit_policy_disabledFALSEDisable Default Unified Audit Policies on DB Create

_upddel_dba_hash_mask_bits0controls masking of lower order bits in DBA

_use_fips_modeFALSEEnable use of crypographic libraries in FIPS mode

_use_hidden_partitionsFALSEuse hidden partitions

_use_single_log_writerADAPTIVEUse a single process for redo log writing

_utlmmig_table_stats_gatheringTRUEenable/disable utlmmig table stats gathering at upgrade

_uts_first_segment_retainTRUEShould we retain the first trace segment

_uts_first_segment_size0Maximum size (in bytes) of first segments

_uts_trace_disk_threshold0Trace disk threshold parameter

_uts_trace_segment_size0Maximum size (in bytes) of a trace segment

_uts_trace_segments5Maximum number of trace segments

_validate_metric_groupsFALSEEnable/disable SGA Metric Structure validation

_wcr_grv_cache_size65535Oracle internal: Set the replay cache size for WRR$_REPLAY_DATA.

_wcr_seq_cache_size65535Oracle internal: Set the replay cache size for WRR$_REPLAY_SEQ_DATA.

_widetab_comp_enabledTRUEwide table compression enabled

_xa_internal_retries600number of internal retries for xa transactions

_xds_max_child_cursors100Maximum number of XDS user-specific child cursors

_xs_cleanup_taskTRUETriton Session Cleanup

_xs_dispatcher_onlyFALSEXS dispatcher only mode

_zonemap_control0control different uses/algorithms related to zonemaps

_zonemap_staleness_tracking1control the staleness tracking of zonemaps via trigger

_zonemap_use_enabledTRUEenable the use of zonemaps for IO pruning

cell_offloadgroup_nameSet the offload group name

connection_brokers((TYPE=DEDICATED)(BROKERS=1)), ((TYPE=EMON)(BROKERS=1))connection brokers specification

db_big_table_cache_percent_target0Big table cache target size in percentage

db_index_compression_inheritanceNONEoptions for table or tablespace level compression inheritance

dnfs_batch_size4096Max number of dNFS asynch I/O requests queued per session

enable_pluggable_databaseTRUEEnable Pluggable Database

heat_mapOFFILM Heatmap Tracking

max_string_sizeSTANDARDcontrols maximum size of VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2, and RAW types in SQL

noncdb_compatibleFALSENon-CDB Compatible

optimizer_adaptive_featuresTRUEcontrols adaptive features

optimizer_adaptive_reporting_onlyFALSEuse reporting-only mode for adaptive optimizations

parallel_degree_level100adjust the computed degree in percentage

parallel_fault_tolerance_enabledFALSEenables or disables fault-tolerance for parallel statement

pdb_file_name_convertPDB file name convert patterns and strings for create cdb/pdb

pga_aggregate_limit2.15E+09limit of aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance

spatial_vector_accelerationFALSEenable spatial vector acceleration

temp_undo_enabledFALSEis temporary undo enabled

threaded_executionFALSEThreaded Execution Mode

unified_audit_sga_queue_size1048576Size of Unified audit SGA Queue

use_dedicated_brokerFALSEUse dedicated connection broker

