Nerf(Neural Radiance Fields)是一种用于三维重建和图像合成的机器学习技术。它基于深度学习,使用神经网络来预测场景中每个点的颜色和密度,从而生成高质量的三维重建结果。
Nerf 通过训练神经网络从不同角度的图像中学习场景的表面和光照特征,然后使用学习到的信息来生成新的视角的图像。与传统的三维重建方法不同,Nerf 不需要对场景进行显式的几何建模,也不需要使用多张图像进行立体匹配。相反,它使用单张图像和相机参数来训练神经网络,从而生成高质量的三维重建结果。
Nerf 技术已经被广泛应用于虚拟现实、增强现实和电影等领域,可以生成逼真的三维场景和高质量的图像。同时,它也是当前计算机视觉和深度学习领域的研究热点之一,引起了广泛的关注和研究。
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 import os import json import argparse import imageio # 主要知识点 # 1. 位置编码,Positional Encoding # - 对于输入的x、y、z坐标,因为是连续的无法进行区分,因此采用ff特征,即傅立叶特征进行编码 # - 编码为cos、sin不同频率的叠加,使得连续值可以具有足够的区分性 # 2. 视图独立性,View Dependent # - 输入不仅仅是光线采样点的x、y、z坐标,加上了视图依赖,即x、y、z、theta、pi,5d输入,此时多了射线所在视图 # 3. 分层采样,Hierarchical sampling # - 将渲染分为两级,由于第一级别的模型是均匀采样,而实际会有很多无效的采样(即对颜色没有贡献的区域会占比太多),在模型 # 中看来,就是某些点的梯度为0,对模型训练没有贡献 # - 因此采用两级模型,model、fine,model模型使用均匀采样,推断后得到weights的分布,通过对weights分布进行重采样,使得采样点 # 更加集中在更重要的区域,今儿使得参与训练的点大都是有效的点。所以model作为一级推理,fine则推理重采样后的点 # # x. 拓展,对于射线的方向和原点的理解,需要具有基本的3d变换知识,建议看GAMES101的前5章补充知识 # PSNR是峰值信噪比,表示重建的逼真程度 # 这三个环节有了,效果就会非常逼真,但是某些细节上还是存在不足。另外训练时间非常关键 class BlenderProvider: def __init__(self, root, transforms_file, half_resolution=True): self.meta = json.load(open(os.path.join(root, transforms_file), "r")) self.root = root self.frames = self.meta["frames"] self.images = [] self.poses = [] self.camera_angle_x = self.meta["camera_angle_x"] for frame in self.frames: image_file = os.path.join(self.root, frame["file_path"] + ".png") image = imageio.imread(image_file) if half_resolution: image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) self.images.append(image) self.poses.append(frame["transform_matrix"]) self.poses = np.stack(self.poses) self.images = (np.stack(self.images) / 255.0).astype(np.float32) self.width = self.images.shape[2] self.height = self.images.shape[1] self.focal = 0.5 * self.width / np.tan(0.5 * self.camera_angle_x) alpha = self.images[..., [3]] rgb = self.images[..., :3] self.images = rgb * alpha + (1 - alpha) class NeRFDataset: def __init__(self, provider, batch_size=1024, device="cpu"): self.images = provider.images self.poses = provider.poses self.focal = provider.focal self.width = provider.width self.height = provider.height self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_image = len(self.images) self.precrop_iters = 500 self.precrop_frac = 0.5 self.niter = 0 self.device = device self.initialize() def initialize(self): warange = torch.arange(self.width, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) harange = torch.arange(self.height, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) y, x = torch.meshgrid(harange, warange) self.transformed_x = (x - self.width * 0.5) / self.focal self.transformed_y = (y - self.height * 0.5) / self.focal # pre center crop self.precrop_index = torch.arange(self.width * self.height).view(self.height, self.width) dH = int(self.height // 2 * self.precrop_frac) dW = int(self.width // 2 * self.precrop_frac) self.precrop_index = self.precrop_index[ self.height // 2 - dH:self.height // 2 + dH, self.width // 2 - dW:self.width // 2 + dW ].reshape(-1) poses = torch.FloatTensor(self.poses, device=self.device) all_ray_dirs, all_ray_origins = [], [] for i in range(len(self.images)): ray_dirs, ray_origins = self.make_rays(self.transformed_x, self.transformed_y, poses[i]) all_ray_dirs.append(ray_dirs) all_ray_origins.append(ray_origins) self.all_ray_dirs = torch.stack(all_ray_dirs, dim=0) self.all_ray_origins = torch.stack(all_ray_origins, dim=0) self.images = torch.FloatTensor(self.images, device=self.device).view(self.num_image, -1, 3) def __getitem__(self, index): self.niter += 1 ray_dirs = self.all_ray_dirs[index] ray_oris = self.all_ray_origins[index] img_pixels = self.images[index] if self.niter < self.precrop_iters: ray_dirs = ray_dirs[self.precrop_index] ray_oris = ray_oris[self.precrop_index] img_pixels = img_pixels[self.precrop_index] nrays = self.batch_size select_inds = np.random.choice(ray_dirs.shape[0], size=[nrays], replace=False) ray_dirs = ray_dirs[select_inds] ray_oris = ray_oris[select_inds] img_pixels = img_pixels[select_inds] # dirs是指:direction # ori是指: origin return ray_dirs, ray_oris, img_pixels def __len__(self): return self.num_image def make_rays(self, x, y, pose): # 100, 100, 3 # 坐标系在-y,-z方向上 directions = torch.stack([x, -y, -torch.ones_like(x)], dim=-1) camera_matrix = pose[:3, :3] # 10000 x 3 ray_dirs = directions.reshape(-1, 3) @ camera_matrix.T ray_origin = pose[:3, 3].view(1, 3).repeat(len(ray_dirs), 1) return ray_dirs, ray_origin def get_test_item(self, index=0): ray_dirs = self.all_ray_dirs[index] ray_oris = self.all_ray_origins[index] img_pixels = self.images[index] for i in range(0, len(ray_dirs), self.batch_size): yield ray_dirs[i:i+self.batch_size], ray_oris[i:i+self.batch_size], img_pixels[i:i+self.batch_size] def get_rotate_360_rays(self): def trans_t(t): return np.array([ [1,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,t], [0,0,0,1], ], dtype=np.float32) def rot_phi(phi): return np.array([ [1,0,0,0], [0,np.cos(phi),-np.sin(phi),0], [0,np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi),0], [0,0,0,1], ], dtype=np.float32) def rot_theta(th) : return np.array([ [np.cos(th),0,-np.sin(th),0], [0,1,0,0], [np.sin(th),0, np.cos(th),0], [0,0,0,1], ], dtype=np.float32) def pose_spherical(theta, phi, radius): c2w = trans_t(radius) c2w = rot_phi(phi/180.*np.pi) @ c2w c2w = rot_theta(theta/180.*np.pi) @ c2w c2w = np.array([[-1,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1]]) @ c2w return c2w for th in np.linspace(-180., 180., 41, endpoint=False): pose = torch.FloatTensor(pose_spherical(th, -30., 4.), device=self.device) def genfunc(): ray_dirs, ray_origins = self.make_rays(self.transformed_x, self.transformed_y, pose) for i in range(0, len(ray_dirs), 1024): yield ray_dirs[i:i+1024], ray_origins[i:i+1024] yield genfunc # Hierarchical sampling (section 5.2) def sample_pdf(bins, weights, N_samples, det=False): # Get pdf device = weights.device weights = weights + 1e-5 # prevent nans pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True) cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1) cdf = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(cdf[...,:1]), cdf], -1) # (batch, len(bins)) # Take uniform samples if det: u = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples, device=device) u = u.expand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples]) else: u = torch.rand(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [N_samples]) # Invert CDF u = u.contiguous() inds = torch.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True) below = torch.max(torch.zeros_like(inds-1), inds-1) above = torch.min((cdf.shape[-1]-1) * torch.ones_like(inds), inds) inds_g = torch.stack([below, above], -1) # (batch, N_samples, 2) # cdf_g = tf.gather(cdf, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2) # bins_g = tf.gather(bins, inds_g, axis=-1, batch_dims=len(inds_g.shape)-2) matched_shape = [inds_g.shape[0], inds_g.shape[1], cdf.shape[-1]] cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g) bins_g = torch.gather(bins.unsqueeze(1).expand(matched_shape), 2, inds_g) denom = (cdf_g[...,1]-cdf_g[...,0]) denom = torch.where(denom<1e-5, torch.ones_like(denom), denom) t = (u-cdf_g[...,0])/denom samples = bins_g[...,0] + t * (bins_g[...,1]-bins_g[...,0]) return samples def sample_rays(ray_directions, ray_origins, sample_z_vals): nrays = len(ray_origins) sample_z_vals = sample_z_vals.repeat(nrays, 1) # a.shape = (3, 3, 4, 5) a[..., 4] rays = ray_origins[:, None, :] + ray_directions[:, None, :] * sample_z_vals[..., None] return rays, sample_z_vals def sample_viewdirs(ray_directions): return ray_directions / torch.norm(ray_directions, dim=-1, keepdim=True) def predict_to_rgb(sigma, rgb, z_vals, raydirs, white_background=False): device = sigma.device delta_prefix = z_vals[..., 1:] - z_vals[..., :-1] delta_addition = torch.full((z_vals.size(0), 1), 1e10, device=device) delta = torch.cat([delta_prefix, delta_addition], dim=-1) delta = delta * torch.norm(raydirs[..., None, :], dim=-1) alpha = 1.0 - torch.exp(-sigma * delta) exp_term = 1.0 - alpha epsilon = 1e-10 exp_addition = torch.ones(exp_term.size(0), 1, device=device) exp_term = torch.cat([exp_addition, exp_term + epsilon], dim=-1) transmittance = torch.cumprod(exp_term, axis=-1)[..., :-1] weights = alpha * transmittance rgb = torch.sum(weights[..., None] * rgb, dim=-2) depth = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, dim=-1) acc_map = torch.sum(weights, -1) if white_background: rgb = rgb + (1.0 - acc_map[..., None]) return rgb, depth, acc_map, weights def render_rays(model, fine, raydirs, rayoris, sample_z_vals, importance=0, white_background=False): rays, z_vals = sample_rays(raydirs, rayoris, sample_z_vals) view_dirs = sample_viewdirs(raydirs) sigma, rgb = model(rays, view_dirs) sigma = sigma.squeeze(dim=-1) rgb1, depth1, acc_map1, weights1 = predict_to_rgb(sigma, rgb, z_vals, raydirs, white_background) # 使用weights1进行重采样 z_vals_mid = .5 * (z_vals[...,1:] + z_vals[...,:-1]) z_samples = sample_pdf(z_vals_mid, weights1[...,1:-1], importance, det=True) z_samples = z_samples.detach() z_vals, _ = torch.sort(torch.cat([z_vals, z_samples], -1), -1) rays = rayoris[...,None,:] + raydirs[...,None,:] * z_vals[...,:,None] # [N_rays, N_samples + N_importance, 3] sigma, rgb = fine(rays, view_dirs) sigma = sigma.squeeze(dim=-1) # 第二次重采样的预测才是最终结果,这是论文中,分层采样环节(Hierarchical sampling) rgb2, depth2, acc_map2, weights2 = predict_to_rgb(sigma, rgb, z_vals, raydirs, white_background) return rgb1, rgb2 # 无视图独立性的head class NoViewDirHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, ninput, noutput): super().__init__() self.head = nn.Linear(ninput, noutput) def forward(self, x, view_dirs): x = self.head(x) rgb = x[..., :3].sigmoid() sigma = x[..., 3].relu() return sigma, rgb # 视图独立性的head class ViewDenepdentHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, ninput, nview): super().__init__() self.feature = nn.Linear(ninput, ninput) self.view_fc = nn.Linear(ninput + nview, ninput // 2) self.alpha = nn.Linear(ninput, 1) self.rgb = nn.Linear(ninput // 2, 3) def forward(self, x, view_dirs): feature = self.feature(x) sigma = self.alpha(x).relu() feature = torch.cat([feature, view_dirs], dim=-1) feature = self.view_fc(feature).relu() rgb = self.rgb(feature).sigmoid() return sigma, rgb # 位置编码实现 class Embedder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, positional_encoding_dim): super().__init__() self.positional_encoding_dim = positional_encoding_dim def forward(self, x): positions = [x] for i in range(self.positional_encoding_dim): for fn in [torch.sin, torch.cos]: positions.append(fn((2.0 ** i) * x)) return torch.cat(positions, dim=-1) # 基本模型结构 class NeRF(nn.Module): def __init__(self, x_pedim=10, nwidth=256, ndepth=8, view_pedim=4): super().__init__() xdim = (x_pedim * 2 + 1) * 3 layers = [] layers_in = [nwidth] * ndepth layers_in[0] = xdim layers_in[5] = nwidth + xdim # 模型中特定层[5]会存在concat for i in range(ndepth): layers.append(nn.Linear(layers_in[i], nwidth)) if view_pedim > 0: view_dim = (view_pedim * 2 + 1) * 3 self.view_embed = Embedder(view_pedim) self.head = ViewDenepdentHead(nwidth, view_dim) else: self.head = NoViewDirHead(nwidth, 4) self.xembed = Embedder(x_pedim) self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x, view_dirs): xshape = x.shape x = self.xembed(x) if self.view_embed is not None: view_dirs = view_dirs[:, None].expand(xshape) view_dirs = self.view_embed(view_dirs) raw_x = x for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = torch.relu(layer(x)) if i == 4: x = torch.cat([x, raw_x], axis=-1) return self.head(x, view_dirs) def train(): pbar = tqdm(range(1, maxiters)) for global_step in pbar: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(trainset)) raydirs, rayoris, imagepixels = trainset[idx] rgb1, rgb2 = render_rays(model, fine, raydirs, rayoris, sample_z_vals, importance, white_background) loss1 = ((rgb1 - imagepixels)**2).mean() loss2 = ((rgb2 - imagepixels)**2).mean() psnr = -10. * torch.log(loss2.detach()) / np.log(10.) loss = loss1 + loss2 optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() pbar.set_description(f"{global_step} / {maxiters}, Loss: {loss.item():.6f}, PSNR: {psnr.item():.6f}") decay_rate = 0.1 new_lrate = lrate * (decay_rate ** (global_step / lrate_decay)) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = new_lrate if global_step % 5000 == 0 or global_step == 500: imgpath = f"imgs/{global_step:02d}.png" pthpath = f"ckpt/{global_step:02d}.pth" model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): rgbs, imgpixels = [], [] for raydirs, rayoris, imagepixels in trainset.get_test_item(): rgb1, rgb2 = render_rays(model, fine, raydirs, rayoris, sample_z_vals, importance, white_background) rgbs.append(rgb2) imgpixels.append(imagepixels) rgb = torch.cat(rgbs, dim=0) imgpixels = torch.cat(imgpixels, dim=0) loss = ((rgb - imgpixels)**2).mean() psnr = -10. * torch.log(loss) / np.log(10.) print(f"Save image {imgpath}, Loss: {loss.item():.6f}, PSNR: {psnr.item():.6f}") model.train() temp_image = (rgb.view(height, width, 3).cpu().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite(imgpath, temp_image[..., ::-1]) torch.save([model.state_dict(), fine.state_dict()], pthpath) def make_video360(): mstate, fstate = torch.load(args.ckpt, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict(mstate) fine.load_state_dict(fstate) model.eval() fine.eval() imagelist = [] for i, gfn in tqdm(enumerate(trainset.get_rotate_360_rays()), desc="Rendering"): with torch.no_grad(): rgbs = [] for raydirs, rayoris in gfn(): rgb1, rgb2 = render_rays(model, fine, raydirs, rayoris, sample_z_vals, importance, white_background) rgbs.append(rgb2) rgb = torch.cat(rgbs, dim=0) rgb = (rgb.view(height, width, 3).cpu().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8) file = f"rotate360/{i:03d}.png" print(f"Rendering to {file}") cv2.imwrite(file, rgb[..., ::-1]) imagelist.append(rgb) video_file = f"videos/rotate360.mp4" print(f"Write imagelist to video file {video_file}") imageio.mimwrite(video_file, imagelist, fps=30, quality=10) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--datadir", type=str, default='data/nerf_synthetic/lego', help='input data directory') parser.add_argument("--make-video360", action="store_true", help="make 360 rotation video") parser.add_argument("--half-resolution", action="store_true", help="use half resolution") parser.add_argument("--ckpt", default="300000.pth", type=str, help="model file used to make 360 rotation video") args = parser.parse_args() device = "cpu" maxiters = 100000 + 1 batch_size = 1024 lrate_decay = 500 * 1000 lrate = 5e-4 importance = 128 num_samples = 64 # 每个光线的采样数量 positional_encoding_dim = 10 # 位置编码维度 view_encoding_dim = 4 # View Dependent对应的位置编码维度 white_background = True # 图片背景是白色的 half_resolution = args.half_resolution # 只进行一半分辨率的重建(400x400),False表示(800x800)分辨率 sample_z_vals = torch.linspace(2.0, 6.0, num_samples, device=device).view(1, num_samples) model = NeRF( x_pedim = positional_encoding_dim, view_pedim = view_encoding_dim ).to(device) params = list(model.parameters()) # 使用model产生的权重进行重采样,然后再推理,所以这个才是效果更好的模型 fine = NeRF( x_pedim = positional_encoding_dim, view_pedim = view_encoding_dim ).to(device) params.extend(list(fine.parameters())) optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lrate) os.makedirs("imgs", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("rotate360", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("videos", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("ckpt", exist_ok=True) print(model) provider = BlenderProvider("data/nerf_synthetic/lego", "transforms_train.json", half_resolution) trainset = NeRFDataset(provider, batch_size, device) width = trainset.width height = trainset.height if args.make_video360: make_video360() else: train() print("Program done.")
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