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azure 教育认证_Azure基础知识认证(AZ-900)–通过此免费的3小时课程通过考试


azure 教育认证

什么是Microsoft Azure? (What is Microsoft Azure?)

Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider. A cloud service provider (CSPs) is a technology company that offers multiple cloud services. Azure has listed over 600 cloud service offerings, from computing to storage to databases to machine learning.

Microsoft Azure是云服务提供商。 云服务提供商(CSP)是一家提供多种云服务的技术公司。 Azure已经列出了600多种云服务产品,从计算到存储再到数据库再到机器学习。

Azure is the second most popular cloud platform behind Amazon Web Services (AWS). Still, many long-lived or large tech companies are embracing both cloud platforms. This may be because Azure is able to compete on cost, niche cloud-offerings, easy integration, and developers' familiarity with Microsoft software.

Azure是仅次于Amazon Web Services(AWS)的第二受欢迎的云平台。 尽管如此,许多历史悠久或大型的科技公司仍在拥抱这两种云平台。 这可能是因为Azure能够在成本,利基云产品,易于集成以及开发人员对Microsoft软件的熟悉程度方面进行竞争。

Azure has three competitive advantages when compared with other cloud platforms like AWS and Google Cloud.

与AWS和Google Cloud等其他云平台相比,Azure具有三个竞争优势。

优势1:Azure和Microsoft在开发人员工具上进行了大量投资 (Advantage #1: Azure and Microsoft have invested heavily in Developer Tools)

Microsoft developed the most popular code editor to date, Visual Studio Code.

微软开发了迄今为止最受欢迎的代码编辑器Visual Studio Code。

They also acquired GitHub and ported its functionality directly into Azure.


Microsoft also owns Minecraft, and has used it as a tool to onboard young developers to programming and cloud computing.


优势2:Microsoft Active Directory (Advantage #2: Microsoft Active Directory)

Many companies have invested in Active Directory to control access to software and workstations.

