以常用的centerpoint模型为例,其中有,sparse to dense,虽然能有效工作,但是带来如下问题:计算资源的浪费、流程复杂、需要nms后处理。
本文提出的方法,省去了center的anchor、sparse to dense、rpn、nms等步骤,直接而且是只在稀疏的特征位置上进行预测。
分析了一些sparse的detectors,比如waymo的RSN,先在range image上segmentation提取前景点,然后在稀疏的前景点上进行目标检测;SWFormer,FSD都是一些稀疏检测的尝试,但是过程都偏复杂,本文用常用的稀疏卷积,尽量简化过程。
常见的是用kalman filter对结果进行跟踪,也有centertrack那样的直接预测速度,本文也利用了voxel的query来进行关联,有效的预测了物体中心的偏差。
additional down sampling
在原先的下采样基础上,{1,2,4,8},{F 1 , F 2 , F 3 , F 4 },继续下采样{16,32},{F5,F6},然后把F4,F5,F6的spatial resolution align到F4,然后生成Fc。
- x_conv5 = self.conv5(x_conv4)
- x_conv6 = self.conv6(x_conv5)
- x_conv5.indices[:, 1:] *= 2
- x_conv6.indices[:, 1:] *= 4
- x_conv4 = x_conv4.replace_feature(torch.cat([x_conv4.features, x_conv5.features, x_conv6.features]))
- x_conv4.indices = torch.cat([x_conv4.indices, x_conv5.indices, x_conv6.indices])
- def bev_out(self, x_conv):
- features_cat = x_conv.features
- indices_cat = x_conv.indices[:, [0, 2, 3]]
- spatial_shape = x_conv.spatial_shape[1:]
- indices_unique, _inv = torch.unique(indices_cat, dim=0, return_inverse=True)
- features_unique = features_cat.new_zeros((indices_unique.shape[0], features_cat.shape[1]))
- features_unique.index_add_(0, _inv, features_cat)
- x_out = spconv.SparseConvTensor(
- features=features_unique,
- indices=indices_unique,
- spatial_shape=spatial_shape,
- batch_size=x_conv.batch_size
- )
- return x_out

spatially voxel prunning
1. class head
预测,NxF => NxK
target,靠近gt box中心最近的voxel,是positive sample。
loss, focal loss
inference, 使用sparse max pooling. voxel本身够稀疏,只在非空的位置操作。如果本身物体离的很近怎么办?
实验发现,query voxel,并不一定在box中心,甚至不一定在box框内。
2. regression head
positive的voxel筛选, N->n
预测,nxF => nx2(dx,dy), nx1(z), nx3(w,h,l), nx2(cos,sin)
loss, l1 loss
- class SeparateHead(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, input_channels, sep_head_dict, kernel_size, init_bias=-2.19, use_bias=False):
- super().__init__()
- self.sep_head_dict = sep_head_dict
- for cur_name in self.sep_head_dict:
- output_channels = self.sep_head_dict[cur_name]['out_channels']
- num_conv = self.sep_head_dict[cur_name]['num_conv']
- fc_list = []
- for k in range(num_conv - 1):
- fc_list.append(spconv.SparseSequential(
- spconv.SubMConv2d(input_channels, input_channels, kernel_size, padding=int(kernel_size//2), bias=use_bias, indice_key=cur_name),
- nn.BatchNorm1d(input_channels),
- nn.ReLU()
- ))
- fc_list.append(spconv.SubMConv2d(input_channels, output_channels, 1, bias=True, indice_key=cur_name+'out'))
- fc = nn.Sequential(*fc_list)
- if 'hm' in cur_name:
- fc[-1].bias.data.fill_(init_bias)
- else:
- for m in fc.modules():
- if isinstance(m, spconv.SubMConv2d):
- kaiming_normal_(m.weight.data)
- if hasattr(m, "bias") and m.bias is not None:
- nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
- self.__setattr__(cur_name, fc)
- def forward(self, x):
- ret_dict = {}
- for cur_name in self.sep_head_dict:
- ret_dict[cur_name] = self.__getattr__(cur_name)(x).features
- return ret_dict

目标编码,之前是dense的hm,以及gt对应的编码后的target boxes
现在是稀疏的hm,以及对应编码后的target boxes。
- def assign_target_of_single_head(
- self, num_classes, gt_boxes, num_voxels, spatial_indices, spatial_shape, feature_map_stride, num_max_objs=500,
- gaussian_overlap=0.1, min_radius=2
- ):
- """
- Args:
- gt_boxes: (N, 8)
- feature_map_size: (2), [x, y]
- Returns:
- """
- heatmap = gt_boxes.new_zeros(num_classes, num_voxels)
- ret_boxes = gt_boxes.new_zeros((num_max_objs, gt_boxes.shape[-1] - 1 + 1))
- inds = gt_boxes.new_zeros(num_max_objs).long()
- mask = gt_boxes.new_zeros(num_max_objs).long()
- x, y, z = gt_boxes[:, 0], gt_boxes[:, 1], gt_boxes[:, 2]
- coord_x = (x - self.point_cloud_range[0]) / self.voxel_size[0] / feature_map_stride
- coord_y = (y - self.point_cloud_range[1]) / self.voxel_size[1] / feature_map_stride
- coord_x = torch.clamp(coord_x, min=0, max=spatial_shape[1] - 0.5) # bugfixed: 1e-6 does not work for center.int()
- coord_y = torch.clamp(coord_y, min=0, max=spatial_shape[0] - 0.5) #
- center = torch.cat((coord_x[:, None], coord_y[:, None]), dim=-1)
- center_int = center.int()
- center_int_float = center_int.float()
- dx, dy, dz = gt_boxes[:, 3], gt_boxes[:, 4], gt_boxes[:, 5]
- dx = dx / self.voxel_size[0] / feature_map_stride
- dy = dy / self.voxel_size[1] / feature_map_stride
- radius = centernet_utils.gaussian_radius(dx, dy, min_overlap=gaussian_overlap)
- radius = torch.clamp_min(radius.int(), min=min_radius)
- for k in range(min(num_max_objs, gt_boxes.shape[0])):
- if dx[k] <= 0 or dy[k] <= 0:
- continue
- if not (0 <= center_int[k][0] <= spatial_shape[1] and 0 <= center_int[k][1] <= spatial_shape[0]):
- continue
- cur_class_id = (gt_boxes[k, -1] - 1).long()
- # 距离最近的voxel选为query voxel
- # inds也更新为此voxel的顺序
- distance = self.distance(spatial_indices, center[k])
- inds[k] = distance.argmin()
- mask[k] = 1
- # 在稀疏的hm上,进行hm的绘制
- if 'gt_center' in self.gaussian_type:
- centernet_utils.draw_gaussian_to_heatmap_voxels(heatmap[cur_class_id], distance, radius[k].item() * self.gaussian_ratio)
- if 'nearst' in self.gaussian_type:
- centernet_utils.draw_gaussian_to_heatmap_voxels(heatmap[cur_class_id], self.distance(spatial_indices, spatial_indices[inds[k]]), radius[k].item() * self.gaussian_ratio)
- # △x,△y,是center和代理voxel的spatial inds的offset
- ret_boxes[k, 0:2] = center[k] - spatial_indices[inds[k]][:2]
- ret_boxes[k, 2] = z[k]
- ret_boxes[k, 3:6] = gt_boxes[k, 3:6].log()
- ret_boxes[k, 6] = torch.cos(gt_boxes[k, 6])
- ret_boxes[k, 7] = torch.sin(gt_boxes[k, 6])
- if gt_boxes.shape[1] > 8:
- ret_boxes[k, 8:] = gt_boxes[k, 7:-1]
- return heatmap, ret_boxes, inds, mask

- def decode_bbox_from_voxels_nuscenes(batch_size, indices, obj, rot_cos, rot_sin,
- center, center_z, dim, vel=None, iou=None, point_cloud_range=None, voxel_size=None, voxels_3d=None,
- feature_map_stride=None, K=100, score_thresh=None, post_center_limit_range=None, add_features=None):
- batch_idx = indices[:, 0]
- spatial_indices = indices[:, 1:]
- scores, inds, class_ids = _topk_1d(None, batch_size, batch_idx, obj, K=K, nuscenes=True)
- center = gather_feat_idx(center, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- rot_sin = gather_feat_idx(rot_sin, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- rot_cos = gather_feat_idx(rot_cos, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- center_z = gather_feat_idx(center_z, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- dim = gather_feat_idx(dim, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- spatial_indices = gather_feat_idx(spatial_indices, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- if not add_features is None:
- add_features = [gather_feat_idx(add_feature, inds, batch_size, batch_idx) for add_feature in add_features]
- if not isinstance(feature_map_stride, int):
- feature_map_stride = gather_feat_idx(feature_map_stride.unsqueeze(-1), inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- angle = torch.atan2(rot_sin, rot_cos)
- xs = (spatial_indices[:, :, -1:] + center[:, :, 0:1]) * feature_map_stride * voxel_size[0] + point_cloud_range[0]
- ys = (spatial_indices[:, :, -2:-1] + center[:, :, 1:2]) * feature_map_stride * voxel_size[1] + point_cloud_range[1]
- #zs = (spatial_indices[:, :, 0:1]) * feature_map_stride * voxel_size[2] + point_cloud_range[2] + center_z
- box_part_list = [xs, ys, center_z, dim, angle]
- if not vel is None:
- vel = gather_feat_idx(vel, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- box_part_list.append(vel)
- if not iou is None:
- iou = gather_feat_idx(iou, inds, batch_size, batch_idx)
- iou = torch.clamp(iou, min=0, max=1.)
- final_box_preds = torch.cat((box_part_list), dim=-1)
- final_scores = scores.view(batch_size, K)
- final_class_ids = class_ids.view(batch_size, K)
- if not add_features is None:
- add_features = [add_feature.view(batch_size, K, add_feature.shape[-1]) for add_feature in add_features]
- assert post_center_limit_range is not None
- mask = (final_box_preds[..., :3] >= post_center_limit_range[:3]).all(2)
- mask &= (final_box_preds[..., :3] <= post_center_limit_range[3:]).all(2)
- if score_thresh is not None:
- mask &= (final_scores > score_thresh)
- ret_pred_dicts = []
- for k in range(batch_size):
- cur_mask = mask[k]
- cur_boxes = final_box_preds[k, cur_mask]
- cur_scores = final_scores[k, cur_mask]
- cur_labels = final_class_ids[k, cur_mask]
- cur_add_features = [add_feature[k, cur_mask] for add_feature in add_features] if not add_features is None else None
- cur_iou = iou[k, cur_mask] if not iou is None else None
- ret_pred_dicts.append({
- 'pred_boxes': cur_boxes,
- 'pred_scores': cur_scores,
- 'pred_labels': cur_labels,
- 'pred_ious': cur_iou,
- 'add_features': cur_add_features,
- })
- return ret_pred_dicts

voxel association
query voxel作为center的代理,用l2 distance去关联query voxel。
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