- git clone https://github.com/CrazyBoyM/llama3-Chinese-chat --depth 1
- git lfs clone https://www.modelscope.cn/baicai003/Llama3-Chinese_v2.git
- conda create -n llama3 python=3.10
- conda activate llama3
- torch
- fairscale
- fire
- tiktoken==0.4.0
- blobfile
- transformers
- peft
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install -U streamlit
- #/mnt/workspace/llama3-Chinese-chat/Llama3-Chinese_v2 为自己的实际路径,自己修改
- streamlit run deploy/web_streamlit_for_instruct.py /mnt/workspace/llama3-Chinese-chat/Llama3-Chinese_v2 --theme.base="dark" --server.address=
- from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoConfig, AddedToken, AutoModelForCausalLM, BitsAndBytesConfig
- from peft import PeftModel
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- from typing import Dict
- import torch
- import copy
- ## 定义聊天模板
- @dataclass
- class Template:
- template_name:str
- system_format: str
- user_format: str
- assistant_format: str
- system: str
- stop_word: str
- template_dict: Dict[str, Template] = dict()
- def register_template(template_name, system_format, user_format, assistant_format, system, stop_word=None):
- template_dict[template_name] = Template(
- template_name=template_name,
- system_format=system_format,
- user_format=user_format,
- assistant_format=assistant_format,
- system=system,
- stop_word=stop_word,
- )
- # 这里的系统提示词是训练时使用的,推理时可以自行尝试修改效果
- register_template(
- template_name='llama3',
- system_format='<|begin_of_text|><<SYS>>\n{content}\n<</SYS>>\n\n',
- user_format='<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n{content}<|eot_id|>',
- assistant_format='<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n{content}<|end_of_text|>\n',
- system="You are a helpful, excellent and smart assistant. "
- "Please respond to the user using the language they input, ensuring the language is elegant and fluent."
- "If you don't know the answer to a question, please don't share false information.",
- stop_word='<|end_of_text|>'
- )
- ## 加载模型
- def load_model(model_name_or_path, load_in_4bit=False, adapter_name_or_path=None):
- if load_in_4bit:
- quantization_config = BitsAndBytesConfig(
- load_in_4bit=True,
- bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.float16,
- bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=True,
- bnb_4bit_quant_type="nf4",
- llm_int8_threshold=6.0,
- llm_int8_has_fp16_weight=False,
- )
- else:
- quantization_config = None
- # 加载base model
- model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
- model_name_or_path,
- load_in_4bit=load_in_4bit,
- trust_remote_code=True,
- low_cpu_mem_usage=True,
- torch_dtype=torch.float16,
- device_map='auto',
- quantization_config=quantization_config
- )
- # 加载adapter
- if adapter_name_or_path is not None:
- model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, adapter_name_or_path)
- return model
- ## 加载tokenzier
- def load_tokenizer(model_name_or_path):
- tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
- model_name_or_path,
- trust_remote_code=True,
- use_fast=False
- )
- if tokenizer.pad_token is None:
- tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
- return tokenizer
- ## 构建prompt
- def build_prompt(tokenizer, template, query, history, system=None):
- template_name = template.template_name
- system_format = template.system_format
- user_format = template.user_format
- assistant_format = template.assistant_format
- system = system if system is not None else template.system
- history.append({"role": 'user', 'message': query})
- input_ids = []
- # 添加系统信息
- if system_format is not None:
- if system is not None:
- system_text = system_format.format(content=system)
- input_ids = tokenizer.encode(system_text, add_special_tokens=False)
- # 拼接历史对话
- for item in history:
- role, message = item['role'], item['message']
- if role == 'user':
- message = user_format.format(content=message, stop_token=tokenizer.eos_token)
- else:
- message = assistant_format.format(content=message, stop_token=tokenizer.eos_token)
- tokens = tokenizer.encode(message, add_special_tokens=False)
- input_ids += tokens
- input_ids = torch.tensor([input_ids], dtype=torch.long)
- return input_ids
- def main():
- model_name_or_path = 'shareAI/llama3-Chinese-chat-8b' # 模型名称或路径,请修改这里
- template_name = 'llama3'
- adapter_name_or_path = None
- template = template_dict[template_name]
- # 若开启4bit推理能够节省很多显存,但效果可能下降
- load_in_4bit = False
- # 生成超参配置,可修改以取得更好的效果
- max_new_tokens = 500 # 每次回复时,AI生成文本的最大长度
- top_p = 0.9
- temperature = 0.6 # 越大越有创造性,越小越保守
- repetition_penalty = 1.1 # 越大越能避免吐字重复
- # 加载模型
- print(f'Loading model from: {model_name_or_path}')
- print(f'adapter_name_or_path: {adapter_name_or_path}')
- model = load_model(
- model_name_or_path,
- load_in_4bit=load_in_4bit,
- adapter_name_or_path=adapter_name_or_path
- ).eval()
- tokenizer = load_tokenizer(model_name_or_path if adapter_name_or_path is None else adapter_name_or_path)
- if template.stop_word is None:
- template.stop_word = tokenizer.eos_token
- stop_token_id = tokenizer.encode(template.stop_word, add_special_tokens=True)
- assert len(stop_token_id) == 1
- stop_token_id = stop_token_id[0]
- history = []
- query = input('# User:')
- while True:
- query = query.strip()
- input_ids = build_prompt(tokenizer, template, query, copy.deepcopy(history), system=None).to(model.device)
- outputs = model.generate(
- input_ids=input_ids, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, do_sample=True,
- top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty,
- eos_token_id=stop_token_id
- )
- outputs = outputs.tolist()[0][len(input_ids[0]):]
- response = tokenizer.decode(outputs)
- response = response.strip().replace(template.stop_word, "").strip()
- # 存储对话历史
- history.append({"role": 'user', 'message': query})
- history.append({"role": 'assistant', 'message': response})
- # 当对话长度超过6轮时,清空最早的对话,可自行修改
- if len(history) > 12:
- history = history[:-12]
- print("# Llama3-Chinese:{}".format(response))
- query = input('# User:')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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