预测是使用过去的值和许多其他因素来预测未来的值。在本文中,我们将使用 Keras
功能 API 创建一个销售预测模型。
Python 库使我们能够非常轻松地处理数据并使用一行代码执行典型和复杂的任务。
– 该库有助于以 2D 数组格式加载数据框,并具有多种功能,可一次性执行分析任务。Numpy
– Numpy 数组速度非常快,可以在很短的时间内执行大型计算。Matplotlib/Seaborn
– 此库用于绘制可视化效果,用于展现数据之间的相互关系。Keras
– 是一个由Python编写的开源人工神经网络库,可以作为Tensorflow、Microsoft-CNTK和Theano的高阶应用程序接口。import pandas as pd # to extract data from dataset(.csv file)
import csv #used to read and write to csv files
import numpy as np #used to convert input into numpy arrays to be fed to the model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #to plot/visualize sales data and sales forecasting
import tensorflow as tf # acts as the framework upon which this model is built
from tensorflow import keras #defines layers and functions in the model
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Dense,LSTM,Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.layers import concatenate
#here the csv file has been copied into three lists to allow better availability
list_row,date,traffic = get_data('/home/abh/Documents/Python/Untitled Folder/Sales_dataset')
5 年销售数据原始数据集:
2015 年 1 月至 2019 年 12 月的销售数据
如您所见,销售数据似乎每年都遵循类似的模式,峰值销售值似乎在 5 年的时间框架内随着时间的推移而增加。在这 5 年的时间框架内,前 4 年将用于训练模型,最后一年将用作测试集。现在,一些辅助函数用于处理数据集和创建所需形状和大小的输入。它们如下:
get _ data
–用于使用指向数据集位置的路径加载数据集。date _ to _
day–提供每天的日期。例如,2/2/16 是星期六,9/5/15 是星期一。date _ to _
首先,所有输入都经过预处理,以便机器能够理解。这是一个基于监督学习的线性回归模型,因此输出将与输入一起提供。然后,输入连同期望的输出一起被馈送到模型。该模型将绘制(学习)输入和输出之间的关系(函数)。然后,该函数或关系用于预测特定输入集的输出。在这种情况下,像日期和以前的销售额这样的输入参数被标记为输入,销售额被标记为输出。该模型将预测 0 到 1 之间的一个数字,因为 sigmoid
它不是将日期、月份和年份作为一个单独的实体,而是被分成三个不同的输入。原因是这些输入中的年份参数在大多数情况下是相同的,这将导致模型变得自满,即它将开始过度拟合当前数据集。为了增加不同输入之间的可变性,日期和月份被分别标记。下面的函数转换()将创建六个列表,并向它们追加适当的输入。这就是 2015 年到 2019 年的编码
{2015:数组([1。, 0., 0., 0., 0.],dtype=float32),2016: array([0。, 1., 0., 0., 0.],dtype=float32),2017: array([0。, 0., 1., 0., 0.],dtype=float32),2018: array([0。, 0., 0., 1., 0.],dtype=float32),2019: array([0。, 0., 0., 0., 1.],dtype=float32)
每一个都是长度为 5 的 NumPy 数组,1 和 0 表示它的值
def conversion(week,days,months,years,list_row): #lists have been defined to hold different inputs inp_day = [] inp_mon = [] inp_year = [] inp_week=[] inp_hol=[] out = [] #converts the days of a week(monday,sunday,etc.) into one hot vectors and stores them as a dictionary week1 = number_to_one_hot(week) #list_row contains primary inputs for row in list_row: #Filter out date from list_row d = row[0] #the date was split into three values date, month and year. d_split=d.split('/') if d_split[2]==str(year_all[0]): #prevents use of the first year data to ensure each input contains previous year data as well. continue #encode the three parameters of date into one hot vectors using date_to_enc function. d1,m1,y1 = date_to_enc(d,days,months,years) #days, months and years and dictionaries containing the one hot encoding of each date,month and year. inp_day.append(d1) #append date into date input inp_mon.append(m1) #append month into month input inp_year.append(y1) #append year into year input week2 = week1[row[3]] #the day column from list_is converted into its one-hot representation and saved into week2 variable inp_week.append(week2)# it is now appended into week input. inp_hol.append([row[2]])#specifies whether the day is a holiday or not t1 = row[1] #row[1] contains the traffic/sales value for a specific date out.append(t1) #append t1(traffic value) into a list out return inp_day,inp_mon,inp_year,inp_week,inp_hol,out #all the processed inputs are returned inp_day,inp_mon,inp_year,inp_week,inp_hol,out = conversion(week,days,months,years,list_train) #all of the inputs must be converted into numpy arrays to be fed into the model inp_day = np.array(inp_day) inp_mon = np.array(inp_mon) inp_year = np.array(inp_year) inp_week = np.array(inp_week) inp_hol = np.array(inp_hol)
def other_inputs(season,list_row): #lists to hold all the inputs inp7=[] inp_prev=[] inp_sess=[] count=0 #count variable will be used to keep track of the index of current row in order to access the traffic values of past seven days. for row in list_row: ind = count count=count+1 d = row[0] #date was copied to variable d d_split=d.split('/') if d_split[2]==str(year_all[0]): #preventing use of the first year in the data continue sess = cur_season(season,d) #assigning a season to to the current date inp_sess.append(sess) #appending sess variable to an input list t7=[] #temporary list to hold seven sales value t_prev=[] #temporary list to hold the previous year sales value t_prev.append(list_row[ind-365][1]) #accessing the sales value from one year back and appending them for j in range(0,7): t7.append(list_row[ind-j-1][1]) #appending the last seven days sales value inp7.append(t7) inp_prev.append(t_prev) return inp7,inp_prev,inp_sess inp7,inp_prev,inp_sess = other_inputs(season,list_train) inp7 = np.array(inp7) inp7= inp7.reshape(inp7.shape[0],inp7.shape[1],1) inp_prev = np.array(inp_prev) inp_sess = np.array(inp_sess)
在这里的大部分图层中,我已经使用了 5 个单位作为输出形状,你可以进一步用它来实验,以提高模型的效率。
#an Input variable is made from every input array input_day = Input(shape=(inp_day.shape[1],),name = 'input_day') input_mon = Input(shape=(inp_mon.shape[1],),name = 'input_mon') input_year = Input(shape=(inp_year.shape[1],),name = 'input_year') input_week = Input(shape=(inp_week.shape[1],),name = 'input_week') input_hol = Input(shape=(inp_hol.shape[1],),name = 'input_hol') input_day7 = Input(shape=(inp7.shape[1],inp7.shape[2]),name = 'input_day7') input_day_prev = Input(shape=(inp_prev.shape[1],),name = 'input_day_prev') input_day_sess = Input(shape=(inp_sess.shape[1],),name = 'input_day_sess') # The model is quite straight-forward, all inputs were inserted into a dense layer with 5 units and 'relu' as activation function x1 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_day) x2 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_mon) x3 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_year) x4 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_week) x5 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_hol) x_6 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_day7) x__6 = LSTM(5,return_sequences=True)(x_6) # LSTM is used to remember the importance of each day from the seven days data x6 = Flatten()(x__10) # done to make the shape compatible to other inputs as LSTM outputs a three dimensional tensor x7 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_day_prev) x8 = Dense(5, activation='relu')(input_day_sess) c = concatenate([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8]) # all inputs are concatenated into one layer1 = Dense(64,activation='relu')(c) outputs = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(layer1) # a single output is produced with value ranging between 0-1. # now the model is initialized and created as well model = Model(inputs=[input_day,input_mon,input_year,input_week,input_hol,input_day7,input_day_prev,input_day_sess], outputs=outputs) model.summary() # used to draw a summary(diagram) of the model
RMSprop 非常擅长处理随机分布,因此在这里使用它。
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop
optimizer = 'adam',
metrics = ['acc'] #while accuracy is used as a metrics here it will remain zero as this is no classification model
) # linear regression models are best gauged by their loss value
history = model.fit(
x = [inp_day,inp_mon,inp_year,inp_week,inp_hol,inp7,inp_prev,inp_sess],
y = out,
epochs = 15,
shuffle =False
#all the inputs were fed into the model and the training was completed
def input(date): d1,d2,d3 = date_to_enc(date,days,months,years) #separate date into three parameters print('date=',date) d1 = np.array([d1]) d2 = np.array([d2]) d3 = np.array([d3]) week1 = number_to_one_hot(week) #defining one hot vector to encode days of a week week2 = week1[day[date]] week2=np.array([week2]) //appeding a column for holiday(0-not holiday, 1- holiday) if date in holiday: h=1 #print('holiday') else: h=0 #print("no holiday") h = np.array([h]) sess = cur_season(season,date) #getting seasonality data from cur_season function sess = np.array([sess]) return d1,d2,d3,week2,h,sess
定义预测 _ 测试功能,预测提供日期后一年的销售数据:
我们要求预测到 2019 年 12 月 31 日为止的一年
def forecast_testing(date): maxj = max(traffic) # determines the maximum sales value in order to normalize or return the data to its original form out=[] count=-1 ind=0 for i in list_row: count =count+1 if i[0]==date: #identify the index of the data in list ind = count t7=[] t_prev=[] t_prev.append(list_row[ind-365][1]) #previous year data # for the first input, sales data of last seven days will be taken from training data for j in range(0,7): t7.append(list_row[ind-j-365][1]) result=[] # list to store the output and values count=0 for i in list_date[ind-364:ind+2]: d1,d2,d3,week2,h,sess = input(i) # using input function to process input values into numpy arrays t_7 = np.array([t7]) # converting the data into a numpy array t_7 = t_7.reshape(1,7,1) # extracting and processing the previous year sales value t_prev=[] t_prev.append(list_row[ind-730+count][1]) t_prev = np.array([t_prev]) #predicting value for output y_out = model.predict([d1,d2,d3,week2,h,t_7,t_prev,sess]) #output and multiply the max value to the output value to increase its range from 0-1 print(y_out[0][0]*maxj) t7.pop(0) #delete the first value from the last seven days value t7.append(y_out[0][0]) # append the output as input for the seven days data result.append(y_out[0][0]*maxj) # append the output value to the result list count=count+1 return result
运行预测测试功能,将返回包含该年所有销售数据的列表,结果=预测 _ 测试(’ 2019 年 12 月 31 日’,日期)
leg = plt.legend()
2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2019 年 12 月 31 日的实际值
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