In 1829, an event took place that unleashed a technological revolution. At the Rainhill Trials a group of steam locomotives squared off to determine which one could win a series of tests of speed, strength and reliability. The winning machine, Rocket, not only blew away its competition at the trials, it also set the direction for steam locomotive development for the following century.
1829年,发生了一场引发技术革命的事件。 在Rainhill试验中,一组蒸汽机车排成一列,以确定哪个可以赢得一系列的速度,强度和可靠性测试。 获奖的机器Rocket不仅在试验中击败了竞争对手,还为下个世纪的蒸汽机车发展指明了方向。

What does all this have to do with GPT-3, the transformer language model that OpenAI made available in a limited beta starting in June? Some reviewers have heralded GPT-3 as the first glimpse of artificial general intelligence, while others are calling it a massive lookup table. I don’t think GPT-3 is AGI, but I do think the approach used in GPT-3 will be transformative. Using massive computing power and a huge training suite, OpenAI has created a model that is genuinely general-purpose. By drawing comparisons to the dawn of the railway age we can put GPT-3 in context and see its impact more clearly.
这一切与GPT-3有什么关系?GPT-3是OpenAI于6月开始在限定版中提供的转换语言模型? 一些评论家将GPT-3视为人工通用情报的第一眼,而另一些评论家则将其称为庞大的查找表。 我不认为GPT-3是AGI,但我确实认为GPT-3中使用的方法将具有变革性。 利用强大的计算能力和庞大的培训套件,OpenAI创建了一个真正通用的模型。 通过与铁路时代的来临进行比较,我们可以将GPT-3置于背景之中,并更加清楚地看到其影响。
In this article I will describe a simple test that I did to compare GPT-3’s performance with a Rasa chatbot. This test was certainly no Rainhill Trials, but I think the results do shed some light on the role that massive transformer models like GPT-3 will play in the future. I will argue that GPT-3 isn’t the AI equivalent of Rocket, but it just might play the role of the locomotives designed by Richard Trevithick in the decades prior to the Rainhill Trials. Trevithick’s machines were slow and so heavy that they destroyed their tracks. However, despite their flaws, these locomotives had the right essential ingredients and they paved the way for the world-changing success of Rocket.
在本文中,我将描述一个简单的测试,该测试用于比较GPT-3和Rasa聊天机器人的性能。 该测试当然不是Rainhill试验,但我认为结果确实为将来像GPT-3这样的大型变压器模型将发挥的作用提供了一些启示。 我会争辩说GPT-3并不等同于Rocket的AI,但它可能只是在Rainhill试验之前的几十年里,Richard Trevithick设计的机车的作用。 特雷维西克(Trevithick)的机器很慢而且很重,以至于摧毁了他们的足迹。 然而,尽管它们有缺陷,但这些机车具有正确的基本要素,并且为火箭改变世界的成功铺平了道路。