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wordpress 生成静态


Using strong passwords is essential when it comes to WordPress security. Often we see that users use extremely easy to guess passwords like test123, demo123, or even changethis. In some cases this happens because the site administrator assigns that password when adding a new user to their WordPress site. Their hope is that users will change their password. However, most users don’t change such passwords simply because they are easy to remember and type. In the past, we have shown you how to force strong passwords as well as how to expire passwords in WordPress after a set period of time. If you run a WordPress site with multiple users, then you should encourage users to choose strong passwords. In this article we will show you how to add a simple user password generator in WordPress.

当涉及到WordPress安全性时,使用强密码至关重要。 我们经常看到,用户使用非常容易猜出像test123,demo123,甚至changethis密码。 在某些情况下,发生这种情况是因为网站管理员在向其WordPress网站添加新用户时分配了该密码。 他们希望用户更改密码 。 但是,大多数用户不会仅仅因为易于记忆和键入而更改此类密码。 过去,我们向您展示了如何在一定时间后强制使用强密码以及如何在WordPress中使密码过期 。 如果您运行有多个用户的WordPress网站,则应鼓励用户选择强密码。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加简单的用户密码生成器。

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First thing you need to do is to install and activate the Simple User Password Generator plugin for WordPress. Once activated, this plugin adds a “Generate Password” button to the “Add New User” page and edit users page. Clicking this button will generate a strong password for the new user. You can also check the box below to send this new password to the user.

您需要做的第一件事是为WordPress安装并激活简单用户密码生成器插件。 激活后,此插件会在“添加新用户”页面和“编辑用户”页面上添加一个“生成密码”按钮。 单击此按钮将为新用户生成一个强密码。 您也可以选中下面的框,以将此新密码发送给用户。

Generate strong password button

This plugin also adds another option to “Add New User” page which enables you to remind users about changing their password. Checking this option will display a notification to the user when they sign in, reminding them that they are using an auto-generated password, and they can change it to something easier to remember.

该插件还在“添加新用户”页面上添加了另一个选项,使您可以提醒用户更改密码。 选中此选项将在用户登录时向用户显示通知,提醒他们他们使用的是自动生成的密码,他们可以将其更改为更容易记住的密码。

notification to remind users to change auto generated password

When adding new users to a WordPress site, you must always choose strong passwords for them. If you are running a multi-author blog and you are in the habit of creating new users with a default password like “test123”, then you are putting your site at risk. We hope that this article will help you quickly generate a strong password for users on your WordPress site. We have even seen employers recommending their employees to use tools like LastPass or 1Password. Let us know how you generate password and encourage strong password for users on your site by leaving a comment below.

将新用户添加到WordPress网站时,必须始终为他们选择强密码。 如果您正在运行一个多作者博客,并且习惯使用默认密码(例如“ test123”)创建新用户,那么您的网站将面临风险。 我们希望本文将帮助您快速为WordPress网站上的用户生成一个安全的密码。 我们甚至看到雇主建议员工使用LastPass1Password之类的工具。 通过在下面留下评论,让我们知道您如何生成密码并鼓励网站上的用户使用强密码。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-a-simple-user-password-generator-in-wordpress/


