Node3D* Algorithm::hybridAStar(Node3D& start, const Node3D& goal, Node3D* nodes3D, Node2D* nodes2D, int width, int height, CollisionDetection& configurationSpace, float* dubinsLookup, Visualize& visualization) { // PREDECESSOR AND SUCCESSOR INDEX int iPred/*前任*/, iSucc/*继任*/; //*g:表示起点到当前节点的cost的累加(通常是dijkstar的代价) float newG; // Number of possible directions, 3 for forward driving and an additional 3 for reversing int dir = Constants::reverse ? 6 : 3; // Number of iterations the algorithm has run for stopping based on Constants::iterations int iterations = 0; // VISUALIZATION DELAY ros::Duration d(0.003); // OPEN LIST AS BOOST IMPLEMENTATION typedef boost::heap::binomial_heap<Node3D*, boost::heap::compare<CompareNodes> > priorityQueue; priorityQueue O; //*h:表示当前节点到目标点估计出来的代价(通过启发函数) // update h value updateH(start, goal, nodes2D, dubinsLookup, width, height, configurationSpace, visualization); // mark start as open start.open(); // push on priority queue aka open list O.push(&start); iPred = start.setIdx(width, height); nodes3D[iPred] = start; // NODE POINTER Node3D* nPred; Node3D* nSucc; // float max = 0.f; // continue until O empty while (!O.empty()) { // // DEBUG // Node3D* pre = nullptr; // Node3D* succ = nullptr; // std::cout << "\t--->>>" << std::endl; // for (priorityQueue::ordered_iterator it = O.ordered_begin(); it != O.ordered_end(); ++it) { // succ = (*it); // std::cout << "VAL" // << " | C:" << succ->getC() // << " | x:" << succ->getX() // << " | y:" << succ->getY() // << " | t:" << helper::toDeg(succ->getT()) // << " | i:" << succ->getIdx() // << " | O:" << succ->isOpen() // << " | pred:" << succ->getPred() // << std::endl; // if (pre != nullptr) { // if (pre->getC() > succ->getC()) { // std::cout << "PRE" // << " | C:" << pre->getC() // << " | x:" << pre->getX() // << " | y:" << pre->getY() // << " | t:" << helper::toDeg(pre->getT()) // << " | i:" << pre->getIdx() // << " | O:" << pre->isOpen() // << " | pred:" << pre->getPred() // << std::endl; // std::cout << "SCC" // << " | C:" << succ->getC() // << " | x:" << succ->getX() // << " | y:" << succ->getY() // << " | t:" << helper::toDeg(succ->getT()) // << " | i:" << succ->getIdx() // << " | O:" << succ->isOpen() // << " | pred:" << succ->getPred() // << std::endl; // if (pre->getC() - succ->getC() > max) { // max = pre->getC() - succ->getC(); // } // } // } // pre = succ; // } // pop node with lowest cost from priority queue nPred = O.top(); // set index iPred = nPred->setIdx(width, height); iterations++; // RViz visualization if (Constants::visualization) { visualization.publishNode3DPoses(*nPred); visualization.publishNode3DPose(*nPred); d.sleep(); } // _____________________________ // LAZY DELETION of rewired node // if there exists a pointer this node has already been expanded if (nodes3D[iPred].isClosed()) { // pop node from the open list and start with a fresh node O.pop(); continue; } // _________________ // EXPANSION OF NODE else if (nodes3D[iPred].isOpen()) { // add node to closed list nodes3D[iPred].close(); // remove node from open list O.pop(); // _________ // GOAL TEST//到达目标结束运算 if (*nPred == goal || iterations > Constants::iterations) { // DEBUG return nPred; } // ____________________ // CONTINUE WITH SEARCH else { // _______________________ // SEARCH WITH DUBINS SHOT//杜宾斯到点结束运算 if (Constants::dubinsShot && nPred->isInRange(goal) && nPred->getPrim() < 3) { nSucc = dubinsShot(*nPred, goal, configurationSpace); if (nSucc != nullptr && *nSucc == goal) { //DEBUG // std::cout << "max diff " << max << std::endl; return nSucc; } } // ______________________________ // SEARCH WITH FORWARD SIMULATION //从不同的方向搜索 for (int i = 0; i < dir; i++) { // create possible successor nSucc = nPred->createSuccessor(i); // set index of the successor //创建可能的继任者 iSucc = nSucc->setIdx(width, height); // ensure successor is on grid and traversable //确保继任者在网格上且可遍历 if (nSucc->isOnGrid(width, height) && configurationSpace.isTraversable(nSucc)) { // ensure successor is not on closed list or it has the same index as the predecessor //确保继任者不在关闭列表中,或其索引与前任相同 if (!nodes3D[iSucc].isClosed() || iPred == iSucc) { // calculate new G value //计算起点到当前节点的cost的累加 nSucc->updateG(); newG = nSucc->getG(); // if successor not on open list or found a shorter way to the cell //如果继任者不在打开列表中或找到了通向单元格的较短路径 if (!nodes3D[iSucc].isOpen() || newG < nodes3D[iSucc].getG() || iPred == iSucc) { // calculate H value //计算当前节点到目标点估计出来的代价 updateH(*nSucc, goal, nodes2D, dubinsLookup, width, height, configurationSpace, visualization); // if the successor is in the same cell but the C value is larger //如果后继单元格位于同一单元格中,但C值较大 if (iPred == iSucc && nSucc->getC() > nPred->getC() + Constants::tieBreaker) { delete nSucc; continue; } // if successor is in the same cell and the C value is lower, set predecessor to predecessor of predecessor //如果后继项位于同一单元格中,并且C值较低,请将前置项设置为前置项的前置项 else if (iPred == iSucc && nSucc->getC() <= nPred->getC() + Constants::tieBreaker) { nSucc->setPred(nPred->getPred()); } if (nSucc->getPred() == nSucc) { std::cout << "looping"; } // put successor on open list nSucc->open(); nodes3D[iSucc] = *nSucc; O.push(&nodes3D[iSucc]); delete nSucc; } else { delete nSucc; } } else { delete nSucc; } } else { delete nSucc; } } } } } if (O.empty()) { return nullptr; } return nullptr; }
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