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首先对单条微博进行文本预处理,并以标点符号为分割标志,将单条微博分割为n个句子,提取每个句子中的情感词 。以下两步的处理均以分句为处理单位。







文件一:文本预处理 textprocess.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Bai Chenjia'

import jieba
import jieba.posseg as pseg
print "加载用户词典..."
import sys

# 分词,返回List
def segmentation(sentence):
    seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence)
    seg_result = []
    for w in seg_list:
    #print seg_result[:]
    return seg_result

# 分词,词性标注,词和词性构成一个元组
def postagger(sentence):
    pos_data = pseg.cut(sentence)
    pos_list = []
    for w in pos_data:
        pos_list.append((w.word, w.flag))
    #print pos_list[:]
    return pos_list

# 句子切分
def cut_sentence(words):
    words = words.decode('utf8')
    start = 0
    i = 0
    token = 'meaningless'
    sents = []
    punt_list = ',.!?;~,。!?;~… '.decode('utf8')
    #print "punc_list", punt_list
    for word in words:
        #print "word", word
        if word not in punt_list:   # 如果不是标点符号
            #print "word1", word
            i += 1
            token = list(words[start:i+2]).pop()
            #print "token:", token
        elif word in punt_list and token in punt_list:  # 处理省略号
            #print "word2", word
            i += 1
            token = list(words[start:i+2]).pop()
            #print "token:", token
            #print "word3", word
            sents.append(words[start:i+1])   # 断句
            start = i + 1
            i += 1
    if start < len(words):   # 处理最后的部分
    return sents

def read_lines(filename):
    fp = open(filename, 'r')
    lines = []
    for line in fp.readlines():
        line = line.strip()
        line = line.decode("utf-8")
    return lines

# 去除停用词
def del_stopwords(seg_sent):
    stopwords = read_lines("f://Sentiment_dict/emotion_dict/stop_words.txt")  # 读取停用词表
    new_sent = []   # 去除停用词后的句子
    for word in seg_sent:
        if word in stopwords:
    return new_sent

# 获取六种权值的词,根据要求返回list,这个函数是为了配合Django的views下的函数使用
def read_quanzhi(request):
    result_dict = []
    if request == "one":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/most.txt")
    elif request == "two":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/very.txt")
    elif request == "three":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/more.txt")
    elif request == "four":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/ish.txt")
    elif request == "five":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/insufficiently.txt")
    elif request == "six":
        result_dict = read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/inverse.txt")
    return result_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_sentence1 = "这款手机大小合适。"
    test_sentence2 = "这款手机大小合适,配置也还可以,很好用,只是屏幕有点小。。。总之,戴妃+是一款值得购买的智能手机。"
    test_sentence3 = "这手机的画面挺好,操作也比较流畅。不过拍照真的太烂了!系统也不好。"
    seg_result = segmentation(test_sentence3)  # 分词,输入一个句子,返回一个list
    for w in seg_result:
        print w,
    print '\n'
    new_seg_result = del_stopwords(seg_result)  # 去除停用词
    for w in new_seg_result:
        print w,
    #postagger(test_sentence1)  # 分词,词性标注,词和词性构成一个元组
    #cut_sentence(test_sentence2)    # 句子切分
    #lines = read_lines("f://Sentiment_dict/emotion_dict/posdict.txt")
    #print lines[:]
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文件二:情感打分 dict_main.py


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'Bai Chenjia'

import text_process as tp
import numpy as np

# 1.读取情感词典和待处理文件
# 情感词典
print "reading..."
posdict = tp.read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/emotion_dict/pos_all_dict.txt")
negdict = tp.read_lines("f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/emotion_dict/neg_all_dict.txt")
# 程度副词词典
mostdict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/most.txt')   # 权值为2
verydict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/very.txt')   # 权值为1.5
moredict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/more.txt')   # 权值为1.25
ishdict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/ish.txt')   # 权值为0.5
insufficientdict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/insufficiently.txt')  # 权值为0.25
inversedict = tp.read_lines('f://emotion/mysite/Sentiment_dict/degree_dict/inverse.txt')  # 权值为-1

# 情感级别
emotion_level1 = "悲伤。在这个级别的人过的是八辈子都懊丧和消沉的生活。这种生活充满了对过去的懊悔、自责和悲恸。在悲伤中的人,看这个世界都是灰黑色的。"
emotion_level2 = "愤怒。如果有人能跳出冷漠和内疚的怪圈,并摆脱恐惧的控制,他就开始有欲望了,而欲望则带来挫折感,接着引发愤怒。愤怒常常表现为怨恨和复仇心里,它是易变且危险的。愤怒来自未能满足的欲望,来自比之更低的能量级。挫败感来自于放大了欲望的重要性。愤怒很容易就导致憎恨,这会逐渐侵蚀一个人的心灵。"
emotion_level3 = "淡定。到达这个能级的能量都变得很活跃了。淡定的能级则是灵活和无分别性的看待现实中的问题。到来这个能级,意味着对结果的超然,一个人不会再经验挫败和恐惧。这是一个有安全感的能级。到来这个能级的人们,都是很容易与之相处的,而且让人感到温馨可靠,这样的人总是镇定从容。他们不会去强迫别人做什么。"
emotion_level4 = "平和。他感觉到所有的一切都生机勃勃并光芒四射,虽然在其他人眼里这个世界还是老样子,但是在这人眼里世界却是一个。所以头脑保持长久的沉默,不再分析判断。观察者和被观察者成为同一个人,观照者消融在观照中,成为观照本身。"
emotion_level5 = "喜悦。当爱变得越来越无限的时候,它开始发展成为内在的喜悦。这是在每一个当下,从内在而非外在升起的喜悦。这个能级的人的特点是,他们具有巨大的耐性,以及对一再显现的困境具有持久的乐观态度,以及慈悲。同时发生着。在他们开来是稀松平常的作为,却会被平常人当成是奇迹来看待。"
# 情感波动级别
emotion_level6 = "情感波动很小,个人情感是不易改变的、经得起考验的。能够理性的看待周围的人和事。"
emotion_level7 = "情感波动较大,周围的喜悦或者悲伤都能轻易的感染他,他对周围的事物有敏感的认知。"

# 2.程度副词处理,根据程度副词的种类不同乘以不同的权值
def match(word, sentiment_value):
    if word in mostdict:
        sentiment_value *= 2.0
    elif word in verydict:
        sentiment_value *= 1.75
    elif word in moredict:
        sentiment_value *= 1.5
    elif word in ishdict:
        sentiment_value *= 1.2
    elif word in insufficientdict:
        sentiment_value *= 0.5
    elif word in inversedict:
        #print "inversedict", word
        sentiment_value *= -1
    return sentiment_value

# 3.情感得分的最后处理,防止出现负数
# Example: [5, -2] →  [7, 0]; [-4, 8] →  [0, 12]
def transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount):
    pos_count = 0
    neg_count = 0
    if poscount < 0 and negcount >= 0:
        neg_count += negcount - poscount
        pos_count = 0
    elif negcount < 0 and poscount >= 0:
        pos_count = poscount - negcount
        neg_count = 0
    elif poscount < 0 and negcount < 0:
        neg_count = -poscount
        pos_count = -negcount
        pos_count = poscount
        neg_count = negcount
    return (pos_count, neg_count)

# 求单条微博语句的情感倾向总得分
def single_review_sentiment_score(weibo_sent):
    single_review_senti_score = []
    cuted_review = tp.cut_sentence(weibo_sent)  # 句子切分,单独对每个句子进行分析

    for sent in cuted_review:
        seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent)   # 分词
        seg_sent = tp.del_stopwords(seg_sent)[:]
        #for w in seg_sent:
        #   print w,
        i = 0    # 记录扫描到的词的位置
        s = 0    # 记录情感词的位置
        poscount = 0    # 记录该分句中的积极情感得分
        negcount = 0    # 记录该分句中的消极情感得分

        for word in seg_sent:   # 逐词分析
            #print word
            if word in posdict:  # 如果是积极情感词
                #print "posword:", word
                poscount += 1   # 积极得分+1
                for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
                    poscount = match(w, poscount)
                #print "poscount:", poscount
                s = i + 1  # 记录情感词的位置变化

            elif word in negdict:  # 如果是消极情感词
                #print "negword:", word
                negcount += 1
                for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
                    negcount = match(w, negcount)
                #print "negcount:", negcount
                s = i + 1

            # 如果是感叹号,表示已经到本句句尾
            elif word == "!".decode("utf-8") or word == "!".decode('utf-8'):
                for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:  # 倒序扫描感叹号前的情感词,发现后权值+2,然后退出循环
                    if w2 in posdict:
                        poscount += 2
                    elif w2 in negdict:
                        negcount += 2
            i += 1
        #print "poscount,negcount", poscount, negcount
        single_review_senti_score.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount))   # 对得分做最后处理
    pos_result, neg_result = 0, 0   # 分别记录积极情感总得分和消极情感总得分
    for res1, res2 in single_review_senti_score:  # 每个分句循环累加
        pos_result += res1
        neg_result += res2
    #print pos_result, neg_result
    result = pos_result - neg_result   # 该条微博情感的最终得分
    result = round(result, 1)
    return result

# 测试
weibo_sent = "这手机的画面挺好,操作也比较流畅。不过拍照真的太烂了!系统也不好。"
score = single_review_sentiment_score(weibo_sent)
print score

# 分析test_data.txt 中的所有微博,返回一个列表,列表中元素为(分值,微博)元组
def run_score():
    fp_test = open('f://emotion/mysite/Weibo_crawler/chinese_weibo.txt', 'r')   # 待处理数据
    contents = []
    for content in fp_test.readlines():
        content = content.strip()
        content = content.decode("utf-8")
    results = []
    for content in contents:
        score = single_review_sentiment_score(content)  # 对每条微博调用函数求得打分
        results.append((score, content))   # 形成(分数,微博)元组
    return results

# 将(分值,句子)元组按行写入结果文件test_result.txt中
def write_results(results):
    fp_result = open('test_result.txt', 'w')
    for result in results:
        fp_result.write(' ')

# 求取测试文件中的正负极性的微博比,正负极性分值的平均值比,正负分数分别的方差
def handel_result(results):
    # 正极性微博数量,负极性微博数量,中性微博数量,正负极性比值
    pos_number, neg_number, mid_number, number_ratio = 0, 0, 0, 0
    # 正极性平均得分,负极性平均得分, 比值
    pos_mean, neg_mean, mean_ratio = 0, 0, 0
    # 正极性得分方差,负极性得分方差
    pos_variance, neg_variance, var_ratio = 0, 0, 0
    pos_list, neg_list, middle_list, total_list = [], [], [], []
    for result in results:
        if result[0] > 0:
            pos_list.append(result[0])   # 正极性分值列表
        elif result[0] < 0:
            neg_list.append(result[0])   # 负极性分值列表
    pos_number = len(pos_list)
    neg_number = len(neg_list)
    mid_number = len(middle_list)
    total_number = pos_number + neg_number + mid_number
    number_ratio = pos_number/neg_number
    pos_number_ratio = round(float(pos_number)/float(total_number), 2)
    neg_number_ratio = round(float(neg_number)/float(total_number), 2)
    mid_number_ratio = round(float(mid_number)/float(total_number), 2)
    text_pos_number = "积极微博条数为 " + str(pos_number) + " 条,占全部微博比例的 %" + str(pos_number_ratio*100)
    text_neg_number = "消极微博条数为 " + str(neg_number) + " 条,占全部微博比例的 %" + str(neg_number_ratio*100)
    text_mid_number = "中性情感微博条数为 " + str(mid_number) + " 条,占全部微博比例的 %" + str(mid_number_ratio*100)
    pos_array = np.array(pos_list)
    neg_array = np.array(neg_list)    # 使用numpy导入,便于计算
    total_array = np.array(total_list)
    pos_mean = pos_array.mean()
    neg_mean = neg_array.mean()
    total_mean = total_array.mean()   # 求单个列表的平均值
    mean_ratio = pos_mean/neg_mean
    if pos_mean <= 6:                 # 赋予不同的情感等级
        text_pos_mean = emotion_level4
        text_pos_mean = emotion_level5
    if neg_mean >= -6:
        text_neg_mean = emotion_level2
        text_neg_mean = emotion_level1
    if total_mean <= 6 and total_mean >= -6:
        text_total_mean = emotion_level3
    elif total_mean > 6:
        text_total_mean = emotion_level4
        text_total_mean = emotion_level2
    pos_variance = pos_array.var(axis=0)
    neg_variance = neg_array.var(axis=0)
    total_variance = total_array.var(axis=0)
    var_ratio = pos_variance/neg_variance
    #print "pos_variance:", pos_variance, "neg_variance:", neg_variance, "var_ration:", var_ratio
    if total_variance > 10:            # 赋予不同的情感波动级别
        text_total_var = emotion_level7
        text_total_var = emotion_level6
    result_dict = {}
    result_dict['pos_number'] = pos_number   # 正向微博数
    result_dict['neg_number'] = neg_number   # 负向微博数
    result_dict['mid_number'] = mid_number   # 中性微博数
    result_dict['number_ratio'] = round(number_ratio, 1)  # 正负微博数之比,保留一位小数四舍五入
    result_dict['pos_mean'] = round(pos_mean, 1)  # 积极情感平均分
    result_dict['neg_mean'] = round(neg_mean, 1)  # 消极情感平均分
    result_dict['total_mean'] = round(total_mean, 1) # 总的情感平均得分
    result_dict['mean_ratio'] = abs(round(mean_ratio, 1))  # 积极情感平均分/消极情感平均分
    result_dict['pos_variance'] = round(pos_variance, 1)  # 积极得分方差
    result_dict['neg_variance'] = round(neg_variance, 1)  # 消极得分方差
    result_dict['total_variance'] = round(total_variance, 1) # 总的情感得分方差
    result_dict['var_ratio'] = round(var_ratio, 1)  # 积极得分方差/消极得分方差

    result_dict['text_pos_number'] = text_pos_number   # 各种情感评价
    result_dict['text_neg_number'] = text_neg_number
    result_dict['text_mid_number'] = text_mid_number
    result_dict['text_pos_mean'] = text_pos_mean
    result_dict['text_neg_mean'] = text_neg_mean
    result_dict['text_total_mean'] = text_total_mean
    result_dict['text_total_var'] = text_total_var
    for key in result_dict.keys():
        print 'key = %s , value = %s ' % (key, result_dict[key])
    return result_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    results = run_score()     # 计算每句话的极性得分,返回list,元素是(得分,微博)
    write_results(results)    # 将每条微博的极性得分都写入文件
    result_dict = handel_result(results)   # 计算结果的各种参数,返回字典
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