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During a projects planning phase,required external and internal resources are conflict.What should the project manager do to receive this?

  •  A:根据经验教训建立结构 Develop a structure based on lessons learne
  •  B:创建责任分配矩阵(RAM) Create a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).
  •  C:生成执行、负责、咨询和知情(RACI)图 Generate a responsible.accountable,consult,and inform(RACI)chart.
  •  D:查看传统的组织结构图 Review a traditional organizational chart.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P317- 责任分配矩阵-RACI矩阵。RACI(执行、负责、咨询和知情)矩阵是RAM的其中一种类型,在团队是由内部和外部人员组成的情况下,RACI 矩阵对明确划分角色和职责特别有用。因此选C。 其他选项:AD不对,B责任分配矩阵是正确的,但是RACI明显更加精准,因为它可以针对这种有外部和内部资源同时存在的情况,非常有效。

A stakeholder disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the project's status on a weekly basis. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:修改状态报告的形式和频率,以满足该相关方的需求 Modify the form and frequency of the status reports to accommodate the stakeholder needs
  •  B:寻求与该相关方达成协议以管理他们的期望 Seek agreement with the stakeholder to manage their expectations
  •  C:审查相关方参与计划,以重新审视该相关方的需求 Review the stakeholder engagement plan to revisit the stakeholder needs
  •  D:与该相关方会面以说明状态报告的详细信息 Meet with the stakeholder to explain the details of the status reports

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


A project manager is leading a product development project,Consumers across multiple countries, will use the product and the development team will working in different geographic locations. When developing the implementation strategy,what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:创建工作分解结构(WBS)以了解所需工作的具体细节 Create A work breakdown structure (WBS) to understand the specific details of the required work
  •  B:制定甘特图以确定每个地点的资源和职责 Develop a Gantlet Charts to identify resources and responsibilities for each location
  •  C:确定可能影响项目成功的关键假设条件,制约因素和其他因素 Identify key assumptions,constraints and other factors that may impact project success
  •  D:审查组织结构,以便与来自不同地点的团队进行有效协作 Review the organizational structure to effectively work with teams from different locations

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P78-事业环境因素。不同的地理位置、不同的文化背景,都是不受项目经理主观意愿影响的因素。 选项A:与事业环境因素关系不大; 选项B:甘特图主要用于进度的把控,B本身说法错误。 选项D:组织结构只显示汇报关系。

4. 一个IT项目的客户坚持使用来自某个地区供应商的许可软件,在项目开始之前,合同中定义了不同的供应商和原产国。项目经理应该做什么?
The client for an IT project insists on using licensed software from a vendor from a certain region.A different vendor and country of origin were defined in the contract prior to the project's start. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与客户分享合同协议 Share the contract agreement with the client.
  •  B:通知客户已经采购该软件 Inform the client that the software was already purchase
  •  C:从采购团队获得该地区的软件供应商清单 Obtain a list of software vendors from that region from the procurement team.
  •  D:提出一项变更请求,以符合客户的偏好 Initiate a change request to comply with the client's preference.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P489- 协议。 客户提出新要求,项目经理应该和客户先看合同,如果必要,让客户提出变更 其他选项:先A,必要时再D,然后再考虑CB

A project manager is leading a project to expand a manufacturing plant in a small town.During the last city council meeting,local residents raised about the project.The project manager adds the local residents to the stakeholder engagement plan.What should the project manager do to address their concerns?

  •  A:向当地的报纸提交一份文件,解释该扩建及其对社区的好处。 Submit an article to the local newspaper explaining the expansion and how it will benefit the community.
  •  B:在市议会厅外安装一个滚动屏幕以提供项目进度更新。 Place a bulletin board outside the city hall to provide project progress updates.
  •  C:在下次市议会会议期间召开互动问答会议 Hold an interactive question and answer session during the next city council meeting.
  •  D:使用电视和广播点让他们了解项目及其担忧的问题 Use TV and radio spots to keep them informed about the project and their concerns.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


User acceptance tests on a project have been omitted since the technology is operational at other factories.However,after implementation,the technology is not working as expected. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:查看缺陷报告以确定并解决问题 Review the defect report ti identify and solve issue
  •  B:提交变更请求 Submit a change request
  •  C:执行根本原因分析,以确定纠正措施 Conduct a root cause analysis to identify corrective actions
  •  D:使用测试脚本来解决问题 Use test scripts to resolve the issue

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


During the trend analysis,the project manager concluded that the project performance has deteriorate. On What information is this conclusion based?

  •  A:挣值分析(EVA) Earned value analysis (EVA)
  •  B:完工估算(EAC) Estimate at Completion (EAC)
  •  C:质量成本(COQ) Cost of Quality (COQ)
  •  D:计划价值(PV) Planned value (PV)

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P264-趋势分析。 趋势分析,答案只有EAC是趋势分析,而趋势分析包括(EAC/ETC/TCPI等),偏差分析包括(SV/CV/SPI/CPI),挣值分析包括(EV/PV/AC) 其他选项:A挣值分析包括计算(EV/PV/AC)

A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?

  •  A:交互式沟通 Interactive
  •  B:推式沟通 Push
  •  C:拉式沟通 Pull
  •  D:选择性沟通 Selective

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P374-沟通方法。拉式沟通适用于大量复杂信息或大量信息受众的情况(多公司多名相关方)。它要求接收方在遵守有关安全规定的前提之下自行访问相关内容。这种方法包括门户网站、企业内网、电子在线课程、经验教训数据库或知识库。 选项A:交互式沟通适用于实时的、多向的信息交换,沟通成本较高。 选项B:推式沟通,这种方式可以确保信息的发送,但是不能确保信息送达目标和被目标受众理解。 选项D: 没有此沟通方法。

During the last week of the project,a strong storm causes damage and impacts the project's delivery date ?What should the project manager do?

  •  A:提交变更请求 Submit a change request.
  •  B:将其报告给项目发起人 Report it to the project sponsors.
  •  C:使用储备分析技术 Use the reserve analysis technique.
  •  D:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P457-监督风险-变更请求。执行监督风险过程后,可能会就成本基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组件提出变更请求,应该通过实施整体变更控制过程对变更请求进行审查和处理。 变更请求可能包括:建议的纠正与预防措施,以处理当前整体项目风险级别或单个项目风险。 选项B:是否报告发起人,要看风险应急计划中规划的应对策略。 选项C:储备分析技术用以判断风险敞口和储备之间的关系。 选项D:风险应急计划的执行结果更新到风险登记册,在选项A之后。

The project team is struggling to assign new work among them as soon as existing work is completed. This is because there is no proper reporting, nor is there control of work in progress and the work remaining. What do you suggest the team do in such a situation?

  •  A:使用看板指示牌 Use a Kanban sign board
  •  B:消除工作中的浪费,创造额外的工作能力 Remove waste from the work to create extra capacity for work
  •  C:应用六西格码,解决缺陷 Remove defects by applying the Six Sigma process
  •  D:使用敏捷开发方法 Use an Agile development approach

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


A project manager realizes that data gathering is insufficient and does not conform to the quality management plan. This oversight will seriously affect the project's constraints. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:提交变更请求,以修订质量管理计划 Submit a change request to revise the quality management plan.
  •  B:遵行因果分析,并将结果报告给项目发起人 Conduct a cause-and-effect analysis, and report the results to the project sponsor.
  •  C:确定不合格的根本原因 Determine the root cause of the nonconformance.
  •  D:通知项目发起人,并要求与相关方开会,以修订质量管理计划 Inform the project sponsor, and request a meeting with stakeholder to revise the quality management plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P292-根本原因分析。根本原因分析是确定引起偏差、缺陷或风险的根本原因的一种分析技术。与质量管理计划有偏差,要先分析偏差的根本原因。 其他选项:A,错的不是质量管理计划,B上报没有意义,D在C之后。

A company must implement a product to resolve regulatory issues. The Project managers must involve different teams from several countries and align them with the committed milestones. The sponsor asks the project manager to create and circulate the project schedule this week. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:根据所需的里程碑创建进度计划并发布 Create the schedule based on the required milestones and publish it
  •  B:要求团队提供意见,并根据团队可用性创建进度计划 Request input from the teams and create the schedule based on their availability
  •  C:获得团队的估算,并使用进度计划工具来调整和满足里程碑 Obtain the estimates from the teams and use the scheduling tools to adjust and meet milestones
  •  D:使用暂定日期分发活动清单和相应属性 Circulate the list of activities and respective attributes with tentative dates

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P205- 6.5制定进度计划。 制定项目进度计划,一方面要有具体活动的时间估算,还要使用相关的各种进度计划工具来完成。C最全面 其他选项:A未考虑估算 、B只考虑的资源、D直接分发不对

13. 一个用于交付IT解决方案实施项目的工作包正在准备中,项目经理检查验收标准,注意到可交付成果不符合验收标准清单中的两项。若要避免这个问题,在项目开发期间,项目经理应事先完成下列哪个?
A work package for delivering IT solution implementation projects is in preparation, and the project manager checks the acceptance criteria, noting that deliverables do not meet two of the acceptance criteria list. To avoid this problem, which of the following should the project manager complete in advance during project development?

  •  A:进行检查 Held inspections.
  •  B:检查核查表 Examined the check-sheets.
  •  C:进行测试 Conducted testing.
  •  D:重新审查清单 Reviewed the checklist.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


Quality reports derived from large amounts of data indicate that the current deliverable has many defects.What tool or technique should the project manager use to gain insight for decision making?

  •  A:亲和图 Affinity diagram
  •  B:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
  •  C:控制图 Control chart
  •  D:帕累托分析 Pareto analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


A project manager is using a hybrid approach for a project that has just entered its third iteration. The budget at completion (BAC) is $500,000 and 50 story points out of 100 have been complete Each story point is worth $5,000 and the actual cost (AC) of the project is $400,000. Management requests that a cost status report be presented of the next steering committee meeting. What should the project manager use to present this?

  •  A:信息发射源 Information radiator
  •  B:S曲线 S curve
  •  C:燃尽图 Bum-down chart
  •  D:燃起图 Bum-up chart

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P264- 挣值分析。 需要提交成本状态报告,S曲线,能够展示成本、进度与基准的偏离情况。 其他选项:A包括CD,都偏重于任务进度,而非成本。

A raw material used as part of a product's deliverables may not meet quality standards and may have a low probability of risk, but the impact is significant. Because the company will bear the cost of supplier errors and there is no approved secondary supplier. What risk strategy should the project manager use?

  •  A:回避 Avoid
  •  B:升级上报 Escalate.
  •  C:接受 Accept.
  •  D:分享 Share.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。风险应对措施,接受。明确说了,没有备用的替代供应商,也就是说没有减轻计划,因此只能是接受了这个风险。 其他选项,D是机会策略。A规避就是不做了。B上报,题干中没有明确说明

A project manager assumes a multi-phase project during its second phase.What show they seek from the previous project manager to effectively manage resources for current and future project phases?

  •  A:将在未来几个阶段交付的任务 Tasks that will be delivered in the next phase
  •  B:下一个阶段的资源日历 Resources calendar for the next phase
  •  C:已定义角色和职责的资源 Resources with defined roles and responsibilities
  •  D:资源分解结构(RBS) Resources breakdown structure(RBS)

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


A project is behind schedule for reasons beyond the project manager’s control.An influential senior manager,who rarely participates in project update meetings,complains about the delay.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:管理沟通并签发变更请求 Manage communications and issue a change request.
  •  B:更新相关方登记册和风险日志 Update the stakeholder register and risk log.
  •  C:控制沟通并更新项目文件 Control communications and update project documents.
  •  D:更新问题日志并控制相关方的参与程度 Update the issue log and control stakeholder engagement.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4 监督相关方参与。延期、抱怨都是问题而非风险,同时要监控相关方,因此D更全面 其他选项:AC,非沟通问题。B非风险。

19.在项目收尾期间,项目经理发现很难得到关于项目成功完成的反馈,一些相关方对项目的成功标准意见不一致,并从一开始就对项目感到沮丧。 项目经理应查阅下列哪一份文件来解决这些问题?
During project closure,the project manager finds it difficult to obtain successful project completion feedback.Some stakeholders disagree with the project's success criteria and have been frustrated with the project from the beginning.To what should the project manager refer to address these concerns?

  •  A:范围说明书 Scope statement.
  •  B:需求文件 Requirement document.
  •  C:项目章程 Project charter.
  •  D:质量管理计划 Quality management plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P81- 项目章程。相关方对项目成功标准不一致不确定。项目的成功标准在项目章程里。

During the budget approval process, the project manager makes some initial estimations that include scope and potential risk reserves. After submitting the budget for approval,the project manager is asked to submit one that is more accurate. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:进行自下而上估算并提供新的预算 Run a bottom up Estimate and provide A new budget
  •  B:执行成本效益分析以支持当前的预算估算 Perform a cost-benefit analysis to support the current budget estimations
  •  C:进行自上而下的估算并提供新的预算 Conduct a top-down estimates and provide new budget
  •  D:审查估算的合理性,以确保其准确和最新 Review the rationalization of the estimates to ensure that they are accurate and current

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P244-自下而上估算。自下而上的估算是最具体细致的估算,题干里已经审批了初步估算,接下来该做细致的估算了。 其他选项:BCD都不是估算的工具

A project manager receives a project charter and schedules an initial initiating meeting. However the meeting is poorly attended by company resources. What should the project manager have considered to avoid this?

  •  A:组织过程资产 Organizational process assets.
  •  B:事业环境因素 Business environment factor.
  •  C:协议 Agreements.
  •  D:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P78-事业环境因素。情景中最大的可能性是组织资源有限,属于事业环境因素。因为是在收到项目章程后的启动大会,还没有进入到规划阶段,此时还没有沟通管理计划,排除D选项。 选项A:判断是组织过程资产还是事业环境因素,要看是供项目借鉴还是对项目加以制约。 选项C:协议是制定项目章程的输入。公司资源紧张的问题没有记录在内。

A key deliverable is about to be sent to the customer.Team members complain about the time and number of tasks that need to be performed as part of the quality assurance process.The Project manager needs the deliverable to be ready soon to obtain the first project payment. What should the project manager do to get the deliverable on time?

  •  A:执行因果分析 Perform a cause-and-effect analysis.
  •  B:对使用的过程和方法进行项目审计 Conduct a Project audit on the process and methods use
  •  C:让团队成员查阅项目管理计划 Refer team members to the project management plan.
  •  D:确定客户需求和相关方的期望 Determine customer requirements and stakeholder expectations.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P294-审计。质量保证任务繁重,可以通过质量审计,审计不增值的过程,以提高效率,加快进度。 其他选项:A,因为明确是质量保证过程的问题,因此使用审计更合适。审计识别出来问题以后再进行原因分析;CD与质量过程无关;

23. 一个漫长的施工项目在采购过程中遇到一些问题,这些问题还在继续发生在调查过程中,一些团队成员希望知道他们应该在何时收集经验教训。 项目经理应该如何答复?
A lengthy construction project encountered some issues during the procurement process,which continue to occur. During an investigation, some team members want to know when they should capture lessons learned register. How should the project manager respond?

  •  A:在项目生命周期期间和之后不久 During and shortly after; the project's life cycle.
  •  B:在项目收尾时 At the end of the project.
  •  C:在项目阶段收尾期间 At the end of the project phase.
  •  D:在每个学习关口 At each learning level.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P128-组织过程资产更新。经验教训的收集在整个项目期间开展。 虽然在考察行政收尾的题型中,我们反复强调在收尾阶段要进行经验教训的总结,但是并不代表着只在项目收尾阶段进行,所以BC都是错的。

24. 一个项目相关方对某些可交付成果的质量颇有微词。项目经理认为,这些可交付成果符合项目的质量标准。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来支持这一点?
A project stakeholder complains about the quality of deliverables.The project manager believes that these deliverables meet the project's quality standards. What tool or technique should the project manager use to support this?

  •  A:散点图 Scatter diagrams.
  •  B:因果图 Cause-and-effected diagrams.
  •  C:控制图 Control charts.
  •  D:直方图 Histograms.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P338-控制图。控制图用于确定一个过程是否稳定,或者是否具有可预测的绩效。规格上限和下限是根据要求制定的,反映了可允许的最大值和最小值。规格上下限就是可交付成果的量化的数据,可以和质量标准比较。 其他选项:控制图能够量化某些参数的规格,ABD没有这个功能。

25. 一位团队成员注意到多个风险均已过期,该团队成员询问项目经理如何处理这些风险。项目经理应该建议该团队成员做什么?
A team member noticed several risks with expired time periods,The team member asks the project manager how these risks should be handle What should the project manager advise the team members to do?

  •  A:将这些风险从主动跟踪风险中删除,并消除项目中的任何相关意外事件 Remove the risks from active tracking and eliminate any associated contingencies from the project
  •  B:继续被动地监督风险,直到项目结束为止 Continue to passively monitors the risks until the end of the project
  •  C:继续审查风险,但减少频率 Continue to review the risks but on a less frequent basis
  •  D:删除风险减轻任务,以便这项任务可以用于其他潜在风险 Remove the risk mitigation task so that these tasks can be used on other potential risks

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。在风险审查中,还可以识别出新的单个项目风险(包括已商定应对措施所引发的次生风险),重新评估当前风险,关闭已过时风险,讨论风险发生所引发的问题,以及总结可用于当前项目后续阶段或未来类似项目的经验教训。 选项BCD:风险已经过期,所以无需继续跟踪,关闭即可。

During project execution, a key stakeholder expresses concern about the significant cost of a risk avoidance strategy being implemented by the project manager.What should the project manager tell the stakeholder?

  •  A:如果这个风险变为现实,则项目成本可能高于风险规避策略的成本 If the risk is realized, the cost of the project could be higher than the cost of the risk avoidance strategy.
  •  B:这个风险变成现实的概率很高,因此风险规避成本是必要的 There is a high probability that the risk will be realized and, therefore, the risk avoidance counts are necessary.
  •  C:这个风险在风险登记册中的优先级和影响均较高 The risk has a high priority and impact on the risk register.
  •  D:他们将终止风险规避策略,以减少项目开支 They will terminate the risk avoidance strategy to reduce project expense.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。风险应对措施,规避。适用于发生概率较高,且具有严重负面影响的高优先级威胁。规避策略用于应对概率和影响非常大的风险。选项A:如果这个风险变成了现实,所带来的影响不单是成本方面的,还会涉及到进度等其他方面的影响。选项B:除了发生概率高之外,带来的负面影响大也是重要的原因。选项D:终止风险规避策略会给项目带来更大的风险 ,不可取。

A project manager hires resource to develop website.The resource abruptly quits without completing the work,and the project manager must hire another resource to complete the jo The newly hired resource changes the website’s design,which overrides the original design. How should the cost associated with the first resourced work be described?

  •  A:间接成本 Indirect cost
  •  B:直接成本 Direct cost
  •  C:沉没成本 Sunk cost
  •  D:可变成本 Variable cost

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:经济学术语 沉没成本指已经付出的不可回收的费用。理性的人做决策不会考虑沉没成本。题干中明确说明了离职员工的工作被完全覆盖,因此未产生任何价值,也不可回收,因此是沉没成本。 其他选项:B,直接成本,直接用于产品项目的成本。A,间接成本,不直接构成产品项目的成本。D,可变成本,随着产量变动的成本。

A supplier’s technology for product testing during development is being phased out, the project board agrees to grant additional time and funds to conduct testing if require How should the project manager handle this risk?

  •  A:通过从范围中删除测试来规避风险 Avoid the risk by removing testing from the scope
  •  B:通过将测试活动外包给合格供应商来转移风险 Transfer the risk by outsourcing testing activities to a qualified vendor
  •  C:使用另一种测试技术来减轻风险 Mitigate the risk by Using another testing technique
  •  D:通过使用淘汰的技术进行测试来接受风险 Accept the risks by using the phased-out technology for testing

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


A project is experiencing difficulties and the project status report is due.However,the project sponsor is on leave.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求团队成员直接将项目进度传达给他们的业务联系人 Ask team members to directly communicate the project's progress to theirbusiness contact
  •  B:将状态报告发送到项目管理办公室(PMO),并要求PMO经理分发摘要 Send the status report to the project management office(PMO),and ask the PMO manager to distribute a summary.
  •  C:按计划发送状态报告 Send the status report as planned
  •  D:暂停分发状态报告,直到项目发起人休假回来 Hold distribution of the status report until the project sponsor returns.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P377-沟通管理计划,沟通管理计划中包括:需沟通的信息、上报步骤、项目信息流向图等。项目状态报告根据沟通管理计划进行发布即可,不受限于项目发起人休假。 选项AB:既然有沟通管理计划,不遵循计划传递信息是错误的。

After project sponsor approves for the project charter, the project manager schedules a kick-off meeting. However, four out of seven key stakeholders do not attend this meeting. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:告知这些相关方的经理已经召开该会议 Inform the stakeholders’managers that the meeting has taken place
  •  B:组织发起人与四个缺席的相关方开会,以讨论该项目 Ask sponsors to meet with the four absent stakeholders to discuss the project
  •  C:向所有相关方提供项目计划、范围和风险 Provide the project plans, scope and risks to all stakeholders
  •  D:计划向缺席的相关方更新项目进度报告 Plan to update the absent stakeholders with project progress reports

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P528-会议 七个相关方四个没有来,其实最好的方式是重新召开启动大会。不过选项里面没有,排除法选C更合适一些。 A没有什么作用,B应该项目经理去找他们开会,而不是让发起人与他们开会。D仅提供进度信息意义不大。

31.一个关键的项目决策需要所有相关方的支持。项目经理现在得知之前未识别到一名关键相关方。 项目经理应该做什么来防止这个问题成为项目进展和成功的障碍?
A key project decision requires the support of all stakeholders. The project manager now learns that one key stakeholder was not previously identified. What should the project manager do to prevent this from being an obstacle to the project's progress and success?

  •  A:审查相关方登记册 Review the stakeholder register.
  •  B:与项目发起人会面 Meet with the project sponsor.
  •  C:更新相关方参与评估矩阵 Update the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.
  •  D:定期及时审查沟通策略 Conduct regular and timely reviews of the communication strategy.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P534- 相关方参与评估矩阵。识别到一个新的相关方,需要更新他的基础信息,包括相关方登记册与相关方参与计划中的所有内容。C属于相关方参与计划制定的工具。排除法选C其他选项:A,应该是更新而不是审查相关方登记册。B,属于升级上报问题(没办法的办法,优先级低);D,不是沟通管理的问题,排除。

At the end of the quarter,a project sponsor requests that the progress report include a metric to determine if the project will be finished on time or how long it will be delay.What should the project manager include in this report?

  •  A:成本绩效指数(CPI) Cost performance index(CPI).
  •  B:完工偏差(VAC) Variance at completion(VAC).
  •  C:进度偏差(SV) Schedule variance(SV).
  •  D:完工估算(EAC) Estimate at completion(EAC).

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6 控制进度。SV可以判断进度是还是延迟。SV>1,提前;SV=1,准时完成;SV<1,落后。通过偏差分析对进度进行综合分析,以了解项目的进度偏差情况,这样就便于采取合适的预防或纠正措施。其他选项:ABD都是成本相关,与进度无关。

33.一家农业设备制造商因一个缺陷部件而召回数千个产品。这个问题导致许多客户不满, 公司花费500万美元来修理和更换零件。哪一种成本预算类型可以防止这个问题?
An agricultural equipment manufacturer recalls several thousand products due to a defective part.This issue results in many unhappy customers,and the company spends US$5 million to repair and replace the part. What type of cost budgeting would have prevented this issue?

  •  A:非一致性成本 Cost of non-conformance
  •  B:一致性成本 Cost of conformance
  •  C:矩阵图 Matrix diagrams
  •  D:多标准决策分析 Multicriteria decision analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


A project manager joins a high-profile project that will create significant benefits for the company .The project sponsor tells the project manager that some key stakeholders disagree on the project's benefits and may be resistant to working on it.What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:制定责任分配矩阵(RAM) Develop a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).
  •  B:要求发起人获得相关方的支持 Ask the sponsor to obtain support from the stakeholders.
  •  C:与相关方开会展示该项目 Meet with stakeholders to present the project.
  •  D:更新相关方登记册,添加这项信息 Update the stakeholder register with this information

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。首先识别这些关键项目相关方,将其更新到相关方登记册中,接下来展开相关方分析,根据分析的结果来制定相关方管理策略。 选项A:资源管理领域,相关方是否参与项目,在情景中没有交代。 选项B:相关方管理是项目经理的责任。 选项C:会议是识别相关方的工具。以什么样的方式对相关方管理,要根据相关方分析的结果。

35.项目经理已经在一个项目上工作了三个月,该项目是关于在公司的网站上发布了一个新功能,然而,一位关键相关方感到不满,因为可交付成果未能满足他们的期望。 项目经理应该参考什么文件?
A project manager has been working for three months on a project to launch a new functionality in a company’s website.However,a key stakeholder is dissatisfied because the deliverable fails to meet their expectations. What document should the project manager consult?

  •  A:范围管理计划 Scope management plan
  •  B:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
  •  C:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements tractability matrix
  •  D:需求文件 Requirements documentation

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P148需求跟踪矩阵。需求跟踪矩阵,将相关方和可交付成果连接起来,因此题干中提到了相关方与需求的联系,所以选C 其他选项:ABD都没有将相关方联系起来进行跟踪。

You, as a Scrum Master have observed that there are too many questions about the project and its progress, coming from one of the senior executives, causing multiple team members spending considerable time to answer. What should be your next step?

  •  A:请团队成员把所有咨询转交给Scrum主管答复 Ask the team members to divert all his queries to the Scrum Master
  •  B:告诉团队,未经你的许可,不回答任何问题 Tell the team that no question will be answered without your permission
  •  C:与高级主管沟通,明确告诉他,他将来能够从信息发射源那里了解项目状态,不要再打扰任何团队成员 Talk to the senior executive and clearly tell that in the future he should be able to understand the project status from the information radiators and must not bother anyone
  •  D:向高级主管解释敏捷工作方式,并请他向Scrum主管咨询所有问题 Explain to the senior executive about agile ways of working and ask him to address all the questions to the Scrum Master

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:关键词:导致多个成员花费大量时间进行回答。参见《敏捷实践指南》P41 团队促进者角色的描述。Scrum主管是仆人式领导,其负责消除障碍促进富有成效的事件并保护团队免受干扰。高级主管的过多关注已经给团队造成负面影响,Scrum主管应及时消除这个障碍。D正确。A选项,咨询转交还是会占用团队成员的时间,不选。B选项和C选项,一个是未经许可不回答问题,一个是明确告诉他不要打扰,这两种说法都不太合适,不是面对领导应有的态度。D选项,Scrum主管直接向高级主管解释是最合适的选择。

37.在采购过程评审期间,项目经理发现,自项目启动以来,实施成本增加了6%,为了减少项目工作来满足预算,批准了一项变更请求。 项目经理应更新哪一个项目管理计划要素?
During the procurement process review, the project manager finds that the implementation cost has increased by 6% since the project is launched, and a change request is approved to reduce the project task to meet the budget. Which project management plan element should the project manager update?

  •  A:采购管理计划 Procurement Management Plan
  •  B:变更管理计划 Change Management Plan
  •  C:范围管理计划 Scope Management Plan
  •  D:风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P500- 项目管理计划更新 采购管理计划。12.3 控制采购的输出 采购管理计划包含在采购过程中需要开展的活动。可能需要基于卖方执行工作的绩效情况,对采购管理计划进行更新。卖方绩效变差,提出变更以后,更新采购管理计划。 其他选项:BC不是输出,D题目没有提到风险。

A malfunction occurs during a presentation of a new information system.At the next status meeting,the project manager discovers that the malfunction was resolved independently by two team members in two different ways. What should the project manager have done to prevent this duplication of tasks?

  •  A:更新风险登记册 Updated the risk register
  •  B:与团队成员开会,讨论解决方案 Met with team members to discuss a solution
  •  C:将该问题记录在问题日志中 Documented the problem in the issue log
  •  D:签发变更请求 Issued a change request

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P132- 问题日志 两个团队成员分别用自己的方法处理同一个任务,说明这个问题并没有放入一个团队成员共享的解决问题的文件中去。为了“预防任务重复”,题目问”事先“ 怎么做,选项中最合适的做法是C,,记录问题到问题日志,明确解决问题的责任人,以避免重复,其他选项:题目问题的事先避免,因此BD排除掉,A,不是风险问题

A new business case recently initiated a project for developing a web-based knowledge base. Due to budget limitations, the project needs to rely on limited internal resources. The management has a high tolerance for longer project duration as long as a basic version of the site is delivered initially, then the rest of the requirements can be delivered in later stages. Which life cycle would you select for this project?

  •  A:预测型 Predictive
  •  B:敏捷型 Agile
  •  C:增量型 Incremental
  •  D:瀑布型 Waterfall

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


After receiving vendor proposals, what should a project manager use to ensure that the lowest price is within the current market range?

  •  A:独立估算 Independent estimates
  •  B:建议书评价技术 Proposal evaluation techniques
  •  C:专家判断 Expert judgment
  •  D:分析技术 Analytical techniques

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P479- 独立估算 独立估算就是让专业的人把市场上的报价算清楚,然后做为对照基准。题干中说要包含市场上的最低报价,使用独立估算可以获取到这样的结果。 其他选项:B建议书评价,是对建议书本身进行技术上或商业上的评估,与最低报价不符。CD没有A准确。

Key stakeholders with the authority to make important project decisions were unavailable during initial project meeting. What should the project manager do to avoid potential risk to project delivery?

  •  A:将关键相关方集合在一起,以澄清业务需求 Assemble key stakeholders to gain clarify on business requirements
  •  B:与项目发起人开会,以获得对项目目标的批准 Meet with the project sponsor to obtain approval of the project objectives
  •  C:将会议纪要发送给关键相关方 Send the meeting minutes to key stakeholders
  •  D:与项目发起人一起审查相关方参与计划 Review the stakeholder engagement plans with the project sponsors

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P80-会议 看英文“initial project meeting“。初始会议,启动阶段,”关键相关方无法参加“,因为这个相关方有决策权,且确定不能参会,所以只有C最合适。 其他选项:A,相关方已经确定不能参会了,B,不参会的相关方有决策权,只要发起人不合适。D,启动阶段还没有相关方参与计划。

A project manager runs regular virtual meetings with the team,During the execution phase,the project manager notices that two particular team members frequently argue and disagree,which causes meeting overruns and distractions for the rest of the team.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与团队成员讨论问题,如果继续存在该行为,则寻求管理层的决议 Discuss the issue with the team members,and seek resolution from management if the behavior continues.
  •  B:告知这些团队成员他们的行为违反了团队章程,并将他们从团队中开除 Advise these team members that their behavior violates the team charter,and remove them from the team.
  •  C:要求这些团队成员的职能经理解决这种行为 Ask these team members' functional managers to address this behavior.
  •  D:认识到这是震荡阶段的一部分,并安排团队建设活动 Recognize this as part of the storming stage,and arrange a team-building activity.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P338- 9.4 团队争吵,属于塔克曼阶梯理论的震荡阶段,团队建设是此过程重要的工具。 其他选项:AC都是找他人解决,不合适。B直接开除明显不正确。

A project manager is having problems closing a project because the stakeholders did not accept the majority of the deliverables described in the project charter. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新项目章程 update the project charter
  •  B:提交变更请求 Submit a change request
  •  C:更新范围管理计划 Update the scope management plan
  •  D:核实范围 Validate the scope

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P163-5.5确认范围。项目的交付成果要获得正式验收,在通过验收后,进行移交程序。 选项A:项目的范围基准不在项目章程中,项目章程记录的是宏观需求,要在收集需求阶段进一步的细化。 选项B:先评估,如有必要,提交变更请求,在选项D之后。 选项C:如有必要,再对范围管理计划进行更新,同样依赖于选项D的评估结果。

A project manager for a global company for a global company is responsible for several projects with team members located worldwide.How can the project manager ensure that information is delivered to every team member in a timely manner?

  •  A:在公司的云文件夹中共享所有项目文件 Share all project documents in the company's cloud-based folders.
  •  B:将相关方的需求记录在沟通管理计划中 Document stakeholders' requirements in the communications management plan.
  •  C:安排一次所有项目成员均参加的虚拟开工会议 Schedule a virtual kick-off meeting with all project members.
  •  D:向团队成员发送电子邮件通知和资料 Email notifications and materials to team member.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P377- 沟通管理计划。需要向团队成员提供各种项目信息,有可能ACD的方法都得用上,综合起来还是B,收集沟通需求,然后以沟通管理计划的形式发布最好

At the second delivery milestone of an IT project. A quality assessment is Performed ,A number of issues are raised, and the project manager wants to understand the trend about quality and whether or not there are related variables. What tool or technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
  •  B:散点图 Scatter diagram
  •  C:帕累托图 Pareto chart
  •  D:统计分析 Statistical sampling

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P293-散点图。散点图是一种展示两个变量之间的关系的图形。题干中有明确说明,希望了解质量趋势以及是否存在相关变量,属于散点图。 其他选项:ACD都无法体现变更关系。

During final closeout activities for a project,the project manager identifies that project charter contains an original project scope that is less costly than the final project scope.What should the project manager do with this information?

  •  A:在项目报告中记录原始和最终范围 Document the original and final scopes in the project report.
  •  B:更改项目章程以反映本文件创建后所做的所有变更 Change the project charter to reflect all changes made since the creation of this document.
  •  C:核实项目管理计划是否已更新 Verify whether the project management plan has been update
  •  D:审查变更请求,且如果没有包含必要的信息,则更新该变更请求 Review the change request and,if it docs not contain the necessary information ,update it.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P127- 最终报告。最终报告中记录了范围目标、范围的评估标准,以及证明达到完工标准的证据。 选项B:项目章程不是项目的基准之一。 选项CD:收尾阶段,已经通过验收,项目的范围已实现。暴露出来的问题记录进最终报告。

47.一名新项目经理加入一个正在执行中的项目。该项目经理不清楚哪些环境因素可能影响向关键相关方进行有效的信息报告。 项目经理应该查阅下列哪份文件来了解这些影响?
A new project manager joins a project in progress. The project manager is unclear about what environmental factors may impact effective information reporting to key stakeholders. What should the project manager referent to understand these impacts?

  •  A:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan
  •  B:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan
  •  C:采购管理计划 Procurement management plan
  •  D:风险管理计划 Risk management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P368- 项目管理计划-相关方参与计划。 哪些环境因素影响了项目信息,说明是规划沟通的输入,规划沟通的输入是相关方参与计划。 其他选项:A,主要看题干描述重点不是沟通,而沟通的影响因素。

After identifying five stakeholders besides the project manager, the project manager now needs to determine the complexity of the project communication, how many potential communication channels are there?

  •  A:20
  •  B:15
  •  C:10
  •  D:55

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P369- 沟通需求分析,沟通渠道数。潜在沟通渠道数为n(n-1)/2,n代表相关方数量。此题6*5/2=15。注:项目经理也要算进去。

49.在项目测试期间,识别到多个缺陷。由于团队还在解决积压的缺陷,测试将会超支的风险现在已经增加。 项目经理应该怎么做?
During project testing,numerous defects are identified.Since a backlog of defects is already being addressed by the team,the risk that testing will overrun has now increase What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  B:采用冲突管理技术来审查和确定缺陷的优先级 Adopt conflict management techniques to review and prioritize defects.
  •  C:提交变更请求来解决缺陷 Submit change requests to resolve the defects.
  •  D:请求额外的资源来处理缺陷积压 Request additional resources to work on the defect backlog.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P306-变更请求。通过变更的方式来对缺陷进行补救。 选项AD:在对缺陷补救的时候,对积压的风险进行跟踪评估,制定应急计划。至于是否上报还是求助额外额度资源要依据评估的结果。 选项B:冲突管理通常用于团队内部,缺陷积压的问题根据评估的结果制定应对策略。

A project is ready for closure,but adults determine that there are defects in organizational archiving procedures.Since the sponsor is uninterested in arching.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:与所有相关方开会 Meet with all stakeholders.
  •  B:更新组织归档标准 Update organizational archiving standards.
  •  C:项目收尾 Close the project.
  •  D:聘请归档专家 Hire archiving experts.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)4.7 结束项目或阶段。项目审计发现问题,就解决问题,更新归档相关的标准程序。 其他选项:A没有必要 ,C不能忽略审计的问题,D主要是程序问题,改进就好了。

51.项目经理将一个大型项目划分为三个区域,并为每个区域分配一个区域协调员。远程站点的一个协调员报告说,由于难以找到技术熟练的资源,他们产生了高额成本。 项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager divided a large project into three regions,with a regional coordinator assigned to each one.One coordinator at a remote site reports they are incurring high costs because skilled resources are difficult to fin What should the project manager do?

  •  A:进行成本效益分析 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.
  •  B:估算外包远程站点任务的成本 Estimate the cost of outsourcing the remote site's tasks.
  •  C:分析增加的成本对总体预算的影响 Analyze the effect of the increased costs on the overall budget.
  •  D:执行挣值分析(EVA) Perform an earned value analysis(EVA).

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P257-7.4 控制成本。遇到问题,先分析影响。 其他选项:A不是控制成本的工具。B在后面。C包含了D,分析影响包括挣值分析、偏差分析、趋势分析等。

52.项目团队正在研究一个项目的新批准范围,监管团队在变更方面提供的意见是不可或缺的。但是,该团队发现监管部门未被列为项目相关方。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project team is working on a project’s new approved scope. The regulatory team was integral in providing input that necessitated this change. However, the team discovers that the regulatory department was not listed as a project stakeholder. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:指示项目团队确认是否需要进行这项变更 Instruct the project team to verify the need for this change.
  •  B:创建一项新的变更请求并确保监管团队参与这个过程 Create a new change request and ensure that the regulatory team is involved in the process.
  •  C:收集监管团队的进一步意见,并更新现有变更请求以反映新信息 Gather further input from the regulatory team and update the existing change request to reflect the new information.
  •  D:确保监管团队包含在变更控制委员(CCB) 中 Ensure that the regulatory team is included in the change control boar

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P535- 监督相关方参与输出-变更请求。变更请求可能包括用于改善相关方当前参与水平的纠正及预防措施。监管部门未被列为项目相关方,相关方识别有问题,应该创建一个新的变更请求,还不是去直接更新现有的变更请求。其他选项:A,由项目团队确认不正确。C不能直接就更新变更请求,应发起新的变更请求。D,没有B全面,要发起新的变更。

A project in implementation is critical to a company’s success. The project director is unconvinced that the project will be delivered on time. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:审查相关方参与评估矩阵,并更新风险登记册 Review the stakeholders engagement assessment matrix and update the risk register
  •  B:与项目总监开会,提供基准数据并解决问题 Meet with the project director to provide benchmark data and address concerns
  •  C:制定相关方参与计划,定期提供项目更新并鼓励反馈 Develop a stakeholders engagement plan that provides regular project updates and encourages
  •  D:修改风险登记册,以应对未能达到项目总监期望的风险 Amend the risk register to address the risks of failing to meet the project director's expectations

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P516-13.2 规划相关方参与。规划相关方参与是根据相关方的需求、期望、利益和对项目的潜在影响,制定项目相关方参与项目的方法的过程。题干表现出相关方对项目的进度存在质疑,通常这种情况是因为相关方对项目的情况信息获取存在问题,很有可能相关方没有积极参与进来,所以这种情况最佳实践是指定相关方参与计划,定期与相关方更新反馈。其他选项:A没有C全面,还是要制定相关方参与策略。B只是策略的一种。D未明确是不是风险问题。

At the end of a project kick-off meeting, the project manager restates the project scope and asks for comments from key stakeholders and executives. What objective is the project manager trying to accomplish?

  •  A:记录需求日志的信息 Record information for the requirements log.
  •  B:设定团队成员对项目可交付成果的期望 Setting team member's expectations about project deliverables
  •  C:获得相关方的正式承诺 Obtaining formal commitment from stakeholders
  •  D:创建项目的范围基准 Creating the project's scope baseline

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


During a complex project.a project manager struggles with the amount of documentation and how best to distribute it .What should the project manager consult?

  •  A:项目管理信息系统(PMIS) Project management information system(PMIS)
  •  B:配置管理系统 Configuration management system
  •  C:项目相关方沟通需求 Stakeholders’communication needs
  •  D:绩效报告和问题日志 Performance reports and issue logs

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P377-沟通管理计划,项目相关方的沟通需求体现在沟通管理计划当中,这道题属于没有最优解选择次优解的解题方式。 选项A:提供信息技术 (IT) 软件工具,是否使用要看沟通管理计划中的约定。 选项B:常用于交付成果指标、功能和版本的管理。 选项D:是对项目执行情况的概述和记录项目执行过程中暴露出来的问题。

A project manager must manage potential conflicting stakeholders interests.The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix identifies an influential stakeholder who is resistant to the project. What should the project manager do to sign the stakeholder's expectations?

  •  A:创建相关方参与计划 Create the stakeholder engagement plan.
  •  B:与其沟通相关方参与计划 Communicate the stakeholder engagement plan.
  •  C:与所有相关方开会,对项目目标达成共识 Meet with all stakeholders to gain consensus on project objectives.
  •  D:更新相关方登记册 Updates the stakeholder register.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P507-13.1识别相关方。识别相关方是定期识别项目相关方,分析和记录他们的利益、参与度、相互依赖性、影响力和对项目成功的潜在影响的过程。新识别出来的相关方,首先要更新到相关方登记册中,然后根据相关方分析的结果创建相关方参与计划。先D后A。 选项B:相关方参与计划中可能存在敏感信息,容易造成负面影响,所以与其沟通相关方参与计划是错误的。 选项C:与所有相关方开会错误。

Team members are performing tasks that they are familiar with while avoiding tasks they don't like, resulting in conflicts between team members. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:分配明确的角色和职责 To assign clear roles and responsibilities
  •  B:与团队成员的直线经理谈话 To talk to the line manager of team members
  •  C:与团队成员协商 To negotiate with team members
  •  D:获得项目发起人的澄清 To get clarification from the project sponsor

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P316-数据表现。数据表现有多种格式来记录和阐明团队成员的角色与职责。无论使用什么方法来记录团队成员的角色,目的都是要确保每个工作包都有明确的责任人,确保全体团队成员都清楚地理解其角色和职责。明确职能能够减少冲突。 其他选项:角色与职责划分清楚,有利于减少冲突。因此BD不需要找领导,C的目的也是为了划分职责,因此A更合适。

58.一个营销团队负责一家组织的所有外部沟通,该团队很快将向客户沟通新产品的发布日期,同时,技术团队在没有通知营销团队的情况下对发布活动进行变更。 若要确保有效沟通,项目经理应该怎么做?
A marketing team is responsible for all of an organization's outside communications. This team will soon be communicating the launch date of new products to customers. Meanwhile the technology team makes changes to the launch activity without informing the marketing team. To ensure effective communications, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:提醒团队所有变更都必须遵循沟通管理计划 Remind the teams that all changes must follow the communications management plan.
  •  B:通知技术主管遵循变更管理程序 Inform the technology lead to follow change management procedures.
  •  C:鼓励两个团队在项目团队会议期间讨论沟通问题 Encourage both teams to discuss communication issues during project team meetings.
  •  D:为两个团队组织沟通培训 Organize communication training for the both teams.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


A project team discovers a risk that new regulatory laws may significantly impact the project. The sponsor asks the project manager to perform further analysis to identify the financial losses that may occur as a result. Which analysis should the project manager conduct?

  •  A:成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:定性分析 Qualitative analysis
  •  C:根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
  •  D:定量分析 Quantitative analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P428-11.4实施定量风险分析。通过量化整体项目风险敞口,评估项目可能要面临的财务损失。 选项A:用以评估投入与产出效果,例如在质量管理领域测算投入资源和质量水平提升之间的关系。 选项B:对风险进行排序,估算风险发生的概率和影响,但具体的财务损失需要通过定量分析获取。 选项C:用以分析问题发生的原因。

60.项目经理了解到,两名团队成员晋升并将离开项目。为了向新团队成员说明项目角色, 项目经理应该准备或更新什么文件?
The project manager learns that two team members are promoted and will leave the project. What documents should the project manager prepare or update in order to explain the project role to the new team members?

  •  A:人员配备管理计划 Staffing Management Plan
  •  B:组织图 Organization Chart
  •  C:项目章程 Project Charter
  •  D:责任分配矩阵 Responsibility Assignment Matrix

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P316-数据表现-责任分配矩阵。责任分配矩阵显示了分配给每个工作包的项目资源,用于说明工作包或活动与项目团队成员之间的关系。新人来了,需要明确他的角色与职责。 其他选项:A是提前定义好的人员配备、遣散的计划,新人来了,应该先确认职责。B组织图和C项目章程可以后续提供。

A newly hired project manager joins an ongoing project that is already behind schedule, several time constraints were not considered during the planning phase, and the approved baseline schedule has an inflexible completion deadline. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:制定进度计划 Develop the schedule
  •  B:控制进度计划 Control the schedule
  •  C:为项目活动排序 Sequence project activities
  •  D:快速跟进进度计划 Fast track the schedule

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P258- 6.6控制进度之前的规划已经完成,而且项目正在进行中,处于执行阶段。接下来进入监控阶段,进度出现问题我们需要进行控制。其他选项:AC还在规划中,D控制进度的工具技术有很多,快速跟进只是其中一种,B比D更全面。

Team members are unhappy about the significant number of unresolved technical problems in the issue log-What should the project manager do?

  •  A:解释说这些问题应通过让主题专家(SMEs)参与解决 Explain that issues should be resolved by involving subject matter experts(SMEs).
  •  B:请求更多时间来分析未完成的事项 Request more time to analyze the outstanding items.
  •  C:将该情况上报给项目发起人,获得支持 Escalate the situation to the project sponsor to gain support.
  •  D:提交变更请求,替换项目经理 Submit a change request to replace the project manager.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P132- 问题日志。问题解决需要更多的时间,需要帮团队成员争取更多时间,选择B。 其他选项:此题宜用排除法,A推给专家不对,团队成员是解决问题的所有方。C这个问题是项目经理要解决的,直接上报发起人不合适。D换项目经理不合理。

Midway throughout a project,a key team member leaves and is replaced.What is the first thing the project manager should have the new resource review?

  •  A:项目管理计划 Project management plan.
  •  B:项目状态报告 Project status report.
  •  C:问题日志 Issue log.
  •  D:项目章程 Project charter.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


