mysql> show engines;
mysql> show variables like '%storage_engine%';
mysql> create table t1(id int,manager char(10)) engine =innodb;
DDL(Database Define Language)数据库定义语言:create,drop,alter
DML(Database Manage Language)数据库操纵语言:insert,delete,update
DCL(Database Control Language)数据库控制语言:grant,revoke
DQL(Database Query Language)数据库查询语言:select
create database database_name; //创建库
create table table_name(id int,name char(9)); //创建表
create table table_name select * from t1; //复制表,但是key不会被复制
create table table_name (select id,name from t1); //复制单个字段和记录
desc table_name; //查询表结构
insert into table_name values(1,2,3); //往表中写入内容
select * from table_name; //查看表内容
show table status like table_name\G //查看表的状态
rename table old_name to new_name; //修改表名称
alter table old_name rename new_name; //修改表名称
drop table table_name; //删除表
drop database database_name; //删除库
delete from table_name where id=1; //删除表中某一行数据
update table_name set name='liming' where id=3; //更新表中数据
alter table table_name add english int; //添加字段
alter table table_name add name char(9) after id; //添加字段并指定位置
alter table table_name add name char(9) first; //添加字段并指定位置
alter table table_name change id id int not null; //重新定义字段
select id,name from t1 where english>80; //条件查询where
select id,name from t1 where chinese>80 and english>80; //多条件查询(and)
select id,name from t1 where chinese>80 or english>80; //多条件查询(or)
select id,name from t1 where chinese between 80 and 100; //多条件查询(between and)
select id,name from t1 where chinese in(60,70,80,90); //IN集合查询
select id,name from t1 order by id; //默认从小到大排序
select id,name from t1 order by id desc; //降序排序展示
select * from t1limit 5; //limit限制显示前5行
select id,name from t1 order by id desc limit 0,1; //从第几行开始打印几行
select count(*) from t1; //统计记录数量
select count(*) from t1; //统计字段数量
select count(name) from t1 where salary>5000; //统计薪资大于5000的有多少人
select count(name),post from t1 group by post; //分组查询
select name,sum(singin) as singin_count from t1 group by name with rollup; //分组查询并计算总和
select count(name),group_concat(name) fromt1 where chinses>80; //条件查找并列出总数和分别是谁
select id,name,age from t1,t2 where t1.class=t2.class; //多表查询
表的约束:主键(primary key),自增(auto_increment),unique key(字段的值不能重复但可以为空),unsigned(整型类型不允许为负值,正数上限提高一倍)
create table table_name(id int primary key); //创建表并指定约束
create table table_name(id int,name char(9),primary key(id)); //创建表并指定约束
alter table table_name drop primary key; //删除主键
show variables like '%char%'; //查看字符集
set global 要修改的字段=utf8; //将字段的字符集设置为UTF-8
create table t1(id int,name char(9),age int default charset=utf8); //创建表时指定字符集
alter table table_name default character set utf8; //修改表的字符集
create table student(id int,name char(9),age int,index nameindex (name)); //在创建表时指定索引
create index nameindex on student(name); //基于表结构创建
alter table student add index nameindex(name); //修改表结构创建
show index from table_name; //查看某个表格中的索引
drop index nameindex on student; //直接删除索引
alter table student drop index nameindex; //修改表结构删除索引
create user liming@'localhost' identified by 'Liming@666'; //创建用户并设置密码
grant all on *.* to 'liming'@'localhost'; //给用户授权
grant all on *.* to 'liming'@'localhost' identified by 'Liming@666' //创建用户设置密码并授权
flush privileges; //刷新权限
revoke all privileges on *.* from liming@'localhost'; //移除所有权限
revoke select,delete on *.* from liming@'localhost'; //移除指定权限
set password='123456789'; //修改密码
set password for liming@'localhost'='123456789'; //修改其他用户密码
drop user 'liming'@'localhost'; //删除用户(drop)
delete from mysql.user where user='liming' and host='localhost'; //删除用户(delete)
install plugin validate_password soname 'validate_password.so'; //安装密码强度插件
show variables like 'validate%'; //查看密码强度
set global validate_password_length=1; //修改密码强度
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