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研读Flutter——打包编译流程详解_dart 编译产物 jar so

dart 编译产物 jar so


在一遍遍编译运行的过程中,你可能经常会思考:在每一条flutter命令的背后究竟做了哪些事?Flutter的编译是如何与传统Android gradle编译流程串联起来的?Dart代码如何编译成可执行的代码?


flutter build apk



flutter build apk



flutter build apk --debug


flutter本体,在Flutter SDK目录的bin下面,也就是/path-to-flutter-sdk/flutter/bin/flutter,它是一个命令行脚本,里面的核心在于这一行:




  • $DART:Dart可执行文件,用于启动一个Dart虚拟机。
  • $FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS:用于Google自己调试Flutter SDK用,一般情况下是空的。
  • $SNAPSHOT_PATH:指定一个用于运行的snapshot文件,这里是flutter/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot。snapshot的含义相当于java中的jar文件。
  • $@:会透传用户传入的参数,这里就是build apk



flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS= SNAPSHOT_PATH=flutter/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot build apk







  1. void main(List<String> args) {
  2. executable.main(args);
  3. }



  1. /// Main entry point for commands.
  2. ///
  3. /// This function is intended to be used from the `flutter` command line tool.
  4. Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
  5. final bool verbose = args.contains('-v') || args.contains('--verbose');
  6. final bool doctor = (args.isNotEmpty && args.first == 'doctor') ||
  7. (args.length == 2 && verbose && args.last == 'doctor');
  8. final bool help = args.contains('-h') || args.contains('--help') ||
  9. (args.isNotEmpty && args.first == 'help') || (args.length == 1 && verbose);
  10. final bool muteCommandLogging = help || doctor;
  11. final bool verboseHelp = help && verbose;
  12. await runner.run(args, <FlutterCommand>[
  13. AnalyzeCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  14. AttachCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  15. BuildCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp), // 对应flutter build apk
  16. ChannelCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  17. CleanCommand(),
  18. ConfigCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  19. CreateCommand(),
  20. DaemonCommand(hidden: !verboseHelp),
  21. DevicesCommand(),
  22. DoctorCommand(verbose: verbose),
  23. DriveCommand(),
  24. EmulatorsCommand(),
  25. FormatCommand(),
  26. IdeConfigCommand(hidden: !verboseHelp),
  27. InjectPluginsCommand(hidden: !verboseHelp),
  28. InstallCommand(),
  29. LogsCommand(),
  30. MakeHostAppEditableCommand(),
  31. PackagesCommand(),
  32. PrecacheCommand(),
  33. RunCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  34. ScreenshotCommand(),
  35. ShellCompletionCommand(),
  36. StopCommand(),
  37. TestCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp),
  38. TraceCommand(),
  39. UpdatePackagesCommand(hidden: !verboseHelp),
  40. UpgradeCommand(),
  41. ], verbose: verbose,
  42. muteCommandLogging: muteCommandLogging,
  43. verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
  44. }

这里的runnerflutter的一个命令行运行解析的通用类,在执行runner.run的时候传入了一系列的XXXCommand方法,我们只需要知道flutter build对应的命令都会匹配到BuildCommand()方法就可以了。



  1. class BuildCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  2. BuildCommand({bool verboseHelp = false}) {
  3. addSubcommand(BuildApkCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp));
  4. addSubcommand(BuildAotCommand());
  5. addSubcommand(BuildIOSCommand());
  6. addSubcommand(BuildFlxCommand());
  7. addSubcommand(BuildBundleCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp));
  8. }
  9. @override
  10. final String name = 'build'; // flutter build
  11. @override
  12. final String description = 'Flutter build commands.';
  13. @override
  14. Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async => null;
  15. }

这里定义的一系列子命令,正是对应了我们运行flutter build -h所看到的内容:


  1. Flutter build commands.
  2. Usage: flutter build <subcommand> [arguments]
  3. -h, --help Print this usage information.
  4. Available subcommands:
  5. aot Build an ahead-of-time compiled snapshot of your app's Dart code.
  6. apk Build an Android APK file from your app.
  7. bundle Build the Flutter assets directory from your app.
  8. flx Deprecated
  9. ios Build an iOS application bundle (Mac OS X host only).



  1. /// Runs this command.
  2. ///
  3. /// Rather than overriding this method, subclasses should override
  4. /// [verifyThenRunCommand] to perform any verification
  5. /// and [runCommand] to execute the command
  6. /// so that this method can record and report the overall time to analytics.
  7. @override
  8. Future<void> run() {
  9. final DateTime startTime = systemClock.now();
  10. return context.run<void>(
  11. name: 'command',
  12. overrides: <Type, Generator>{FlutterCommand: () => this},
  13. body: () async {
  14. ... ...
  15. try {
  16. commandResult = await verifyThenRunCommand();
  17. } on ToolExit {
  18. ... ...



  1. /// Perform validation then call [runCommand] to execute the command.
  2. /// Return a [Future] that completes with an exit code
  3. /// indicating whether execution was successful.
  4. ///
  5. /// Subclasses should override this method to perform verification
  6. /// then call this method to execute the command
  7. /// rather than calling [runCommand] directly.
  8. @mustCallSuper
  9. Future<FlutterCommandResult> verifyThenRunCommand() async {
  10. await validateCommand();
  11. // Populate the cache. We call this before pub get below so that the sky_engine
  12. // package is available in the flutter cache for pub to find.
  13. if (shouldUpdateCache)
  14. await cache.updateAll();
  15. if (shouldRunPub) {
  16. await pubGet(context: PubContext.getVerifyContext(name));
  17. final FlutterProject project = await FlutterProject.current();
  18. await project.ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificTooling();
  19. }
  20. setupApplicationPackages();
  21. final String commandPath = await usagePath;
  22. if (commandPath != null) {
  23. final Map<String, String> additionalUsageValues = await usageValues;
  24. flutterUsage.sendCommand(commandPath, parameters: additionalUsageValues);
  25. }
  26. return await runCommand();
  27. }


  • 首先,pubGet会做一些验证,主要是下载pubspec.yaml里配置的依赖。实际上是通过Dart中的pub指令来完成的,完整命令行如下:flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/pub --verbosity=warning get --no-precompile

  • 接着ensureReadyForPlatformSpecificToolingsetupApplicationPackages会依据对应的平台设定好相应的编译环境,这里设定好Android的gradle环境,并且加上一些额外的gradle属性。

  • 最后,调用子类真正的runCommand的方法。

由于这里执行的是build apk,所以子类是BuildApkCommand,因此继续看BuildApkCommandrunCommand


  1. class BuildApkCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
  2. ... ...
  3. @override
  4. Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
  5. await super.runCommand();
  6. await buildApk(
  7. project: await FlutterProject.current(),
  8. target: targetFile,
  9. buildInfo: getBuildInfo(),
  10. );
  11. return null;
  12. }
  13. }



  1. Future<void> buildApk({
  2. @required FlutterProject project,
  3. @required String target,
  4. BuildInfo buildInfo = BuildInfo.debug
  5. }) async {
  6. if (!project.android.isUsingGradle) {
  7. throwToolExit(
  8. 'The build process for Android has changed, and the current project configuration\n'
  9. 'is no longer valid. Please consult\n\n'
  10. ' https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Upgrading-Flutter-projects-to-build-with-gradle\n\n'
  11. 'for details on how to upgrade the project.'
  12. );
  13. }
  14. // 检测ANDROID_HOME
  15. // Validate that we can find an android sdk.
  16. if (androidSdk == null)
  17. throwToolExit('No Android SDK found. Try setting the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.');
  18. final List<String> validationResult = androidSdk.validateSdkWellFormed();
  19. if (validationResult.isNotEmpty) {
  20. for (String message in validationResult) {
  21. printError(message, wrap: false);
  22. }
  23. throwToolExit('Try re-installing or updating your Android SDK.');
  24. }
  25. return buildGradleProject(
  26. project: project,
  27. buildInfo: buildInfo,
  28. target: target,
  29. );
  30. }




flutter_hello/android/gradlew -q -Ptarget=lib/main.dart -Ptrack-widget-creation=false -Ptarget-platform=android-arm assembleRelease

由此,又回到了我们熟悉的Android世界,它只是在我们熟悉的gradlew assembleRelease中增加了一些额外参数。flutter_hello是我们的flutter示例工程。

这里为什么需要如此大费周折地绕个圈子来执行gradle命令呢?自然是因为Flutter本身的定位,它是一个跨平台方案,因此对于各个平台都有其特定的实现,因此才需要以一个统一的flutter build入口来转换成各个平台实际所需的编译命令。


既然已经走到了gradlew,理所当然地,我们直接看他的build.gradle就可以了。他的内容是由Flutter SDK生成的,相比于普通的Android工程,是有些许不同。不过我们只需要根据gradle的知识体系来理解就能贯通始终。

其与标准Android gradle工程的不同之处仅仅在于文件开头的部分:


  1. def localProperties = new Properties()
  2. def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('local.properties')
  3. if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) {
  4. localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader ->
  5. localProperties.load(reader)
  6. }
  7. }
  8. def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk')
  9. if (flutterRoot == null) {
  10. throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the local.properties file.")
  11. }
  12. def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode')
  13. if (flutterVersionCode == null) {
  14. flutterVersionCode = '1'
  15. }
  16. def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName')
  17. if (flutterVersionName == null) {
  18. flutterVersionName = '1.0'
  19. }
  20. apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
  21. apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"

这里主要是取得local.properties中的一些Flutter相关属性,分别是flutter.sdkflutter.versionCodeflutter.versionName,他们指示了flutter sdk的路径,以及一些版本号信息。


flutter.gradle里面主要是实现了一个FlutterPlugin,它是一个标准的gradle plugin,因此,它必然会定义一些task以及设定必要的依赖,addFlutterTask方法中设置了这些依赖关系:


  1. // in addFlutterTask
  2. // We know that the flutter app is a subproject in another Android app when these tasks exist.
  3. Task packageAssets = project.tasks.findByPath(":flutter:package${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets")
  4. Task cleanPackageAssets = project.tasks.findByPath(":flutter:cleanPackage${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets")
  5. Task copyFlutterAssetsTask = project.tasks.create(name: "copyFlutterAssets${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: Copy) {
  6. dependsOn flutterTask
  7. dependsOn packageAssets ? packageAssets : variant.mergeAssets
  8. dependsOn cleanPackageAssets ? cleanPackageAssets : "clean${variant.mergeAssets.name.capitalize()}"
  9. into packageAssets ? packageAssets.outputDir : variant.mergeAssets.outputDir
  10. with flutterTask.assets
  11. }
  12. if (packageAssets) {
  13. // Only include configurations that exist in parent project.
  14. Task mergeAssets = project.tasks.findByPath(":app:merge${variant.name.capitalize()}Assets")
  15. if (mergeAssets) {
  16. mergeAssets.dependsOn(copyFlutterAssetsTask)
  17. }
  18. } else {
  19. variant.outputs[0].processResources.dependsOn(copyFlutterAssetsTask)
  20. }


另外,copyFlutterAssetsTask依赖了flutterTaskmergeXXXAssets。也就是说,当flutterTask使得flutter编译完成,并且mergeXXXAssets执行完毕,也就是正常Android的assets处理完成后,flutter相应的产物就会被copyFlutterAssetsTask复制到build/app/intermediates/merged_assets/debug/mergeXXXAssets/out目录下。这里的XXX指代各种build variant,也就是Debug或者Release



  1. CopySpec getAssets() {
  2. return project.copySpec {
  3. from "${intermediateDir}"
  4. include "flutter_assets/**" // the working dir and its files
  5. if (buildMode == 'release' || buildMode == 'profile') {
  6. if (buildSharedLibrary) {
  7. include "app.so"
  8. } else {
  9. include "vm_snapshot_data"
  10. include "vm_snapshot_instr"
  11. include "isolate_snapshot_data"
  12. include "isolate_snapshot_instr"
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }




  1. FlutterTask flutterTask = project.tasks.create(name: "${flutterBuildPrefix}${variant.name.capitalize()}", type: FlutterTask) {
  2. flutterRoot this.flutterRoot
  3. flutterExecutable this.flutterExecutable
  4. buildMode flutterBuildMode
  5. localEngine this.localEngine
  6. localEngineSrcPath this.localEngineSrcPath
  7. targetPath target
  8. verbose verboseValue
  9. fileSystemRoots fileSystemRootsValue
  10. fileSystemScheme fileSystemSchemeValue
  11. trackWidgetCreation trackWidgetCreationValue
  12. compilationTraceFilePath compilationTraceFilePathValue
  13. buildHotUpdate buildHotUpdateValue
  14. buildSharedLibrary buildSharedLibraryValue
  15. targetPlatform targetPlatformValue
  16. sourceDir project.file(project.flutter.source)
  17. intermediateDir project.file("${project.buildDir}/${AndroidProject.FD_INTERMEDIATES}/flutter/${variant.name}")
  18. extraFrontEndOptions extraFrontEndOptionsValue
  19. extraGenSnapshotOptions extraGenSnapshotOptionsValue
  20. }



  1. class FlutterTask extends BaseFlutterTask {
  2. ... ...
  3. @TaskAction
  4. void build() {
  5. buildBundle()
  6. }
  7. }



  1. void buildBundle() {
  2. if (!sourceDir.isDirectory()) {
  3. throw new GradleException("Invalid Flutter source directory: ${sourceDir}")
  4. }
  5. intermediateDir.mkdirs()
  6. if (buildMode == "profile" || buildMode == "release") {
  7. project.exec {
  8. executable flutterExecutable.absolutePath
  9. workingDir sourceDir
  10. if (localEngine != null) {
  11. args "--local-engine", localEngine
  12. args "--local-engine-src-path", localEngineSrcPath
  13. }
  14. args "build", "aot"
  15. args "--suppress-analytics"
  16. args "--quiet"
  17. args "--target", targetPath
  18. args "--target-platform", "android-arm"
  19. args "--output-dir", "${intermediateDir}"
  20. if (trackWidgetCreation) {
  21. args "--track-widget-creation"
  22. }
  23. if (extraFrontEndOptions != null) {
  24. args "--extra-front-end-options", "${extraFrontEndOptions}"
  25. }
  26. if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null) {
  27. args "--extra-gen-snapshot-options", "${extraGenSnapshotOptions}"
  28. }
  29. if (buildSharedLibrary) {
  30. args "--build-shared-library"
  31. }
  32. if (targetPlatform != null) {
  33. args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
  34. }
  35. args "--${buildMode}"
  36. }
  37. }
  38. ... ...
  39. }



flutter build aot --suppress-analytics --quiet --target lib/main.dart --target-platform android-arm --output-dir /path-to-project/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release --target-platform android-arm --release



  1. void buildBundle() {
  2. ... ....
  3. project.exec {
  4. executable flutterExecutable.absolutePath
  5. workingDir sourceDir
  6. if (localEngine != null) {
  7. args "--local-engine", localEngine
  8. args "--local-engine-src-path", localEngineSrcPath
  9. }
  10. args "build", "bundle"
  11. args "--suppress-analytics"
  12. args "--target", targetPath
  13. if (verbose) {
  14. args "--verbose"
  15. }
  16. if (fileSystemRoots != null) {
  17. for (root in fileSystemRoots) {
  18. args "--filesystem-root", root
  19. }
  20. }
  21. if (fileSystemScheme != null) {
  22. args "--filesystem-scheme", fileSystemScheme
  23. }
  24. if (trackWidgetCreation) {
  25. args "--track-widget-creation"
  26. }
  27. if (compilationTraceFilePath != null) {
  28. args "--precompile", compilationTraceFilePath
  29. }
  30. if (buildHotUpdate) {
  31. args "--hotupdate"
  32. }
  33. if (extraFrontEndOptions != null) {
  34. args "--extra-front-end-options", "${extraFrontEndOptions}"
  35. }
  36. if (extraGenSnapshotOptions != null) {
  37. args "--extra-gen-snapshot-options", "${extraGenSnapshotOptions}"
  38. }
  39. if (targetPlatform != null) {
  40. args "--target-platform", "${targetPlatform}"
  41. }
  42. if (buildMode == "release" || buildMode == "profile") {
  43. args "--precompiled"
  44. } else {
  45. args "--depfile", "${intermediateDir}/snapshot_blob.bin.d"
  46. }
  47. args "--asset-dir", "${intermediateDir}/flutter_assets"
  48. if (buildMode == "debug") {
  49. args "--debug"
  50. }
  51. if (buildMode == "profile" || buildMode == "dynamicProfile") {
  52. args "--profile"
  53. }
  54. if (buildMode == "release" || buildMode == "dynamicRelease") {
  55. args "--release"
  56. }
  57. if (buildMode == "dynamicProfile" || buildMode == "dynamicRelease") {
  58. args "--dynamic"
  59. }
  60. }
  61. }



flutter build bundle --suppress-analytics --target lib/main.dart --target-platform android-arm --precompiled --asset-dir /Users/xl/WorkSpace/FlutterProjects/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/flutter_assets --release]

我们马上就来看下flutter build aotflutter build bundle这两个命令的具体实现。

flutter build aot



flutter build aot --suppress-analytics --quiet --target lib/main.dart --target-platform android-arm --output-dir /path-to-project/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release --target-platform android-arm --release

之前在分析flutter build apk的时候有提到,flutter build会通过flutter命令行脚本转化为启动一个Dart虚拟机并执行flutter_tool.snapshot,因此上述命令转化为:


flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart FLUTTER_TOOL_ARGS= SNAPSHOT_PATH=flutter/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot build aot --suppress-analytics --quiet --target lib/main.dart --target-platform android-arm --output-dir /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release --target-platform android-arm --release



  1. class BuildCommand extends FlutterCommand {
  2. BuildCommand({bool verboseHelp = false}) {
  3. addSubcommand(BuildApkCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp));
  4. addSubcommand(BuildAotCommand());
  5. addSubcommand(BuildIOSCommand());
  6. addSubcommand(BuildFlxCommand());
  7. addSubcommand(BuildBundleCommand(verboseHelp: verboseHelp));
  8. }
  9. ... ...



  1. class BuildAotCommand extends BuildSubCommand {
  2. ... ...
  3. Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
  4. ... ...
  5. String mainPath = findMainDartFile(targetFile);
  6. final AOTSnapshotter snapshotter = AOTSnapshotter();
  7. // Compile to kernel.
  8. mainPath = await snapshotter.compileKernel(
  9. platform: platform,
  10. buildMode: buildMode,
  11. mainPath: mainPath,
  12. packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
  13. trackWidgetCreation: false,
  14. outputPath: outputPath,
  15. extraFrontEndOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraFrontEndOptions],
  16. );
  17. ... ...
  18. // Build AOT snapshot.
  19. if (platform == TargetPlatform.ios) {
  20. ... ...
  21. } else {
  22. // Android AOT snapshot.
  23. final int snapshotExitCode = await snapshotter.build(
  24. platform: platform,
  25. buildMode: buildMode,
  26. mainPath: mainPath,
  27. packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
  28. outputPath: outputPath,
  29. buildSharedLibrary: argResults['build-shared-library'],
  30. extraGenSnapshotOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions],
  31. );
  32. if (snapshotExitCode != 0) {
  33. status?.cancel();
  34. throwToolExit('Snapshotting exited with non-zero exit code: $snapshotExitCode');
  35. }
  36. }
  37. ... ...
  38. }


  • 生成kernel文件
  • 生成AOT可执行文件



而AOT可执行文件,需要等kernel文件生成完毕后,在编译期间根据kernel来生成的。它是二进制的,机器平台(arm、arm64、x86等)可执行的代码,也因此它被称为AOT(Ahead of time compiling)。在运行的时候它的指令码已经是平台的机器码了,因此不再需要Dart虚拟机解析,执行速度更快。release模式下,打包进APK的Dart源码都是以AOT文件的形式存在的。


我们先来分析第一步,也就是Compile to kernel这一步。它会根据Dart代码文件生成kernel文件,具体是执行了以下命令:


flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart /path-to-flutter-sdk/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/darwin-x64/frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/ --strong --target=flutter --aot --tfa -Ddart.vm.product=true --packages .packages --output-dill /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/app.dill --depfile /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/kernel_compile.d package:flutter_hello/main.dart


而这个frontend_server.dart.snapshot不同于之前的flutter_tool.snapshot,他是存在于engine的Dart代码中的,而不是Flutter SDK中。




  1. Future<Component> compileToKernel(Uri source, CompilerOptions options,
  2. {bool aot: false,
  3. bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: false,
  4. Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
  5. bool genBytecode: false,
  6. bool dropAST: false,
  7. bool useFutureBytecodeFormat: false,
  8. bool enableAsserts: false,
  9. bool enableConstantEvaluation: true}) async {
  10. ... ...
  11. final component = await kernelForProgram(source, options);
  12. ... ...
  13. // Run global transformations only if component is correct.
  14. if (aot && component != null) {
  15. await _runGlobalTransformations(
  16. source,
  17. options,
  18. component,
  19. useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis,
  20. environmentDefines,
  21. enableAsserts,
  22. enableConstantEvaluation,
  23. errorDetector);
  24. }
  25. if (genBytecode && !errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors && component != null) {
  26. await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext(source, options, component, () {
  27. generateBytecode(component,
  28. dropAST: dropAST,
  29. useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
  30. environmentDefines: environmentDefines);
  31. });
  32. }
  33. // Restore error handler (in case 'options' are reused).
  34. options.onDiagnostic = errorDetector.previousErrorHandler;
  35. return component;
  36. }




  1. Future<Component> kernelForProgram(Uri source, CompilerOptions options) async {
  2. var pOptions = new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [source]);
  3. return await CompilerContext.runWithOptions(pOptions, (context) async {
  4. var component = (await generateKernelInternal())?.component;
  5. if (component == null) return null;
  6. if (component.mainMethod == null) {
  7. context.options.report(
  8. messageMissingMain.withLocation(source, -1, noLength),
  9. Severity.error);
  10. return null;
  11. }
  12. return component;
  13. });
  14. }



  1. /// Generates a kernel representation of the program whose main library is in
  2. /// the given [source].
  3. ///
  4. /// Intended for whole-program (non-modular) compilation.
  5. ///
  6. /// Given the Uri of a file containing a program's `main` method, this function
  7. /// follows `import`, `export`, and `part` declarations to discover the whole
  8. /// program, and converts the result to Dart Kernel format.
  9. ///
  10. /// If `compileSdk` in [options] is true, the generated component will include
  11. /// code for the SDK.
  12. ///
  13. /// If summaries are provided in [options], the compiler will use them instead
  14. /// of compiling the libraries contained in those summaries. This is useful, for
  15. /// example, when compiling for platforms that already embed those sources (like
  16. /// the sdk in the standalone VM).
  17. ///
  18. /// The input [source] is expected to be a script with a main method, otherwise
  19. /// an error is reported.

注释已经说得比较清楚了。它会根据传入的包含main函数的Dart代码文件路径,并根据其中的import, export, 和part来找到完整的程序所包含的所有Dart代码,最终把他们转换成kernel格式的文件。这一步最主要是生成一个Component对象,它会持有整个Dart程序的所有信息。



  1. /// A way to bundle up libraries in a component.
  2. class Component extends TreeNode {
  3. final CanonicalName root;
  4. final List<Library> libraries;
  5. /// Map from a source file URI to a line-starts table and source code.
  6. /// Given a source file URI and a offset in that file one can translate
  7. /// it to a line:column position in that file.
  8. final Map<Uri, Source> uriToSource;
  9. /// Mapping between string tags and [MetadataRepository] corresponding to
  10. /// those tags.
  11. final Map<String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>> metadata =
  12. <String, MetadataRepository<dynamic>>{};
  13. /// Reference to the main method in one of the libraries.
  14. Reference mainMethodName;
  15. ... ...



  1. class Library extends NamedNode implements Comparable<Library>, FileUriNode {
  2. /// An import path to this library.
  3. ///
  4. /// The [Uri] should have the `dart`, `package`, `app`, or `file` scheme.
  5. ///
  6. /// If the URI has the `app` scheme, it is relative to the application root.
  7. Uri importUri;
  8. /// The URI of the source file this library was loaded from.
  9. Uri fileUri;
  10. /// If true, the library is part of another build unit and its contents
  11. /// are only partially loaded.
  12. ///
  13. /// Classes of an external library are loaded at one of the [ClassLevel]s
  14. /// other than [ClassLevel.Body]. Members in an external library have no
  15. /// body, but have their typed interface present.
  16. ///
  17. /// If the library is non-external, then its classes are at [ClassLevel.Body]
  18. /// and all members are loaded.
  19. bool isExternal;
  20. String name;
  21. @nocoq
  22. final List<Expression> annotations;
  23. final List<LibraryDependency> dependencies;
  24. /// References to nodes exported by `export` declarations that:
  25. /// - aren't ambiguous, or
  26. /// - aren't hidden by local declarations.
  27. @nocoq
  28. final List<Reference> additionalExports = <Reference>[];
  29. @informative
  30. final List<LibraryPart> parts;
  31. final List<Typedef> typedefs;
  32. final List<Class> classes;
  33. final List<Procedure> procedures;
  34. final List<Field> fields;




  1. Future<Null> buildBody(LibraryBuilder library) async {
  2. if (library is SourceLibraryBuilder) {
  3. // We tokenize source files twice to keep memory usage low. This is the
  4. // second time, and the first time was in [buildOutline] above. So this
  5. // time we suppress lexical errors.
  6. Token tokens = await tokenize(library, suppressLexicalErrors: true);
  7. if (tokens == null) return;
  8. DietListener listener = createDietListener(library);
  9. DietParser parser = new DietParser(listener);
  10. parser.parseUnit(tokens);
  11. for (SourceLibraryBuilder part in library.parts) {
  12. if (part.partOfLibrary != library) {
  13. // Part was included in multiple libraries. Skip it here.
  14. continue;
  15. }
  16. Token tokens = await tokenize(part);
  17. if (tokens != null) {
  18. listener.uri = part.fileUri;
  19. listener.partDirectiveIndex = 0;
  20. parser.parseUnit(tokens);
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }








  1. Future _runGlobalTransformations(
  2. Uri source,
  3. CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
  4. Component component,
  5. bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis,
  6. Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
  7. bool enableAsserts,
  8. bool enableConstantEvaluation,
  9. ErrorDetector errorDetector) async {
  10. if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors) return;
  11. final coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
  12. _patchVmConstants(coreTypes);
  13. // TODO(alexmarkov, dmitryas): Consider doing canonicalization of identical
  14. // mixin applications when creating mixin applications in frontend,
  15. // so all backends (and all transformation passes from the very beginning)
  16. // can benefit from mixin de-duplication.
  17. // At least, in addition to VM/AOT case we should run this transformation
  18. // when building a platform dill file for VM/JIT case.
  19. mixin_deduplication.transformComponent(component);
  20. if (enableConstantEvaluation) {
  21. await _performConstantEvaluation(source, compilerOptions, component,
  22. coreTypes, environmentDefines, enableAsserts);
  23. if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors) return;
  24. }
  25. if (useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis) {
  26. globalTypeFlow.transformComponent(
  27. compilerOptions.target, coreTypes, component);
  28. } else {
  29. devirtualization.transformComponent(coreTypes, component);
  30. no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.transformComponent(component);
  31. }
  32. // We don't know yet whether gen_snapshot will want to do obfuscation, but if
  33. // it does it will need the obfuscation prohibitions.
  34. obfuscationProhibitions.transformComponent(component, coreTypes);
  35. }





  1. await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext(source, options, component, () {
  2. generateBytecode(component,
  3. dropAST: dropAST,
  4. useFutureBytecodeFormat: useFutureBytecodeFormat,
  5. environmentDefines: environmentDefines);
  6. });



  1. void generateBytecode(Component component,
  2. {bool dropAST: false,
  3. bool omitSourcePositions: false,
  4. bool useFutureBytecodeFormat: false,
  5. Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
  6. ErrorReporter errorReporter}) {
  7. final coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
  8. void ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes(Class cls, Supertype a, Supertype b) {}
  9. final hierarchy = new ClassHierarchy(component,
  10. onAmbiguousSupertypes: ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes);
  11. final typeEnvironment =
  12. new TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy, strongMode: true);
  13. final constantsBackend =
  14. new VmConstantsBackend(environmentDefines, coreTypes);
  15. final errorReporter = new ForwardConstantEvaluationErrors(typeEnvironment);
  16. new BytecodeGenerator(
  17. component,
  18. coreTypes,
  19. hierarchy,
  20. typeEnvironment,
  21. constantsBackend,
  22. omitSourcePositions,
  23. useFutureBytecodeFormat,
  24. errorReporter)
  25. .visitComponent(component);
  26. if (dropAST) {
  27. new DropAST().visitComponent(component);
  28. }
  29. }



  1. class BytecodeGenerator extends RecursiveVisitor<Null> {
  2. ... ...
  3. @override
  4. visitComponent(Component node) => node.visitChildren(this);
  5. @override
  6. visitLibrary(Library node) {
  7. if (node.isExternal) {
  8. return;
  9. }
  10. visitList(node.classes, this);
  11. visitList(node.procedures, this);
  12. visitList(node.fields, this);
  13. }
  14. @override
  15. visitClass(Class node) {
  16. visitList(node.constructors, this);
  17. visitList(node.procedures, this);
  18. visitList(node.fields, this);
  19. }




  1. @override
  2. defaultMember(Member node) {
  3. if (node.isAbstract) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. try {
  7. if (node is Field) {
  8. if (node.isStatic && !_hasTrivialInitializer(node)) {
  9. start(node);
  10. if (node.isConst) {
  11. _genPushConstExpr(node.initializer);
  12. } else {
  13. node.initializer.accept(this);
  14. }
  15. _genReturnTOS();
  16. end(node);
  17. }
  18. } else if ((node is Procedure && !node.isRedirectingFactoryConstructor) ||
  19. (node is Constructor)) {
  20. start(node);
  21. if (node is Constructor) {
  22. _genConstructorInitializers(node);
  23. }
  24. if (node.isExternal) {
  25. final String nativeName = getExternalName(node);
  26. if (nativeName == null) {
  27. return;
  28. }
  29. _genNativeCall(nativeName);
  30. } else {
  31. node.function?.body?.accept(this);
  32. // BytecodeAssembler eliminates this bytecode if it is unreachable.
  33. asm.emitPushNull();
  34. }
  35. _genReturnTOS();
  36. end(node);
  37. }
  38. } on BytecodeLimitExceededException {
  39. // Do not generate bytecode and fall back to using kernel AST.
  40. hasErrors = true;
  41. end(node);
  42. }
  43. }



  1. 183: void _genNativeCall(String nativeName) {
  2. 288: void _genConstructorInitializers(Constructor node) {
  3. 314: void _genFieldInitializer(Field field, Expression initializer) {
  4. 330: void _genArguments(Expression receiver, Arguments arguments) {
  5. 339: void _genPushBool(bool value) {
  6. 347: void _genPushInt(int value) {
  7. 370: void _genPushConstExpr(Expression expr) {
  8. 383: void _genReturnTOS() {
  9. 387: void _genStaticCall(Member target, ConstantArgDesc argDesc, int totalArgCount,
  10. 401: void _genStaticCallWithArgs(Member target, Arguments args,
  11. 424: void _genTypeArguments(List<DartType> typeArgs, {Class instantiatingClass}) {
  12. 453: void _genPushInstantiatorAndFunctionTypeArguments(List<DartType> types) {
  13. 469: void _genPushInstantiatorTypeArguments() {
  14. 556: void _genPushFunctionTypeArguments() {
  15. 564: void _genPushContextForVariable(VariableDeclaration variable,
  16. 578: void _genPushContextIfCaptured(VariableDeclaration variable) {
  17. 584: void _genLoadVar(VariableDeclaration v, {int currentContextLevel}) {
  18. ... ...





  1. void _genPushBool(bool value) {
  2. if (value) {
  3. asm.emitPushTrue();
  4. } else {
  5. asm.emitPushFalse();
  6. }
  7. }



  1. void emitPushTrue() {
  2. emitWord(_encode0(Opcode.kPushTrue));
  3. }
  4. int _encode0(Opcode opcode) => _uint8(opcode.index);
  5. void emitWord(int word) {
  6. if (isUnreachable) {
  7. return;
  8. }
  9. _encodeBufferIn[0] = word;
  10. bytecode.addAll(_encodeBufferOut);
  11. }

Opcode.kPushTrue表示一个push true的字节码值,emitPushTrue会将其转为一个int大小的字节码,并写入到bytecode之中



  1. enum Opcode {
  2. kTrap,
  3. // Prologue and stack management.
  4. kEntry,
  5. kEntryFixed,
  6. kEntryOptional,
  7. kLoadConstant,
  8. kFrame,
  9. kCheckFunctionTypeArgs,
  10. kCheckStack,
  11. // Object allocation.
  12. kAllocate,
  13. kAllocateT,
  14. kCreateArrayTOS,
  15. // Context allocation and access.
  16. kAllocateContext,
  17. kCloneContext,
  18. kLoadContextParent,
  19. kStoreContextParent,
  20. kLoadContextVar,
  21. kStoreContextVar,
  22. // Constants.
  23. kPushConstant,
  24. kPushNull,
  25. kPushTrue,
  26. kPushFalse,
  27. kPushInt,
  28. // Locals and expression stack.
  29. kDrop1,
  30. kPush,
  31. kPopLocal,
  32. kStoreLocal,
  33. ... ...
  34. // Int operations.
  35. kNegateInt,
  36. kAddInt,
  37. kSubInt,
  38. kMulInt,
  39. kTruncDivInt,
  40. kModInt,
  41. kBitAndInt,
  42. kBitOrInt,
  43. kBitXorInt,
  44. kShlInt,
  45. kShrInt,
  46. kCompareIntEq,
  47. kCompareIntGt,
  48. kCompareIntLt,
  49. kCompareIntGe,
  50. kCompareIntLe,
  51. }



  1. class BytecodeAssembler {
  2. ... ...
  3. final List<int> bytecode = new List<int>();
  4. ... ...
  5. void emitWord(int word) {
  6. if (isUnreachable) {
  7. return;
  8. }
  9. _encodeBufferIn[0] = word;
  10. bytecode.addAll(_encodeBufferOut); // 都被add进bytecode
  11. }
  12. ... ...





  1. void generateBytecode(Component component,
  2. {bool dropAST: false,
  3. bool omitSourcePositions: false,
  4. bool useFutureBytecodeFormat: false,
  5. Map<String, String> environmentDefines,
  6. ErrorReporter errorReporter}) {
  7. ... ...
  8. new BytecodeGenerator(
  9. component,
  10. coreTypes,
  11. hierarchy,
  12. typeEnvironment,
  13. constantsBackend,
  14. omitSourcePositions,
  15. useFutureBytecodeFormat,
  16. errorReporter)
  17. .visitComponent(component);
  18. ... ...
  19. }
  20. // BytecodeGenerator的成员字段asm是BytecodeAssembler
  21. class BytecodeGenerator extends RecursiveVisitor<Null> {
  22. ... ...
  23. BytecodeAssembler asm;
  24. ... ...
  25. }
  26. // BytecodeAssembler的bytecode中存放所有二进制指令流
  27. class BytecodeAssembler {
  28. ... ...
  29. final List<int> bytecode = new List<int>();
  30. ... ...
  31. }



  1. @override
  2. defaultMember(Member node) {
  3. if (node.isAbstract) {
  4. return;
  5. }
  6. try {
  7. if (node is Field) {
  8. if (node.isStatic && !_hasTrivialInitializer(node)) {
  9. start(node);
  10. if (node.isConst) {
  11. _genPushConstExpr(node.initializer);
  12. } else {
  13. node.initializer.accept(this);
  14. }
  15. _genReturnTOS();
  16. end(node);
  17. }
  18. } else if ((node is Procedure && !node.isRedirectingFactoryConstructor) ||
  19. (node is Constructor)) {
  20. start(node);
  21. if (node is Constructor) {
  22. _genConstructorInitializers(node);
  23. }
  24. if (node.isExternal) {
  25. final String nativeName = getExternalName(node);
  26. if (nativeName == null) {
  27. return;
  28. }
  29. _genNativeCall(nativeName);
  30. } else {
  31. node.function?.body?.accept(this);
  32. // BytecodeAssembler eliminates this bytecode if it is unreachable.
  33. asm.emitPushNull();
  34. }
  35. _genReturnTOS();
  36. end(node);
  37. }
  38. } on BytecodeLimitExceededException {
  39. // Do not generate bytecode and fall back to using kernel AST.
  40. hasErrors = true;
  41. end(node);
  42. }
  43. }



  1. void end(Member node) {
  2. if (!hasErrors) {
  3. final formatVersion = useFutureBytecodeFormat
  4. ? futureBytecodeFormatVersion
  5. : stableBytecodeFormatVersion;
  6. metadata.mapping[node] = new BytecodeMetadata(formatVersion, cp,
  7. asm.bytecode, asm.exceptionsTable, nullableFields, closures);
  8. }
  9. ... ...
  10. }



  1. BytecodeGenerator(
  2. this.component,
  3. this.coreTypes,
  4. this.hierarchy,
  5. this.typeEnvironment,
  6. this.constantsBackend,
  7. this.omitSourcePositions,
  8. this.useFutureBytecodeFormat,
  9. this.errorReporter)
  10. : recognizedMethods = new RecognizedMethods(typeEnvironment) {
  11. component.addMetadataRepository(metadata);
  12. }



  1. @override
  2. Future<bool> compile(
  3. String filename,
  4. ArgResults options, {
  5. IncrementalCompiler generator,
  6. }) async {
  7. ... ...
  8. Component component;
  9. ... ...
  10. component = await _runWithPrintRedirection(() => compileToKernel(
  11. _mainSource, compilerOptions,
  12. aot: options['aot'],
  13. useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: options['tfa'],
  14. environmentDefines: environmentDefines));
  15. ... ...
  16. await writeDillFile(component, _kernelBinaryFilename,
  17. filterExternal: importDill != null);
  18. ... ...
  19. }



  1. writeDillFile(Component component, String filename,
  2. {bool filterExternal: false}) async {
  3. final IOSink sink = new File(filename).openWrite();
  4. final BinaryPrinter printer = filterExternal
  5. ? new LimitedBinaryPrinter(
  6. sink, (lib) => !lib.isExternal, true /* excludeUriToSource */)
  7. : printerFactory.newBinaryPrinter(sink);
  8. component.libraries.sort((Library l1, Library l2) {
  9. return "${l1.fileUri}".compareTo("${l2.fileUri}");
  10. });
  11. component.computeCanonicalNames();
  12. for (Library library in component.libraries) {
  13. library.additionalExports.sort((Reference r1, Reference r2) {
  14. return "${r1.canonicalName}".compareTo("${r2.canonicalName}");
  15. });
  16. }
  17. if (unsafePackageSerialization == true) {
  18. writePackagesToSinkAndTrimComponent(component, sink);
  19. }
  20. printer.writeComponentFile(component);
  21. await sink.close();
  22. }



  1. void writeComponentFile(Component component) {
  2. computeCanonicalNames(component);
  3. final componentOffset = getBufferOffset();
  4. writeUInt32(Tag.ComponentFile);
  5. writeUInt32(Tag.BinaryFormatVersion);
  6. indexLinkTable(component);
  7. indexUris(component);
  8. _collectMetadata(component);
  9. if (_metadataSubsections != null) {
  10. _writeNodeMetadataImpl(component, componentOffset);
  11. }
  12. libraryOffsets = <int>[];
  13. CanonicalName main = getCanonicalNameOfMember(component.mainMethod);
  14. if (main != null) {
  15. checkCanonicalName(main);
  16. }
  17. writeLibraries(component);
  18. writeUriToSource(component.uriToSource);
  19. writeLinkTable(component);
  20. _writeMetadataSection(component);
  21. writeStringTable(stringIndexer);
  22. writeConstantTable(_constantIndexer);
  23. writeComponentIndex(component, component.libraries);
  24. _flush();
  25. }



  1. void _writeNodeMetadataImpl(Node node, int nodeOffset) {
  2. for (var subsection in _metadataSubsections) {
  3. final repository = subsection.repository;
  4. final value = repository.mapping[node];
  5. if (value == null) {
  6. continue;
  7. }
  8. if (!MetadataRepository.isSupported(node)) {
  9. throw "Nodes of type ${node.runtimeType} can't have metadata.";
  10. }
  11. if (!identical(_sink, _mainSink)) {
  12. throw "Node written into metadata can't have metadata "
  13. "(metadata: ${repository.tag}, node: ${node.runtimeType} $node)";
  14. }
  15. _sink = _metadataSink;
  16. subsection.metadataMapping.add(nodeOffset);
  17. subsection.metadataMapping.add(getBufferOffset());
  18. repository.writeToBinary(value, node, this);
  19. _sink = _mainSink;
  20. }
  21. }



  1. void writeToBinary(BytecodeMetadata metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink) {
  2. sink.writeUInt30(metadata.version);
  3. sink.writeUInt30(metadata.flags);
  4. metadata.constantPool.writeToBinary(node, sink);
  5. sink.writeByteList(metadata.bytecodes); // 这里bytecodes被写进了文件中
  6. if (metadata.hasExceptionsTable) {
  7. metadata.exceptionsTable.writeToBinary(sink);
  8. }
  9. if (metadata.hasNullableFields) {
  10. sink.writeUInt30(metadata.nullableFields.length);
  11. metadata.nullableFields.forEach((ref) => sink
  12. .writeCanonicalNameReference(getCanonicalNameOfMember(ref.asField)));
  13. }
  14. if (metadata.hasClosures) {
  15. sink.writeUInt30(metadata.closures.length);
  16. metadata.closures.forEach((c) => c.writeToBinary(sink));
  17. }
  18. }






  1. final int snapshotExitCode = await snapshotter.build(
  2. platform: platform,
  3. buildMode: buildMode,
  4. mainPath: mainPath,
  5. packagesPath: PackageMap.globalPackagesPath,
  6. outputPath: outputPath,
  7. buildSharedLibrary: argResults['build-shared-library'],
  8. extraGenSnapshotOptions: argResults[FlutterOptions.kExtraGenSnapshotOptions],
  9. );



  1. flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/android-arm-release/darwin-x64/gen_snapshot
  2. --causal_async_stacks
  3. --packages=.packages
  4. --deterministic
  5. --snapshot_kind=app-aot-blobs
  6. --vm_snapshot_data=/path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/vm_snapshot_data
  7. --isolate_snapshot_data=/path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/isolate_snapshot_data
  8. --vm_snapshot_instructions=/path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/vm_snapshot_instr
  9. --isolate_snapshot_instructions=/path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/isolate_snapshot_instr
  10. --no-sim-use-hardfp
  11. --no-use-integer-division /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/app.dill



  1. int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  2. ... ...
  3. error = Dart_Initialize(&init_params);
  4. ... ...
  5. return GenerateSnapshotFromKernel(kernel_buffer, kernel_buffer_size);
  6. ... ...
  7. }





  1. static const char* kSnapshotKindNames[] = {
  2. "core",
  3. "core-jit",
  4. "core-jit-all",
  5. "app-jit",
  6. "app-aot-blobs",
  7. "app-aot-assembly",
  8. "vm-aot-assembly", NULL,
  9. };



  1. // Global state that indicates whether a snapshot is to be created and
  2. // if so which file to write the snapshot into. The ordering of this list must
  3. // match kSnapshotKindNames below.
  4. enum SnapshotKind {
  5. kCore,
  6. kCoreJIT,
  7. kCoreJITAll,
  8. kAppJIT,
  9. kAppAOTBlobs,
  10. kAppAOTAssembly,
  11. kVMAOTAssembly,
  12. };



  1. static int GenerateSnapshotFromKernel(const uint8_t* kernel_buffer,
  2. intptr_t kernel_buffer_size) {
  3. switch (snapshot_kind) {
  4. ... ...
  5. case kAppAOTBlobs:
  6. case kAppAOTAssembly: {
  7. if (Dart_IsNull(Dart_RootLibrary())) {
  8. Log::PrintErr(
  9. "Unable to load root library from the input dill file.\n");
  10. return kErrorExitCode;
  11. }
  12. CreateAndWritePrecompiledSnapshot();
  13. CreateAndWriteDependenciesFile();
  14. break;
  15. }
  16. ... ...



  1. static void CreateAndWritePrecompiledSnapshot() {
  2. ... ...
  3. result = Dart_Precompile();
  4. ... ...
  5. result = Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsBlobs(
  6. &vm_snapshot_data_buffer, &vm_snapshot_data_size,
  7. &vm_snapshot_instructions_buffer, &vm_snapshot_instructions_size,
  8. &isolate_snapshot_data_buffer, &isolate_snapshot_data_size,
  9. &isolate_snapshot_instructions_buffer,
  10. &isolate_snapshot_instructions_size, shared_data, shared_instructions);
  11. ... ...
  12. WriteFile(vm_snapshot_data_filename, vm_snapshot_data_buffer,
  13. vm_snapshot_data_size);
  14. WriteFile(vm_snapshot_instructions_filename,
  15. vm_snapshot_instructions_buffer, vm_snapshot_instructions_size);
  16. WriteFile(isolate_snapshot_data_filename, isolate_snapshot_data_buffer,
  17. isolate_snapshot_data_size);
  18. WriteFile(isolate_snapshot_instructions_filename,
  19. isolate_snapshot_instructions_buffer,
  20. isolate_snapshot_instructions_size);
  21. ... ...
  22. }


  • Dart_Precompile进行AOT编译
  • 把snapshot代码转移到buffer中
  • 写buffer到四个二进制文件



至此,flutter build aot执行完毕,Dart代码完全编译成了二进制可执行文件。

flutter build bundle



flutter build bundle --suppress-analytics --target lib/main.dart --target-platform android-arm --precompiled --asset-dir /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/flutter_assets --release

之前在分析flutter build apk的时候有提到,flutter build会通过flutter命令行脚本转化为启动一个Dart虚拟机并执行flutter_tool.snapshot,因此上述命令转化为:


  1. flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart
  3. SNAPSHOT_PATH=flutter/bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot
  4. build bundle
  5. --suppress-analytics
  6. --target lib/main.dart
  7. --target-platform android-arm
  8. --precompiled
  9. --asset-dir /path-to-project/flutter_hello/build/app/intermediates/flutter/release/flutter_assets
  10. --release

build bundle对应BuildBundleCommand,由于是relase模式,参数中会带上--precompiled,因此不会在这里编译kernel文件了。其最终执行的是以下代码:


  1. Future<void> writeBundle(
  2. Directory bundleDir, Map<String, DevFSContent> assetEntries) async {
  3. if (bundleDir.existsSync())
  4. bundleDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
  5. bundleDir.createSync(recursive: true);
  6. await Future.wait<void>(
  7. assetEntries.entries.map<Future<void>>((MapEntry<String, DevFSContent> entry) async {
  8. final File file = fs.file(fs.path.join(bundleDir.path, entry.key));
  9. file.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
  10. await file.writeAsBytes(await entry.value.contentsAsBytes());
  11. }));
  12. }



  1. packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf
  2. fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf
  3. AssetManifest.json
  4. FontManifest.json

因此,当build bundle执行完毕后,所有flutter所需要的文件都已经放入flutter_assets中了。





而如果是执行的编译debug包的操作flutter build apk --debug,它的流程是这样的:


当然,其中有些命令行的具体参数是有所不同的。总体而言,debug模式下没有了build aot这一步,而编译kernel文件这一步,也由release版本下的build aot中转移到了build bundle中。




