近日,Zurb发布了Fundation 5,号称Fundation的最快版本,编码更快、学习更快、构建的Web应用访问速度更快。这是继Fundation 4的又一重要版本发布。
最新版本在Foundation 4基础上做出众多改进。Fundation 4利用媒体查询(Media Query)可根据用户不同的浏览器,响应式加载不同尺寸的图片。Fundation 5中,该响应式方案不再只适用于图片,而是进一步扩展至HTML中的任何一个元素。开发者可在标记容器(比如div)中使用“data-interchange”属性,通过判断设备的类型,选择组件合适的显示方式。
<div data-interchange="[../examples/interchange/default.html, (small)], [../examples/interchange/medium.html, (medium)], [../examples/interchange/large.html, (large)]"> <div data-alert class="alert-box secondary radius"> This is the default content. <a href="#" class="close">×</a> </div> </div>
Fundation 5另一大改进是新增了Off Canvas强大功能,可用来构建Off Canvas类型的导航菜单。该类型的菜单通常放置在视图窗口之外,被激活后才会滑动显示在视图中。借助Off Canvas,在Fundation中构建此类型导航菜单将十分简单。
下面代码展示了如何构建一个基本的、无样式的Off Canvas类型导航菜单。过程简单,仅使用了几行代码。
- <div class="off-canvas-wrap">
- <div class="inner-wrap">
- <a class="left-off-canvas-toggle" >Menu</a>
- <!-- Off Canvas Menu -->
- <aside class="left-off-canvas-menu">
- <!-- whatever you want goes here -->
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
- <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
- <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li><li>
- <a href="#">Item 2</a></li><br> </ul>
- </aside>
- <!-- main content goes here -->
- <p>Set in the year 0 F.E. ("Foundation Era"), The Psychohistorians opens on Trantor, the capital of the 12,000-year-old Galactic Empire. Though the empire appears stable and powerful, it is slowly decaying in ways that parallel the decline of the Western Roman Empire. Hari Seldon, a mathematician and psychologist, has developed psychohistory, a new field of science and psychology that equates all possibilities in large societies to mathematics, allowing for the prediction of future events.</p>
- <!-- close the off-canvas menu -->
- <a class="exit-off-canvas"></a>
- </div>
- </div>

此外,应广大开发者的要求,Fundation 5新增了中等网格系统,其介于大、小网格之间,为开发者开发中间尺寸大小的网格布局节省了大量时间。默认情况下,中等网格延用了小网格的样式。当然你可利用中类网格系统,定制自己的网格布局。(文:陈秋歌 审核:张红月)
关于Fundation 5的更多特性请见:Fundation官网
下载Fundation 5: http://foundation.zurb.com/develop/download.html
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