- # 10、pandas.DataFrame.to_excel函数
- DataFrame.to_excel(excel_writer, *, sheet_name='Sheet1', na_rep='', float_format=None, columns=None, header=True, index=True, index_label=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, engine=None, merge_cells=True, inf_rep='inf', freeze_panes=None, storage_options=None, engine_kwargs=None)
- Write object to an Excel sheet.
- To write a single object to an Excel .xlsx file it is only necessary to specify a target file name. To write to multiple sheets it is necessary to create an ExcelWriter object with a target file name, and specify a sheet in the file to write to.
- Multiple sheets may be written to by specifying unique sheet_name. With all data written to the file it is necessary to save the changes. Note that creating an ExcelWriter object with a file name that already exists will result in the contents of the existing file being erased.
- Parameters:
- excel_writerpath-like, file-like, or ExcelWriter object
- File path or existing ExcelWriter.
- sheet_namestr, default ‘Sheet1’
- Name of sheet which will contain DataFrame.
- na_repstr, default ‘’
- Missing data representation.
- float_formatstr, optional
- Format string for floating point numbers. For example float_format="%.2f" will format 0.1234 to 0.12.
- columnssequence or list of str, optional
- Columns to write.
- headerbool or list of str, default True
- Write out the column names. If a list of string is given it is assumed to be aliases for the column names.
- indexbool, default True
- Write row names (index).
- index_labelstr or sequence, optional
- Column label for index column(s) if desired. If not specified, and header and index are True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex.
- startrowint, default 0
- Upper left cell row to dump data frame.
- startcolint, default 0
- Upper left cell column to dump data frame.
- enginestr, optional
- Write engine to use, ‘openpyxl’ or ‘xlsxwriter’. You can also set this via the options io.excel.xlsx.writer or io.excel.xlsm.writer.
- merge_cellsbool, default True
- Write MultiIndex and Hierarchical Rows as merged cells.
- inf_repstr, default ‘inf’
- Representation for infinity (there is no native representation for infinity in Excel).
- freeze_panestuple of int (length 2), optional
- Specifies the one-based bottommost row and rightmost column that is to be frozen.
- storage_optionsdict, optional
- Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc. For HTTP(S) URLs the key-value pairs are forwarded to urllib.request.Request as header options. For other URLs (e.g. starting with “s3://”, and “gcs://”) the key-value pairs are forwarded to fsspec.open. Please see fsspec and urllib for more details, and for more examples on storage options refer here.
- New in version 1.2.0.
- engine_kwargsdict, optional
- Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to excel engine.

10-2-4、float_format(可选,默认值为None):字符串,用于格式化浮点数的格式字符串,例如 '%.2f' 会将浮点数格式化为带有两位小数的字符串。
10-2-7、index(可选,默认值为True):布尔值,如果为True,则写入行索引(即DataFrame的 index)作为一列;如果为False,则不写入行索引。
10-2-10、engine(可选,默认值为None):字符串,指定用于写入Excel文件的引擎。pandas 支持多种引擎,如'xlsxwriter'、'openpyxl'和'xlwt'(仅用于较旧的.xls格式)。如果未指定,则pandas会尝试根据文件扩展名选择适当的引擎。
- # 10、pandas.DataFrame.to_excel函数
- import pandas as pd
- # 创建一个示例DataFrame
- data = {'Name': ['Myelsa', 'Bryce', 'Jimmy'], 'Age': [25, 30, 35], 'Salary': [50000, 60000, 70000]}
- df = pd.DataFrame(data)
- # 将DataFrame保存为Excel文件
- df.to_excel('example.xlsx', sheet_name='sheet', index=False)
- # 11、pandas.ExcelFile类
- class pandas.ExcelFile(path_or_buffer, engine=None, storage_options=None, engine_kwargs=None)
- Class for parsing tabular Excel sheets into DataFrame objects.
- See read_excel for more documentation.
- Parameters:
- path_or_bufferstr, bytes, path object (pathlib.Path or py._path.local.LocalPath),
- A file-like object, xlrd workbook or openpyxl workbook. If a string or path object, expected to be a path to a .xls, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm, .odf, .ods, or .odt file.
- enginestr, default None
- If io is not a buffer or path, this must be set to identify io. Supported engines: xlrd, openpyxl, odf, pyxlsb, calamine Engine compatibility :
- xlrd supports old-style Excel files (.xls).
- openpyxl supports newer Excel file formats.
- odf supports OpenDocument file formats (.odf, .ods, .odt).
- pyxlsb supports Binary Excel files.
- calamine supports Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb) and OpenDocument (.ods) file formats.
- Changed in version 1.2.0: The engine xlrd now only supports old-style .xls files. When engine=None, the following logic will be used to determine the engine:
- If path_or_buffer is an OpenDocument format (.odf, .ods, .odt), then odf will be used.
- Otherwise if path_or_buffer is an xls format, xlrd will be used.
- Otherwise if path_or_buffer is in xlsb format, pyxlsb will be used.
- New in version 1.3.0.
- Otherwise if openpyxl is installed, then openpyxl will be used.
- Otherwise if xlrd >= 2.0 is installed, a ValueError will be raised.
- Warning
- Please do not report issues when using xlrd to read .xlsx files. This is not supported, switch to using openpyxl instead.
- engine_kwargsdict, optional
- Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to excel engine.

11-2-3、storage_options(可选,默认值为None):字典,对于支持的文件类型(如AWS S3、Google Cloud Storage),可以传递额外的存储选项。
作为一个接口,用于读取存储在Excel文件中的数据。通过创建 ExcelFile 类的实例,用户可以方便地访问Excel文件中的不同工作表(sheets),并将这些数据加载到Pandas的DataFrame对象中,以便进行进一步的数据分析和处理。
- # 11、pandas.ExcelFile类
- import pandas as pd
- # 创建一个ExcelFile对象
- xls = pd.ExcelFile('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')
- # 通过ExcelFile对象读取工作表
- df1 = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name='生产日报')
- df2 = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name='Sheet2')
- print(df1)
- print()
- print(df2)
- # 重要属性:pandas.ExcelFile.sheet_names
- import pandas as pd
- # 创建一个ExcelFile对象
- xls = pd.ExcelFile('Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx')
- # 获取所有工作表的名称
- sheet_names = xls.sheet_names
- # 打印工作表名称
- print(sheet_names)
- # 假设你想要读取名为 'Sheet2' 的工作表
- df = pd.read_excel(xls, sheet_name='Sheet2') # 注意这里我们直接将ExcelFile对象传递给 pd.read_excel()
- # 或者,如果你已经通过ExcelFile对象获取了DataFrame,你可以这样做:
- # df = xls.parse('Sheet1')
- # 打印DataFrame的前几行来验证数据
- print(df.head())

- # 11、pandas.ExcelFile类
- # 生产日期 班别 机台 设备品牌 设备型号 ... 生产周期(s) 单重(g) 包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
- # 0 2024-07-04 A 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 3236 12148
- # 1 2024-07-04 A 3 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.6 15.80 612 2448 120000
- # 2 2024-07-04 A 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 4800 2205
- # 3 2024-07-04 A 7 NaN UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 4 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 2800 417
- # 5 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 3000 312
- # 6 2024-07-04 A 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14500 143100
- # 7 2024-07-04 A 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 3000 38526
- # 8 2024-07-04 A 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 2516 4964
- # 9 2024-07-04 B 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 1518 12148
- # 10 2024-07-04 B 2 YZM UN160SM2 ... 34.6 10.40 896 3984 85236
- # 11 2024-07-04 B 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 6200 2205
- # 12 2024-07-04 B 7 YZM UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 13 2024-07-04 B 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 5800 263
- # 14 2024-07-04 B 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14800 143100
- # 15 2024-07-04 B 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 2448 38526
- # 16 2024-07-04 B 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 1518 4964
- #
- # [17 rows x 16 columns]
- #
- # 生产日期 班别 机台 设备品牌 设备型号 ... 生产周期(s) 单重(g) 包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
- # 0 2024-07-04 A 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 3236 12148
- # 1 2024-07-04 A 3 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.6 15.80 612 2448 120000
- # 2 2024-07-04 A 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 4800 2205
- # 3 2024-07-04 A 7 NaN UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 4 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 2800 417
- # 5 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 3000 312
- # 6 2024-07-04 A 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14500 143100
- # 7 2024-07-04 A 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 3000 38526
- # 8 2024-07-04 A 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 2516 4964
- # 9 2024-07-04 B 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 1518 12148
- # 10 2024-07-04 B 2 YZM UN160SM2 ... 34.6 10.40 896 3984 85236
- # 11 2024-07-04 B 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 6200 2205
- # 12 2024-07-04 B 7 YZM UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 13 2024-07-04 B 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 5800 263
- # 14 2024-07-04 B 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14800 143100
- # 15 2024-07-04 B 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 2448 38526
- # 16 2024-07-04 B 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 1518 4964
- #
- # [17 rows x 16 columns]
- # 重要属性:pandas.ExcelFile.sheet_names
- # ['生产日报', 'Sheet2']
- # 生产日期 班别 机台 设备品牌 设备型号 ... 生产周期(s) 单重(g) 包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
- # 0 2024-07-04 A 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 3236 12148
- # 1 2024-07-04 A 3 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.6 15.80 612 2448 120000
- # 2 2024-07-04 A 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 4800 2205
- # 3 2024-07-04 A 7 NaN UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 4 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 2800 417
- #
- # [5 rows x 16 columns]

- # 12、pandas.ExcelFile.parse函数
- ExcelFile.parse(sheet_name=0, header=0, names=None, index_col=None, usecols=None, converters=None, true_values=None, false_values=None, skiprows=None, nrows=None, na_values=None, parse_dates=False, date_parser=_NoDefault.no_default, date_format=None, thousands=None, comment=None, skipfooter=0, dtype_backend=_NoDefault.no_default, **kwds)
- Parse specified sheet(s) into a DataFrame.
- Equivalent to read_excel(ExcelFile, …) See the read_excel docstring for more info on accepted parameters.
- Returns:
- DataFrame or dict of DataFrames
- DataFrame from the passed in Excel file.
如果sheet_name是一个整数列表或字符串列表,表示要读取的多个工作表的名称或索引,则函数返回一个字典(Dict of DataFrames),其中键是工作表的名称,值是对应的数据框(DataFrame)。
如果sheet_name被设置为None,则函数会读取Excel文件中的所有工作表,并返回一个字典(Dict of DataFrames),其中包含了所有工作表的数据。
- # 12、pandas.ExcelFile.parse函数
- # 12-1、读取Excel文件中的数据
- import pandas as pd
- # 假设Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx文件与你的Python脚本位于同一目录下
- file_path = 'Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx'
- # 使用 ExcelFile 类打开 Excel 文件
- with pd.ExcelFile(file_path) as xls:
- # 使用parse()方法读取名为"Sheet2"的工作表
- # 这里我们没有指定太多额外的参数,因为假设Excel文件格式相对简单
- df = xls.parse(sheet_name='Sheet2')
- # 显示读取到的 DataFrame
- print(df)
- # 12-2、如果你的Excel文件包含多个工作表,并且你想要读取所有工作表到一个字典中,其中键是工作表名,值是对应的DataFrame
- import pandas as pd
- file_path = 'Pandas_read_excel数据.xlsx'
- # 使用ExcelFile类打开Excel文件
- with pd.ExcelFile(file_path) as xls:
- # 读取所有工作表到一个字典中
- sheet_name_to_df_map = {sheet_name: xls.parse(sheet_name) for sheet_name in xls.sheet_names}
- # 显示指定工作表的数据
- print(sheet_name_to_df_map['Sheet2'])

- # 12-1、读取Excel文件中的数据
- # 生产日期 班别 机台 设备品牌 设备型号 ... 生产周期(s) 单重(g) 包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
- # 0 2024-07-04 A 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 3236 12148
- # 1 2024-07-04 A 3 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.6 15.80 612 2448 120000
- # 2 2024-07-04 A 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 4800 2205
- # 3 2024-07-04 A 7 NaN UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 4 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 2800 417
- # 5 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 3000 312
- # 6 2024-07-04 A 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14500 143100
- # 7 2024-07-04 A 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 3000 38526
- # 8 2024-07-04 A 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 2516 4964
- # 9 2024-07-04 B 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 1518 12148
- # 10 2024-07-04 B 2 YZM UN160SM2 ... 34.6 10.40 896 3984 85236
- # 11 2024-07-04 B 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 6200 2205
- # 12 2024-07-04 B 7 YZM UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 13 2024-07-04 B 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 5800 263
- # 14 2024-07-04 B 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14800 143100
- # 15 2024-07-04 B 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 2448 38526
- # 16 2024-07-04 B 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 1518 4964
- #
- # [17 rows x 16 columns]
- # 12-2、如果你的Excel文件包含多个工作表,并且你想要读取所有工作表到一个字典中,其中键是工作表名,值是对应的DataFrame
- # 生产日期 班别 机台 设备品牌 设备型号 ... 生产周期(s) 单重(g) 包装规格 当班产量(pc) 当日库存(pc)
- # 0 2024-07-04 A 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 3236 12148
- # 1 2024-07-04 A 3 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.6 15.80 612 2448 120000
- # 2 2024-07-04 A 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 4800 2205
- # 3 2024-07-04 A 7 NaN UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 4 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 2800 417
- # 5 2024-07-04 A 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 3000 312
- # 6 2024-07-04 A 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14500 143100
- # 7 2024-07-04 A 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 3000 38526
- # 8 2024-07-04 A 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 2516 4964
- # 9 2024-07-04 B 1 YZM UN160SM2 ... 38.0 23.40 506 1518 12148
- # 10 2024-07-04 B 2 YZM UN160SM2 ... 34.6 10.40 896 3984 85236
- # 11 2024-07-04 B 5 YZM UN160A ... 30.1 2.85 2500 6200 2205
- # 12 2024-07-04 B 7 YZM UN120A ... 28.6 2.40 3500 8500 31244
- # 13 2024-07-04 B 8 ZD EM150-V ... 33.0 4.60 3000 5800 263
- # 14 2024-07-04 B 12 HT HA2600 ... 23.2 8.80 1000 14800 143100
- # 15 2024-07-04 B 13 HH HM260M3 ... 44.7 18.50 600 2448 38526
- # 16 2024-07-04 B 14 HH DL260-llS ... 43.5 68.20 85 1518 4964
- #
- # [17 rows x 16 columns]

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