import os import json import cv2 import random import time from PIL import Image coco_format_save_path = '/home/rendoudou/datasets/yolo2coco-new/json' # 要生成的标准coco格式标签所在文件夹 yolo_format_classes_path = 'name.txt' # 类别文件,一行一个类 yolo_format_annotation_path = '/home/rendoudou/datasets/yolo2coco-new/cotton-weed/train/labels' # yolo格式标签所在文件夹 img_pathDir = '/home/rendoudou/datasets/yolo2coco-new/cotton-weed/train/images' # 图片所在文件夹 with open(yolo_format_classes_path, 'r') as fr: # 打开并读取类别文件 lines1 = fr.readlines() # print(lines1) categories = [] # 存储类别的列表 for j, label in enumerate(lines1): label = label.strip() categories.append({'id': j + 1, 'name': label, 'supercategory': 'None'}) # 将类别信息添加到categories中 # print(categories) write_json_context = dict() # 写入.json文件的大字典 write_json_context['info'] = {'description': '', 'url': '', 'version': '', 'year': 2023, 'contributor': 'JeJe', 'date_created': '2023-05-18'} write_json_context['licenses'] = [{'id': 1, 'name': None, 'url': None}] write_json_context['categories'] = categories write_json_context['images'] = [] write_json_context['annotations'] = [] # 接下来的代码主要添加'images'和'annotations'的key值 imageFileList = os.listdir(img_pathDir) # 遍历该文件夹下的所有文件,并将所有文件名添加到列表中 count = 0 for i, imageFile in enumerate(imageFileList): imagePath = os.path.join(img_pathDir, imageFile) # 获取图片的绝对路径 # print(imagePath) # image = Image.open(imagePath) # 读取图片,然后获取图片的宽和高 try: image = Image.open(imagePath) except Exception as e: print(f"读取图像时出错: {e}") W, H = image.size img_context = {} # 使用一个字典存储该图片信息 # img_name=os.path.basename(imagePath) #返回path最后的文件名。如果path以/或\结尾,那么就会返回空值 img_context['file_name'] = imageFile img_context['height'] = H img_context['width'] = W img_context['date_captured'] = '2022-07-8' img_context['id'] = i # 该图片的id img_context['license'] = 1 img_context['color_url'] = '' img_context['flickr_url'] = '' write_json_context['images'].append(img_context) # 将该图片信息添加到'image'列表中 if imageFile[-4:] == 'jpeg': # print("jpeg文件") # count = count + 1 txtFile = imageFile.replace('.jpeg', '.txt') # 获取该图片获取的txt文件 else: txtFile = imageFile.replace('.jpg', '.txt') # 获取该图片获取的txt文件 # continue with open(os.path.join(yolo_format_annotation_path, txtFile), 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() # 读取txt文件的每一行数据,lines2是一个列表,包含了一个图片的所有标注信息 count = count + 1 for j, line in enumerate(lines): bbox_dict = {} # 将每一个bounding box信息存储在该字典中 # line = line.strip().split() # print(line.strip().split(' ')) class_id, x, y, w, h = line.strip().split(' ') # 获取每一个标注框的详细信息 class_id, x, y, w, h = int(class_id), float(x), float(y), float(w), float(h) # 将字符串类型转为可计算的int和float类型 xmin = (x - w / 2) * W # 坐标转换 ymin = (y - h / 2) * H xmax = (x + w / 2) * W ymax = (y + h / 2) * H w = w * W h = h * H bbox_dict['id'] = i * 10000 + j # bounding box的坐标信息 bbox_dict['image_id'] = i bbox_dict['category_id'] = class_id + 1 # 注意目标类别要加一 bbox_dict['iscrowd'] = 0 height, width = abs(ymax - ymin), abs(xmax - xmin) bbox_dict['area'] = height * width bbox_dict['bbox'] = [xmin, ymin, w, h] bbox_dict['segmentation'] = [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymax]] write_json_context['annotations'].append(bbox_dict) # 将每一个由字典存储的bounding box信息添加到'annotations'列表中 print(count) name = os.path.join(coco_format_save_path, "train" + '.json') # 生成json文件的名字 with open(name, 'w') as fw: # 将字典信息写入.json文件中 json.dump(write_json_context, fw, indent=2)
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