YAML(YAML Ain't Markup Language)支持多种数据类型,包括字符串、数字、布尔值、列表、字典和空值。下面是每种数据类型的示例代码和相应的语法规范:
- name: "John"
- addr: "长沙"
age: 30
- isStudent: true
- isTeacher: false
- fruits:
- - apple
- - banana
- - orange
- person:
- name: "John"
- age: 30
status: null
- name: "John"
- addr: "长沙"
- age: 18
- status: null
- isStudent: true
- fruits:
- - apple
- - banana
- - orange
- teacher:
- name: "Alex"
- age: 30
- import yaml
- with open(file="d.yaml", mode="r",encoding='utf-8') as f:
- res = yaml.safe_load(f)
- print(res)
- import yaml
- data = {
- "Person": {
- "name": "John",
- "age": 30,
- "address": {
- "street": "123 Main St",
- "city": "Anytown",
- "state": "CA"
- }
- }
- }
- # 将data变量存储的数据写入YAML文件
- with open(file="example.yaml", mode="w") as f:
- yaml.dump(data, f)
- # 访问页面
- - action: goto
- params:
- url: 'https://www.baidu.com'
- # 输入python
- - action: sendkeys
- params:
- locator: ['id','kw']
- value: 'python'
- # 点击搜索按钮
- - action: click
- params:
- locator: ['id','su']
- # 断言
- - action: assert_text_contains
- params:
- locator: ['id','content_left']
- excepted: 'python'
- from selenium.webdriver import Chrome,ActionChains
- class BasePage:
- def __init__(self,driver:Chrome):
- self.driver = driver
- def goto(self,url):
- '''打开网址'''
- self.driver.get(url)
- def click(self,locator):
- '''点击操作'''
- el = self.driver.find_element(*locator)
- try:
- el.click()
- except:
- ActionChains(self.driver).click(el).perform()
- def sendkeys(self,value,locator=None):
- '''发送文本操作'''
- if locator:
- # 相当于ActionChains中的send_keys_to_element(ele,value),先做点击,再做文本输入
- el = self.driver.find_element(*locator)
- el.send_keys(value)
- else:
- ActionChains(self.driver).send_keys(value).perform()
- def assert_text_contains(self,locator,excepted):
- '''断言文本是否包含指定的内容'''
- el = self.driver.find_element(*locator)
- assert excepted in el.text
- import time
- import yaml
- from selenium import webdriver
- from basepage import BasePage
- # 1、读取yaml文件中的数据
- with open(file='test_keyword.yaml',mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
- data = yaml.safe_load(f)
- # 2、测试用例编写
- def test_01():
- # 初始化浏览器操作
- driver = webdriver.Chrome()
- driver.implicitly_wait(10)
- driver.maximize_window()
- # 实例化BasePage的对象
- basepage = BasePage(driver)
- # 遍历读取到的data数据
- for step in data:
- # 获取动作名称
- method_name = step['action']
- # 获取参数
- params = step['params']
- # 获取类中方法名
- method = getattr(basepage, method_name)
- # 调用方法,输入参数
- method(**params) # 字典解包
- time.sleep(2)
- driver.quit()
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