Last week, we were had a pleasure to attend WordCamp Raleigh 2011 and BlogWorld Expo New York 2011. This was the first time the BlogWorld Team held an event on the east coast, and we had a pleasure of attending. This was the second year straight that we attended WordCamp Raleigh. I was actually speaking in a panel at BlogWorld Expo with John Chow and Zac Johnson on a topic “Monetizing Your Blog Beyond the Banner Ads”. I also spoke at WordCamp Raleigh on Speeding up WordPress and Maximizing Performance. This article is a personal reflection of my experience over that trip. I got to meet a lot of cool people, and some old friends as well. Before I say any further, I have to thank our awesome sponsors that stepped up and made this trip possible. Steve Burge from OSTraining was amazing because he stepped up and sponsored our entire trip to WordCamp Raleigh, and partial trip for BlogWorld NYC. Todd Garland from BuySellAds (Our full review), and John Saddington and Standard Theme team which stepped up to cover BlogWorld New York.
上周,我们很高兴参加了WordCamp Raleigh 2011和纽约BlogWorld Expo2011 。这是BlogWorld团队第一次在东海岸举行活动,我们很高兴参加。 这是我们连续第二年参加WordCamp Raleigh。 我实际上是在BlogWorld Expo的一个小组中与John Chow和Zac Johnson进行了主题为“横幅广告之外的博客货币化”的演讲。 我还在WordCamp Raleigh上发表了有关“加快WordPress并最大化性能”的演讲。 本文是我这次旅行经历的个人反映。 我遇到了很多很酷的人,还有一些老朋友。 在我进一步说明之前,我必须感谢我们的杰出赞助商加紧努力,使这次旅行成为可能。 来自OSTraining的 Steve Burge很棒,因为他加紧并赞助了我们的整个WordCamp Raleigh之旅以及部分BlogWorld NYC之旅。 BuySellAds的 Todd Garland( 我们的完整评论 )以及John Saddington和Standard Theme团队加紧报道了纽约BlogWorld。
Some people I met:
Lewis Howes, Chris Brogan, John Chow, Zac Johnson, Brad Williams, David Henzel, Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Pirillo (a guy that I met through EmpireAvenue), Jordan Cooper, Adria Richards, David Risley and numerous other rockstar bloggers, developers, and entrepreneurs. Check out some of my pictures:
Lewis Howes,Chris Brogan,John Chow,Zac Johnson,Brad Williams,David Henzel,Gary Vaynerchuk,Chris Pirillo(我通过EmpireAvenue遇到的一个人),Jordan Cooper,Adria Richards,David Risley和许多其他摇滚明星博客,开发人员以及企业家。 看看我的一些照片:
[slickr-flickr tag=”bweny” items=”27″]
[slickr-flickr标签=“ bweny”项目=“ 27”]
Aside from being a great educational conference, BlogWorld was a lot of fun as well. I networked with a lot of new people and had a blast partying. I also had a blast learning as well. After this BlogWorld, I came back with new goals and list of things I want to improve on. Some of you probably already noticed, that WPBeginner has a new commenting system. Yes, that happened at BlogWorld as well because I met the team behind LiveFyre who gave me the first hand benefits of LiveFyre. There will be a post on WPBeginner about why we switched. Prior to BlogWorld, I was at WordCamp Raleigh, and Patric O’Keefe (@ifroggy) started the conversation and put the name in my head. Then later at BlogWorld totally independently another friend of mine, Lewis Howes, introduced me to the LiveFyre team. As you can see, it is running on the site. If I make the decision that quick, then it must be really freaking good. We did a writeup on some very cool posts, that I am certain you guys will find helpful. Check out the list below:
除了举办一次很棒的教育会议外,BlogWorld也很有趣。 我结识了很多新朋友,并举行了一场狂欢派对。 我也有一个爆炸性的学习。 学习完BlogWorld之后 ,我又提出了新的目标和要改进的事情清单。 可能有些人已经注意到WPBeginner具有新的评论系统。 是的,这也是在BlogWorld上发生的,因为我遇到了LiveFyre背后的团队,这使我获得了LiveFyre的第一手好处。 在WPBeginner上将会有一篇关于我们为什么切换的帖子。 在BlogWorld之前,我曾在WordCamp Raleigh任职,而Patric O'Keefe(@ifroggy)开始了对话,并把这个名字放在脑海中。 之后,在BlogWorld上,我的另一个朋友Lewis Howes完全独立,将我介绍给LiveFyre团队。 如您所见,它正在站点上运行。 如果我这么快做出决定,那一定是非常好的。 我们在一些非常酷的帖子上做了一篇文章,相信你们会对您有所帮助。 查看以下列表:
How this guy went from Zero to One Million Pageviews on his BlogBreaking the Bell Curve: Standing Out in a Sea of SameHow to stand out in any niche using humorThe Now Revolution: Making Your Business Faster, Smarter, and More SocialWhy more people aren’t reading your blog: How to create Bit Sized content that get devoured and sharedThe black, white, and gray of cross linking, reposting, and media rights
这个人在博客上的浏览量从零上升到一百万的方式 打破钟形曲线:在同一个海洋中脱颖而出 如何在幽默中脱颖而出 如今的革命:让您的业务更快,更智能,更社交化 为什么更多人不阅读您的博客:如何创建被吞噬和共享的按位大小内容 交叉链接,重新发布和媒体权利的黑白两色
Articles from WordCamp Raleigh 2011
WordCamp Raleigh 2011中的文章
Maximizing Performance and Speeding up WordPress (My Presentation)Designing for the Social WebBridging the Designer-Developer GapDiet Pills, SEO, and Theme Frameworks: there are no magic bulletsComment Moderation 201
最大化性能并加快WordPress (我的演示文稿) 为社交网站设计 缩小设计师与开发人员的差距 减肥药,SEO和主题框架:没有神奇的子弹 评论审核201
As I mentioned, I also spoke at BlogWorld Expo. John, Zac, and I decided to have a little fun with our moderator and friend (David Risley) by having read humbling introductions about us. Rob Sutton recorded it on video (tell me if you didn’t get a chuckle out of this):
如前所述,我也在BlogWorld Expo上发表了讲话。 约翰,扎克(John,Zac)和我决定通过阅读有关我们的谦虚介绍来与我们的主持人和朋友( David Risley )玩得开心。 罗伯·萨顿 ( Rob Sutton)将其录制在视频中(告诉我,如果您对此不以为然):
I had a pleasure attending both events. Michael Torbert, Craig Tuller, and Steve Mortiboy put up another great show at WordCamp Raleigh 2011. They were amazing hosts, and I want to thank them for that. Rick Calvert, Deb Ng, Dave, and the entire BlogWorld team put together another great event. I am proud to stay that I will do my best to attend the next WordCamp Raleigh, and BlogWorld LA later this year.
我很高兴参加这两个活动。 迈克尔·托伯特(Michael Torbert),克雷格·塔勒(Craig Tuller)和史蒂夫·莫蒂博伊(Steve Mortiboy)在WordCamp Raleigh 2011上举办了另一场精彩的演出。他们是令人惊叹的主持人,我要感谢他们。 Rick Calvert,Deb Ng,Dave和整个BlogWorld团队共同举办了另一项盛事。 我为能继续参加下一届WordCamp Raleigh和今年晚些时候的BlogWorld LA而感到骄傲。
In the next 2 weeks, I will be attending WordCamp Kansas City, and WordCamp Columbus. I always love meeting WPBeginner readers and ofcourse the entire WordPress community. So if you are coming, then make sure we get a picture together.
在接下来的2周中,我将参加堪萨斯城的 WordCamp和WordCamp哥伦布 。 我一直很喜欢与WPBeginner读者见面,当然也喜欢与整个WordPress社区见面。 因此,如果您要来,请确保我们一起拍照。
Once again, I want to thank these awesome sponsors for making this trip possible. Seriously check them out.
我再次感谢这些很棒的赞助者使这次旅行成为可能。 认真检查一下。
Standard theme is recognized as one of the 8 best premium WordPress themes by Mashable, TheNextWeb called it the slickest WordPress theme ever, and it was also nominated as one of the 25 Best Commercial WordPress themes of 2010 by WPBeginner. With their recent update, Standard Theme now fully supports post formats. Get 15% OFF if you use the coupon “WPBEGIN15“.
标准主题是Mashable公认的8个最佳WordPress主题之一,TheNextWeb将其称为有史以来最漂亮的WordPress主题,它还被WPBeginner提名为2010年25个最佳商业WordPress主题之一 。 通过最新的更新,标准主题现在完全支持帖子格式。 如果使用优惠券“ WPBEGIN15 ”,可享受15%的折扣。
BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.
BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。
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