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"The F language" by Jeanne Adams

"The F language" by Jeanne Adams
发信人: leavy (☆星河☆), 信区: Fortran
标 题: "The F language" by Jeanne Adams
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Mon Aug 30 17:46:15 2004)

The F language
by Jeanne Adams


A number of Fortran gurus have come upon a new idea in language development f
or scientific programming. A new language, called F, has been defined by sele
cting the most powerful numerical features and the new data abstraction capab
ilities from Fortran
90 and Fortran 95. The old, obsolete, and possibly redundant features of Fort
ran 90/95 have not been included in the description of F, or in the compiler
that has been released for processing programs written in F.
The F language with array syntax is thus a streamlined Fortran, where the fea
tures described are the most useful in today's Fortran environment. It is rec
ommended for beginning students of computer languages and for researchers des
igning new projects.
There are no alternative ways for expressing any feature. There are no duplic
ations in the language as is true in Fortran 90/95, where new and better feat
ures often substitute for some of the old time-worn facilities that remain in
the language. The
selection of features was based on simplifying Fortran so that a new language
results where all the features in the F language are also in standard Fortra

Many old features that are not contained in F are those that have been delete
d from earlier Fortrans or are declared to be obsolete in the current standar
d but are not yet deleted, or ones that have been replaced by more modern and
efficient features.

However, it is not the architecture (Fortran deleted and obsolete features) t
hat has motivated the selection of items recommended, but the wish to have a
modest-sized language that will serve:

Educators teaching new students who will move into the Fortran work environme
nt after college
Scientists and engineers already using the current Fortran, who want a smalle
r and more modern language for use with new research; yet retaining facilitie
s in Fortran 90/95 that will allow them to use dusty decks sometimes
Admirers of Fortran who over the years have had the wish for a sleek and mode
rn language evolving from its long and venerable history

F compilers and Fortran compilers
The F language is not a subset of Fortran primarily for the reasons listed ab
ove, although all the statements that it contains are derived from Fortran. I
t is not expected that the F language will evolve, adding features that are n
ot currently in the
Fortran standard, because one of the advantages of the F language is that it
will fit nicely within the current Fortran.
An initial assumption is that most shops will already have a Fortran 90 or 95
compiler in house. This compiler will compile all the features described in
F. If this is the case, there are two or three compiler options that can be u
sed for F. The first
one is to use a current Fortran 90 or Fortran 95 compiler, selecting faciliti
es that are described in this text. Other options would be to find a Fortran
90/95 compiler that has a compiler option that flags all non-F features, or w
rite your own
precompiler that marks these features. This, in effect, is what the F compile
r does. A final option currently available is an F compiler that is smaller a
nd more efficient, for use with new research projects. These compilers are av
ailable from Imagine1
for Windows 95, Linux, and Unix systems with Windows NT, Macintosh and Salfor
d will be available soon. The compilers are based on technology from Absoft,
Fujitsu, and NAG.

It is probably best to have both an F compiler and a Fortran 90/95 compiler w
here F programs will run on either one. This will serve as an excellent check
on F statements that are intended to be standard-conforming. A draft BNF is
available with many
details of the F language on the internet at:

The email address is info@imagine1.com

What is F like as a scientific programming language?
F is not permissive, and there is usually only one way to write code--not man
y perturbations of the same thing. The language keywords and intrinsic functi
on names are all reserved words in F. No names may assume these exact forms.
Each of the sections
below reflect the occasions when an experienced Fortran programmer would writ
e code in a relaxed manner that would not be acceptable to F.
However, there is less to learn in F than in Fortran or C++. And once the syn
tax is mastered, the programming code results should be more portable. It is
a great teaching tool, and comes without all the old baggage of Fortran 66, F
ortran 77, and
Fortran 90/95.

F language features
The following features have been selected for this initial version of the F l
anguage. As use of F continues, certain missing but useful features might be
added, and certain F features that did not prove to be useful might be identi
fied. Therefore,
changes to this list can be anticipated.
The features have been gathered arbitrarily into the following categories:

Operators and assignment
Data types
Control constructs
Modules, procedures, and program units
Input output features
Source form
Each section contains some examples to give a flavor of the contents. Further
information about F is provided in the references and the bnf on the interne
t. These notes give some overview and conclude with a list of some of the fea
tures in F, and some
of the features not in F.

Operators and assignment
The following operators are supported. Notice that the relational operators o
f the form .op. (like .EQ.) have not been included. The Fortran 90/95 feature
that permits new operator definition is included and allows the .op. form. T
here is also a
defined assignment capability.
Arithmetic operators **, +, -, /, *

Relational operators <, <=, ==, /=, >, >=
Logical operators .not., .and., .or., .eqv., .neqv.
Character concatenation //
Defined operator .letters.

The equals sign " = " is the assignment symbol. The special symbol for pointe
r assignment is " => ". These assignment symbols are used in:

variable = expression ! arithmetic, relational, or logical assignment
pointer => xxtarget ! pointer assignment

Examples of operators and assignment:

y + z * (q**r)
(b * z) <= r
nd .and. n2
d1 // c5
card .least. Safe

x = sin (y)
i = 20 * Animals
k = (/1,2,7/)
point => xxtarget
r = rational (1,2)

Data types
As in Fortran 90/95, the type specification statement is made up of a type na
me, a list of attributes for the variables declared, and the variable list. T
he intrinsic types are integer, real, complex, character, and logical. Except
for character type,
each of these types may have a kind type parameter. The kind type is more spe
cific to any machine representation in declaring numeric precision or range f
or the arithmetic types, and the representation method for logical type. A re
al constant must have
at least one digit before and after the decimal point. (44. is flagged, but 4
4.0 is correct F syntax.)
Names of variables may be in mixed case (upper and lower), but must appear in
the same way in each appearance. Undefined variables are flagged by the comp
iler. Implicit none is a legal statement in F, however, all variables must be
declared in F, even
if the statement is not there. It is as if the implicit none statement were t
o appear in every program unit. There is no double-precision type, which is r
edundant with the kind feature of Fortran 90/95.

The attributes allowed are parameter, public, private, allocatable, dimension
(array specification), intent (intent spec), optional, pointer, save, and ta
rget. A list item may be a variable name or an initialization expression. Cha
racter data type has
a length selector in the type declaration, and substrings may be used in the
F language. Dimension and character length information may appear only on the
left side of the double colon.

The informal syntax for type declarations is:

type [,attribute list] :: entity declaration list

Optional initialization of a variable is allowed in the list of objects. Noti
ce that in the syntax for declaring type, the double colons "::" are required
. They are optional in Fortran 90/95 to maintain compatibility with previous
Fortrans, but there
is no need to omit them for new projects.
A user-defined type may be defined and subsequently used in a type statement.
The type definition may declare a number of components in the declaration pa
rt, and may be used to place a number of variables in a structure.

To define a type called type_name:

type , access specification :: type_name
component declarations
. . .
end type [ type_name ]

To declare a list of variables to be of that type:

type ( type_name ) :: variable list

A component of a structure (that is, a user defined type) is identified with
a % as in:

defined type name % component name

A structure constructor defines values for components as in:

type name (constructor expression list)

All the declaration statements are "attribute oriented," and not entity orien
ted. That is, all items in the list will have the same attributes in a given
type declaration statement. Old Fortran allows both. The data statement and t
he block data
subprogram for initializing common is not supported by the F language, nor is
common or equivalence, long in favor because they were necessary in old code

Syntax examples of data type statements:

real :: x,y
real (kind = high), dimension (10,10) :: R
integer (kind = long), dimension (100) :: mappings
logical :: gamma
logical (kind = packed) :: sho
complex :: ccm

real, public :: under_palatial
integer, dimension (:, :), allocatable :: x, y
real, intent (out) :: gone
logical :: smooth
real, pointer, dimension (:,:,:) :: weight, height
integer, save :: lion_hearted
real, dimension (3,3,3), target :: justice, arms, law
integer, parameter :: j = 1

type, public :: class
integer :: year, quarter
character (len = 30) :: instructor
end type class

type (class) :: english, geometry

english % instructor = "Simms"

test = class (1996,third,"Jones")
geometry % instructor = "Smith"

Control constructs
There are three control constructs: the if, the case, and the do construct. O
nly the do construct may have a construct name. Only the if construct is feat
ured in F, not the one-line if statement. A similar selection facility is the
case construct,
except that the case selector is restricted to integer or character data, whe
reas the if construct tests a logical expression.
The do construct and the exit and cycle statements have an optional construct
name. Loops in the F language may have no loop control, or loop on an index
variable. The form of a DO with a labeled terminal statement is not a feature
. In addition, there
is no optional comma after do and before an index variable. All loops are ter
minated with the end do statement which is not labeled, but the end do may ha
ve a construct name. The do while form of loop control is not needed and ther
efore not supported.

The return and the stop statements also alter the order of execution of F sta
tements. These statements are sometimes needed for debugging when a program o
r procedure must terminate execution at some point.

Syntax examples of control constructs:

if (number > maximum) then
number = maximum
else if (number < minimum) then
number = minimum
end if

select case (n+no)
case (3)
x = 34.3
case default
x = 1.0 / x
end select

do j = 1,100
if ( j <= 50) then
k = j - 4
print *, k
end if
print *, j
end do

doname: do
if ( value > climate_index) then
exit doname
end if
value = new_value
end do doname


Modules, procedures, and units
Program units in the F language are programs, modules, and module procedures.
A main program begins with a program statement and concludes with an end pro
gram statement. There is no end statement that is not modified in some way. T
he syntax might be:
program main
. . .
end program main

The F language does not accept procedures that are not in a module. Most feat
ures of Fortran 90/95 that are related to modules and module procedures are i
ncluded. Statement functions are not in F. Functions and subroutines are inte
nded to be included
as module procedures. A procedure dummy argument must be described with an in
terface block. An interface block is also used to describe external procedure
s in other languages like C (or even Fortran). There are no internal procedur
es in F. All
procedures are module procedures and follow a contains statement in a module.
A result clause that returns the value of a function is required for all fun
ctions. Functions must not change the value of dummy arguments. Recursion is
a feature, and the
interface concept to define operators and assignment are as in Fortran 90/95.

The following statements contain a number of possibilities for the contents o
f a module:

module module name
use statements
access statements
type definitions
type declarations
subroutines and functions
end module module name

use module name[s] [,rename list]
use module name, only : [ only list]

A call statement may be used to reference a module procedure, if the module n
ame appears in a use statement in that program unit or the calling program is
in the module.

If an intrinsic procedure is used as an argument or extended with a module pr
ocedure, the name must be declared in an intrinsic statement. Most of the For
tran 90/95 intrinsic procedures are in F, and these names are reserved words
along with all the
other keywords in F. The following redundant intrinsic procedures are omitted
from F: achar, iachar, lge, lgt, lge, llt, transfer, dble, dim, dprod, and m
od. The transfer function is not really redundant, but it is not portable.

An interface block makes a non-F procedure declaration explicit. Both user-de
fined operators and user-defined assignment must appear in an interface block

interface operator ( defined operator )
. . .
module procedure name
. . .
end interface [ operator ( defined operator) ]

interface assignment (=)
. . .
module procedure name
. . .
end interface [ assignment (=)]

The entry statement and alternate return are not supported. There are better
ways to do these tasks in F.

Examples of syntax for modules, procedures, and units:

module shared
public :: set
private :: altitude
complex, public :: gtx
real, allocatable, public, dimension (:,:) :: x
type, private :: peak
real :: x, y
end type peak
subroutine set (temperature)
real, intent(in):: temperature
temp1 = temperature
. . .
end subroutine set
function altitude (degrees) result (rd)
. . .
end function altitude
end module shared
use math, only : x
call set (temp_high)
recursive function gift (ist) result (recursive_x)
end recursive function gift

intrinsic :: sin
interface operator (+)
end interface operator (+)
interface assignment (=)
end interface assignment (=)

There are in F only a few restrictions to the Fortran 90/95 array facility. M
ost all of the array facility is included. An array is declared in a type sta
tement with a dimension attribute (along with any other attributes required)
as in:
type, dimension (array specification) [ ,attributes ]:: array name list

All array bounds and specifications for arrays must appear before the double
colons in a type declaration. Parts of an array may be accessed using the fol
lowing forms:

subscript expression
subscript triplet [expression] : [expression] : [stride]
vector subscript integer array expression

The where construct is used to test a logical array expression for selecting
elements of an array to be assigned a value. The optional elsewhere permits a
ssignment of a value to other elements of the array not yet assigned. There i
s no construct name
on the where construct. Dynamic storage association is managed using the allo
cate and deallocate feature. Pointers also permit dynamic storage using point
er assignment of a target when space may be required in a program. The nullif
y statement permits
variables or structure components to be disassociated from any target.

An array constructor has the following form:

(/ array constructor value list /)
Examples of array syntax:

real, dimension (3,15) :: controls
real, allocatable (:,:) :: a, x, y
integer, dimension (1:100) :: k
real, dimension (3), parameter :: y = (/4, 6, 87/)

real, dimension (2) :: g
g = (/14.5, 32.777/)

real, dimension (100) :: a, b
a = b
allocate (x(9,9))
x(3,2:6:2) = 0.0

where ( b >= 0.0)
sqrt_b = sqrt(b)
sqrt_b = 0.0
end where
deallocate ( x )

Input and output features
The input statements are:
read ( i/o control list ) [ input list ]
read format [ , variable list ]

The output statements are:

write ( i/o control list ) [ output list ]
print format [ , output list ]

The i/o control list must contain a unit number, and may also contain fmt, ad
vance, iostat, rec, and size. If the unit number is a character variable, the
i/o is for an internal file. The keywords for unit and format are not option
al, but must appear.
The end=, err=, or eor= must not appear in the control list. The read and pri
nt statements may contain an * for list-directed formatting or default format
ting, or it may be explicit formatting using descriptors. Traditional unforma
tted input/output is
also a feature of F; namelist is not.

Examples of the syntax of read and write statements:

read ( fmt = "(a)", rec = 15, unit = 9, iostat = i) past_tense
write (unit = iun, rec = 24) Aa, bBet
read (unit =char_nam, fmt = "(i)") size_of_file
read (unit = 5, fmt = *) a
write (fmt = "(a)", advance = "no", unit = ion) Bchars
read (unit = iu, iostat = ii) x, u
print *, x, y, z
print "(a, 15f6.2)", XLIST(:)
print "(I7)", k

The form of the open statement is:

open ( connection specifiers)

The connection specifiers are:

unit = external file unit
file = file name expression
access = scalar character expression
action = scalar character expression
form = scalar character expression
iostat = scalar default integer variable
position = scalar character expression
recl = scalar integer expression
status = scalar character expression

A restriction in F is that the status specifier is required and the form must
not be "unknown" in an open statement. The action specifier is required in t
he open statement . The PAD=, DELIM=, and BLANK= are not supported in the ope
n or the inquire
statements. If the status is old, the position specifier must be present and
must be rewind or append. A file must be closed in order to open it. There is
no reopen for a connected file.

The form of the close statement is:

close ( close specifiers )

The close specifiers are:

unit = external file unit
iostat = scalar default integer variable
status = scalar character expression

The form of the inquire statement is:

inquire ( unit = external file unit, inquiry specifiers)
inquire ( iolength = scalar default integer variable) output list

The inquiry specifiers are:

unit = external file unit
file = file name expression
access = character
action = character
direct = character
exist = logical
form = character
formatted = character
iostat = integer
name = character
named = logical
nextrec = integer
number = integer
opened = logical
position = character
read = character
readwrite = character
recl = integer
sequential = character
unformatted = character
write = character

The file positioning statements are backspace, rewind, and endfile. These sta
tements cannot be used on internal files.

Examples of open, close and inquire:

open (unit =11, status = "scratch", iostat = ierr, action = "readwrite")
open (unit = 7, status = "new", file = "disk99",action = "write")
close ( unit = 1)
close (status = "delete", unit = 23, iostat = ierr)
inquire ( form = ch35, unit = 7)
inquire (file = "disk88", opened = op, action = ch3)
inquire (iolength = count) x, y, z
rewind (unit = 7)

Source form
The Fortran character set for F is the same as the one used in Fortran 90/95
as is the line limit of 132 characters. The reserved words in statements in t
he F language are always written in lowercase; however, character variables r
eturned after
execution of an inquire statement may appear in uppercase, and any uppercase
letter may appear in a character constant. Variable names in a program may co
ntain both upper- and lowercase letters. However, the usage must be consisten
t within the program.
For example, Home, home, and hOME are not the same variable name, and only on
e of these may be used in a program unit. Only quotes are allowed as a delimi
ter for a character string.

A format consists of * (for list-directed formatting) or one or more data edi
t descriptors, control edit descriptors, or format list items. These descript
ors match those in Fortran 90/95. The comma separates format items. The forma
t information is a
character expression, where edit descriptors are separated by a comma. There
is no format statement, and thus no characters are allowed after the final ri
ght parenthesis in a format specifier or character format variable.
The control edit descriptors are tn, tln, trn, [r]/, :, s, sp, ss. The data e
dit descriptors are i, f, es, l, a. Carriage control is not supported by F, i
t is file and operating system dependent.

Examples of formatting:

character (len = 11) :: fmmt
fmmt = "(a, 10f8.2)"
write (unit = 6, fmt = fmmt) "pressure", numbers (1:10)
read (unit = 5, fmt = "(10f8.2)" ) x(1:5), y(0:4)
print "(a14)" , "The F language"

Features in F language
The following general features are included in the F language at this time. N
o formal or informal syntax is included, only a reference to the feature. The
formal bnf is available at:

variable = expression
pointer => target
access (public, private)
dimension (array bounds)
intent (in, out, inout)
control constructs
end (always modified by program etc.)
control edit descriptors are tn, tln, trn, [r]/, :, s, sp, ss.
data edit descriptors are i, f, es, l, a.
execution control
function ( result clause required )
input, output, file positioning
implicit none
type declaration
type definition (user defined)
user-defined type
where construct

Notable omissions from FORTRAN 90/95
If the reader is totally unfamiliar with Fortran, and starting a new project,
there is nothing to unlearn. One of the particularly attractive features of
F is that it is a small, modern language without redundancies. And it will be
easy to learn for
students and scientists with new projects on their workstations.
However, most of the readers do have familiarity with Fortran and other langu
ages like C. And it is interesting to note some of those features which will
not be acceptable in F. This is not a complete list.

Some of the features not in F, but in standard Fortran 90/95 are:

";" separator for multiple statements on a line
"'" apostrophe as a delimiter
"&" for continuation of a continued line
alternate return
attribute statements
binary, octal, hexadecimal constants in data statements
block data
carriage control is processor dependent
control statements (not constructs)
data edit descriptors--b, o, z, d, e, en, g, p, x, bn, bz
data statement
do while
do (labelled)
double precision type
end (without a modifier)
err =, end =, eor = specifier in i/o control lists
fixed source form
format statement
internal procedures
go to
namelist i/o
optional keyword syntax for unit and format in I/O
PAD=, DELIM=, or BLANK= in open and inquire
statement functions
upper case reserved words

Programmer's Guide to F, by Walter S. Brainerd, Charles H. Goldberg, and Jean
ne C. Adams, 388 pages, Unicomp, 1996.
The F Programming Language, by Michael Metcalf and John Reid, Oxford Universi
ty Press, Oxford and New York, 1996.

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