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本文为美国弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学(作者:Mohammad Mozaffari)的博士论文,共259页。










The use of aerial platforms such asunmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), popularly known as drones, has emerged as apromising solution for providing reliable and cost-effective wirelesscommunications. In particular, UAVs can be quickly and efficiently deployed tosupport cellular networks and enhance their quality-of-service (QoS) byestablishing line-of-sight communication links. With their inherent attributessuch as mobility, flexibility, and adaptive altitude, UAVs admit several keypotential applications in wireless systems. Remarkably, despite these inherentadvantages of UAVbased communications, little work has analyzed the performancetradeoffs associated with using UAVs as aerial wireless platforms. The key goalof this dissertation is to develop the analytical foundations for deployment,performance analysis, and optimization of UAV-enabled wireless networks. Thisdissertation makes a number of fundamental contributions to various areas ofUAV communications that include: 1) Efficient deployment of UAVs, 2)Performance evaluation and optimization, and 3) Design of new flying,three-dimensional (3D) wireless systems. For deployment, using tools fromoptimization theory, holistic frameworks are developed for the optimal 3Dplacement of UAV base stations in uplink and downlink scenarios. The results showthat the proposed deployment approaches significantly improve the downlinkcoverage for ground users, and enable ultra-reliable and energy-efficientuplink communications in Internet of Things (IoT) applications. For performanceoptimization, a novel framework is developed for maximizing the performance ofa UAV-based wireless system, in terms of data service, under UAVs’ flight timeconstraints. To this end, using the mathematical framework of optimal transporttheory, the optimal cell associations, that lead to a maximum data service toground users within the limited UAVs’ hover duration, are analytically derived.The results shed light on the tradeoff between hover time andquality-of-service in UAV-based wireless networks. For performance evaluation,this dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis on the performance of aUAV-based communication system in coexistence with a terrestrial network. Inparticular, a tractable analytical framework is proposed for analyzing thecoverage and rate performance of a network with a UAV base station anddeviceto-device (D2D) users. The results reveal the fundamental tradeoffs insuch a UAV-D2D network that allow adopting appropriate system designparameters. Then, this dissertation sheds light on the design of three newdrone-enabled wireless systems. First, a novel framework for effective use ofcache-enabled UAVs in wireless networks is developed. The results demonstratehow the users’ quality of experience substantially improves by exploiting UAVs’mobility and user-centric information. Second, a new framework is proposed fordeploying and operating a drone-based antenna array system that deliverswireless service to ground users within a minimum time. The results showsignificant enhancement in QoS, spectral and energy efficiency while leveringthe proposed drone antenna array system. Finally, to effectively incorporatevarious use cases of drones ranging from aerial users to base stations, the newconcept of a fully-fledged 3D cellular network is introduced. For this new typeof 3D wireless network, a unified framework for deployment, network planning,and performance optimization is developed that yields a maximum coverage andminimum latency in the network. In a nutshell, the analytical foundations andframeworks presented in this dissertation provide key guidelines for effectivedesign and operation of UAV-based wireless communication systems.

  1. 研究动机、项目背景与本文贡献
  2. 有效部署多架无人飞行器实现最佳无线覆盖
  3. 应用于节能物联网通信的移动无人机
  4. 无人机无线网络中的悬停时间优化
  5. 地面设备对设备网络无人机基本性能分析
  6. 无线网络中支持缓存的无人机
  7. 无线无人机天线阵的通信与控制
  8. 无人机蜂窝网络中小区关联的最优传输理论
  9. 无人机B5G:3D无线蜂窝网络的基础
  10.   系留气球接力高空平台无人机的和速率分析
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  11.   结论与开放问题
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