# 查询数据库的创建语句
\d exam.course
# 查询数据表中的数据
select * from exam.course ;
# 查询部分列
select id,name exam.couese;
# 字符串的连接
select iname || '的职称是' || title as "讲师信息" from exam.instructor;
# 日期运算符号
select current_date()+7 as nextwork;
# 表中数据的计算
select id+5 from t03^;
# 输出成绩信息成绩大于等于90 时输出高,成绩大于70并且小于90时输出中其他的输出低可以通过表达式case when 来实现
select sno,sno,score,case when score >= 90 then '高' when score <90 and score <=70 then '中' else '低' END as score_level from exam.score ;
# where条件查询
select * from exam.score where score > 80;
# where条件查询
select * from exam.student where city='Beijing';
# 多条件查询
select * from exam.score where sno=1001 and score>85;
和其他语言一样逻辑运算包括与、或、非分别使用AND OR NOT 表示
# and优先于or(输出结果为1则表示最后的结果为True)
select 1 from dual where 1=1 or 1=0 and 1=0;
# not优先于and(输出为空则表示最后结果为FLASE)
select 1 from dual where not 1=0 and 1=0;
# 使用百分号进行模糊查询
# 最前面的字符为B的
select * from exam.student where city like 'B%';
# 最后面字符为g的字符
select * from exam.student where city like '%g';
# 第二个字母为e
select * from exam.student where city like '_e%';
# 时间范围查询
select * from exam.student where reg_date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-10-01';
# 查询带有空值的数据
select * from exam.student where company is null;
# 升序使用asc(默认)
# 查询姓名按照入学事件查询
select sname from exam.student order by reg_date ;
# 使用关键字
select sname from exam.student order by reg_date asc;
# 使用别名进行排序
select sname as name,reg_date as date from exam.student order by date asc;
# 使用序号选择排序对象
select sname,reg_date from exam.student order by 2;
# 多列组合排序
select sname,reg_date,city from exam.student order by city,reg_date;
# 获取前两行
select sname from exam.student limit 2;
# 使用子查询的方式
select * from (select rownum rn, sname,city from exam.student) where rn<=3;
# 分页查询
select sname,city from exam.student offset 3 rows fetch next 3 rows only;
select count(distinct city) from exam.student ;
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