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  48. <h1>Short Info of <span>Web Tech Blog</span></h1>
  49. <p>Vivamus a massa. Donec iaculis felis id neque. Praesent varius egestas velit. Donec a massa ut pede pulvinar vulputate. Nulla et augue. Sed eu nunc quis pede tristique suscipit. Nam sit amet justo vel libero tincidunt dignissim. Cras magna velit, pellentesque mattis, faucibus vitae, feugiat vitae, sapien. Fusce ac orci sit amet velit ultrices condimentum. Integer imperdiet odio ac eros. Ut id massa. Nullam nunc. Vivamus sagittis varius lorem.</p>
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  53. <h2><a href="#">Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis</a></h2>
  54. <div class="tag"><strong>Tags:</strong> <a href="#">Photography</a>, <a href="#">Free Photos</a>, <a href="#">HDR</a></div>
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  56. 25 Feb
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  62. <p>Praesent mattis varius quam. Vestibulum ullamcorper ipsum nec augue. Vestibulum auctor odio eget ante. Nunc commodo, magna pharetra semper vehicula, dui ligula feugiat elit, et euismod nunc orci ut libero. Etiam sodales massa vel metus. Mauris et elit quis mauris aliquet luctus.</p>
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  70. <div class="tag"><strong>Tags:</strong> <a href="#">Photography</a>, <a href="#">Free Photos</a>, <a href="#">Royalty</a></div>
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  85. <h2><a href="#">Quisque dictum pharetra neque</a></h2>
  86. <div class="tag"><strong>Tags:</strong> <a href="#">Flash</a>, <a href="#">Free Files</a>, <a href="#">AS3</a></div>
  87. <span class="posted_date">
  88. 25 Feb
  89. <strong>2010</strong>
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  94. <p>Curabitur eleifend congue leo. Donec a purus vel purus sollicitudin placerat. Nunc at sem. Sed pellentesque placerat augue. Mauris pede nisl, placerat nec, lobortis vitae, dictum sed, neque.</p>
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  101. <h2><a href="#">Mauris quis nulla sed ipsum pretium sagittis</a></h2>
  102. <div class="tag"><strong>Tags:</strong> <a href="#">HTML</a>, <a href="#">Free Templates</a>, <a href="#">CSS</a></div>
  103. <span class="posted_date">
  104. 25 Feb
  105. <strong>2010</strong>
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  110. <p>Quisque in diam a justo condimentum molestie. Vivamus a velit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis velit quis tortor tincidunt aliquet. Vivamus leo velit, convallis id, ultrices sit amet, tempor a, libero.</p>
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  257. width: 1024px;
  258. margin: 0 auto;
  259. padding: 10px 0;
  260. color: #999999;
  261. text-align: center;
  262. }
  263. #templatemo_footer a { color: #999999; font-weight: normal; }
  264. #templatemo_footer .footer_menu { margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; }
  265. #templatemo_footer .footer_menu li { margin: 0; padding: 0 5px; list-style: none; border-left: 1px solid #6b6b6b; display: inline-block; }
  266. #templatemo_footer .footer_menu .first { border: none; }
  267. #templatemo_footer .footer_menu li a { color: #6b6b6b; font-size: 11px; }
  268. #templatemo_footer .footer_menu li a:hover { color: #fff; }
  269. /* end of footer */






