git clone https://github.com/kennymckormick/pyskl.git
cd pyskl
# This command runs well with conda 22.9.0, if you are running an early conda version and got some errors, try to update your conda first
conda env create -f pyskl.yaml
conda activate pyskl
pip install -e .
Windows安装,见我的另一篇博客 windows环境安装pyskl
# Running the demo with STGCN++ trained on NTURGB+D 120 (Joint Modality). The input file is demo/ntu_sample.avi, the output file is demo/demo.mp4
python demo/demo_skeleton.py demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/demo.mp4 --config configs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j.py --checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/pyskl/ckpt/stgcnpp/stgcnpp_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j.pth
import os import decord import json def writeJson(path_train, jsonpath): outpot_list = [] trainfile_list = os.listdir(path_train) for train_name in trainfile_list: traindit = {} sp = train_name.split('_') traindit['vid_name'] = train_name.replace('.avi', '') traindit['label'] = int(sp[1].replace('.avi', '')) traindit['start_frame'] = 0 video_path = os.path.join(path_train, train_name) vid = decord.VideoReader(video_path) traindit['end_frame'] = len(vid) outpot_list.append(traindit.copy()) with open(jsonpath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(outpot_list, outfile)
# 第一个参数是数据集的路径,第二个参数时保存的json文件名
writeJson('./data/Weizmann/test', 'test.json')
[{“vid_name”: “moshe_0”, “label”: 0, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 62}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_1”, “label”: 1, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 61}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_2”, “label”: 2, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 105}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_3”, “label”: 3, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 39}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_4”, “label”: 4, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 45}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_5”, “label”: 5, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 64}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_6”, “label”: 6, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 46}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_7”, “label”: 7, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 77}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_8”, “label”: 8, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 111}, {“vid_name”: “moshe_9”, “label”: 9, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 60}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_0”, “label”: 0, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 59}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_1”, “label”: 1, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 61}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_2”, “label”: 2, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 103}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_3”, “label”: 3, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 38}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_4”, “label”: 4, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 56}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_5”, “label”: 5, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 67}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_6”, “label”: 6, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 43}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_7”, “label”: 7, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 68}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_8”, “label”: 8, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 120}, {“vid_name”: “shahar_9”, “label”: 9, “start_frame”: 0, “end_frame”: 61}]
def writeList(dirpath,name): path_train = os.path.join(dirpath, 'train') path_test = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test') trainfile_list=os.listdir(path_train) testfile_list=os.listdir(path_test) train=[] for train_name in trainfile_list: traindit={} sp=train_name.split('_') traindit['vid_name']= train_name traindit['label'] = sp[1].replace('.avi','') train.append(traindit) test = [] for test_name in testfile_list: testdit={} sp=test_name.split('_') testdit['vid_name']= test_name testdit['label'] = sp[1].replace('.avi','') test.append(testdit) tmpl1 =os.path.join(path_train,'{}') lines1 = [(tmpl1 + ' {}').format(x['vid_name'], x['label']) for x in train] tmpl2 = os.path.join(path_test, '{}') lines2 = [(tmpl2 + ' {}').format(x['vid_name'], x['label']) for x in test] lines=lines1+lines2 mwlines(lines, os.path.join(dirpath,name))
path是数据集路径 dirpath = ‘./data/Weizmann’
name为生成的list文件名称,这里为 ‘Weizmann’
writeList('./data/Weizmann.list', 'Weizmann.list')
直接用的 大脸猫105这位博主改好的代码,只不过自己修改了一点,如果我的代码有问题请回到大脸猫105
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import os import os.path as osp # import pdb import pyskl from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector from mmpose.apis import inference_top_down_pose_model, init_pose_model import decord import mmcv import numpy as np # import torch.distributed as dist from tqdm import tqdm import mmdet # import mmpose # from pyskl.smp import mrlines import cv2 from pyskl.smp import mrlines def extract_frame(video_path): vid = decord.VideoReader(video_path) return [x.asnumpy() for x in vid] def detection_inference(model, frames): model = model.cuda() results = [] for frame in frames: result = inference_detector(model, frame) results.append(result) return results def pose_inference(model, frames, det_results): model = model.cuda() assert len(frames) == len(det_results) total_frames = len(frames) num_person = max([len(x) for x in det_results]) kp = np.zeros((num_person, total_frames, 17, 3), dtype=np.float32) for i, (f, d) in enumerate(zip(frames, det_results)): # Align input format d = [dict(bbox=x) for x in list(d)] pose = inference_top_down_pose_model(model, f, d, format='xyxy')[0] for j, item in enumerate(pose): kp[j, i] = item['keypoints'] return kp pyskl_root = osp.dirname(pyskl.__path__[0]) default_det_config = f'{pyskl_root}/demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco-person.py' default_det_ckpt = ( 'https://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco-person/' 'faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco-person_20201216_175929-d022e227.pth') default_pose_config = f'{pyskl_root}/demo/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192.py' default_pose_ckpt = ( 'https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/' 'hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth') def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate 2D pose annotations for a custom video dataset') # * Both mmdet and mmpose should be installed from source # parser.add_argument('--mmdet-root', type=str, default=default_mmdet_root) # parser.add_argument('--mmpose-root', type=str, default=default_mmpose_root) # parser.add_argument('--det-config', type=str, default='../refe/faster_rcnn_r50_caffe_fpn_mstrain_1x_coco-person.py') # parser.add_argument('--det-ckpt', type=str, # default='../refe/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco-person_20201216_175929-d022e227.pth') parser.add_argument( '--det-config', # default='../refe/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py', default=default_det_config, help='human detection config file path (from mmdet)') parser.add_argument( '--det-ckpt', default=default_det_ckpt, help='human detection checkpoint file/url') parser.add_argument('--pose-config', type=str, default=default_pose_config) parser.add_argument('--pose-ckpt', type=str, default=default_pose_ckpt) # * Only det boxes with score larger than det_score_thr will be kept parser.add_argument('--det-score-thr', type=float, default=0.7) # * Only det boxes with large enough sizes will be kept, parser.add_argument('--det-area-thr', type=float, default=1300) # * Accepted formats for each line in video_list are: # * 1. "xxx.mp4" ('label' is missing, the dataset can be used for inference, but not training) # * 2. "xxx.mp4 label" ('label' is an integer (category index), # * the result can be used for both training & testing) # * All lines should take the same format. parser.add_argument('--video-list', type=str, help='the list of source videos') # * out should ends with '.pkl' parser.add_argument('--out', type=str, help='output pickle name') parser.add_argument('--tmpdir', type=str, default='tmp') parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=1) # pdb.set_trace() # if 'RANK' not in os.environ: # os.environ['RANK'] = str(args.local_rank) # os.environ['WORLD_SIZE'] = str(1) # os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost' # os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '12345' args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() assert args.out.endswith('.pkl') lines = mrlines(args.video_list) lines = [x.split() for x in lines] assert len(lines[0]) in [1, 2] if len(lines[0]) == 1: annos = [dict(frame_dir=osp.basename(x[0]).split('.')[0], filename=x[0]) for x in lines] else: annos = [dict(frame_dir=osp.basename(x[0]).split('.')[0], filename=x[0], label=int(x[1])) for x in lines] rank = 0 # 添加该 world_size = 1 # 添加 # init_dist('pytorch', backend='nccl') # rank, world_size = get_dist_info() # # if rank == 0: # os.makedirs(args.tmpdir, exist_ok=True) # dist.barrier() my_part = annos # my_part = annos[rank::world_size] print("from det_model") det_model = init_detector(args.det_config, args.det_ckpt, 'cuda') assert det_model.CLASSES[0] == 'person', 'A detector trained on COCO is required' print("from pose_model") pose_model = init_pose_model(args.pose_config, args.pose_ckpt, 'cuda') n = 0 for anno in tqdm(my_part): frames = extract_frame(anno['filename']) print("anno['filename", anno['filename']) det_results = detection_inference(det_model, frames) # * Get detection results for human det_results = [x[0] for x in det_results] for i, res in enumerate(det_results): # * filter boxes with small scores res = res[res[:, 4] >= args.det_score_thr] # * filter boxes with small areas box_areas = (res[:, 3] - res[:, 1]) * (res[:, 2] - res[:, 0]) assert np.all(box_areas >= 0) res = res[box_areas >= args.det_area_thr] det_results[i] = res pose_results = pose_inference(pose_model, frames, det_results) shape = frames[0].shape[:2] anno['img_shape'] = anno['original_shape'] = shape anno['total_frames'] = len(frames) anno['num_person_raw'] = pose_results.shape[0] anno['keypoint'] = pose_results[..., :2].astype(np.float16) anno['keypoint_score'] = pose_results[..., 2].astype(np.float16) anno.pop('filename') mmcv.dump(my_part, osp.join(args.tmpdir, f'part_{rank}.pkl')) # dist.barrier() if rank == 0: parts = [mmcv.load(osp.join(args.tmpdir, f'part_{i}.pkl')) for i in range(world_size)] rem = len(annos) % world_size if rem: for i in range(rem, world_size): parts[i].append(None) ordered_results = [] for res in zip(*parts): ordered_results.extend(list(res)) ordered_results = ordered_results[:len(annos)] mmcv.dump(ordered_results, args.out) if __name__ == '__main__': # default_mmdet_root = osp.dirname(mmcv.__path__[0]) # default_mmpose_root = osp.dirname(mmcv.__path__[0]) main()
python tools/data/custom_2d_skeleton.py --video-list ./data/Weizmann/Weizmann.list --out ./data/Weizmann/train.pkl
from mmcv import load, dump
def traintest(dirpath, pklname, newpklname):
train = load('train.json')
test = load('test.json')
annotations = load(pklname)
split = dict()
split['xsub_train'] = [x['vid_name'] for x in train]
split['xsub_val'] = [x['vid_name'] for x in test]
dump(dict(split=split, annotations=annotations), newpklname)
#num_classes=10 改成自己数据集的类别数量 model = dict( type='RecognizerGCN', backbone=dict( type='STGCN', gcn_adaptive='init', gcn_with_res=True, tcn_type='mstcn', graph_cfg=dict(layout='coco', mode='spatial')), cls_head=dict(type='GCNHead', num_classes=10, in_channels=256)) dataset_type = 'PoseDataset' #ann_file,改成上面存放pkl文件的路径 ann_file = './data/Weizmann/wei_xsub_stgn++_ch.pkl' #下面的train_pipeline、val_pipeline和test_pipeline中num_person可以改成1,我猜是视频中人的数 #量,但是没有证据 train_pipeline = [ dict(type='PreNormalize2D'), dict(type='GenSkeFeat', dataset='coco', feats=['j']), dict(type='UniformSample', clip_len=100), dict(type='PoseDecode'), dict(type='FormatGCNInput', num_person=1), dict(type='Collect', keys=['keypoint', 'label'], meta_keys=[]), dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['keypoint']) ] val_pipeline = [ dict(type='PreNormalize2D'), dict(type='GenSkeFeat', dataset='coco', feats=['j']), dict(type='UniformSample', clip_len=100, num_clips=1, test_mode=True), dict(type='PoseDecode'), dict(type='FormatGCNInput', num_person=1), dict(type='Collect', keys=['keypoint', 'label'], meta_keys=[]), dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['keypoint']) ] test_pipeline = [ dict(type='PreNormalize2D'), dict(type='GenSkeFeat', dataset='coco', feats=['j']), dict(type='UniformSample', clip_len=100, num_clips=10, test_mode=True), dict(type='PoseDecode'), dict(type='FormatGCNInput', num_person=1), dict(type='Collect', keys=['keypoint', 'label'], meta_keys=[]), dict(type='ToTensor', keys=['keypoint']) ] #这里的split='xsub_train'、split='xsub_val'可以按照自己写入的时候的key键进行修改,但是要保证 #wei_xsub_stgn++_ch.pkl中的和这里的一致 data = dict( videos_per_gpu=16, workers_per_gpu=2, test_dataloader=dict(videos_per_gpu=1), train=dict( type='RepeatDataset', times=5, dataset=dict(type=dataset_type, ann_file=ann_file, pipeline=train_pipeline, split='xsub_train')), val=dict(type=dataset_type, ann_file=ann_file, pipeline=val_pipeline, split='xsub_val'), test=dict(type=dataset_type, ann_file=ann_file, pipeline=test_pipeline, split='xsub_val')) # optimizer optimizer = dict(type='SGD', lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005, nesterov=True) optimizer_config = dict(grad_clip=None) # learning policy lr_config = dict(policy='CosineAnnealing', min_lr=0, by_epoch=False) #可以修改训练的轮数total_epochs total_epochs = 100 checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1) evaluation = dict(interval=1, metrics=['top_k_accuracy']) log_config = dict(interval=100, hooks=[dict(type='TextLoggerHook')]) # runtime settings log_level = 'INFO' #work_dir为保存训练结果文件的地方,可以自己修改 work_dir = './work_dirs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j_Wei5'
bash tools/dist_train.sh configs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j.py 1 --validate --test-last --test-best
import os import decord import json from mmcv import load, dump from pyskl.smp import mwlines def writeJson(path_train, jsonpath): outpot_list = [] trainfile_list = os.listdir(path_train) for train_name in trainfile_list: traindit = {} sp = train_name.split('_') traindit['vid_name'] = train_name.replace('.avi', '') traindit['label'] = int(sp[1].replace('.avi', '')) traindit['start_frame'] = 0 video_path = os.path.join(path_train, train_name) vid = decord.VideoReader(video_path) traindit['end_frame'] = len(vid) outpot_list.append(traindit.copy()) with open(jsonpath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(outpot_list, outfile) def writeList(dirpath, name): path_train = os.path.join(dirpath, 'train') path_test = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test') trainfile_list = os.listdir(path_train) testfile_list = os.listdir(path_test) train = [] for train_name in trainfile_list: traindit = {} sp = train_name.split('_') traindit['vid_name'] = train_name traindit['label'] = sp[1].replace('.avi', '') train.append(traindit) test = [] for test_name in testfile_list: testdit = {} sp = test_name.split('_') testdit['vid_name'] = test_name testdit['label'] = sp[1].replace('.avi', '') test.append(testdit) tmpl1 = os.path.join(path_train, '{}') lines1 = [(tmpl1 + ' {}').format(x['vid_name'], x['label']) for x in train] tmpl2 = os.path.join(path_test, '{}') lines2 = [(tmpl2 + ' {}').format(x['vid_name'], x['label']) for x in test] lines = lines1 + lines2 mwlines(lines, os.path.join(dirpath, name)) def traintest(dirpath, pklname, newpklname): os.chdir(dirpath) train = load('train.json') test = load('test.json') annotations = load(pklname) split = dict() split['xsub_train'] = [x['vid_name'] for x in train] split['xsub_val'] = [x['vid_name'] for x in test] dump(dict(split=split, annotations=annotations), newpklname) if __name__ == '__main__': dirpath = './data/Weizmann' pklname = 'train.pkl' newpklname = 'Wei_xsub_stgn++.pkl' # writeJson('./data/Weizmann/test', 'test.json') traintest(dirpath, pklname, newpklname) # writeList('./data/Weizmann.list', 'Weizmann.list')
需要在 ./tools/data/label_map文件夹下建立数据集标签名称,从小到大排列,这样得到的输出视频画面中的标签才不会错。
python demo/demo_skeleton.py video/shahar_1.avi video/shahar_1_demo.mp4
--config ./configs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j.py
--checkpoint ./work_dirs/stgcn++/stgcn++_ntu120_xsub_hrnet/j_Wei5/best_top1_acc_epoch_11.pth
--label-map ./tools/data/label_map/Weizmann.txt
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