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       explain将Hive SQL 语句的实现步骤、依赖关系进行解析,帮助用户理解一条HQL 语句在底层是如何实现数据的查询及处理,通过分析执行计划来达到Hive 调优,数据倾斜排查等目的。




explain [formatted|extended|dependency|authorization|] query

  • formatted:对执行计划进行格式化,返回JSON格式的执行计划 
  • extended:提供一些额外的信息,比如文件的路径信息
  •  dependency:以JSON格式返回查询所依赖的表和分区的列表
  • authorization:列出需要被授权的条目,包括输入与输出 

 每个 explain查询计划由以三个部分组成

  • (1) the abstract syntax tree for the query——抽象语法树(AST):Hive使用Antlr解析生成器,可以自动地将HQL生成为抽象语法树
  • (2) The dependencies between the different stages of the plan——stage依赖关系:会列出运行查询划分的stage阶段以及之间的依赖关系
  • (3) The description of each of the stages——stage内容:包含了每个stage非常重要的信息,比如运行时的operator和sort orders等具体的信息



【Map+Reduce类型】:例如:select —aggr_func —from —where—groupby类型:带有聚合函数的SQL


   hive中可以通过配置hive.map.aggr来设定是否开启Combine(map端开启预聚合),【set hive.map.aggr = true】


   ps:group by with rollup的使用见文章:

MySQL ——group by子句使用with rollup-CSDN博客文章浏览阅读456次,点赞7次,收藏9次。MySQL ——group by子句使用with rolluphttps://blog.csdn.net/SHWAITME/article/details/136078305?ops_request_misc=%257B%2522request%255Fid%2522%253A%2522170778504216800211571354%2522%252C%2522scm%2522%253A%252220140713.130102334.pc%255Fblog.%2522%257D&request_id=170778504216800211571354&biz_id=0&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~blog~first_rank_ecpm_v1~rank_v31_ecpm-1-136078305-null-null.nonecase&utm_term=rollup&spm=1018.2226.3001.4450

2.1 案例一:Map+Reduce类型


  1. create table follow
  2. (
  3. user_id int,
  4. follower_id int
  5. )row format delimited
  6. fields terminated by '\t';
  7. insert overwrite table follow
  8. values (1,2),
  9. (1,4),
  10. (1,5);
  11. create table music_likes
  12. (
  13. user_id int,
  14. music_id int
  15. )row format delimited
  16. fields terminated by '\t';
  17. insert overwrite table music_likes
  18. values (1,20),
  19. (1,30),
  20. (1,40),
  21. (2,10),
  22. (2,20),
  23. (2,30),
  24. (4,10),
  25. (4,20),
  26. (4,30),
  27. (4,60);



  1. explain formatted
  2. select
  3. count(t0.user_id) as cnt
  4. , sum(t1.music_id) as sum_f
  5. from follow t0
  6. left join music_likes t1
  7. on t0.user_id = t1.user_id
  8. where t0.follower_id > 2
  9. group by t0.follower_id
  10. having cnt > 2
  11. order by sum_f
  12. limit 1;


  1. STAGE DEPENDENCIES: --//作业依赖关系
  2. Stage-2 is a root stage
  3. Stage-1 depends on stages: Stage-2
  4. Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
  5. STAGE PLANS: --//作业详细信息
  6. Stage: Stage-2 --//Stage-2 详细任务
  7. Spark --//表示当前引擎使用的是 Spark
  8. DagName: atguigu_20240212112407_cb09efe6-ac6e-4a57-a3a8-1b83b2fbf3a7:24
  9. Vertices:
  10. Map 4
  11. Map Operator Tree: --//Stage-2 的Map阶段操作信息
  12. TableScan --// 扫描表t1
  13. alias: t1
  14. Statistics: Num rows: 10 Data size: 40 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE --// 对当前阶段的统计信息,如当前处理的行和数据量(都是预估值)
  15. Spark HashTable Sink Operator
  16. keys:
  17. 0 user_id (type: int)
  18. 1 user_id (type: int)
  19. Execution mode: vectorized
  20. Local Work:
  21. Map Reduce Local Work
  22. Stage: Stage-1
  23. Spark
  24. Edges:
  25. " Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP, 2)"
  26. " Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (SORT, 1)"
  27. DagName: atguigu_20240212112407_cb09efe6-ac6e-4a57-a3a8-1b83b2fbf3a7:23
  28. Vertices:
  29. Map 1
  30. Map Operator Tree: --//Stage-1的map阶段
  31. TableScan
  32. alias: t0
  33. Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 9 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  34. Filter Operator --// 谓词下推(where条件)表示在Tablescan的结果集上进行过滤
  35. predicate: (follower_id > 2) (type: boolean) --// 过滤条件
  36. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 3 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  37. Map Join Operator --//hive默认开启Map Join(set hive.map.aggr=true)
  38. condition map:
  39. Left Outer Join 0 to 1
  40. keys:
  41. 0 user_id (type: int)
  42. 1 user_id (type: int)
  43. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col6"
  44. input vertices:
  45. 1 Map 4
  46. Statistics: Num rows: 11 Data size: 44 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  47. Group By Operator --//这里是因为默认设置了hive.map.aggr=true,会在mapper先做一次预聚合,减少reduce需要处理的数据;
  48. " aggregations: count(_col0), sum(_col6)" --//分组聚合使用的算法
  49. keys: _col1 (type: int) --//分组的列
  50. mode: hash --// 这里的mode模式是:hash,即对key值进行hash分区,数据分发到对应的task中;
  51. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2" --//输出的列名
  52. Statistics: Num rows: 11 Data size: 44 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  53. Reduce Output Operator --// 将key,value从map端输出到reduce端(key还是有序的)
  54. key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
  55. sort order: + // 输出到reduce端的同时,对key值(_col)正序排序;+表示正序,-表示逆序
  56. Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int) --//分区字段
  57. Statistics: Num rows: 11 Data size: 44 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  58. " value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: bigint)" -- //从map端输出的value
  59. Execution mode: vectorized
  60. Local Work:
  61. Map Reduce Local Work
  62. Reducer 2
  63. Execution mode: vectorized
  64. Reduce Operator Tree:
  65. Group By Operator --// reduce端的归并聚合
  66. " aggregations: count(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1)" --// 聚合函数的值
  67. keys: KEY._col0 (type: int)
  68. mode: mergepartial --// 此时group by的模式为mergepartial
  69. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2"
  70. Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 20 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  71. Select Operator --// 选择列,为下步的Filter Operator准备好数据
  72. " expressions: _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: bigint)"
  73. " outputColumnNames: _col1, _col2"
  74. Statistics: Num rows: 5 Data size: 20 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  75. Filter Operator --//过滤
  76. predicate: (_col1 > 2L) (type: boolean)
  77. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  78. Select Operator --// 选择列,为下步的Reduce Output Operator准备好数据
  79. " expressions: _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: bigint)"
  80. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1"
  81. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  82. Reduce Output Operator
  83. key expressions: _col1 (type: bigint)
  84. sort order: +
  85. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  86. TopN Hash Memory Usage: 0.1
  87. value expressions: _col0 (type: bigint)
  88. Reducer 3
  89. Execution mode: vectorized
  90. Reduce Operator Tree:
  91. Select Operator
  92. " expressions: VALUE._col0 (type: bigint), KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: bigint)"
  93. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1"
  94. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  95. Limit
  96. Number of rows: 1
  97. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  98. File Output Operator --// 输出到文件
  99. compressed: false
  100. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  101. table:
  102. input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat --//输入文件类型
  103. output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat --//输出文件类型
  104. serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe --//序列化、反序列化方式
  105. Stage: Stage-0
  106. Fetch Operator --// 客户端获取数据操作
  107. limit: 1 --// limit 操作
  108. Processor Tree:
  109. ListSink






  • 根据层级,从最外层开始,包含两大部分:

stage  dependencies: 各个stage之间的依赖性

stage plan: 各个stage的执行计划(物理执行计划)

  • stage plan中的有一个Map Reduce,一个MR的执行计划分为两部分:

Map Operator Tree : map端的执行计划树
Reduce Operator Tree : Reduce 端的执行计划树

  • 这两个执行计划树包含这条sql语句的算子operator:


  • alisa: 表名称
  • statistics: 表统计信息,包含表中数据条数,数据大小等

(2)Select Operator:选取操作,常见的属性:

  • expressions:字段名称及字段类型
  • outputColumnNames:输出的列名称
  • Statistics:表统计信息,包含表中数据条数,数据大小等

(3)Group By Operator:分组聚合操作,常见的属性:

  • aggregations:显示聚合函数信息
  • mode:聚合模式,包括 hash;mergepartial等
  • keys:分组的字段,如果sql逻辑中没有分组,则没有此字段
  • outputColumnNames:聚合之后输出的列名
  • Statistics:表统计信息,包含分组聚合之后的数据条数,数据大小等

(4)Reduce Output Operator:输出到reduce操作,常见属性:

  • sort order :如果值是空,代表不排序;值为“+”,代表正序排序;值为“-”,代表倒序排序;值为“+-”,代表有两列参与排序,第一列是正序,第二列是倒序

(5)Filter Operator:过滤操作,常见的属性:

  • predicate: 过滤条件,如sql语句中的where id>=10,则此处显示(id >= 10)

(6)Map Join Operator:join操作,常见的属性:

  • condition map: join方式,例如有:Inner Join 、 Left Outer Join
  • keys:join的条件字段

(7)File Output Operator:文件输出操作,常见的属性:

  • compressed:是否压缩
  • table:表的信息,包含输入输出的文件格式化方式,序列化方式等

(8)Fetch Operator:客户端获取数据的操作,常见的属性:

  • limit:值为-1表示不限制条数,其他值为限制的条数




(2)stage-2 阶段: 该阶段主要是对t1表进行扫描

(3)stage-1 阶段

Map阶段 1:

Map阶段:首先扫描t0表,其次谓词下推会执行where里面的过滤操作,然后执行mapjoin操作(),由于hive默认是开启预聚合操作的,所以会先在map端进行group by 分组预聚合(局部聚合),与此同时也会自动按照group by的key值进行升序排序

Reduce 2 阶段:

Reduce 2 阶段:该阶段group by分组聚合为merge操作,将分组有序的数据进行归并操作。group by 后的select操作主要是为下一步的having操作准备数据having操作会在select的结果集上做进一步的过滤。hive sql 中的select执行顺序不是固定的,但是每一次的selet操作是为下一步准备有效数据

Reduce 3 阶段:该阶段select最终结果

(4)stage-0 阶段




  1. from->
  2. where(谓词下推)->
  3. join->
  4. on->
  5. select(select中的字段与group by只要不一致就会有)->
  6. group by->
  7. select(为having准备数据,因而having中可以使用select别名)->
  8. having->
  9. select(过滤后的结果集)->
  10. distinct->
  11. order by ->
  12. select->
  13. limit

  hive sql 中的select执行顺序不是固定的,但是每一次的selet操作是为下一步准备有效数据

2.2 案例二:Map+Reduce类型(窗口函数)


  1. create database exec5;
  2. create table if not exists table1
  3. (
  4. id int comment '用户id',
  5. `date` string comment '用户登录时间'
  6. );
  7. insert overwrite table table1
  8. values (1, '2019-01-01 19:28:00'),
  9. (1, '2019-01-02 19:53:00'),
  10. (1, '2019-01-03 22:00:00'),
  11. (1, '2019-01-05 20:55:00'),
  12. (1, '2019-01-06 21:58:00'),
  13. (2, '2019-02-01 19:25:00'),
  14. (2, '2019-02-02 21:00:00'),
  15. (2, '2019-02-04 22:05:00'),
  16. (2, '2019-02-05 20:59:00'),
  17. (2, '2019-02-06 19:05:00'),
  18. (3, '2019-03-04 21:05:00'),
  19. (3, '2019-03-05 19:10:00'),
  20. (3, '2019-03-06 19:55:00'),
  21. (3, '2019-03-07 21:05:00');



  1. --查询连续登陆3天及以上的用户(字节面试题)
  2. explain formatted
  3. select
  4. id
  5. from (
  6. select
  7. id,
  8. dt,
  9. date_sub(dt, row_number() over (partition by id order by dt)) ds
  10. from ( --用户在同一天可能登录多次,需要去重
  11. select
  12. id,
  13. --to_date():日期函数
  14. -- date_format(`date`,'yyyy-MM-dd')
  15. date_format(`date`, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as dt
  16. from table1
  17. group by id, date_format(`date`, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
  18. ) tmp1
  19. ) tmp2
  20. group by id, ds
  21. having count(1) >=3;


  1. STAGE DEPENDENCIES: --//作业依赖关系
  2. Stage-1 is a root stage
  3. Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
  5. Stage: Stage-1 --// Stage-1详细任务
  6. Spark --//表示当前引擎使用的是 Spark
  7. Edges:
  8. " Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 2)"
  9. " Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (GROUP, 2)"
  10. DagName: atguigu_20240212153029_036d3420-d92e-436f-b78d-25a7b67525d3:44
  11. Vertices:
  12. Map 1
  13. Map Operator Tree: --// Stage-1阶段的map执行树
  14. TableScan --// 扫描table1表
  15. alias: table1
  16. Statistics: Num rows: 14 Data size: 294 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  17. Select Operator --// 选择列,为下一步 Group By Operator准备好数据
  18. " expressions: id (type: int), date_format(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') (type: string)"
  19. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1" --// 输出的列名
  20. Statistics: Num rows: 14 Data size: 294 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  21. Group By Operator --// mapper端的group by,即先在 mapper端进行预聚合
  22. " keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)"
  23. mode: hash --// 对key值(_col0及_col1 )进行hash分区,数据分发到对应的task
  24. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1" --// 输出的列名
  25. Statistics: Num rows: 14 Data size: 294 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  26. Reduce Output Operator --//从map端输出到reduce端
  27. " key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: string)" --//从map端输出的key值
  28. sort order: ++ --//将key及value值从map端输出到reduce端,这里的“++”代表对两个key值( _col0, _col1)都进行升序排序
  29. Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int) --//分区字段
  30. Statistics: Num rows: 14 Data size: 294 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  31. Execution mode: vectorized
  32. Reducer 2
  33. Reduce Operator Tree: --//reduce端的执行树
  34. Group By Operator --// reduce端的group by,即归并聚合
  35. " keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: string)"
  36. mode: mergepartial
  37. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1"
  38. Statistics: Num rows: 7 Data size: 147 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  39. PTF Operator --//reduce端的窗口函数分析操作
  40. Function definitions:
  41. Input definition
  42. input alias: ptf_0
  43. " output shape: _col0: int, _col1: string"
  44. type: WINDOWING
  45. Windowing table definition
  46. input alias: ptf_1
  47. name: windowingtablefunction
  48. order by: _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST --//窗口函数排序列
  49. partition by: _col0 --// 窗口函数分区列
  50. raw input shape:
  51. window functions:
  52. window function definition
  53. alias: row_number_window_0
  54. name: row_number --//窗口函数的方法
  55. window function: GenericUDAFRowNumberEvaluator
  56. window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX) --//当前窗口函数上下边界
  57. isPivotResult: true
  58. Statistics: Num rows: 7 Data size: 147 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  59. Select Operator --//选择列,为下一步Group By Operator准备好数据
  60. " expressions: _col0 (type: int), date_sub(_col1, row_number_window_0) (type: date)" --//select选择两个列,_col0, date_sub(_col1,row_number over())
  61. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1"
  62. Statistics: Num rows: 7 Data size: 147 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  63. Group By Operator --// group by 预聚合
  64. aggregations: count() --// 聚合函数 count()值
  65. " keys: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: date)"
  66. mode: hash
  67. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2"
  68. Statistics: Num rows: 7 Data size: 147 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  69. Reduce Output Operator --// 输出到下一个reducer
  70. " key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: date)"
  71. sort order: ++ --// 输出到下一个reducer前,同时对两个key进行排序
  72. " Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: date)"
  73. Statistics: Num rows: 7 Data size: 147 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  74. value expressions: _col2 (type: bigint)
  75. Reducer 3
  76. Execution mode: vectorized
  77. Reduce Operator Tree:
  78. Group By Operator --// group by 归并聚合
  79. aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
  80. " keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: date)"
  81. mode: mergepartial
  82. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2"
  83. Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 63 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  84. Select Operator --//选择列,为下一步Filter Operator 准备好数据
  85. " expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: bigint)"
  86. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2"
  87. Statistics: Num rows: 3 Data size: 63 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  88. Filter Operator --//过滤条件
  89. predicate: (_col2 >= 3L) (type: boolean)
  90. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 21 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  91. Select Operator --//选择列,为下一步File Output Operator 准备好数据
  92. expressions: _col0 (type: int)
  93. outputColumnNames: _col0
  94. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 21 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  95. File Output Operator --//对上面的结果集进行文件输出
  96. compressed: false --//不压缩
  97. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 21 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  98. table:
  99. input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat --//输入文件类型
  100. output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat --//输出文件类型
  101. serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe --//序列化、反序列化方式
  102. Stage: Stage-0
  103. Fetch Operator --//客户端获取数据的操作
  104. limit: -1 --//limit 值为-1:表示不限制条数
  105. Processor Tree:
  106. ListSink




  1. Stage-1 is a root stage
  2. Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1


(2)stage-1 阶段

Map阶段 1:

Map阶段:首先扫描table1表,其次select选择器会对下一步的group by 预选数据,为group by operator算子准备数据。然后在map端进行group by 分组预聚合(局部聚合),key及value值从mapper端输出到reducer端前,会自动按照的key值进行升序排序

Reduce 2 阶段:

Reduce 2 阶段:该阶段group by分组聚合为merge操作,将分组有序的数据进行归并操作。其次进行开窗操作

date_sub(dt, row_number() over (partition by id order by dt)) ds


  1. select
  2. id,
  3. dt,
  4. date_sub(dt, row_number() over (partition by id order by dt)) ds

select选择列,主要是为下一步的 group by id, ds 分组操作准备好数据集;

Reduce 3 阶段:

(3)stage-0 阶段




2.3 案例三:Map+Reduce类型(窗口函数)


  1. CREATE TABLE t_order (
  2. oid int ,
  3. uid int ,
  4. otime string,
  5. oamount int
  6. )
  7. ROW format delimited FIELDS TERMINATED BY ",";
  8. load data local inpath "/opt/module/hive_data/t_order.txt" into table t_order;
  9. select * from t_order;



  1. explain formatted
  2. with tmp as (
  3. select
  4. oid,
  5. uid,
  6. otime,
  7. oamount,
  8. date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt
  9. from t_order
  10. )
  11. select
  12. uid,
  13. --每个用户一月份的订单数
  14. sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,
  15. --每个用户二月份的订单数
  16. sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_count,
  17. -- 开窗函数
  18. row_number() over (partition by uid order by sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)))rk
  19. from tmp
  20. group by uid
  21. having m1_count >0 and m2_count=0;


  1. STAGE DEPENDENCIES:--//作业依赖关系
  2. Stage-1 is a root stage
  3. Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
  4. STAGE PLANS: --//作业详细信息
  5. Stage: Stage-1 --//Stage-1 详细任务
  6. Spark --//表示当前引擎使用的是 Spark
  7. Edges:
  8. " Reducer 2 <- Map 1 (GROUP, 2)"
  9. " Reducer 3 <- Reducer 2 (PARTITION-LEVEL SORT, 2)"
  10. DagName: atguigu_20240212174520_011afb56-73f8-49c1-9150-8399e66507c5:50
  11. Vertices:
  12. Map 1
  13. Map Operator Tree: --//Stage-1 的Map阶段操作信息
  14. TableScan --// 扫描表t_order
  15. alias: t_order
  16. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  17. Select Operator --// 选择列,为下一步 Group By Operator准备好数据
  18. " expressions: uid (type: int), date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') (type: string)" --//选择的两个列 uid, date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM')
  19. " outputColumnNames: _col1, _col4" --// 输出的列名,_col1代表uid,_col4代表 date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM')
  20. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  21. Group By Operator ---// mapper端的group by,即先在 mapper端进行预聚合
  22. " aggregations: sum(if((_col4 = '2018-01'), 1, 0)), sum(if((_col4 = '2018-02'), 1, 0))" --//聚合函数算法
  23. keys: _col1 (type: int)
  24. mode: hash --// 对key值(_col1,即uid )进行hash分区,数据分发到对应的task
  25. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2" --//输出的列(uid,m1_count,m2_count)
  26. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  27. Reduce Output Operator --//从mapper端输出到reducer端
  28. key expressions: _col0 (type: int)
  29. sort order: + --//将key,value从mapper端输出到reducer端前,自动对key值(_col0)升序排序
  30. Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
  31. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  32. " value expressions: _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: bigint)" --//输出value值(m1_count,m2_count)
  33. Execution mode: vectorized
  34. Reducer 2
  35. Execution mode: vectorized
  36. Reduce Operator Tree:
  37. Group By Operator --// reduce端的group by,即归并聚合
  38. " aggregations: sum(VALUE._col0), sum(VALUE._col1)"
  39. keys: KEY._col0 (type: int)
  40. mode: mergepartial
  41. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2"
  42. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  43. Filter Operator --//having 过滤操作
  44. predicate: ((_col1 > 0L) and (_col2 = 0L)) (type: boolean) --//过滤条件
  45. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  46. Reduce Output Operator
  47. " key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint)"
  48. sort order: ++
  49. Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int)
  50. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  51. Reducer 3
  52. Execution mode: vectorized
  53. Reduce Operator Tree:
  54. Select Operator --// 选择列,为下步的PTF Operator开窗分析操作准备好数据
  55. " expressions: KEY.reducesinkkey0 (type: int), KEY.reducesinkkey1 (type: bigint), 0L (type: bigint)" --// 选择的列为_col0, _col1, _col2,即:uid,m1_count,m2_count
  56. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2" //-- 选择的列:uid,m1_count,m2_count
  57. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  58. PTF Operator --//reduce端的窗口函数分析操作
  59. Function definitions:
  60. Input definition
  61. input alias: ptf_0
  62. " output shape: _col0: int, _col1: bigint, _col2: bigint"
  63. type: WINDOWING
  64. Windowing table definition
  65. input alias: ptf_1
  66. name: windowingtablefunction
  67. order by: _col1 ASC NULLS FIRST -//窗口函数排序列
  68. partition by: _col0 --// 窗口函数分区列
  69. raw input shape:
  70. window functions:
  71. window function definition
  72. alias: row_number_window_0
  73. name: row_number --//窗口函数的方法
  74. window function: GenericUDAFRowNumberEvaluator
  75. window frame: ROWS PRECEDING(MAX)~FOLLOWING(MAX) --//当前窗口函数上下边界
  76. isPivotResult: true
  77. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  78. Select Operator --//选择列,为下一步File Output Operator准备好数据
  79. " expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: bigint), row_number_window_0 (type: int)" --// 选择的列为_col0, _col1,_col2, _col3,即:uid,m1_count,m2_count,rk
  80. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3"
  81. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  82. File Output Operator --//对上面的结果集进行文件输出
  83. compressed: false --//不压缩
  84. Statistics: Num rows: 1 Data size: 4460 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
  85. table:
  86. input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
  87. output format: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat
  88. serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
  89. Stage: Stage-0
  90. Fetch Operator --//客户端获取数据的操作
  91. limit: -1 --//limit 值为-1:表示返回结果不限制条数
  92. Processor Tree:
  93. ListSink





(2)stage-1 阶段

Map阶段 1:

Map阶段:首先扫描 t_order表,其次select选择器会对下一步的group by 预选数据,为group by operator算子准备数据。然后在map端进行group by 分组预聚合(局部聚合),key及value值从mapper端输出到reducer端前,会自动按照的key值进行升序排序

Reduce 2 阶段:

Reduce 2 阶段:该阶段group by分组聚合为merge操作,将分组有序的数据进行归并操作。然后对分组结果进行过滤having ....,逻辑如下:

  1. select
  2. uid,
  3. sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,
  4. sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_count
  5. from tmp
  6. group by uid
  7. having m1_count >0 and m2_count=0;

Reduce 3 阶段:

Reduce 3 阶段:可以得到窗口函数的执行是在group by,having之后进行,是与select同级别的。如果SQL中既使用了group by又使用了partition by,那么此时partition by的分组是基于group by分组之后的结果集进行的再次分组,即窗口函数分析的数据范围也是基于group by后的数据。

(3)stage-0 阶段



     上述案例通过对explain执行计划分析,重点验证了窗口函数与group by 之间的区别与联系,也验证了窗口函数执行顺序。

窗口函数的执行顺序: 窗口函数是作用于select后的结果集。select 的结果集作为窗口函数的输入,但是位于 distcint 之前。窗口函数的执行结果只是在原有的列中单独添加一列,形成新的列,它不会对已有的行或列做修改。简化版的执行顺序如下图:



2.4 案例三:只有Map阶段的类型

select —from—where型

    简单的sql执行计划,不包含条件过滤、UDF函数、group by聚合、join连接等操作。由于不需要经过聚合,所以只有Map阶段操作,如果文件大小控制合适的话,可以完全发挥任务本地化执行的优点,即不需要跨节点执行,非常高效。

  1. -- 数据准备
  2. CREATE TABLE t_order (
  3. oid int ,
  4. uid int ,
  5. otime string,
  6. oamount int
  7. )
  8. ROW format delimited FIELDS TERMINATED BY ",";
  9. load data local inpath "/opt/module/hive_data/t_order.txt" into table t_order;
  10. -- 执行sql
  11. explain
  12. select
  13. oid,
  14. uid,
  15. otime,
  16. date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt
  17. from t_order where uid > 2


  2. Stage-0 is a root stage
  4. Stage: Stage-0
  5. Fetch Operator --// 客户端获取数据的操作
  6. limit: -1
  7. Processor Tree:
  8. TableScan --// 扫描表 t_order
  9. alias: t_order
  10. Filter Operator --// 过滤操作
  11. predicate: (uid > 2) (type: boolean) --// 过滤条件
  12. Select Operator --// select选择列,得到最终的结果集
  13. " expressions: oid (type: int), uid (type: int), otime (type: string), date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') (type: string)"
  14. " outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3"
  15. ListSink





Hive Group By的实现原理_hive group by 多个字段-CSDN博客

你真的了解HiveSql吗?真实的HiveSql执行顺序是长这样的_hive 含有tablesample的sql执行顺序-CSDN博客

