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页码格式的设置可在不同源文件中加入页码控制语句,具体参见 LaTeX \LaTeX LATEX论文源码一节。
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在添加中文摘要至目录时,编辑器出现警告:Token not allowed in a PDF string
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文件中写入以下内容即可在第三作者后添加 “ 等 ” 。
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year = "年份",
volume = "卷数",
pages = "开始页码-结束页码",
author = "作者1 and 作者2 and 作者3 and 其他",
函数中的{ ", " * write$ }
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函数中的volume field.or.null
修改为 :
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{ pop$ format.volume }
{ ", " * volume * }
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% conclusion_reference_thanks.tex \fancyhead[C]{结\quad 论} % 设置页眉内容为“结 论” \phantomsection % 解决目录中超链接地址问题 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{结论} % 将结论添加到目录 \section*{结\quad 论} % 无编号标题“结 论” \newpage % 另起一页 \fancyhead[C]{参\quad 考\quad 文\quad 献} % 设置页眉内容为“参 考 文 献” \phantomsection % 解决目录中超链接地址问题 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{参考文献} % 将参考文献添加到目录 \bibliography{reference.bib} % 显示参考文献 \newpage % 另起一页 \fancyhead[C]{致\quad 谢\quad 及\quad 声\quad 明} % 设置页眉内容为“致 谢 及 声 明” \phantomsection % 解决目录中超链接地址问题 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{致谢及声明} % 将致谢及声明添加到目录 \section*{致\quad 谢 } % 无编号标题“致 谢” 衷心感谢导师***教授和***副教授对本人的精心指导。 他们的言传身教将使我终生受益。 二位导师广博的学识和严谨的治学态度将使我受益终生。 感谢***教研室的全体老师和同学多年来的关心和支持! 感谢所有关心和帮助过我的人们!
% Encoding: UTF8 @article{1, title = "Measurements of total kinetic-energy released to the {$N=2$} dissociation limit of {$H_{2}$} - evidence of the dissociation of very high vibrational Rydberg states of {$H_{2}$} by doubly-excited states.", journal = "Chem. Phys. Lett", year = "1994", volume = "224", pages = "260-266", author = "Elidrissi M C and Roney A and Frigon C and others", } @article_cn{2, title = "利用{REMPI}方法测量{BaF}高里德堡系列光谱", journal = "化学物理学报", year = "1995", volume = "8", pages = "308-311", author = "马辉 and 李俭 and 刘耀明 and 其他", } @article{3, title = "{R}ydberg series and ionization potential of the {$H_{2}$} molecule. {J. Mol}", journal = "Spectrosc", year = "1972", volume = "41", pages = "425-486", author = "Herzberg G and Jungen Ch", }
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et~al." * } { #2 < 'skip$ { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = { " et~al." * } { " and " * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } if$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} { volume empty$ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ "In " } { "Volume" volume tie.or.space.connect " of " * } if$ editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { series empty$ { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" * } { "{\em " * series * "\/}" * } if$ } { key * } if$ } { format.crossref.editor * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} { editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { booktitle empty$ { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" } { "In {\em " booktitle * "\/}" * } if$ } { "In " key * } if$ } { "In " format.crossref.editor * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" 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{ longest.label } INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width } FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} { "" 'longest.label := #1 'number.label := #0 'longest.label.width := } FUNCTION {longest.label.pass} { number.label int.to.str$ 'label := number.label #1 + 'number.label := label width$ longest.label.width > { label 'longest.label := label width$ 'longest.label.width := } 'skip$ if$ } EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} ITERATE {longest.label.pass} FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" * write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {begin.bib} EXECUTE {init.state.consts} ITERATE {call.type$} FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {end.bib}
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