cifar10中有十个类别的图像,我需要其中的第一类和第二类作为数据集,重新构建训练集和测试集,用这份小数据集来训练一个diffusion model
import os import pickle import numpy as np from PIL import Image # 替换为你的 CIFAR-10 pickle 文件路径 pickle_file_path = "train_batch_class12.pickle" # 读取 CIFAR-10 pickle 文件内容 with open(pickle_file_path, "rb") as f: cifar10_data = pickle.load(f) # 提取图像数据和标签 image_data = cifar10_data['data'] labels = cifar10_data['labels'] # 类别名称的映射字典 class_names = { 0: "airplane", 1: "automobile", # 添加其他类别的映射 } # 循环处理每个图像 for i in range(len(image_data)): # 获取单个图像和对应标签 img_array = image_data[i] label = labels[i] # 调整图像数据形状和数据类型 img_array = img_array.reshape((3, 32, 32)).transpose((1, 2, 0)) # 调整形状和通道顺序 img_array = img_array.astype(np.uint8) # 将 NumPy 数组转换为 PIL Image image = Image.fromarray(img_array) # 获取类别名称 class_name = class_names.get(label, f"class{label}") # 创建存储文件夹的路径 class_folder_path = f"train/{class_name}" os.makedirs(class_folder_path, exist_ok=True) # 保存图像到对应的类别文件夹 image.save(os.path.join(class_folder_path, f"cifar10_image_{i}_label_{label}.png")) # 如果需要显示图像,取消注释下面这行 # image.show()
import os import pickle import numpy as np from PIL import Image # 替换为你的 CIFAR-10 pickle 文件路径 pickle_file_path = "test_batch_class12.pickle" # 读取 CIFAR-10 pickle 文件内容 with open(pickle_file_path, "rb") as f: cifar10_data = pickle.load(f) # 提取图像数据和标签 image_data = cifar10_data['data'] labels = cifar10_data['labels'] # 类别名称的映射字典 class_names = { 0: "airplane", 1: "automobile", # 添加其他类别的映射 } # 循环处理每个图像 for i in range(len(image_data)): # 获取单个图像和对应标签 img_array = image_data[i] label = labels[i] # 调整图像数据形状和数据类型 img_array = img_array.reshape((3, 32, 32)).transpose((1, 2, 0)) # 调整形状和通道顺序 img_array = img_array.astype(np.uint8) # 将 NumPy 数组转换为 PIL Image image = Image.fromarray(img_array) # 获取类别名称 class_name = class_names.get(label, f"class{label}") # 创建存储文件夹的路径 class_folder_path = f"test/{class_name}" os.makedirs(class_folder_path, exist_ok=True) # 保存图像到对应的类别文件夹 image.save(os.path.join(class_folder_path, f"cifar10_image_{i}_label_{label}.png")) # 如果需要显示图像,取消注释下面这行 # image.show()
在我们能够使用 PyTorch 处理图像数据之前,我们需要执行以下步骤:
在深度学习中,PyTorch 的 Dataset 和 DataLoader 类是用于有效加载和处理数据的关键组件。Dataset 用于包装数据,DataLoader 则用于在训练过程中批量加载数据。这两者一起协同工作,使得数据在模型训练中更易处理。
import torch from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from torchvision import datasets, transforms from pathlib import Path from torchvision import datasets, transforms # Write transform for image data_transform = transforms.Compose([ # Resize the images to 64x64 # 我处理的是cifar10 32*32 这一步跳过 # transforms.Resize(size=(64, 64)), # Flip the images randomly on the horizontal transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), # p = probability of flip, 0.5 = 50% chance # Turn the image into a torch.Tensor transforms.ToTensor() # this also converts all pixel values from 0 to 255 to be between 0.0 and 1.0 ]) train_dir = Path("train") test_dir = Path("test") # Write transform for image data_transform = transforms.Compose([ # Resize the images to 64x64 # 我处理的是cifar32*32 这一步跳过 # transforms.Resize(size=(64, 64)), # Flip the images randomly on the horizontal transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), # p = probability of flip, 0.5 = 50% chance # Turn the image into a torch.Tensor transforms.ToTensor() # this also converts all pixel values from 0 to 255 to be between 0.0 and 1.0 ]) train_data = datasets.ImageFolder(root=train_dir, # target folder of images transform=data_transform, # transforms to perform on data (images) target_transform=None) # transforms to perform on labels (if necessary) test_data = datasets.ImageFolder(root=test_dir, transform=data_transform) print(f"Train data:\n{train_data}\nTest data:\n{test_data}")
“It looks like PyTorch has registered our Dataset’s.”
我们已经将图像转换为 PyTorch 数据集(Dataset),现在让我们使用 torch.utils.data.DataLoader
import os from torch.utils.data import DataLoader cpu_count = os.cpu_count() # print(f"Number of CPUs on your machine: {cpu_count}") # Turn train and test Datasets into DataLoaders train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=train_data, batch_size=32, # how many samples per batch? num_workers=cpu_count, # how many subprocesses to use for data loading? (higher = more) shuffle=True) # shuffle the data? test_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=test_data, batch_size=32, num_workers=cpu_count, shuffle=False) # don't usually need to shuffle testing data train_dataloader, test_dataloader
img, label = next(iter(train_dataloader))
# Batch size is 32
print(f"Image shape: {img.shape} -> [batch_size, color_channels, height, width]")
print(f"Label shape: {label.shape}")
import torch from torch import nn class TinyVGG(nn.Module): """ Model architecture copying TinyVGG from: https://poloclub.github.io/cnn-explainer/ """ def __init__(self, input_shape: int, hidden_units: int, output_shape: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.conv_block_1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels=input_shape, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, # how big is the square that's going over the image? stride=1, # default padding=1), # options = "valid" (no padding) or "same" (output has same shape as input) or int for specific number nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units, out_channels=hidden_units, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # default stride value is same as kernel_size ) self.conv_block_2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(hidden_units, hidden_units, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(hidden_units, hidden_units, kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(), nn.MaxPool2d(2) ) self.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), # Where did this in_features shape come from? # It's because each layer of our network compresses and changes the shape of our inputs data. nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_units*8*8, out_features=output_shape) ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = self.conv_block_1(x) # print(x.shape) x = self.conv_block_2(x) # print(x.shape) x = self.classifier(x) # print(x.shape) return x # return self.classifier(self.conv_block_2(self.conv_block_1(x))) # <- leverage the benefits of operator fusion device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" torch.manual_seed(42) model_0 = TinyVGG(input_shape=3, # number of color channels (3 for RGB) hidden_units=10, output_shape=len(train_data.classes)).to(device) model_0
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_units * 16 * 16,
但在 CIFAR-10 数据集中,图像的大小是 32x32,而不是硬编码的 16x16。因此,这里的 in_features 应该是 hidden_units * 8 * 8,因为通过两次最大池化后,特征图的尺寸会减半两次。
# 1. Get a batch of images and labels from the DataLoader img_batch, label_batch = next(iter(train_dataloader)) # 2. Get a single image from the batch and unsqueeze the image so its shape fits the model img_single, label_single = img_batch[31].unsqueeze(dim=0), label_batch[31] print(f"Single image shape: {img_single.shape}\n") # 3. Perform a forward pass on a single image model_0.eval() with torch.inference_mode(): pred = model_0(img_single.to(device)) # 4. Print out what's happening and convert model logits -> pred probs -> pred label print(f"Output logits:\n{pred}\n") print(f"Output prediction probabilities:\n{torch.softmax(pred, dim=1)}\n") print(f"Output prediction label:\n{torch.argmax(torch.softmax(pred, dim=1), dim=1)}\n") print(f"Actual label:\n{label_single}")
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