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美赛论文Latex简易模板 | 快速上手(附注释)_latex英文论文模板






这里强烈推荐使用在线编辑器 OverLeaf(有时不太稳定,建议fq),省去了安装软件的各种麻烦,而且重要的是采用双栏结构,左栏可以写Latex,右栏快速编译渲染得到PDF。同时还可以两人共享编辑,虽然有三人共享功能(7天免费使用权限),但是注册需要跨国银行卡。。



LaTex 学习推荐

这里推荐大神liam的博客 一份其实很短的 LaTeX 入门文档。业界良心!







  1. 美赛必备的首页
  2. 目录
  3. 大小标题
  4. 行间行内公式例子
  5. 插入图片
  6. 一些表格例子
  7. 添加参考文献例子
  8. 附录




1. Latex模板文件(.tex): 涵盖所有Latex代码。

2. 参考文献引用文件(.bib):记录参考文献的信息,在.tex 文件中引用。详细了解请看这里。


  1. 在网站overleaf注册账户,然后新建一个project;
  2. 在project中创建一个 demo.tex 文件和article.bib文件,以及添加一张示例图片 404.png;

3. 在article.bib文件中,粘贴以下内容。下面定义了两个文献,分别指明了其引用的标签、作者、标题、期刊、卷、页码、年份。

  1. @article{konishi:1999ab,
  2. author = {Konishi, Seiki and Nakajima, Kyoichi and Uchida, Idai and Kikyo, Hideyuki and Kameyama, Masashi and Miyashita, Yasushi},
  3. title = {Common inhibitory mechanism in human inferior prefrontal cortex revealed by event-related functional MRI},
  4. journal = {Brain},
  5. volume = {122},
  6. number = {5},
  7. pages = {981},
  8. year = {1999},
  9. }
  10. @article{refName,
  11. author = {qiuyh},
  12. title = {article's title},
  13. journal = {journal name},
  14. volume = {20},
  15. number = {40},
  16. year = {2019}
  17. }

3. 复制以下内容到demo.tex文件中。

  1. \documentclass{mcmthesis}
  2. \mcmsetup{CTeX = false,
  3. tcn = 1915646, problem = A, % 修改控制号和选题号
  4. sheet = true, titleinsheet = true, keywordsinsheet = true,
  5. titlepage = false, abstract = true}
  6. \usepackage{palatino}
  7. \usepackage{lipsum}
  8. \usepackage{amsmath} % 此处引入数学公式的包
  9. \usepackage{graphicx} % 用于插入图片
  10. % 控制页 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  11. % 论文标题
  12. \title{The \LaTeX{} Template for MCM Version \MCMversion} % 修改标题
  13. \date{\today}
  14. \begin{document}
  15. \begin{abstract}
  16. % 摘要部分
  17. Here is the main abstract part. \\ Go to the next line.
  18. % 关键词
  19. \begin{keywords}
  20. keyword1; keyword2
  21. \end{keywords}
  22. \end{abstract}
  23. % 目录页 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  24. \maketitle % 控制序列
  25. \tableofcontents % 生成目录
  26. \newpage
  27. % 基础用法 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  28. % 标题 -----------------------------------------
  29. \section{Basic usage of latex}
  30. \subsection{This is a subsection (title)}
  31. \subsubsection{This is a subsubsection}
  32. \paragraph{Here is a paragraph.}Write some texts. \\ % 换行符
  33. No indent.
  34. \subsection{This is unordered items}
  35. % 无序符号----------------------------------------
  36. \begin{itemize}
  37. \item minimizes the discomfort to the hands, or
  38. \item maximizes the outgoing velocity of the ball.
  39. \end{itemize}
  40. We focus exclusively on the second definition.
  41. \begin{itemize}
  42. \item the initial velocity and rotation of the ball,
  43. \item the initial velocity and rotation of the bat,
  44. \item the relative position and orientation of the bat and ball, and
  45. \item the force over time that the hitter hands applies on the handle.
  46. \end{itemize}
  47. % 数学公式和相关标签 ------------------------------
  48. \subsection{Math formula}
  49. % 行内公式
  50. This is an inline formula. $a = \sqrt{b + c}$.
  51. % 行间公式, 带编号
  52. \begin{equation}
  53. E = mc^2
  54. \end{equation}
  55. \begin{equation}
  56. F = ma
  57. \end{equation}
  58. % 定理
  59. \begin{Theorem} \label{thm:latex}
  60. \LaTeX
  61. \end{Theorem}
  62. % 引理
  63. \begin{Lemma} \label{thm:tex}
  64. \TeX .
  65. \end{Lemma}
  66. % 证明
  67. \begin{proof}
  68. The proof of theorem.
  69. \end{proof}
  70. % 图片 -------------------------------------------------------
  71. \subsection{Picture}
  72. \subsubsection{Insert picture directly.}
  73. % 插入图片,不推荐, 图片路径可使用相对路径和绝对路径, 无排序
  74. \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{404.png} % scale 缩放比例 0.1
  75. %使用figure浮动窗体
  76. \subsubsection{Insert picture with figure.}
  77. \begin{figure}[ht] % ht 表示here top
  78. \centering
  79. \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{404.png}
  80. \caption{this is a figure demo}
  81. \label{fig:label}
  82. \end{figure}
  83. % 表格 -------------------------------------------------------
  84. \subsection{Table}
  85. \subsubsection{Table-1}
  86. \begin{tabular}{|l|c|r|}
  87. \hline
  88. OS & Release & Editor\\
  89. \hline
  90. Windows & MikTeX & TexMakerX \\
  91. \hline
  92. Unix/Linux & teTeX & Kile \\
  93. \hline
  94. Mac OS & MacTeX & TeXShop \\
  95. \hline
  96. General & TeX Live & TeXworks \\
  97. \hline
  98. \end{tabular}
  99. \subsubsection{Table-2}
  100. \begin{tabular}{|r r|}
  101. % r代表row, 使用 | 来划分,如果 r | r中间的|去掉,那么列之间元素无直线划分
  102. \hline
  103. 1234 & 5678 \\ \hline
  104. 1 & 2 \\ \hline
  105. 3 & 4 \\ \hline
  106. \end{tabular}
  107. \subsubsection{Table-3}
  108. \begin{tabular}{ll}
  109. \hline
  110. symbols&definitions\\
  111. \hline
  112. $v_i$& velocity of ball before collision\\
  113. $v_f$& velocity of ball after collision\\
  114. $V_f$& velocity of bat after collision\\
  115. $S$ & the shear modulus the bat\\
  116. $Y$ & Young’s modulus of the bat\\
  117. \hline
  118. \end{tabular}
  119. % 文献引用 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  120. \subsection{Cite}
  121. Here is a example to cite the referenced article\cite{konishi:1999ab}. \\
  122. Another article\cite{refName}.
  123. \section{Analysis of the Problem}
  124. \[
  125. \begin{pmatrix}{*{20}c}
  126. {a_{11} } & {a_{12} } & {a_{13} } \\
  127. {a_{21} } & {a_{22} } & {a_{23} } \\
  128. {a_{31} } & {a_{32} } & {a_{33} } \\
  129. \end{pmatrix}
  130. = \frac{{Opposite}}{{Hypotenuse}}\cos ^{ - 1} \theta \arcsin \theta
  131. \]
  132. \lipsum[9]
  133. \[
  134. p_{j}=\begin{cases} 0,&\text{if $j$ is odd}\\
  135. r!\,(-1)^{j/2},&\text{if $j$ is even}
  136. \end{cases}
  137. \]
  138. \lipsum[10]
  139. \[
  140. \arcsin \theta =
  141. \mathop{{\int\!\!\!\!\!\int\!\!\!\!\!\int}\mkern-31.2mu
  142. \bigodot}\limits_\varphi
  143. {\mathop {\lim }\limits_{x \to \infty } \frac{{n!}}{{r!\left( {n - r}
  144. \right)!}}} \eqno (1)
  145. \]
  146. \section{Calculating and Simplifying the Model }
  147. \lipsum[11]
  148. \section{The Model Results}
  149. \lipsum[6]
  150. \section{Validating the Model}
  151. \lipsum[9]
  152. \section{Conclusions}
  153. \lipsum[6]
  154. \section{A Summary}
  155. \lipsum[6]
  156. \section{Evaluate of the Mode}
  157. \lipsum[7]
  158. \section{Strengths and weaknesses}
  159. \lipsum[12]
  160. \subsection{Strengths}
  161. \begin{itemize}
  162. \item \textbf{Applies widely}\\
  163. This system can be used for many types of airplanes, and it also
  164. solves the interference during the procedure of the boarding
  165. airplane,as described above we can get to the optimization
  166. boarding time.We also know that all the service is automate.
  167. \end{itemize}
  168. \subsection{Weakness}
  169. \begin{itemize}
  170. \item \textbf{Improve the quality of the airport service}\\
  171. Balancing the cost of the cost and the benefit, it will bring in
  172. more convenient for airport and passengers.It also saves many
  173. human resources for the airline.
  174. \end{itemize}
  175. % 引用文献 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  176. \newpage
  177. \bibliography{article} % 指定article 代表同目录下的article.bib文件
  178. \bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % 定义文献引用的格式
  179. % 附录 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  180. \begin{appendices}
  181. \section{First appendix}
  182. \lipsum[13]
  183. Here are simulation programmes we used in our model as follow.\\
  184. \end{appendices}
  185. \end{document}









