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  Apply Parameters - Runtime Filtering - You can now dynamically apply parameters to a report allowing users to filter the data at runtime.

  RDL Dashboard Support in WinForms Designer - Added support for RDL Dashboard reports in WinForms.

  Customization for Blazor Web Designer - Added customization API to the new Blazor Designer.

  Set Chart Colors Based On Values - The background colors of chart data points can now be set using conditional formatting.

  Freeze Table/Tablix Columns and Rows in the JsViewer - The JsViewer now allows the user to freeze columns and rows in both the Table and Tablix controls at runtime in report preview.

  ActiveReports.NET helps you deliver beautiful reports with intuitive Visual Studio integrated report designers and rich controls. ActiveReports provides code-based cross-platform reporting, easy-to-use designers, and a flexible API. Available for desktop (WinForms, WPF, .NET) and web (JavaScript, Blazor, ASP.NET MVC). Design and deliver powerful reports with intuitive, reliable, and user-friendly report designers and controls.

  ActiveReports.NET Overview

  High performance reporting engine streamlined for optimal memory consumption.

  Customize and maintain control with the extensive API and advanced feature library.

  Pixel-perfect rendering, printing, and exporting every time.

  Three designers: Visual Studio Designer, End-user report designers for web and desktop applications* and a standalone designer app*.

  Multiple report types to fit reporting needs in C# or VB.NET.

