Waiting for your favorite mobile device to fully charge up can try your patience at times, so you may be tempted to try other ‘methods’ to speed up the process. But can it be done though? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader’s question.
等待您喜欢的移动设备充满电可能会不时地耐心等待,因此您可能会想尝试其他“方法”来加快此过程。 但是可以吗? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。
Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.
今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。
Photo courtesy of Steve Paine (Flickr).
照片由史蒂夫·潘恩(Flickr)提供 。
SuperUser reader RJSmith92 wants to know if USB 2.0 devices can charge faster if plugged into a USB 3.0 port:
超级用户阅读器RJSmith92想知道如果插入USB 3.0端口,USB 2.0设备是否可以更快充电:
Do USB 2.0 devices charge faster if they are plugged into a USB 3.0 port rather than a USB 2.0 one? I am not asking about a specific device, I just mean in general.
如果将USB 2.0设备插入USB 3.0端口而不是USB 2.0端口,充电速度会更快吗? 我并不是在问特定的设备,我只是一般地说。
I know that a USB 2.0 port can provide 500mA and a USB 3.0 port up to 900mA, but is a USB 2.0 device able to draw the extra power possible via the USB 3.0 port and charge at 900mA, or will it only draw up to 500mA and nothing more?
我知道USB 2.0端口可以提供500mA的电流,而USB 3.0端口可以提供高达900mA的电流,但是USB 2.0设备可以通过USB 3.0端口提供额外的功率并以900mA的电流充电,或者仅提供500mA的电流仅此而已?
Can USB 2.0 devices charge faster if they are plugged into a USB 3.0 port?
如果将USB 2.0设备插入USB 3.0端口,可以更快地充电吗?
SuperUser contributor JakeGould has the answer for us:
Shorter Answer
- Do USB 2.0 devices charge faster if they are plugged into a USB 3.0 port rather than a USB 2.0 one? I am not asking about a specific device, I just mean in general. 如果将USB 2.0设备插入USB 3.0端口而不是USB 2.0端口,充电速度会更快吗? 我并不是在问特定的设备,我只是一般地说。
Yes, no, and maybe is the answer. While you are asking this question as a general, non-device specific question, the reality is it is completely device dependent; nothing will take on more power than it is designed for and will limit its intake to what it needs even if given more power. More details below.
是的,不是,也许是答案。 当您将此问题作为一般的,非特定于设备的问题进行询问时,现实情况是它完全取决于设备。 没有什么比它的设计要消耗更多的功率了,即使给定了更多的功率,也只会将其摄入量限制在所需的水平。 下面有更多详细信息。
Longer Answer
- I know that a USB 2.0 port can provide 500mA and a USB 3.0 port up to 900mA, but is a USB 2.0 device able to draw the extra power possible via the USB 3.0 port and charge at 900mA, or will it only draw up to 500mA and nothing more? 我知道USB 2.0端口可以提供500mA的电流,而USB 3.0端口可以提供高达900mA的电流,但是USB 2.0设备可以通过USB 3.0端口提供额外的功率并以900mA的电流充电,或者仅提供500mA的电流仅此而已?
It takes two to make it work. The power source and the device it powers.
要使它起作用,需要两个时间。 电源及其供电的设备。
It is a two-way street in the world of charging; how much the power source is willing to give and how much the charging device is willing to take. It is completely dependent on the charging circuitry of the device itself. One could say that a USB 3.0 port has the potential to charge a device faster than a USB 2.0 port, but if the device itself is not designed to handle increased power output, it will just grab power at the rate it is specifically designed for.
这是一条充满电的世界上的两条路。 电源愿意提供多少,充电设备愿意使用多少。 它完全取决于设备本身的充电电路。 可以说USB 3.0端口比USB 2.0端口有可能给设备充电更快 ,但是如果设备本身不旨在处理增加的功率输出,它只会以专门设计的速率获取功率。
Charging an iPhone with an iPad charger provides results dependent on the iPhone model.
While this example is basically based on the USB 1.1/2.0 power output model, the overall concept of “power input/output depends on the device” is still the same. Just look at this video where a user does what many people have similarly tried to do in the Apple device world with different iPhone models; attempting to get an iPhone 5 to charge faster by using an iPad 4 12W/2.4A charger (iPhones typically come with a 5W/1A charger). The end result in the video is that it shows an iPhone 5 is only going to charge at the rate it is specced for (only 1A draw).
尽管此示例基本上基于USB 1.1 / 2.0电源输出模型,但“ 电源输入/输出取决于设备 ”的总体概念仍然相同。 只要看一下这段视频 ,用户在使用不同型号的iPhone的Apple设备世界中做了许多类似的尝试。 试图通过使用iPad 4 12W / 2.4A充电器(iPhone通常配备5W / 1A充电器)使iPhone 5更快充电。 视频中的最终结果是,它表明iPhone 5仅按照其指定的速率充电(仅1A抽签)。
Do take into account that the video linked above is relevant for iPhone models 5s and lower. It turns out, according to this video, that the iPhone 6 and 6s can accommodate more power flowing to them, so instead of drawing the standard 1A when connected to the iPad charger, they can draw between 1.2A to 1.3A. A nice little speedup in charging.
请确保上面链接的视频与5s及更低版本的iPhone有关。 根据该视频可知,iPhone 6和6s可以容纳更多的电流,因此,当连接到iPad充电器时,它们无需消耗标准的1A电流,而可以消耗1.2A至1.3A的电流。 充电时速度稍有提高。
The USB 3.0 Power Specification
USB 3.0电源规范
As far as USB 3.0 power output potential is concerned (according to the USB 3.0 power delivery specification), this is the potential wattage output for USB 3.0 connectors:
就USB 3.0的输出电势而言( 根据USB 3.0的供电规格 ),这是USB 3.0连接器的电势输出:
- Profile 1: 5V @ 2A (10W) 设定档1:5V @ 2A(10W)
- Profile 2: 5V @ 2A, 12V @ 1.5A (18W) 设定档2:5V @ 2A,12V @ 1.5A(18W)
- Profile 3: 5V @ 2A, 12V @ 3A (36W) 设定档3:5V @ 2A,12V @ 3A(36W)
- Profile 4: 5V @ 2A, 12V, 20V @ 3A (60W) 设定档4:5V @ 2A,12V,20V @ 3A(60W)
- Profile 5: 5V @ 2A, 12V, 20V @ 5A (100W) 设定档5:5V @ 2A,12V,20V @ 5A(100W)
Looking at that spec, it seems like you can power most anything in the world with USB 3.0! Hooray! Throw out all those proprietary chargers. But wait and look again. That power potential is all dependent on the device you wish to connect and power with USB 3.0. As the spec states, it requires new cables; all must be USB 3.0 for power requirements greater than 1.5A or greater than 5V. So you cannot expect to just plug a basic USB 1.1/2.0 cable into a USB 3.0 port and get more power out of the setup.
查看该规格,似乎您可以使用USB 3.0为世界上任何东西供电! 万岁! 扔掉所有那些专有充电器。 但是,请稍候再看。 该电势完全取决于您要连接的设备并使用USB 3.0供电。 规范指出,它需要新的电缆。 对于大于1.5A或大于5V的电源要求,所有接口都必须是USB 3.0。 因此,您不能期望仅将基本的USB 1.1 / 2.0电缆插入USB 3.0端口并从设置中获得更多电力。
The USB 3.0 Cable Specification
USB 3.0电缆规格
Also, the USB cable itself only plays a role when using USB 3.0 capable devices which can then negotiate the USB 3.0 power spec. USB 1.1/2.0 cables have four leads while USB 3.0 cables have eight leads. Here is a nice chart that shows you how USB 3.0 cables differ from USB 1.1/2.0 cables:
同样,只有在使用支持USB 3.0的设备时USB电缆本身才起作用,这些设备随后可以协商USB 3.0的电源规格。 USB 1.1 / 2.0电缆有四根引线,而USB 3.0电缆有八根引线。 这是一个很好的图表,向您显示USB 3.0电缆与USB 1.1 / 2.0电缆的区别:
Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.
有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/233987/will-a-usb-2.0-device-charge-faster-if-plugged-into-a-usb-3.0-port/
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