Adapter Tuning:
Prefix Tuning
通过对输入数据增加前缀(prefix)来做微调。当然,prefix也可以不止加载输入层,还可以加在Transformer Layer输出的中间层。
对于GPT这样的生成式模型,在输入序列的最前面加入prefix token,图例中加入2个prefix token,在实际应用中,prefix token的个数是个超参,可以根据模型实际微调效果进行调整。
对于BART这样的Encoder-Decoder架构模型,则在x和y的前面同时添加prefix token。在后续微调中,我们只需要冻住模型其余部分,单独训练prefix token相关的参数即可,每个下游任务都可以单独训练一套prefix token。
Prefix Tuning虽然看起来方便,但也存在以下两个显著劣势;
为了节省计算量和显存,我们一般会固定输入数据长度。增加了prefix之后,留给原始文字数据的空间就少了,因此可能会降低原始文字中prompt的表达能力。全参数微调太贵,Adapter Tuning存在训练和推理延迟,Prefix Tuning难训且会减少原始训练数据中的有效文字长度,那是否有一种微调办法,能改善这些不足呢?
import torch import numpy as np torch.manual_seed(0) # ------------------------------------ # n:输入数据维度 # m:输出数据维度 # ------------------------------------ n = 10 m = 10 # ------------------------------------ # 随机初始化权重W # 之所以这样初始化,是为了让W不要满秩, # 这样才有低秩分解的意义 # ------------------------------------ nr = 10 mr = 2 W = torch.randn(nr,mr)@torch.randn(mr,nr) # ------------------------------------ # 随机初始化输入数据x # ------------------------------------ x = torch.randn(n) # ------------------------------------ # 计算Wx # ------------------------------------ y = W@x print("原始权重W计算出的y值为:\n", y) # ------------------------------------ # 计算W的秩 # ------------------------------------ r= np.linalg.matrix_rank(W) print("W的秩为: ", r) # ------------------------------------ # 对W做SVD分解 # ------------------------------------ U, S, V = torch.svd(W) # ------------------------------------ # 根据SVD分解结果, # 计算低秩矩阵A和B # ------------------------------------ U_r = U[:, :r] S_r = torch.diag(S[:r]) V_r = V[:,:r].t() B = U_r@S_r # shape = (d, r) A = V_r # shape = (r, d) # ------------------------------------ # 计算y_prime = BAx # ------------------------------------ y_prime = B@A@x print("SVD分解W后计算出的y值为:\n", y) print("原始权重W的参数量为: ", W.shape[0]*W.shape[1]) print("低秩适配后权重B和A的参数量为: ", A.shape[0]*A.shape[1] + B.shape[0]*B.shape[1])
tensor([ 3.3896, 1.0296, 1.5606, -2.3891, -0.4213, -2.4668, -4.4379, -0.0375,
-3.2790, -2.9361])
W的秩为: 2
tensor([ 3.3896, 1.0296, 1.5606, -2.3891, -0.4213, -2.4668, -4.4379, -0.0375,
-3.2790, -2.9361])
原始权重W的参数量为: 100
低秩适配后权重B和A的参数量为: 40
尽管理论上我们可以在模型的任意一层嵌入低秩适配器(比如Embedding, Attention,MLP等),但LoRA中只选咋在Attention层嵌入,并做了相关实验
class LoRALayer(): def __init__( self, r: int, # 矩阵的秩 lora_alpha: int, # 超参数a lora_dropout: float, merge_weights: bool, ): self.r = r self.lora_alpha = lora_alpha # Optional dropout if lora_dropout > 0.: self.lora_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=lora_dropout) else: self.lora_dropout = lambda x: x # Mark the weight as unmerged self.merged = False self.merge_weights = merge_weights
class Embedding(nn.Embedding, LoRALayer): # LoRA implemented in a dense layer def __init__( self, num_embeddings: int, embedding_dim: int, r: int = 0, lora_alpha: int = 1, merge_weights: bool = True, **kwargs ): nn.Embedding.__init__(self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim, **kwargs) LoRALayer.__init__(self, r=r, lora_alpha=lora_alpha, lora_dropout=0, merge_weights=merge_weights) # Actual trainable parameters if r > 0: self.lora_A = nn.Parameter(self.weight.new_zeros((r, num_embeddings))) self.lora_B = nn.Parameter(self.weight.new_zeros((embedding_dim, r))) self.scaling = self.lora_alpha / self.r # Freezing the pre-trained weight matrix self.weight.requires_grad = False self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): nn.Embedding.reset_parameters(self) if hasattr(self, 'lora_A'): # initialize A the same way as the default for nn.Linear and B to zero nn.init.zeros_(self.lora_A) nn.init.normal_(self.lora_B) def train(self, mode: bool = True): nn.Embedding.train(self, mode) if mode: if self.merge_weights and self.merged: # Make sure that the weights are not merged if self.r > 0: self.weight.data -= (self.lora_B @ self.lora_A).transpose(0, 1) * self.scaling self.merged = False else: if self.merge_weights and not self.merged: # Merge the weights and mark it if self.r > 0: self.weight.data += (self.lora_B @ self.lora_A).transpose(0, 1) * self.scaling self.merged = True def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): if self.r > 0 and not self.merged: result = nn.Embedding.forward(self, x) after_A = F.embedding( x, self.lora_A.transpose(0, 1), self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse ) result += (after_A @ self.lora_B.transpose(0, 1)) * self.scaling return result else: return nn.Embedding.forward(self, x)
class Linear(nn.Linear, LoRALayer): # LoRA implemented in a dense layer def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, r: int = 0, lora_alpha: int = 1, lora_dropout: float = 0., fan_in_fan_out: bool = False, # Set this to True if the layer to replace stores weight like (fan_in, fan_out) merge_weights: bool = True, **kwargs ): nn.Linear.__init__(self, in_features, out_features, **kwargs) LoRALayer.__init__(self, r=r, lora_alpha=lora_alpha, lora_dropout=lora_dropout, merge_weights=merge_weights) self.fan_in_fan_out = fan_in_fan_out # Actual trainable parameters if r > 0: self.lora_A = nn.Parameter(self.weight.new_zeros((r, in_features))) self.lora_B = nn.Parameter(self.weight.new_zeros((out_features, r))) self.scaling = self.lora_alpha / self.r # Freezing the pre-trained weight matrix self.weight.requires_grad = False self.reset_parameters() if fan_in_fan_out: self.weight.data = self.weight.data.transpose(0, 1) def reset_parameters(self): nn.Linear.reset_parameters(self) if hasattr(self, 'lora_A'): # initialize A the same way as the default for nn.Linear and B to zero nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.lora_A, a=math.sqrt(5)) nn.init.zeros_(self.lora_B) def train(self, mode: bool = True): def T(w): return w.transpose(0, 1) if self.fan_in_fan_out else w nn.Linear.train(self, mode) if mode: if self.merge_weights and self.merged: # Make sure that the weights are not merged if self.r > 0: self.weight.data -= T(self.lora_B @ self.lora_A) * self.scaling self.merged = False else: if self.merge_weights and not self.merged: # Merge the weights and mark it if self.r > 0: self.weight.data += T(self.lora_B @ self.lora_A) * self.scaling self.merged = True def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): def T(w): return w.transpose(0, 1) if self.fan_in_fan_out else w if self.r > 0 and not self.merged: result = F.linear(x, T(self.weight), bias=self.bias) result += (self.lora_dropout(x) @ self.lora_A.transpose(0, 1) @ self.lora_B.transpose(0, 1)) * self.scaling return result else: return F.linear(x, T(self.weight), bias=self.bias) class MergedLinear(nn.Linear, LoRALayer): # LoRA implemented in a dense layer def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, r: int = 0, lora_alpha: int = 1, lora_dropout: float = 0., enable_lora: List[bool] = [False], fan_in_fan_out: bool = False, merge_weights: bool = True, **kwargs ): nn.Linear.__init__(self, in_features, out_features, **kwargs) LoRALayer.__init__(self, r=r, lora_alpha=lora_alpha, lora_dropout=lora_dropout, merge_weights=merge_weights) assert out_features % len(enable_lora) == 0, \ 'The length of enable_lora must divide out_features' self.enable_lora = enable_lora self.fan_in_fan_out = fan_in_fan_out # Actual trainable parameters if r > 0 and any(enable_lora): self.lora_A = nn.Parameter( self.weight.new_zeros((r * sum(enable_lora), in_features))) self.lora_B = nn.Parameter( self.weight.new_zeros((out_features // len(enable_lora) * sum(enable_lora), r)) ) # weights for Conv1D with groups=sum(enable_lora) self.scaling = self.lora_alpha / self.r # Freezing the pre-trained weight matrix self.weight.requires_grad = False # Compute the indices self.lora_ind = self.weight.new_zeros( (out_features, ), dtype=torch.bool ).view(len(enable_lora), -1) self.lora_ind[enable_lora, :] = True self.lora_ind = self.lora_ind.view(-1) self.reset_parameters() if fan_in_fan_out: self.weight.data = self.weight.data.transpose(0, 1) def reset_parameters(self): nn.Linear.reset_parameters(self) if hasattr(self, 'lora_A'): # initialize A the same way as the default for nn.Linear and B to zero nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.lora_A, a=math.sqrt(5)) nn.init.zeros_(self.lora_B) def zero_pad(self, x): result = x.new_zeros((len(self.lora_ind), *x.shape[1:])) result[self.lora_ind] = x return result
class ConvLoRA(nn.Module, LoRALayer): def __init__(self, conv_module, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, r=0, lora_alpha=1, lora_dropout=0., merge_weights=True, **kwargs): super(ConvLoRA, self).__init__() self.conv = conv_module(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, **kwargs) LoRALayer.__init__(self, r=r, lora_alpha=lora_alpha, lora_dropout=lora_dropout, merge_weights=merge_weights) assert isinstance(kernel_size, int) # Actual trainable parameters if r > 0: self.lora_A = nn.Parameter( self.conv.weight.new_zeros((r * kernel_size, in_channels * kernel_size)) ) self.lora_B = nn.Parameter( self.conv.weight.new_zeros((out_channels//self.conv.groups*kernel_size, r*kernel_size)) ) self.scaling = self.lora_alpha / self.r # Freezing the pre-trained weight matrix self.conv.weight.requires_grad = False self.reset_parameters() self.merged = False def reset_parameters(self): self.conv.reset_parameters() if hasattr(self, 'lora_A'): # initialize A the same way as the default for nn.Linear and B to zero nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.lora_A, a=math.sqrt(5)) nn.init.zeros_(self.lora_B) def train(self, mode=True): super(ConvLoRA, self).train(mode) if mode: if self.merge_weights and self.merged: if self.r > 0: # Make sure that the weights are not merged self.conv.weight.data -= (self.lora_B @ self.lora_A).view(self.conv.weight.shape) * self.scaling self.merged = False else: if self.merge_weights and not self.merged: if self.r > 0: # Merge the weights and mark it self.conv.weight.data += (self.lora_B @ self.lora_A).view(self.conv.weight.shape) * self.scaling self.merged = True def forward(self, x): if self.r > 0 and not self.merged: return self.conv._conv_forward( x, self.conv.weight + (self.lora_B @ self.lora_A).view(self.conv.weight.shape) * self.scaling, self.conv.bias ) return self.conv(x) class Conv2d(ConvLoRA): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Conv2d, self).__init__(nn.Conv2d, *args, **kwargs) class Conv1d(ConvLoRA): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Conv1d, self).__init__(nn.Conv1d, *args, **kwargs) # Can Extend to other ones like this class Conv3d(ConvLoRA): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Conv3d, self).__init__(nn.Conv3d, *args, **kwargs)
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