- import numpy as np
- from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
- from nnunet.dataset_conversion.utils import generate_dataset_json
- from nnunet.paths import nnUNet_raw_data, preprocessing_output_dir
- from nnunet.utilities.file_conversions import convert_2d_image_to_nifti
- def mkdir_func(path):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- pass
- else:
- os.mkdir(path)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- """
- nnU-Net was originally built for 3D images. It is also strongest when applied to 3D segmentation problems because a
- large proportion of its design choices were built with 3D in mind. Also note that many 2D segmentation problems,
- especially in the non-biomedical domain, may benefit from pretrained network architectures which nnU-Net does not
- support.
- Still, there is certainly a need for an out of the box segmentation solution for 2D segmentation problems. And
- also on 2D segmentation tasks nnU-Net cam perform extremely well! We have, for example, won a 2D task in the cell
- tracking challenge with nnU-Net (see our Nature Methods paper) and we have also successfully applied nnU-Net to
- histopathological segmentation problems.
- Working with 2D data in nnU-Net requires a small workaround in the creation of the dataset. Essentially, all images
- must be converted to pseudo 3D images (so an image with shape (X, Y) needs to be converted to an image with shape
- (1, X, Y). The resulting image must be saved in nifti format. Hereby it is important to set the spacing of the
- first axis (the one with shape 1) to a value larger than the others. If you are working with niftis anyways, then
- doing this should be easy for you. This example here is intended for demonstrating how nnU-Net can be used with
- 'regular' 2D images. We selected the massachusetts road segmentation dataset for this because it can be obtained
- easily, it comes with a good amount of training cases but is still not too large to be difficult to handle.
- """
- # download dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/insaff/massachusetts-roads-dataset
- # extract the zip file, then set the following path according to your system:
- base = 'D:/csdn/tc/work23/nnUNet/nnunet/datasets/build'
- # this folder should have the training and testing subfolders
- # now start the conversion to nnU-Net:
- task_name = 'Task120_MassRoadsSeg'
- target_base = join(nnUNet_raw_data, task_name)
- target_imagesTr = join(target_base, "imagesTr")
- target_imagesTs = join(target_base, "imagesTs")
- target_labelsTs = join(target_base, "labelsTs")
- target_labelsTr = join(target_base, "labelsTr")
- # maybe_mkdir_p(target_imagesTr)
- # maybe_mkdir_p(target_labelsTs)
- # maybe_mkdir_p(target_imagesTs)
- # maybe_mkdir_p(target_labelsTr)
- mkdir_func(target_base)
- mkdir_func(target_imagesTr)
- mkdir_func(target_labelsTs)
- mkdir_func(target_imagesTs)
- mkdir_func(target_labelsTr)
- # convert the training examples. Not all training images have labels, so we just take the cases for which there are
- # labels
- labels_dir_tr = join(base, 'train', 'labels')
- images_dir_tr = join(base, 'train', 'images')
- training_cases = subfiles(labels_dir_tr, suffix='.png', join=False)
- for t in training_cases:
- unique_name = t[:-4] # just the filename with the extension cropped away, so img-2.png becomes img-2 as unique_name
- input_segmentation_file = join(labels_dir_tr, t)
- input_image_file = join(images_dir_tr, t)
- output_image_file = join(target_imagesTr, unique_name) # do not specify a file ending! This will be done for you
- output_seg_file = join(target_labelsTr, unique_name) # do not specify a file ending! This will be done for you
- # this utility will convert 2d images that can be read by skimage.io.imread to nifti. You don't need to do anything.
- # if this throws an error for your images, please just look at the code for this function and adapt it to your needs
- convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_image_file, output_image_file, is_seg=False)
- # the labels are stored as 0: background, 255: road. We need to convert the 255 to 1 because nnU-Net expects
- # the labels to be consecutive integers. This can be achieved with setting a transform
- # convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True,
- # transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int))
- convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True)
- # now do the same for the test set
- labels_dir_ts = join(base, 'val', 'labels')
- images_dir_ts = join(base, 'val', 'images')
- testing_cases = subfiles(labels_dir_ts, suffix='.png', join=False)
- for ts in testing_cases:
- unique_name = ts[:-4]
- input_segmentation_file = join(labels_dir_ts, ts)
- input_image_file = join(images_dir_ts, ts)
- output_image_file = join(target_imagesTs, unique_name)
- output_seg_file = join(target_labelsTs, unique_name)
- convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_image_file, output_image_file, is_seg=False)
- # convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True,
- # transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int)) #当标签是0,1时,lambda x: (x == 255)这个操作不能有,会产生无效标签
- convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True)
- # finally we can call the utility for generating a dataset.json
- generate_dataset_json(join(target_base, 'dataset.json'), target_imagesTr, target_imagesTs, ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue'),
- labels={0: 'background', 1: 'build'}, dataset_name=task_name, license='hands off!')
- """
- once this is completed, you can use the dataset like any other nnU-Net dataset. Note that since this is a 2D
- dataset there is no need to run preprocessing for 3D U-Nets. You should therefore run the
- `nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess` command like this:
- > nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 120 -pl3d None
- once that is completed, you can run the trainings as follows:
- > nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2 120 FOLD
- (where fold is again 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 - 5-fold cross validation)
- there is no need to run nnUNet_find_best_configuration because there is only one model to choose from.
- Note that without running nnUNet_find_best_configuration, nnU-Net will not have determined a postprocessing
- for the whole cross-validation. Spoiler: it will determine not to run postprocessing anyways. If you are using
- a different 2D dataset, you can make nnU-Net determine the postprocessing by using the
- `nnUNet_determine_postprocessing` command
- """
3.注意到一些项目路径是从path.py导入的from nnunet.paths import nnUNet_raw_data, preprocessing_output_dir, 那我们还要转到这个脚本去看看
- # Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import os
- from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import maybe_mkdir_p, join
- def mkdir_func(path):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- pass
- else:
- os.mkdir(path)
- # do not modify these unless you know what you are doing
- my_output_identifier = "nnUNet"
- default_plans_identifier = "nnUNetPlansv2.1"
- default_data_identifier = 'nnUNetData_plans_v2.1'
- default_trainer = "nnUNetTrainerV2"
- default_cascade_trainer = "nnUNetTrainerV2CascadeFullRes"
- """
- """
- # base = os.environ['nnUNet_raw_data_base'] if "nnUNet_raw_data_base" in os.environ.keys() else None
- # preprocessing_output_dir = os.environ['nnUNet_preprocessed'] if "nnUNet_preprocessed" in os.environ.keys() else None
- # network_training_output_dir_base = os.path.join(os.environ['RESULTS_FOLDER']) if "RESULTS_FOLDER" in os.environ.keys() else None
- base = 'D:/csdn/tc/work23/nnUNet/nnunet/nnUNet_raw_data_base'
- preprocessing_output_dir = base + '/nnUNet_preprocessed'
- network_training_output_dir_base = base + '/nnUNet_trained_models'
- mkdir_func(base)
- mkdir_func(preprocessing_output_dir)
- mkdir_func(network_training_output_dir_base)
- if base is not None:
- nnUNet_raw_data = join(base, "nnUNet_raw_data")
- nnUNet_cropped_data = join(base, "nnUNet_cropped_data")
- # maybe_mkdir_p(nnUNet_raw_data)
- # maybe_mkdir_p(nnUNet_cropped_data)
- mkdir_func(nnUNet_raw_data)
- mkdir_func(nnUNet_cropped_data)
- else:
- print("nnUNet_raw_data_base is not defined and nnU-Net can only be used on data for which preprocessed files "
- "are already present on your system. nnU-Net cannot be used for experiment planning and preprocessing like "
- "this. If this is not intended, please read documentation/setting_up_paths.md for information on how to set this up properly.")
- nnUNet_cropped_data = nnUNet_raw_data = None
- if preprocessing_output_dir is not None:
- maybe_mkdir_p(preprocessing_output_dir)
- else:
- print("nnUNet_preprocessed is not defined and nnU-Net can not be used for preprocessing "
- "or training. If this is not intended, please read documentation/setting_up_paths.md for information on how to set this up.")
- preprocessing_output_dir = None
- if network_training_output_dir_base is not None:
- network_training_output_dir = join(network_training_output_dir_base, my_output_identifier)
- maybe_mkdir_p(network_training_output_dir)
- else:
- print("RESULTS_FOLDER is not defined and nnU-Net cannot be used for training or "
- "inference. If this is not intended behavior, please read documentation/setting_up_paths.md for information on how to set this "
- "up.")
- network_training_output_dir = None
4.注意图像和标签的后缀都要是png,不是的话改下 suffix='.png'。
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True, transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int))
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True)
generate_dataset_json(join(target_base, 'dataset.json'), target_imagesTr, target_imagesTs, ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue'), labels={0: 'background', 1: 'build'}, dataset_name=task_name, license='hands off!')
这个 labels={0: 'background', 1: 'build'} 别忘了改。
7.走到文件的最下面,作者给了提示,你接下来要做的就是数据的预处理nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 120 -pl3d None,但是我没有安装也不想跑命令行,我就去experiment_planning文件夹下找到nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess.py脚本,改!
""" once this is completed, you can use the dataset like any other nnU-Net dataset. Note that since this is a 2D dataset there is no need to run preprocessing for 3D U-Nets. You should therefore run the `nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess` command like this: > nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 120 -pl3d None once that is completed, you can run the trainings as follows: > nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2 120 FOLD (where fold is again 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 - 5-fold cross validation) there is no need to run nnUNet_find_best_configuration because there is only one model to choose from. Note that without running nnUNet_find_best_configuration, nnU-Net will not have determined a postprocessing for the whole cross-validation. Spoiler: it will determine not to run postprocessing anyways. If you are using a different 2D dataset, you can make nnU-Net determine the postprocessing by using the `nnUNet_determine_postprocessing` command """
- # Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import nnunet
- from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
- from nnunet.experiment_planning.DatasetAnalyzer import DatasetAnalyzer
- from nnunet.experiment_planning.utils import crop
- from nnunet.paths import *
- import shutil
- from nnunet.utilities.task_name_id_conversion import convert_id_to_task_name
- from nnunet.preprocessing.sanity_checks import verify_dataset_integrity
- from nnunet.training.model_restore import recursive_find_python_class
- import warnings
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
- def mkdir_func(path):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- pass
- else:
- os.mkdir(path)
- def main():
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--task_ids", nargs="+", default=[120], help="List of integers belonging to the task ids you wish to run"
- " experiment planning and preprocessing for. Each of these "
- "ids must, have a matching folder 'TaskXXX_' in the raw "
- "data folder")
- parser.add_argument("-pl3d", "--planner3d", type=str, default="None",
- help="Name of the ExperimentPlanner class for the full resolution 3D U-Net and U-Net cascade. "
- "Default is ExperimentPlanner3D_v21. Can be 'None', in which case these U-Nets will not be "
- "configured")
- parser.add_argument("-pl2d", "--planner2d", type=str, default="ExperimentPlanner2D_v21",
- help="Name of the ExperimentPlanner class for the 2D U-Net. Default is ExperimentPlanner2D_v21. "
- "Can be 'None', in which case this U-Net will not be configured")
- parser.add_argument("-no_pp", action="store_true",
- help="Set this flag if you dont want to run the preprocessing. If this is set then this script "
- "will only run the experiment planning and create the plans file")
- parser.add_argument("-tl", type=int, required=False, default=2,
- help="Number of processes used for preprocessing the low resolution data for the 3D low "
- "resolution U-Net. This can be larger than -tf. Don't overdo it or you will run out of "
- "RAM")
- parser.add_argument("-tf", type=int, required=False, default=2,
- help="Number of processes used for preprocessing the full resolution data of the 2D U-Net and "
- "3D U-Net. Don't overdo it or you will run out of RAM")
- # parser.add_argument("--verify_dataset_integrity", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- # help="set this flag to check the dataset integrity. This is useful and should be done once for "
- # "each dataset!")
- parser.add_argument("--verify_dataset_integrity", required=False, default=True, action="store_true",
- help="set this flag to check the dataset integrity. This is useful and should be done once for "
- "each dataset!")
- parser.add_argument("-overwrite_plans", type=str, default=None, required=False,
- help="Use this to specify a plans file that should be used instead of whatever nnU-Net would "
- "configure automatically. This will overwrite everything: intensity normalization, "
- "network architecture, target spacing etc. Using this is useful for using pretrained "
- "model weights as this will guarantee that the network architecture on the target "
- "dataset is the same as on the source dataset and the weights can therefore be transferred.\n"
- "Pro tip: If you want to pretrain on Hepaticvessel and apply the result to LiTS then use "
- "the LiTS plans to run the preprocessing of the HepaticVessel task.\n"
- "Make sure to only use plans files that were "
- "generated with the same number of modalities as the target dataset (LiTS -> BCV or "
- "LiTS -> Task008_HepaticVessel is OK. BraTS -> LiTS is not (BraTS has 4 input modalities, "
- "LiTS has just one)). Also only do things that make sense. This functionality is beta with"
- "no support given.\n"
- "Note that this will first print the old plans (which are going to be overwritten) and "
- "then the new ones (provided that -no_pp was NOT set).")
- parser.add_argument("-overwrite_plans_identifier", type=str, default=None, required=False,
- help="If you set overwrite_plans you need to provide a unique identifier so that nnUNet knows "
- "where to look for the correct plans and data. Assume your identifier is called "
- "IDENTIFIER, the correct training command would be:\n"
- "'nnUNet_train CONFIG TRAINER TASKID FOLD -p nnUNetPlans_pretrained_IDENTIFIER "
- "-pretrained_weights FILENAME'")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- task_ids = args.task_ids
- dont_run_preprocessing = args.no_pp
- tl = args.tl
- tf = args.tf
- planner_name3d = args.planner3d
- planner_name2d = args.planner2d
- if planner_name3d == "None":
- planner_name3d = None
- if planner_name2d == "None":
- planner_name2d = None
- if args.overwrite_plans is not None:
- if planner_name2d is not None:
- print("Overwriting plans only works for the 3d planner. I am setting '--planner2d' to None. This will "
- "skip 2d planning and preprocessing.")
- assert planner_name3d == 'ExperimentPlanner3D_v21_Pretrained', "When using --overwrite_plans you need to use " \
- "'-pl3d ExperimentPlanner3D_v21_Pretrained'"
- # we need raw data
- tasks = []
- for i in task_ids:
- i = int(i)
- task_name = convert_id_to_task_name(i)
- if args.verify_dataset_integrity:
- verify_dataset_integrity(join(nnUNet_raw_data, task_name))
- crop(task_name, False, tf)
- tasks.append(task_name)
- search_in = join(nnunet.__path__[0], "experiment_planning")
- if planner_name3d is not None:
- planner_3d = recursive_find_python_class([search_in], planner_name3d, current_module="nnunet.experiment_planning")
- if planner_3d is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Could not find the Planner class %s. Make sure it is located somewhere in "
- "nnunet.experiment_planning" % planner_name3d)
- else:
- planner_3d = None
- if planner_name2d is not None:
- planner_2d = recursive_find_python_class([search_in], planner_name2d, current_module="nnunet.experiment_planning")
- if planner_2d is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Could not find the Planner class %s. Make sure it is located somewhere in "
- "nnunet.experiment_planning" % planner_name2d)
- else:
- planner_2d = None
- for t in tasks:
- print("\n\n\n", t)
- cropped_out_dir = os.path.join(nnUNet_cropped_data, t).replace('\\', '/') #D:/csdn/tc/work23/nnUNet/nnunet/nnUNet_raw_data_base\nnUNet_cropped_data\Task120_MassRoadsSeg
- preprocessing_output_dir_this_task = os.path.join(preprocessing_output_dir, t)
- #splitted_4d_output_dir_task = os.path.join(nnUNet_raw_data, t)
- #lists, modalities = create_lists_from_splitted_dataset(splitted_4d_output_dir_task)
- # we need to figure out if we need the intensity propoerties. We collect them only if one of the modalities is CT
- dataset_json = load_json(join(cropped_out_dir, 'dataset.json'))
- modalities = list(dataset_json["modality"].values())
- collect_intensityproperties = True if (("CT" in modalities) or ("ct" in modalities)) else False
- dataset_analyzer = DatasetAnalyzer(cropped_out_dir, overwrite=False, num_processes=tf) # this class creates the fingerprint
- _ = dataset_analyzer.analyze_dataset(collect_intensityproperties) # this will write output files that will be used by the ExperimentPlanner
- # maybe_mkdir_p(preprocessing_output_dir_this_task)
- mkdir_func(preprocessing_output_dir_this_task)
- shutil.copy(join(cropped_out_dir, "dataset_properties.pkl"), preprocessing_output_dir_this_task)
- shutil.copy(join(nnUNet_raw_data, t, "dataset.json"), preprocessing_output_dir_this_task)
- threads = (tl, tf)
- print("number of threads: ", threads, "\n")
- if planner_3d is not None:
- if args.overwrite_plans is not None:
- assert args.overwrite_plans_identifier is not None, "You need to specify -overwrite_plans_identifier"
- exp_planner = planner_3d(cropped_out_dir, preprocessing_output_dir_this_task, args.overwrite_plans,
- args.overwrite_plans_identifier)
- else:
- exp_planner = planner_3d(cropped_out_dir, preprocessing_output_dir_this_task)
- exp_planner.plan_experiment()
- if not dont_run_preprocessing: # double negative, yooo
- exp_planner.run_preprocessing(threads)
- if planner_2d is not None:
- # preprocessing_output_dir_this_task D:/csdn/tc/work23/nnUNet/nnunet/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_preprocessed\Task120_MassRoadsSeg
- exp_planner = planner_2d(cropped_out_dir, preprocessing_output_dir_this_task.replace('\\', '/'))
- exp_planner.plan_experiment()
- if not dont_run_preprocessing: # double negative, yooo
- exp_planner.run_preprocessing(threads)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
parser.add_argument("-t", "--task_ids", nargs="+", default=[120]
3. 3维给none, default="None"
parser.add_argument("-pl3d", "--planner3d", type=str, default="None",
4. 2维用ExperimentPlanner2D_v21,
parser.add_argument("-pl2d", "--planner2d", type=str, default="ExperimentPlanner2D_v21",
5. –tl 和 –tf 参数需根据自身电脑配置更改,原始是8我改为了2,实在不行就1,不然会报系统错误以及多线程错误,错误本质上还是因为Windows的多线程问题,本身nnUnet就是在Linux上做的,Windows上有问题也正常
6. 有两处路径用了.replace('\\', '/'),之所以这样是因为很多路径进入函数以后,作者会利用split('/')来切割路径,路径里如果有\\必然报路径错误,这个在Linux里肯定不会遇到。
nnunet\preprocessing\cropping.py 197行 maybe_mkdir_p换成 mkdir_func, 59行,64行加.replace('\\', '/') 127行和188行 改 i.replace(‘\\’, ‘/’)
nnunet\experiment_planning/utils.py 所有maybe_mkdir_p换成 mkdir_func,并且100-108行涉及到路径的,末尾都要加 .replace('\\', '/') 来改变斜杠方向
nnunet\preprocessing/preprocessing.py 添加mkdir_func函数且所有maybe_mkdir_p换成 mkdir_func
nnunet\experiment_planning/DatasetAnalyzer.py 37行 加 .replace(‘\\’, ‘/’)
nnunet\experiment_planning/experiment_planner_baseline_3DUNet.py 34行和406行 加 .replace(‘\\’, ‘/’)
nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2 120 FOLD
- def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--network", default='2d') # 在./run/default_configuration.py 中说了网络的类型 ['2d', '3d_lowres', '3d_fullres', '3d_cascade_fullres']
- parser.add_argument("--network_trainer", default='nnUNetTrainerV2') #在./training/nework_traing/ 下有以下训练器可选nnUNetTrainer, nnUNetTrainerCascadeFullRes, nnUNetTrainerV2,
- # nnUNetTrainerV2_CascadeFullRes, nnUNetTrainerV2_DDP, nnUNetTrainerV2_DP, nnUNetTrainerV2_fp32, 这里是单机单卡,除了DDP,DP都可以试试看。
- parser.add_argument("--task", default='120', help="can be task name or task id") #任务名
- parser.add_argument("--fold", default='0', help='0, 1, ..., 5 or \'all\'') #这里一定注意下,0,1,2,3,4都要跑一遍,代表5折交叉的每一折
- parser.add_argument("-val", "--validation_only", help="use this if you want to only run the validation",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--continue_training", help="use this if you want to continue a training",
- action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-p", help="plans identifier. Only change this if you created a custom experiment planner",
- default=default_plans_identifier, required=False)
- parser.add_argument("--use_compressed_data", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="If you set use_compressed_data, the training cases will not be decompressed. Reading compressed data "
- "is much more CPU and RAM intensive and should only be used if you know what you are "
- "doing", required=False)
- parser.add_argument("--deterministic",
- help="Makes training deterministic, but reduces training speed substantially. I (Fabian) think "
- "this is not necessary. Deterministic training will make you overfit to some random seed. "
- "Don't use that.",
- required=False, default=False, action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("--npz", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="if set then nnUNet will "
- "export npz files of "
- "predicted segmentations "
- "in the validation as well. "
- "This is needed to run the "
- "ensembling step so unless "
- "you are developing nnUNet "
- "you should enable this")
- parser.add_argument("--find_lr", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- help="not used here, just for fun")
- parser.add_argument("--valbest", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- help="hands off. This is not intended to be used")
- parser.add_argument("--fp32", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- help="disable mixed precision training and run old school fp32")
- parser.add_argument("--val_folder", required=False, default="validation_raw",
- help="name of the validation folder. No need to use this for most people")
- parser.add_argument("--disable_saving", required=False, action='store_true',
- help="If set nnU-Net will not save any parameter files (except a temporary checkpoint that "
- "will be removed at the end of the training). Useful for development when you are "
- "only interested in the results and want to save some disk space")
- parser.add_argument("--disable_postprocessing_on_folds", required=False, action='store_true',
- help="Running postprocessing on each fold only makes sense when developing with nnU-Net and "
- "closely observing the model performance on specific configurations. You do not need it "
- "when applying nnU-Net because the postprocessing for this will be determined only once "
- "all five folds have been trained and nnUNet_find_best_configuration is called. Usually "
- "running postprocessing on each fold is computationally cheap, but some users have "
- "reported issues with very large images. If your images are large (>600x600x600 voxels) "
- "you should consider setting this flag.")
- # parser.add_argument("--interp_order", required=False, default=3, type=int,
- # help="order of interpolation for segmentations. Testing purpose only. Hands off")
- # parser.add_argument("--interp_order_z", required=False, default=0, type=int,
- # help="order of interpolation along z if z is resampled separately. Testing purpose only. "
- # "Hands off")
- # parser.add_argument("--force_separate_z", required=False, default="None", type=str,
- # help="force_separate_z resampling. Can be None, True or False. Testing purpose only. Hands off")
- parser.add_argument('--val_disable_overwrite', action='store_false', default=True,
- help='Validation does not overwrite existing segmentations')
- parser.add_argument('--disable_next_stage_pred', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='do not predict next stage')
- parser.add_argument('-pretrained_weights', type=str, required=False, default=None,
- help='path to nnU-Net checkpoint file to be used as pretrained model (use .model '
- 'file, for example model_final_checkpoint.model). Will only be used when actually training. '
- 'Optional. Beta. Use with caution.')
- args = parser.parse_args()
而nnUNetTrainerV2又继承了nnunet/training/network_training/nnUNetTrainer.py中的nnUNetTrainer类 (这里只是说下它们的关系,便于你们自己梳理代码,可以不用太在意)
2. nnunet/training/dataloading/dataset_loading.py 中的unpack_dataset函数是数据加载多线程函数,其中的线程开启个数由configuration.py中的default_num_threads决定(改为1),改/nnunet/configuration.py中的线程个数在很多地方都用了,所以改为1是很有必要的,不然会报多线程相关的错误,估计这也是Windows特有的错误
3. nnunet/training/network_training/networking_trainer.py 添加mkdir_funcs函数 且所有maybe_mkdir_p 改为 mkdir_funcs 创建多级目录(和mkdir_func不同)
- import os
- def mkdir_funcs(path):
- if os.path.exists(path):
- pass
- else:
- os.makedirs(path)
4. batchsize的产生由nnunet/experiment_planning/nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess.py(上一步的数据预处理阶段产生)自动产生,直到因为显存问题开始想改变batchsize的时候才发现上一步不止数据预处理,还根据数据情况生成了一个训练计划,所以上一步没有提这个事,所以如果到这里你的显存爆了,那么你需要先删除上一步产生的nnUNet_cropped_data和nnUNet_preprocessed文件夹及内容,重新跑一遍。
planner_2d = recursive_find_python_class([search_in], planner_name2d, current_module="nnunet.experiment_planning")
RuntimeError: More than one task name found for task id 120. Please correct that. (I looked in the following folders:
nnUNet_raw_data Preprocessed nnUNet_cropped_data
- def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--input_folder", default='D:/wcs/nnUNet/nnunet/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task120_MassRoadsSeg/imagesTs/', help="Must contain all modalities for each patient in the correct"
- " order (same as training). Files must be named "
- "CASENAME_XXXX.nii.gz where XXXX is the modality "
- "identifier (0000, 0001, etc)")
- parser.add_argument("--output_folder", default='D:/wcs/nnUNet/nnunet/nnUNet_raw_data_base/nnUNet_raw_data/Task120_MassRoadsSeg/test/', help="folder for saving predictions")
- parser.add_argument("--task_name", help='task name or task ID, required.',
- default='120')
- parser.add_argument('-tr', '--trainer_class_name',
- help='Name of the nnUNetTrainer used for 2D U-Net, full resolution 3D U-Net and low resolution '
- 'U-Net. The default is %s. If you are running inference with the cascade and the folder '
- 'pointed to by --lowres_segmentations does not contain the segmentation maps generated by '
- 'the low resolution U-Net then the low resolution segmentation maps will be automatically '
- 'generated. For this case, make sure to set the trainer class here that matches your '
- '--cascade_trainer_class_name (this part can be ignored if defaults are used).'
- % default_trainer,
- required=False,
- default=default_trainer)
- parser.add_argument('-ctr', '--cascade_trainer_class_name',
- help="Trainer class name used for predicting the 3D full resolution U-Net part of the cascade."
- "Default is %s" % default_cascade_trainer, required=False,
- default=default_cascade_trainer)
- parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', help="2d, 3d_lowres, 3d_fullres or 3d_cascade_fullres. Default: 3d_fullres",
- default="2d", required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--plans_identifier', help='do not touch this unless you know what you are doing',
- default=default_plans_identifier, required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-f', '--folds', nargs='+', default='None',
- help="folds to use for prediction. Default is None which means that folds will be detected "
- "automatically in the model output folder")
- parser.add_argument('-z', '--save_npz', required=False, action='store_true',
- help="use this if you want to ensemble these predictions with those of other models. Softmax "
- "probabilities will be saved as compressed numpy arrays in output_folder and can be "
- "merged between output_folders with nnUNet_ensemble_predictions")
- parser.add_argument('-l', '--lowres_segmentations', required=False, default='None',
- help="if model is the highres stage of the cascade then you can use this folder to provide "
- "predictions from the low resolution 3D U-Net. If this is left at default, the "
- "predictions will be generated automatically (provided that the 3D low resolution U-Net "
- "network weights are present")
- parser.add_argument("--part_id", type=int, required=False, default=0, help="Used to parallelize the prediction of "
- "the folder over several GPUs. If you "
- "want to use n GPUs to predict this "
- "folder you need to run this command "
- "n times with --part_id=0, ... n-1 and "
- "--num_parts=n (each with a different "
- "GPU (for example via "
- parser.add_argument("--num_parts", type=int, required=False, default=1,
- help="Used to parallelize the prediction of "
- "the folder over several GPUs. If you "
- "want to use n GPUs to predict this "
- "folder you need to run this command "
- "n times with --part_id=0, ... n-1 and "
- "--num_parts=n (each with a different "
- "GPU (via "
- parser.add_argument("--num_threads_preprocessing", required=False, default=0, type=int, help=
- "Determines many background processes will be used for data preprocessing. Reduce this if you "
- "run into out of memory (RAM) problems. Default: 6")
- parser.add_argument("--num_threads_nifti_save", required=False, default=1, type=int, help=
- "Determines many background processes will be used for segmentation export. Reduce this if you "
- "run into out of memory (RAM) problems. Default: 2")
- parser.add_argument("--disable_tta", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- help="set this flag to disable test time data augmentation via mirroring. Speeds up inference "
- "by roughly factor 4 (2D) or 8 (3D)")
- parser.add_argument("--overwrite_existing", required=False, default=False, action="store_true",
- help="Set this flag if the target folder contains predictions that you would like to overwrite")
- parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="normal", required=False, help="Hands off!")
- parser.add_argument("--all_in_gpu", type=str, default="None", required=False, help="can be None, False or True. "
- "Do not touch.")
- parser.add_argument("--step_size", type=float, default=0.5, required=False, help="don't touch")
- # parser.add_argument("--interp_order", required=False, default=3, type=int,
- # help="order of interpolation for segmentations, has no effect if mode=fastest. Do not touch this.")
- # parser.add_argument("--interp_order_z", required=False, default=0, type=int,
- # help="order of interpolation along z is z is done differently. Do not touch this.")
- # parser.add_argument("--force_separate_z", required=False, default="None", type=str,
- # help="force_separate_z resampling. Can be None, True or False, has no effect if mode=fastest. "
- # "Do not touch this.")
- parser.add_argument('-chk',
- help='checkpoint name, default: model_final_checkpoint',
- required=False,
- default='model_final_checkpoint')
- parser.add_argument('--disable_mixed_precision', default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
- help='Predictions are done with mixed precision by default. This improves speed and reduces '
- 'the required vram. If you want to disable mixed precision you can set this flag. Note '
- 'that this is not recommended (mixed precision is ~2x faster!)')
- args = parser.parse_args()
1.输入参数input_folder/output_folder/task_name/m/num_threads_preprocessing/num_threads_nifti_save,具体改动上面给出了,其中一定要注意 num_threads_preprocessing必须为0,不然会报错:
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x000002577F7CD1F8>: attribute lookup <lambda> on nnunet.utilities.nd_softmax failed
涉及到的文件在 ./nnunet/utilities/nd_softmax.py,那个lamdba在Windows进程里会有问题,不好解决。
all_best_model_files = [join(i, "%s.model" % checkpoint_name).replace('\\', '/') for i in folds]
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