游戏中采取日麻无赤宝牌规则。共计 136 张麻将牌,其中包含 1-9 万/条/筒与东南西北中发白各 4 张(无花牌)。基本规则与国标麻将一致,区别主要在于:每轮对局中存在“宝牌”,胡牌时手牌中若持有宝牌则会有对应奖励;日麻胡牌需要满足特定条件,即为“役”,无役无法胡牌。
玩家进入游戏后,首先会来到登录界面,登录界面中有我为这个游戏所设计的一个 Logo。此时玩家需要在 ID 栏中输入自己的 ID,并选择登录。登录后会来到欢迎界面,并提示玩家可以选择开始游戏
import copy import pygame import random from GameTable import Gametable from Rule import huJudge from pygame.locals import * from sys import exit class Mahjong(): def __init__(self): self.__clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screenSet() # 游戏画面设置 self.playerSet() # 玩家设置 self.sitSet() # 座次设置 self.gameStart() # 游戏开始 def screenSet(self): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400)) # screen 的本质上就是一个 Surface 对象,它是游戏的主窗口, # 也就是整个游戏中尺寸最大的“纸”,任何其他的 Surface 对象都需要附着在这张最大的“纸”上 pygame.display.set_caption('Mahjong 源码领取QQ群:494958217') def playerSet(self): # self.__playername = input("请输入您的昵称:") self.__playername = "飞翔大神天使" # 方便测试用 print("您好,{}!欢迎来到麻将世界!".format(self.__playername)) def sitSet(self): self.__sit = random.randint(0, 3) # self.__sit = 3 print("您这把{}起!".format("东南西北"[self.__sit])) def prepare(self): print("\n\n正在清理牌桌...") self.__table = Gametable() # 清理牌桌 print("正在获取初始手牌...") self.__hands = self.getfHands(self.__sit) print(self.__hands) def reset(self): print("\n\n正在清理牌桌...") self.__table = Gametable() # 清理牌桌 print("正在获取初始手牌...") self.__hands = self.getfHands(self.__sit) print(self.__hands) def getfHands(self, sit): hands = [] base = (sit-1) * 4 # 摸牌起始位置 # 东起 0,南起 4, 西起 8, 北起 12 for i in range(3): # 分3次摸2垛 hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[i * 16 + base]) hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[i * 16 + base + 1]) hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[i * 16 + base + 2]) hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[i * 16 + base + 3]) hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[48 + base]) self.handsSort(hands) return hands def handsSort(self, hands): hands.sort(key=Gametable.tiles.index) return hands def gameStart(self): self.__game_num = 0 # 当前对局数 # self.__current_turn = 0 # 当前局数 self.__wind = "东" # 从东场开始 gamepara = self.__sit # 参数记录起始位置 while(self.__game_num < 8): self.reset() # 准备下一局对局 print("sit:", self.__sit, "gamenum:", self.__game_num) self.__sit = (gamepara - self.__game_num) % 4 print("欢迎来到{}{}场!".format(self.__wind, self.__game_num % 4 + 1)) print("您这把是{}家.".format("东南西北"[self.__sit])) self.__game_num += 1 if self.__game_num % 4 == 0: self.__wind = "南" # 进行4局后进入南场 if self.game() == 0: # 连庄则对局数不增加 self.__game_num -= 1 def game(self): winner = -1 print("本局的宝牌指示牌为:", self.__table.getDoraPointer()[0]) self.__cardremain = 70 # 牌山余量 self.__cardgiver = 0 # 当前出牌人 self.__tilepointer = 52 # 牌山位置指针 self.__GangCount = 0 # 记录开杠次数 self.__Ganglist = [] # 杠牌 self.__Chowlist = [] # 吃牌 self.__PUNGlist = [] # 碰牌 self.__Reddora = [0, 0, 0] # 是否有赤宝牌 while(self.__cardremain > 0 and winner == -1): brand = self.cardplay(self.__cardgiver) if brand == "自摸": return self.__sit if self.__cardgiver % 4 != self.__sit: self.can_gang(brand) self.can_pung(brand) if self.__cardgiver % 4 == (self.__sit + 3) % 4: self.can_chow(brand) winner = self.can_Hu(brand) self.__cardgiver += 1 return winner def cardplay(self, giver): self.__cardremain -= 1 self.__tilepointer += 1 curCard = self.__table.getTiles()[self.__tilepointer - 1] if giver % 4 != self.__sit: print("{}家打出{}".format("东南西北"[giver % 4], curCard)) return self.__table.getTiles()[self.__tilepointer - 1] # 如果不是玩家直接摸切 # 如果是玩家本人 self.handsShow() print("您摸到了:", curCard) # 判断是否能开杠 self.can_gang(curCard) # 判断是否自摸 if self.can_Hu(curCard, 1) != -1: return "自摸" self.__hands.append(curCard) self.brand() # 舍牌 self.handsSort(self.__hands) self.handsShow() print() def can_gang(self, card): if self.__cardremain == 0 or self.__GangCount == 4: return False if card not in self.__hands: return False index = self.__hands.index(card) if index > len(self.__hands) - 3: return False if self.__hands[index] == self.__hands[index + 1] == self.__hands[index + 2]: ifGANG = input("杠?Y/N") if ifGANG in "Yy1": self.GANG(card) return True return False def GANG(self, card): self.__cardremain -= 1 self.__GangCount += 1 self.__cardgiver = self.__sit for _ in range(3): self.__hands.remove(card) print("新的宝牌指示牌为:", self.__table.getDoraPointer()[self.__GangCount]) self.cardplay(self.__sit) self.__Ganglist.append(card) self.__hands.append(self.__table.getTiles()[-self.__GangCount]) def can_pung(self, card): if card not in self.__hands: return False index = self.__hands.index(card) if index > len(self.__hands) - 2: return False if self.__hands[index] == self.__hands[index + 1]: ifPUNG = input("碰?Y/N") if ifPUNG in "Yy1": self.PUNG(card) return True return False def PUNG(self, card): self.__cardgiver = self.__sit for _ in range(2): self.__hands.remove(card) self.__PUNGlist.append(card) self.brand() self.handsShow() print() def can_chow(self, card): if card[0] in "fd": return lis = [] canchow = [] num = int(card[0]) for i in self.__hands: if i[1] == card[1]: lis.append(int(i[0])) lis.sort() # case 1: 1 2 (3) if num > 2: if num-1 in lis and num-2 in lis: print(str(num - 2)+card[1] + str(num - 1)+card[1] + card, card, end=" ") canchow.append(0) # case 2: 1 (2) 3 if num > 1: if num-1 in lis and num+1 in lis: print(str(num - 1)+card[1] + card + str(num + 1)+card[1], card, end=" ") canchow.append(1) # case 3: (1) 2 3 if num < 8: if num+1 in lis and num+2 in lis: print(card + str(num + 1)+card[1] + str(num + 2)+card[1], card, end=" ") canchow.append(2) if len(canchow) == 1: ifCHOW = input("吃?Y/N") if ifCHOW in "Yy1": self.CHOW(card, 0, canchow) elif len(canchow) > 1: ifCHOW = input("吃?1-{}/N".format(len(canchow))) if ifCHOW in "123": self.CHOW(card, eval(ifCHOW)-1, canchow) return canchow def CHOW(self, card, mode, lis): self.__cardgiver = self.__sit mode = lis[mode] if mode == 0: # case 1: 1 2 (3) for i in [str(int(card[0])-2)+card[1], str(int(card[0])-1)+card[1], card]: if i != card: self.__hands.remove(i) self.__Chowlist.append(i) elif mode == 1: # case 2: 1 (2) 3 for i in [str(int(card[0])-1)+card[1], card, str(int(card[0])+1)+card[1]]: if i != card: self.__hands.remove(i) self.__Chowlist.append(i) elif mode == 2: # case 3: (1) 2 3 for i in [card, str(int(card[0])+1)+card[1], str(int(card[0])+2)+card[1]]: if i != card: self.__hands.remove(i) self.__Chowlist.append(i) self.brand() self.handsShow() print() def can_Hu(self, card, Self=0): handstry = copy.deepcopy(self.__hands) handstry.append(card) if huJudge(self.handsSort(handstry), self.__Chowlist, self.__PUNGlist, self.__Ganglist): if Self: ifHU = input("自摸?Y/N") else: ifHU = input("胡?Y/N") if ifHU in "Yy1": self.__hands = handstry self.HU(handstry) return self.__sit return -1 def HU(self, hands): print("胡牌手牌:", end='') self.handsShow() print("恭喜{}家获得胜利!".format("东南西北"[self.__sit])) def handsShow(self): print(self.__hands, end=' ') if self.__Ganglist != []: print("已杠:", end='') for i in self.__Ganglist: print(i*4, end=' ') if self.__PUNGlist != []: print("已碰:", end='') for i in self.__PUNGlist: print(i*3, end=' ') if self.__Chowlist != []: print("已吃:", end='') count = 0 for i in self.__Chowlist: count += 1 print(i, end='') if count % 3 == 0: print(end=' ') def brand(self): brand = input("您要打出?") # 舍牌 if brand in self.__hands: self.__hands.remove(brand) elif brand in [str(i) for i in range(1, len(self.__hands)+1)]: self.__hands.pop(eval(brand) - 1) else: self.__hands.pop()
def huJudge(hands, Chowlis, Punglis, Ganglis): count = len(Chowlis)/3 + len(Punglis) + len(Ganglis) if count == 0: if nanaJudge(hands) or kokushimusoJudge(hands): return True return tanyaoJudge(hands, count) def nanaJudge(hands): i = 0 temp = "0" while i < 12: if temp == hands[i]: return False if hands[i] != hands[i+1]: return False temp = hands[i] i += 2 return True def kokushimusoJudge(hands): handscopy = copy.deepcopy(hands) yaolist = ["1m", "9m", "1p", "9p", "1s", "9s", "d1", "d2", "d3", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"] for i in yaolist: if i in handscopy: handscopy.remove(i) if len(handscopy) == 1 and handscopy[0] in yaolist: return True else: return False def tanyaoJudge(hands, count): for i in hands: if i[0] in "19fd": return False i = 0 while(i < len(hands)-1): handscopy = copy.deepcopy(hands) if hands[i] == hands[i + 1]: handscopy.pop(i+1) handscopy.pop(i) if NormalJudge(handscopy, count): return True i += 1 return False def NormalJudge(hands, count): # 如果是一般型 i = 0 while count < 4 and i < len(hands) - 2: if hands[i+2] == hands[i+1] == hands[i]: # 刻子判断 count += 1 for _ in range(3): hands.pop(i) i -= 1 else: # 顺子判断 if str(int(hands[i][0])+1) + hands[i][1] in hands and str(int(hands[i][0])+2) + hands[i][1] in hands: count += 1 hands.remove(str(int(hands[i][0]) + 1) + hands[i][1]) hands.remove(str(int(hands[i][0]) + 2) + hands[i][1]) hands.pop(i) i -= 1 else: return False i += 1 return True
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