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STM32CubeIDE开发(三十二), stm32人工智能开发应用实践(Cube.AI).篇二_static ai_float in_data

static ai_float in_data










        进入“STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR”目录,运行 python .\RunMe.py -h命令,查看参数设置指令帮助,可以看到--seqLength和--stepSize参数设置都和input有关,默认数值是24,就可以笃定在API中调用时,输入数据数量是24就来自于此。

  1. PS D:\tools\arm_tool\STM32CubeIDE\STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR> python3 .\RunMe.py -h
  2. Using TensorFlow backend.
  3. usage: RunMe.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--dataset DATASET] [--dataDir DATADIR]
  4. [--seqLength SEQLENGTH] [--stepSize STEPSIZE] [-m MERGE]
  5. [--preprocessing PREPROCESSING] [--trainSplit TRAINSPLIT]
  6. [--validSplit VALIDSPLIT] [--epochs N] [--lr LR]
  7. [--decay DECAY] [--batchSize N] [--verbose N]
  8. [--nrSamplesPostValid NRSAMPLESPOSTVALID]
  9. Human Activity Recognition (HAR) in Keras with Tensorflow as backend on WISDM
  10. and WISDM + self logged datasets
  11. optional arguments:
  12. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  13. --model MODEL choose one of the two availavle choices, IGN or GMP, (
  14. default = IGN )
  15. --dataset DATASET choose a dataset to use out of two choices, WISDM or
  16. AST, ( default = WISDM )
  17. --dataDir DATADIR path to new data collected using STM32 IoT board
  18. recorded at 26Hz as sampling rate, (default = )
  19. --seqLength SEQLENGTH
  20. input sequence lenght (default:24)
  21. --stepSize STEPSIZE step size while creating segments (default:24, equal
  22. to seqLen)
  23. -m MERGE, --merge MERGE
  24. if to merge activities (default: True)
  25. --preprocessing PREPROCESSING
  26. gravity rotation filter application (default = True)
  27. --trainSplit TRAINSPLIT
  28. train and test split (default = 0.6 (60 precent for
  29. train and 40 precent for test))
  30. --validSplit VALIDSPLIT
  31. train and validation data split (default = 0.7 (70
  32. percent for train and 30 precent for validation))
  33. --epochs N number of total epochs to run (default: 20)
  34. --lr LR initial learning rate
  35. --decay DECAY decay in learning rate, (default = 1e-6)
  36. --batchSize N mini-batch size (default: 64)
  37. --verbose N verbosity of training and test functions in keras, 0,
  38. 1, or 2. Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar,
  39. 2 = one line per epoch (default: 1)
  40. --nrSamplesPostValid NRSAMPLESPOSTVALID
  41. Number of samples to save from every class for post
  42. training and CubeAI conversion validation. (default =
  43. 2)
  44. PS D:\tools\arm_tool\STM32CubeIDE\STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR>

        而输出数据数量是4的原因追踪源码可以看到,来自于PrepareDataset.py(数据集预处理源文件),由于在参数--dataset默认设置是WISDM,因此分类输出即为'Jogging', 'Stationary', 'Stairs', 'Walking',即输出数据数量为4:

         下面来深入了解HAR(Human Activity Recognition,人类行为识别)案例为何会有这样的设置。




         在PrepareDataset.py文件中,read_dataset( self )和preprocess_data( self, data )是用来处理WISDM数据集的,而get_data_from_file( self, fileName, preparedDataFileName )和prepare_self_logged_data( self )函数是用来处理自行采集数据集的。



         而get_data_from_file( self, fileName, preparedDataFileName )函数读取自行采集数据集(.csv)文件时,做了转换预处理,确保和WISDM数据集一致。



         因此get_segment_indices和get_data_segments函数就是将采集到的连续数据处理成一个长度为seqLength的窗口的输入数据集,即每次输入数据是一段24组(一组3个数据值,x/y/z)数据,也就对应了我们前文定义输入数据缓存是static ai_float in_data[AI_HAR_IGN_IN_1_SIZE=24*3*1];,共72个float 数据。显然HAR项目做法是通过一组连续数据集作为输入比单个态势数据更能反应人类行为姿态的持续性,更贴近实际。



         因为打印输出依据后,后续会打印数据按输入数据长度来分段的信息,暂时保持seqLength和stepSize为默认的24数值,运行python3 .\RunMe.py --dataDir=Log_data命令:

  1. PS D:\tools\arm_tool\STM32CubeIDE\STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR> python3 .\RunMe.py --dataDir=Log_data
  2. Using TensorFlow backend.
  3. Running HAR on WISDM dataset, with following variables
  4. merge = True
  5. modelName = IGN,
  6. segmentLength = 24
  7. stepSize = 24
  8. preprocessing = True
  9. trainTestSplit = 0.6
  10. trainValidationSplit = 0.7
  11. nEpochs = 20
  12. learningRate = 0.0005
  13. decay =1e-06
  14. batchSize = 64
  15. verbosity = 1
  16. dataDir = Log_data
  17. nrSamplesPostValid = 2
  18. User Activity_Label Arrival_Time x y z
  19. 0 33 Jogging 49105962326000 -0.694638 12.680544 0.50395286;
  20. 1 33 Jogging 49106062271000 5.012288 11.264028 0.95342433;
  21. 2 33 Jogging 49106112167000 4.903325 10.882658 -0.08172209;
  22. 3 33 Jogging 49106222305000 -0.612916 18.496431 3.0237172;
  23. 4 33 Jogging 49106332290000 -1.184970 12.108489 7.205164;
  24. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  25. 1098199 19 Sitting 131623331483000 9.000000 -1.570000 1.69;
  26. 1098200 19 Sitting 131623371431000 9.040000 -1.460000 1.73;
  27. 1098201 19 Sitting 131623411592000 9.080000 -1.380000 1.69;
  28. 1098202 19 Sitting 131623491487000 9.000000 -1.460000 1.73;
  29. 1098203 19 Sitting 131623531465000 8.880000 -1.330000 1.61;
  30. [1098204 rows x 6 columns]
  31. Segmenting Train data
  32. Segments built : 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████| 27456/27456 [00:28<00:00, 954.67 segments/s]
  33. Segmenting Test data
  34. Segments built : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 18304/18304 [00:14<00:00, 1298.22 segments/s]
  35. Segmentation finished!
  36. preparing data file from all the files in directory Log_data
  37. parsing data from IoT01-MemsAnn_11_Jan_23_16h_57m_17s.csv
  38. parsing data from IoT01-MemsAnn_11_Jan_23_16h_57m_53s.csv
  39. parsing data from IoT01-MemsAnn_26_Jan_23_15h_51m_01s.csv
  40. x y z Activity_Label
  41. 0 -1.965414 -0.143890 9.367359 Walking
  42. 1 -1.629783 0.664754 9.618931 Walking
  43. 2 -1.720833 0.384629 9.492079 Walking
  44. 3 -1.681419 0.534637 9.648173 Walking
  45. 4 -1.729849 0.421650 9.557259 Walking
  46. ... ... ... ... ...
  47. 2639 -1.171046 0.033572 9.746819 Stationary
  48. 2640 -1.212873 0.007256 9.759376 Stationary
  49. 2641 -1.212011 0.019485 9.753982 Stationary
  50. 2642 -1.172311 -0.004511 9.734770 Stationary
  51. 2643 -1.175431 0.035787 9.753447 Stationary
  52. [2644 rows x 4 columns]
  53. Segmenting the AI logged Train data
  54. Segments built : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 67/67 [00:00<00:00, 2795.31 segments/s]
  55. Segmenting the AI logged Test data
  56. Segments built : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 45/45 [00:00<00:00, 2370.94 segments/s]
  57. Segmentation finished!
  58. _________________________________________________________________
  59. Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
  60. =================================================================
  61. conv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 9, 3, 24) 408
  62. _________________________________________________________________
  63. max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 3, 3, 24) 0
  64. _________________________________________________________________
  65. flatten_1 (Flatten) (None, 216) 0
  66. _________________________________________________________________
  67. dense_1 (Dense) (None, 12) 2604
  68. _________________________________________________________________
  69. dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 12) 0
  70. _________________________________________________________________
  71. dense_2 (Dense) (None, 4) 52
  72. =================================================================
  73. Total params: 3,064
  74. Trainable params: 3,064
  75. Non-trainable params: 0
  76. _________________________________________________________________
  77. Train on 19288 samples, validate on 8233 samples
  78. Epoch 1/20
  79. 2023-01-26 17:12:56.882726: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
  80. 19288/19288 [==============================] - 1s 54us/step - loss: 1.2022 - acc: 0.5290 - val_loss: 0.7089 - val_acc: 0.7409
  81. Epoch 2/20
  82. 19288/19288 [==============================] - 1s 41us/step - loss: 0.7520 - acc: 0.7017 - val_loss: 0.5342 - val_acc: 0.7985
  83. Epoch 3/20
  84. 19288/19288 [==============================] - 1s 41us/step - loss: 0.6079 - acc: 0.7571 - val_loss: 0.4573 - val_acc: 0.8153
  85. Epoch 4/20
  86. ... ...
  87. 19288/19288 [==============================] - 1s 39us/step - loss: 0.3306 - acc: 0.8899 - val_loss: 0.2669 - val_acc: 0.9113
  88. Epoch 20/20
  89. 19288/19288 [==============================] - 1s 40us/step - loss: 0.3194 - acc: 0.8913 - val_loss: 0.2646 - val_acc: 0.9168
  90. 12831/12831 [==============================] - 0s 22us/step
  91. Accuracy for each class is given below.
  92. Jogging : 97.51 %
  93. Stationary : 98.63 %
  94. Stairs : 70.94 %
  95. Walking : 81.55 %
  96. PS D:\tools\arm_tool\STM32CubeIDE\STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR>



        从前面分析来看,输入数据数量还是采用默认数值24问题不大(各位粉丝可以自行调整其大小来测试及观察效果),输出数据数量由于有WISDM数据集参与,保持'Jogging', 'Stationary', 'Stairs', 'Walking'是中分类也OK。现注意到,其实输入数据是经过了预处理转换实际加速度值,而非是传感器原始输出数值。




  1. int acquire_and_process_data(void *in_data,int factor)
  2. {
  3. printf("in_data:");
  4. for (int i=0; i<AI_HAR_IGN_IN_1_SIZE; i++)
  5. {
  6. switch(i%3){
  7. case 0:
  8. ((ai_float*)in_data)[i] = -175+(ai_float)(i*factor*1.2)/10.0;
  9. break;
  10. case 1:
  11. ((ai_float*)in_data)[i] = 50+(ai_float)(i*factor*0.6)/100.0;
  12. break;
  13. case 2:
  14. ((ai_float*)in_data)[i] = 975-(ai_float)(i*factor*1.8)/100.0;
  15. break;
  16. default:
  17. break;
  18. }
  19. printf("%.4f ",((ai_float*)in_data)[i]);
  20. }
  21. printf("\n");
  22. return 0;
  23. }


  1. ai_float in_buf[] =
  2. {
  3. -1.9654135467252831,-0.14388957575400915,9.36735860765576,
  4. -1.6297827960727935,0.6647544204312931,9.618930851170278,
  5. -1.7208332169161387,0.38462856310059845,9.492079217583663,
  6. -1.6814190066807724,0.5346365723749872,9.648173176699613,
  7. -1.7298486510592452,0.42164964981080416,9.557259289818587,
  8. -1.7618787694384546,0.45864558999786653,9.653153776935605,
  9. -1.7410197123193858,0.4236369742675384,9.55486293595946,
  10. -1.7600076822930908,0.46214612481362705,9.594426626710453,
  11. -1.5761631958773263,0.3715109598910308,9.436853714636964,
  12. -1.5920827364351244,0.37070313540523914,9.66189484448469,
  13. -1.6178308849438598,0.37500917334673567,9.695719226290015,
  14. -1.4388296833472143,0.6108605310285585,9.464814699883437,
  15. -1.5651621282887258,0.5691273914891515,9.513897717476588,
  16. -1.4637992479412343,0.5105873209777632,9.501636895304161,
  17. -0.6794677157685166,0.5024637601753793,8.96404801376064,
  18. 0.2600149177042748,0.6699546179356337,8.903349009412763,
  19. 1.0712686735261918,1.4889662656074603,9.520348132500752,
  20. 0.3914123345764725,1.4210706041563634,10.557387805652848,
  21. 1.0779003359396493,1.0582703827741018,10.454469820960814,
  22. 0.12433283758079197,-0.27273511643713033,10.328552286632643,
  23. -0.010219096051988997,0.2961821896002729,9.483084545625971,
  24. -1.6910112286007235,-0.2898761724876157,9.704755735796937,
  25. -2.693651827312974,-0.41126025575408387,9.825328217800239,
  26. -2.8416981790648177,-0.14586229740441406,9.880552703938179
  27. };
  28. int acquire_and_process_data(void *in_data,int factor)
  29. {
  30. printf("in_data:");
  31. for (int i=0; i<AI_HAR_IGN_IN_1_SIZE; i++)
  32. {
  33. ((ai_float*)in_data)[i] =in_buf[i];
  34. printf("%.4f ",((ai_float*)in_data)[i]);
  35. }
  36. printf("\n");
  37. return 0;
  38. }





  1. print("TestX:")
  2. print(TestX[0:1])
  3. print("TestY:")
  4. print(TestY[0:1])

        以获取用来测试的真实模拟数据,再次运行python3 .\RunMe.py --dataDir=Log_data命令,最后部分输出如下:

  1. TestX:
  2. [[[[-3.64077855e-16]
  3. [-4.69612372e-16]
  4. [ 3.68092310e-10]]
  5. [[ 1.02756571e+01]
  6. [-1.14305305e+01]
  7. [ 2.61872125e+01]]
  8. [[-2.84181689e+00]
  9. [-3.54747048e+00]
  10. [-5.51206446e+00]]
  11. [[-3.82102513e+00]
  12. [-1.41233186e+01]
  13. [-4.59900586e+00]]
  14. [[ 6.68010824e+00]
  15. [ 9.39457601e+00]
  16. [-2.96397789e+00]]
  17. [[-1.71771782e+01]
  18. [ 1.19374149e+01]
  19. [ 3.05770680e+00]]
  20. [[-6.65782005e+00]
  21. [ 2.39062819e+00]
  22. [ 3.22844912e+00]]
  23. [[ 4.59021292e+00]
  24. [-6.27548028e+00]
  25. [-4.92783556e+00]]
  26. [[ 8.03018658e+00]
  27. [-2.72208600e+00]
  28. [-6.35796053e+00]]
  29. [[ 7.73164454e+00]
  30. [-6.31879160e+00]
  31. [-5.90723810e+00]]
  32. [[ 8.53803514e-01]
  33. [-9.75763211e+00]
  34. [ 1.02466115e+01]]
  35. [[ 1.11299171e+01]
  36. [-1.70658346e+01]
  37. [ 2.18511283e+01]]
  38. [[ 3.92044994e-01]
  39. [ 5.94768181e+00]
  40. [ 4.30131750e+00]]
  41. [[-5.61807988e+00]
  42. [ 1.97310400e+01]
  43. [-2.22512540e+00]]
  44. [[ 3.86836548e+00]
  45. [ 1.71617325e+00]
  46. [-5.86292387e+00]]
  47. [[ 7.65913325e+00]
  48. [-7.19628424e+00]
  49. [ 2.01628025e+00]]
  50. [[-7.52357836e+00]
  51. [ 3.68102584e+00]
  52. [-1.22753233e+01]]
  53. [[-5.12351958e+00]
  54. [ 1.23941669e+01]
  55. [-1.77385540e+00]]
  56. [[-4.86155823e-01]
  57. [ 1.26333902e+01]
  58. [ 5.93595914e+00]]
  59. [[-1.96569165e+01]
  60. [ 1.00467317e+01]
  61. [ 9.47374003e+00]]
  62. [[-4.34050581e+00]
  63. [ 5.16311148e-01]
  64. [-5.63004156e-01]]
  65. [[-3.57974669e+00]
  66. [ 4.87240857e-01]
  67. [-9.38271247e-01]]
  68. [[ 6.11930536e+00]
  69. [ 5.99067573e+00]
  70. [-7.68834262e+00]]
  71. [[ 1.12153409e+01]
  72. [ 2.37168199e+00]
  73. [-7.40963357e+00]]]]
  74. TestY:
  75. [[1. 0. 0. 0.]]
  76. PS D:\tools\arm_tool\STM32CubeIDE\STM32CubeFunctionPack_SENSING1_V4.0.3\Utilities\AI_Ressources\Training Scripts\HAR>

        显然输入24*3的一组数据,输出结果是[1. 0. 0. 0.],再将该数据用于测试 c语言模型神经网络模型API调用。

  1. ai_float in_buf[] =
  2. {
  3. -3.64077855e-16,-4.69612372e-16,3.68092310e-10,
  4. 1.02756571e+01,-1.14305305e+01,2.61872125e+01,
  5. -2.84181689e+00,-3.54747048e+00,-5.51206446e+00,
  6. -3.82102513e+00,-1.41233186e+01,-4.59900586e+00,
  7. 6.68010824e+00, 9.39457601e+00,-2.96397789e+00,
  8. -1.71771782e+01,1.19374149e+01,3.05770680e+00,
  9. -6.65782005e+00,2.39062819e+00,3.22844912e+00,
  10. 4.59021292e+00,-6.27548028e+00,-4.92783556e+00,
  11. 8.03018658e+00,-2.72208600e+00,-6.35796053e+00,
  12. 7.73164454e+00,-6.31879160e+00,-5.90723810e+00,
  13. 8.53803514e-01,-9.75763211e+00, 1.02466115e+01,
  14. 1.11299171e+01,-1.70658346e+01, 2.18511283e+01,
  15. 3.92044994e-01, 5.94768181e+00, 4.30131750e+00,
  16. -5.61807988e+00, 1.97310400e+01,-2.22512540e+00,
  17. 3.86836548e+00, 1.71617325e+00,-5.86292387e+00,
  18. 7.65913325e+00,-7.19628424e+00, 2.01628025e+00,
  19. -7.52357836e+00, 3.68102584e+00,-1.22753233e+01,
  20. -5.12351958e+00, 1.23941669e+01,-1.77385540e+00,
  21. -4.86155823e-01, 1.26333902e+01, 5.93595914e+00,
  22. -1.96569165e+01, 1.00467317e+01, 9.47374003e+00,
  23. -4.34050581e+00, 5.16311148e-01,-5.63004156e-01,
  24. -3.57974669e+00, 4.87240857e-01,-9.38271247e-01,
  25. 6.11930536e+00, 5.99067573e+00,-7.68834262e+00,
  26. 1.12153409e+01, 2.37168199e+00,-7.40963357e+00
  27. };
  28. int acquire_and_process_data(void *in_data,int factor)
  29. {
  30. printf("in_data:");
  31. for (int i=0; i<AI_HAR_IGN_IN_1_SIZE; i++)
  32. {
  33. ((ai_float*)in_data)[i] =in_buf[i];
  34. printf("%.4f ",((ai_float*)in_data)[i]);
  35. }
  36. printf("\n");
  37. return 0;
  38. }

        再次编译下载程序,采用串口助手测试如下,输出数据为,【0.943687 0.000000 0.000294 0.056019】,而实际数据是[1. 0. 0. 0.],显然能对应上,只是精度问题:



         输出了训练的acc 、loss变化曲线图和混淆矩阵图,观察可以看到,用于训练数据其主要还是来自于WISDM的数据集占据大头,从混淆矩阵也可以看出,为何前面测试时输出结果0.943687 0.000000 0.000294 0.056019】,显然训练过程中,'Jogging'姿态会有一部分判断 'Stairs', 'Walking'姿态。



  1. print("TrainX:"+str(len(TrainX)))
  2. print("TrainY:"+str(len(TrainY)))
  3. print("ValidationX:"+str(len(ValidationX)))
  4. print("ValidationY:"+str(len(ValidationY)))
  5. print("TestX:"+str(len(TestX)))
  6. print("TestY:"+str(len(TestY)))

        再次运行python3 .\RunMe.py --dataDir=Log_data命令:







