定义类需要用到关键字 class,然后指定类的名称,类的主体是包含在一对花括号中,主体包含类的成员变量和成员函数
class 类名{
类的对象的公共数据成员可以使用直接成员访问运算符 .
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Box { public: //成员变量声明 double length; double breadth; double height; //成员函数声明 double get(void); void set(double len, double bre, double hei); }; //成员函数定义 //get函数 double Box::get(void) { return length * breadth * height; } //set函数 void Box::set(double len, double bre, double hei) { length = len; breadth = bre; height = hei; } int main(void) { Box box1; Box box2; Box box3; double volume = 0.0; //box1信息 box1.height = 5.0; box1.length = 6.0; box1.breadth = 7.0; //box2信息 box2.height = 10.0; box2.length = 12.0; box2.breadth = 13.0; //box1体积 volume = box1.height * box1.length * box1.breadth; cout << "box1体积:" << volume << endl; //box2体积 volume = box2.height * box2.length * box2.breadth; cout << "box2体积:" << volume << endl; box3.set(16.0, 18.0, 20.0); volume = box3.get(); cout << "box3体积:" << volume << endl; return 0; }
成员函数可以定义在类定义内部,或**单独使用范围解析运算符 ::
使用范围解析运算符 ::
,也叫作用域区分符,指明一个函数属于哪个类或一个数据属于哪一个类。 ::
运算符之前必须使用类名,调用成员函数是在对象上使用点运算符 .
Box box;
class Box { public: //成员变量声明 double length; double breadth; double height; //成员函数声明 double get(void); void set(double len, double bre, double hei); }; //成员函数定义 //get函数 double Box::get(void) { return length * breadth * height; } //set函数 void Box::set(double len, double bre, double hei) { length = len; breadth = bre; height = hei; }
class Boxs{ //成员变量声明 double length; double breadth; double height; //成员函数声明 //使用inline标识符 inline double get(void){ return length * breadth * height; } //默认内联标识符 void set(double len, double bre, double hei){ length = len; breadth = bre; height = hei; } };
类成员的访问限制是通过在类主体内部对各个区域标记 public、protected、private
class Base{
public :
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base{ public : //公有成员 double length; void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); }; void Base::setLength(double len){ length = len; } double Base::getLength(void ) { return length; } int main(void){ //测试公有成员 Base base; //设置长度 base.setLength(10.0); cout << "测试公有成员变量:base.getLength() = " << base.getLength() << endl; //因为是公有的,所以可以直接设置长度 base.length = 20.0; cout << "测试公有成员变量:base.length = " << base.length << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base{ //默认私有成员 double width; public: inline void setWidth(double wid){ width = wid; } inline double getWidth(void){ return width; } }; int main(void){ Base base; //不使用成员函数设置长度 // base.width = 10; base.setWidth(10); cout << "length of base:" << base.getWidth() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { protected: double height; }; class SunBase:Base{ public : void setSunHeight(double hei); double getSunHeight(); }; void SunBase::setSunHeight(double hei) { height = hei; } double SunBase::getSunHeight() { return height; } int main(void) { SunBase sun; sun.setSunHeight(10.0); cout << "Sun height is " << sun.getSunHeight() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: int a; A() { a1 = 1; a2 = 2; a3 = 3; a = 4; } void fun() { cout << a << endl; cout << a1 << endl; cout << a2 << endl; cout << a3 << endl; } public: int a1; protected: int a2; private: int a3; }; class B : public A { public: int a; B(int i) { A(); a = i; } void fun() { cout << "打印b中的fun=" << a << endl; cout << "打印b中的fun=" << a1 << endl; cout << "打印b中的fun=" << a2 << endl; // cout << a3 << endl; 报错,因为private成员不能够派生类访问 } }; int main(void) { B b(10); cout << b.a << endl; cout << b.a1 << endl; b.fun(); // cout << b.a2 << endl; //除了父类及子类能够在本类中访问protected成员 // cout << b.a3 << endl; //private 成员不允许在外部直接访问 return 0; }
类访问修饰符 | 基/子类的public成员 | 基/子类的protected成员 | 基/子类的private成员 |
public | public成员可见 | protected成员可见 | 不可见 |
protected | protected成员可见 | protected成员可见 | 不可见 |
private | private成员可见 | private成员可见 | 不可见 |
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); //构造函数 Line(); private: double length; }; //填写构造函数内容 Line::Line(void){ cout << "Object is being created" << endl; } void Line::setLength(double len) { length = len; } double Line::getLength() { return length; } int main(void){ Line line; //设置长度 line.setLength(6.0); cout << "Length of line : " << line.getLength() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); void setWidth(double wid){ width = wid; } double getWidth(void){ return width; } //构造函数 Line(void); Line(double wid); private: double length; double width; }; //无参构造函数内容 Line::Line(void){ cout << "Object is being created" << endl; } //有参构造函数内容 Line::Line(double wid){ cout << "Object is being created" << endl; width = wid; } void Line::setLength(double len) { length = len; } double Line::getLength() { return length; } int main(void){ Line line; //设置长度 line.setLength(6.0); cout << "Length of line : " << line.getLength() << endl; //设置宽度 Line lineWid(2.0); cout << "Width of line : " << lineWid.getWidth() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); //构造函数 Line() : length(0), width(0) { cout << "Default constructor called" << endl; } Line(double len) : length(len), width(0) { cout << "Single-parameter constructor called, length = " << length << endl; } Line(double wid, double len) : width(wid), length(len) { cout << "Two-parameter constructor called, length = " << length << ", width = " << width << endl; } private: double length; double width; }; void Line::setLength(double len) { length = len; } double Line::getLength() { return length; } int main(void) { Line line1; Line line2(10.0); Line line3(10.0, 20.0); // 设置长度 line1.setLength(5.0); cout << "Length of line1 : " << line1.getLength() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: //构造函数 Line(void); Line(double len); Line(double len, double wid); void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); private: double length; double width; }; Line::Line(void) : length(0),width(0){ cout << "Default constructor called" << endl; } Line::Line(double len):length(len),width(0) { cout << "Single-parameter constructor called, length = " << length << endl; } Line::Line(double len, double wid):length(len),width(wid) { cout << "Two-parameter constructor called, length = " << length << ", width = " << width << endl; } void Line::setLength(double len) { length = len; } double Line::getLength() { return length; } int main(void) { Line line1; Line line2(10.0); Line line3(10.0, 20.0); // 设置长度 line1.setLength(5.0); cout << "Length of line1 : " << line1.getLength() << endl; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: void setLength(double len); double getLength(void); //构造函数声明 Line(); //析构函数声明 ~Line(); private: double length; }; Line::Line(void) { cout << "Object is being created" << endl; } Line::~Line(void) { cout << "Object is being deleted" << endl; } void Line::setLength(double len) { length = len; } double Line::getLength(void) { return length; } int main(void){ Line line; //设置长度 line.setLength(6.0); cout << "Length of line : " << line.getLength() << endl; return 0; }
类名 (const 类名 &obj){
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/21. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Line{ public: int getLength(void); //简单构造函数 Line(int len); //拷贝构造函数 Line(const Line &obj); //析构函数 ~Line(); private: int *ptr; }; Line::Line(int len){ cout << "调用构造函数" << endl; //为指针分配内存 ptr = new int; *ptr = len; cout << "构造函数:" <<ptr << endl; } Line::Line(const Line &obj) { cout << "调用拷贝构造函数并为指针 ptr 分配内存" << endl; ptr = new int; *ptr = *obj.ptr; cout << "拷贝构造函数:" <<ptr << endl; } Line::~Line() { cout << "释放内存" << endl; delete ptr; } int Line::getLength( void ) { return *ptr; } void display(Line obj){ cout << "line length: " << obj.getLength() << endl; } int main(void){ Line line(10); display(line); return 0; }
friend 返回类型 函数名();
friend class 类名;
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Box{ double width; public: friend void printWidth(Box box); friend class Boxs; void setWidth(double wid); }; class Boxs{ public: void Print(int width,Box &box){ box.setWidth(width); //因为Boxs是Box的友元,可以访问Box的私有成员 cout << "Width of box : " << box.width << endl; } }; void Box::setWidth(double wid) { width = wid; } void printWidth(Box box){ // printWidth是Box的友元,可以直接访问该类的任何成员 cout << "Width of box : " << box.width << endl; } int main(void){ Box box; //使用成员函数设置宽度 box.setWidth(10.0); //使用友元函数打印宽度 printWidth(box); return 0; }
内联函数需要在函数名前面放置关键字 inline,在调用函数之前需要对函数进行定义。
如果已定义的函数多于一行,编译器会忽略 inline 限定符。
在类定义中的定义的函数都是内联函数,即使没有使用 inline 说明符
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; inline int Max(int x, int y) { return (x > y) ? x : y; } int main(void) { cout << "Max(10, 5) = " << Max(10, 5) << endl; cout << "Max(20, 15) = " << Max(20, 15) << endl; cout << "Max(0, -10) = " << Max(0, -10) << endl; return 0; }
this -> 成员变量/函数
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { private : int value; public: void setValue(int value) { this->value = value; } int getValue() { return value; } void print() { cout << "value = " << this->value << endl; } }; int main(void) { A a; a.setValue(10); cout << "gatValue = " << a.getValue() << endl; a.print(); return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: int data; void display() { cout << "data = " << data << endl; } }; int main(void) { //创建类对象 MyClass obj; obj.data = 42; //声明和初始化指向类的指针 MyClass *ptr = &obj; //通过指针访问成员变量 cout << "通过指针访问成员变量:" << ptr->data << endl; //通过指针调用成员函数 ptr->display(); return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: int data; void display() { cout << "data = " << data << endl; } }; int main(void) { //动态分配内存创建类对象 MyClass *ptr= new MyClass(); ptr->data = 10; //通过指针访问成员变量 cout << "通过指针访问成员变量:" << ptr->data << endl; //通过指针调用成员函数 ptr->display(); //释放内存 delete ptr; return 0; }
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: int data; void display() { cout << "data = " << data << endl; } }; void processObject(MyClass *ptr){ ptr -> display(); } int main(void) { //动态分配内存创建类对象 MyClass obj; obj.data = 10; processObject(&obj); return 0; }
使用 static 关键字来把类成员定义为静态的,当我们声明类的成员为静态时,无论创建多少个类的对象,静态成员都只有一个副本。
静态成员在类的所有对象中是共享的,如果不存在其他的初始化语句,在创建第一个对象时,所有的静态数据都会被初始化为零。我们不能把静态成员的初始化放置在类的定义中,但是可以在类的外部通过使用范围解析运算符 :: 来重新声明静态变量从而对它进行初始化
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Box{ public: static int objectCount; //构造函数定义 Box(double len=2.0,double wid=2.0,double hei=2.0){ cout << "构造函数执行" << endl; length = len; width = wid; height = hei; objectCount++; } double volume(){ return length * width * height; } private: double length; double width; double height; }; //初始化静态成员变量 int Box::objectCount = 0; int main(void){ Box box1(3.3, 1.2, 1.5); Box Box2(8.5, 6.0, 2.0); cout << "Total objects:" << box1.objectCount << endl; return 0; }
静态成员函数没有 this 指针,只能访问静态成员(包括静态成员变量和静态成员函数)。
普通成员函数有 this 指针,可以访问类中的任意成员;而静态成员函数没有 this 指针
// // Created by 16690 on 2024/4/22. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Box{ public: static int objectCount; //构造函数定义 Box(double len=2.0,double wid=2.0,double hei=2.0){ cout << "构造函数执行" << endl; length = len; width = wid; height = hei; objectCount++; } double volume(){ return length * width * height; } static int getCount(){ return objectCount; } private: double length; double width; double height; }; //初始化静态成员变量 int Box::objectCount = 0; int main(void){ cout << "创建对象前,共有" << Box::getCount<< "个对象" << endl; Box box1(3.3, 1.2, 1.5); Box Box2(8.5, 6.0, 2.0); cout << "Total objects:" << box1.objectCount << endl; return 0; }
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