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by James Munro

詹姆斯·芒罗(James Munro)

我希望成为初级开发人员的事情 (The things I wish I’d known as a junior developer)

As a junior developer, I was often fraught with insecurity and imposter syndrome with regards to my technical ability. I actually postponed the beginning of my career by at least a year due to these feelings.

作为一名初级开发人员,我经常在技术能力方面充满不安全感和冒名顶替者综合症。 由于这些感觉,我实际上将职业生涯的开始至少推迟了一年。

Over the years these feelings have diminished somewhat, although not completely. Whilst not all of these points are related to confidence, if I had a time machine, I’d go back in time and tell myself these things. Ah, the power of hindsight!

多年来,这些感觉虽然没有完全消除,但有所减少。 尽管并非所有这些要点都与信心有关,但是如果我有时间机器,我会回到过去并告诉自己这些事情。 啊,事后见识!

1.你不需要一无所知 (1. You Don’t Need To Know Everything)

Companies that are looking for junior developers are not looking for experts. If they were, the job advert would be for a mid or senior level developer. As I was starting out in my career, I managed to convince myself that I didn’t know enough or have enough experience.

正在寻找初级开发人员的公司不在寻找专家。 如果是这样,招聘广告将是针对中级或高级开发人员的。 当我开始自己的职业生涯时,我设法使自己确信自己对知识的了解不足或经验不足。

In reality, it’s all about your attitude. A junior developer should be motivated, curious and capable of learning new things. As long as you have a reasonable thirst for knowledge, everything else will fall into place.

实际上,这完全取决于您的态度。 初级开发人员应具有进取心,好奇心和学习新事物的能力。 只要您有合理的知识需求,其他所有内容都将落到位。

If a company expects more from a junior developer, they might not be worth working for in the first place.


2.面试官并没有赶上你 (2. Interviewers Aren’t There To Catch You Out)

Due to my inexperience at the time, I always had it at the back of my mind that any interviews for developer jobs would go terribly for me. I would imagine these scenarios over and over in my head. It would often involve some kind of whiteboard test where I’d cave in under the pressure. I would forget everything I knew. The unfriendly interviewer would flip over the table and shout, with an air of superiority: “Aha! I knew you didn’t know how to reverse a string, fool!”.

由于当时的经验不足,我总是不由自主地想到,任何有关开发人员工作的面试都会对我非常不利。 我会想象这些情景一遍又一遍。 它经常涉及某种白板测试,我会在压力下陷入困境。 我会忘记我所知道的一切。 不友好的面试官会摆出桌子,大声喊叫:“啊哈! 我知道您不知道如何反转字符串,傻瓜!”。

In reality, most interviews are nothing like this. The interviewers are not there to catch you out, or to prove you wrong. They’re simply there to find the best candidate for the position they’re recruiting for. Any company that has the unfriendly above attitude toward interviewing is almost certainly not worth working for in the first place.

实际上,大多数采访并非如此。 面试官不会在那里吸引您或证明您做错了。 他们只是在那里找到他们正在招聘的职位的最佳人选。 任何对面试抱有不友好态度的公司,几乎一开始都不值得为之工作。

3.不要害怕犯错误 (3. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes)

As I started my career, I somehow convinced myself that I must not make any mistakes, and would be hard on myself if I did. I fully expected the company I was working for to punish me and banish me to a life of unemployment.

在我开始职业生涯时,我以某种方式说服自己,我绝对不能犯任何错误,如果做错了,我会很难受。 我完全希望我所工作的公司能够惩罚我,使我免于失业。

As a junior developer, you will make many mistakes. You should make mistakes — as long as you learn from them — and they are not always due to carelessness. It’s human to make mistakes. Senior developers make mistakes all the time. Although they are much more likely to anticipate and diagnose problems due to their experience.

作为初级开发人员,您会犯很多错误。 只要您从错误中学习,就应该犯错误,而且错误并不总是由于疏忽大意造成的。 犯错误是人的。 高级开发人员总是会犯错误。 尽管由于他们的经验,他们更有可能预测和诊断问题。

If you find yourself working for a company that has unrealistic expectations about making mistakes — or has a blame culture — consider whether this is the best place for you to be working.


4.拥抱变化 (4. Embrace Change)

Early in my career, I became a diehard native iOS developer. I would preach the benefits of native development over web technologies, iOS over Android, Objective-C over Java. I felt threatened by a suggestion that there was any other way to develop apps.

在我职业生涯的早期,我成为了一位顽固的本地iOS开发人员。 我会讲讲本机开发相对于Web技术的优势,iOS相对于Android的优势,Objective-C相对于Java的优势。 有人提出开发其他应用程序的建议令我感到震惊。

How things change! These days, whilst still primarily an app developer, the face of the technological landscape has changed substantially. I no longer preach Objective-C over Java, or iOS over Android. In fact, I’m no longer a diehard native advocate either. My preferred stack for the last few years is Javascript based (React/React Native) simply because it is the best tool for the kind of problems I’m working on.

事情如何改变! 如今,虽然仍主要是应用程序开发人员,但技术面貌已发生了巨大变化。 我不再通过Java讲授Objective-C,也没有通过Android宣讲iOS。 实际上,我也不再是顽固的本地拥护者。 最近几年,我首选的堆栈是基于Javascript(React / React Native)的,这仅仅是因为它是解决我正在处理的问题的最佳工具。

I embrace that this will one day change. I’m comfortable with the fact that I can and will need to learn new technologies to best solve the problems at hand.

我相信这将有一天改变。 我可以并且将需要学习新技术以最好地解决眼前的问题,对此我感到满意。

5.找出是什么激发了你 (5. Figure Out What Inspires You)

As I started my career, I didn’t really have much of an idea of the kinds of things that inspired and motivated me. Your first few industry jobs will likely be a journey of discovery that will help you calibrate your motivational compass.

在开始我的职业生涯时,我对启发和激励我的事情并没有太多了解。 您最初的几个行业工作可能是发现之旅,它将帮助您校准动力指南针。

Some people enjoy focussing on technical problems. Others like to focus on building software that adds value to people’s lives (where technical problems are just things that need to be solved). Somebody else might just enjoy learning new things or managing a team. Indeed, it’s quite possible to enjoy all of these things!

有些人喜欢关注技术问题。 其他人则喜欢专注于开发能够为人们的生活增值的软件(其中技术问题只是需要解决的问题)。 别人可能只是喜欢学习新事物或管理团队。 确实,有可能享受所有这些东西!

Whatever the case is for you, it’s completely okay not to know this at the start of your career as a junior developer. These things will likely change for you over time anyway. Don’t be afraid to try new jobs, work on new projects within a company or with new teams to discover what inspires you.

无论您是哪种情况,在初级开发人员的职业生涯初期都不知道这一点是完全可以的。 无论如何,这些事情可能会随着时间的流逝而改变。 不要害怕尝试新工作,在公司内进行新项目或与新团队合作来发现激发您灵感的东西。

摘要 (Summary)

These are a few things I wish I could have told myself at the tentative beginning of my career. Of course, the journey of the junior developer never actually ends. Rather, it’s the very start of a lifelong journey as a developer. Stay curious, embrace change, figure out what inspires and motivates you and have fun!

我希望在职业生涯的初步阶段能告诉自己一些事情。 当然,初级开发人员的旅程实际上从未结束。 相反,这是作为开发人员的终身旅程的开始。 保持好奇心,拥抱变化,找出激发和激励您的事物,并从中获得乐趣!

Originally published at jdmunro.net on February 2, 2019.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/5-things-i-wish-id-known-as-a-junior-developer-a0c49ce13d11/


