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Git之git rebase master和git rebase origin/master的区别

git rebase origin/master

The different is to rebase on your local master, or the one of origin. It's likely that your local master is behind origin/master, but it could be also forward or even has different histories (not recommend)

If your master is the same as origin/master, it doesn't matter which one to use.

We rebase (and branch) from origin/master so we don't have to update our local master. (no need to do git pull on the local master branch).

If you rebase on local master, you could do:

  1. git checkout master // 切换到本地master分支
  2. git pull origin master // git pull <remoteName> <branchName>, 拉取远程master分支并更新本地
  3. git checkout branchA // 切换到本地branchA分支
  4. git rebase master // 变基,将本地master最新的代码合进本地的branchA分支。完成后,本地的branchA分支是最新的

if you rebase on origin/master, you could do:

  1. git fetch // download objects and refs from another repository
  2. git rebase origin/master // 将远端master最新的代码合进本地的branchA分支。

so a lot shorter.

For even shorter, you could also use "pulled rebase", that one is nicely to combine with the "origin rebase":

git pull origin master --rebase

No need to fetch then.


