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【mysql系】mysql读库报错Difficult to find free blocks in the buffer pool 异常

difficult to find free blocks in the buffer pool
  1. 2023-06-28T01:33:58.052190Z 6 [Warning] InnoDB: Difficult to find free blocks in the buffer pool (137555 search iterations)! 137555 failed attempts to flush a page! Consider increasing the buffer poo
  2. l size. It is also possible that in your Unix version fsync is very slow, or completely frozen inside the OS kernel. Then upgrading to a newer version of your operating system may help. Look at the n
  3. umber of fsyncs in diagnostic info below. Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0. 47191415 OS file reads, 1205838 OS file writes, 459976 OS fsyncs. Starting InnoDB Monitor to print further di
  4. agnostics to the standard output.
  5. 2023-06-28T01:33:58.053203Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Difficult to find free blocks in the buffer pool (137565 search iterations)! 137565 failed attempts to flush a page! Consider increasing the buffer poo
  6. l size. It is also possible that in your Unix version fsync is very slow, or completely frozen inside the OS kernel. Then upgrading to a newer version of your operating system may help. Look at the n
  7. umber of fsyncs in diagnostic info below. Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0. 47191415 OS file reads, 1205838 OS file writes, 459976 OS fsyncs. Starting InnoDB Monitor to print further di
  8. agnostics to the standard output.

看到上面的问题,中文简单翻译过来大概就是缓冲池没有空闲块,也有可能在你的 Unix 版本中 fsync 调用非常慢,可能需要升级操作系统版本


如果你的客户端能够连接上mysql服务,可以使用show VARIABLES like '%log_error%' 命令查看到对应的文件路径



我这边看到服务器my.cnf 文件没有对该参数选项设置 那么默认就是参数值128M,这个参数值太小了,生产环境我们肯定是需要调整的



 大概就是说与 MyISAM 不同, InnoDB 使用缓冲池来缓存索引和行数据。设置的值越大,用于 访问表中数据的磁盘 I/O 就越少。在专用的数据库服务器上,可以将此参数设置为计算机物理内存大小的80% 。但是,不要将它设置为太大,因为物理内存的竞争可能导致操作系统中的分页。

另外还有个参数innodb_buffer_pool_instances 查看到配置的值为1,这个也适当需要调整

 InnoDB 缓冲池划分的区域数(实例数量)。对于缓冲池在几 GB 范围内的系统,将缓冲池划分为单独的实例可以提高并发, 通过减少不同线程读写缓存页面时的争用



  •  innodb_buffer_pool_size:假设你将innodb_buffer_pool_size设置为2GB。这意味着你为InnoDB引擎分配了2GB的内存作为缓冲池。当应用程序需要读取或写入数据时,InnoDB会尝试将这些数据页缓存在这个内存区域中。如果你的应用程序有大量的读取操作,增加innodb_buffer_pool_size的值可以提高性能,因为更多的数据可以在内存中缓存,减少了从磁盘读取的次数。
  •   innodb_buffer_pool_instances:假设你将innodb_buffer_pool_instances设置为4。这意味着你将InnoDB缓冲池分成了4个实例。每个实例管理自己的缓冲池部分。例如,如果你的服务器有8个CPU核心,你可以将缓冲池分成4个实例,每个实例管理2个CPU核心。这样做可以提高并发性,减少在高负载情况下的争用,因为不同的实例可以并行地处理读写请求。 

