应用场景: 在vivado中,连接的管脚的信号一般都会自动添加OBUF或IBUF。但是对于inout类型的接口,不会主动添加IOBUF,因为in/out切换需要控制信号,需要用户自己分配好。
Xilinx官网原文: The IOBUF primitive is needed when bidirectional signals require both an input buffer and a 3-state output buffer with an active-High 3-state T pin. The IOBUF is a generic IOBUF. A logic-High on the T pin disables the output buffer. When the output buffer is 3-stated (T = High), the input buffer and any on-die receiver termination (uncalibrated or DCI) are ON. When the output buffer is not 3-stated (T = Low), any on-die receiver termination (uncalibrated or DCI) is disabled.
I/O attributes that do not impact the logic function of the component such as IOSTANDARD, DRIVE and SLEW should be supplied to the top-level port via an appropriate property. For details on applying such properties to the associated port, see the Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide (UG912).
个人翻译: 当双向信号需要输入缓冲区和带active-High 3态T引脚的3态输出缓冲区时,需要IOBUF原语。IOBUF是一个通用的IOBUF。T为高电平时关闭output buffer(I端口)。当output buffer为3-state (T = High)时,input buffer和任何固定接收器终端(未校准或DCI)均为有效。当输出缓冲区不是3-state (T = Low)时,任何固定接收器终端(未校准或DCI)都是禁用的。
// IOBUF: Single-ended Bi-directional Buffer
// All devices
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2017.2
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low Power - "TRUE", High Performance = "FALSE"
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst (
.O(O), // 1-bit output: Buffer output
.I(I), // 1-bit input: Buffer input
.IO(IO), // 1-bit inout: Buffer inout (connect directly to top-level port)
.T(T) // 1-bit input: 3-state enable input
个人理解: 这玩意儿的解释有点绕,我们结合结构图
首先,我为什么说它绕,因为IOBUF的O指的是IO_pin >> FPGA
,也就是说这里的Output输出的主语是IO_pin,而不是FPGA;这里的 I 指的是IO_Pin << FPGA
| |
Port | Direction | Width | Function | 带有个人情感色彩的翻译 |
I | Input | 1 | Input of OBUF. Connect to the logic driving the output port. | OBUF的输入端,连接到Output端口的逻辑驱动 |
IO | Inout | 1 | Bidirectional port to be connected directly to top-level inout port. | 双向端口被直接连接到顶层的inout端口 |
O | Output | 1 | Output path of the buffer. | IOBUF的输出路径 |
T | Input | 1 | 3-state enable input signifying whether the buffer acts as an input or output. | 3态门启用输入,表示IOBUF是作为输入还是作为输出。 |
| |
Port | Direction | Width | Function | 带有个人偏见的翻译 |
I | Input | 1 | Input of OBUF. Connect to the logic driving the output port. | OBUF的输入端,连接到Output端口的逻辑驱动 |
O | Output | 1 | Output of OBUF to be connected directly to top-level output port. | OBUF的输出端被直接连接到顶层的output端口 |
T | Input | 1 | 3-state enable input. | 三态门使能输入 |
input i_arm_mdc,
inout io_arm_mdio,
output o_phy_mdc,
inout io_phy_mdio
reg s_mdio_rd_en; reg [35:00] s_mdio_word ; reg [01:00] s_mdio_op ; reg [05:00] s_cnt_mdio ; reg s_add_mdio ; wire s_arm_out ; wire s_phy_out ; assign o_phy_mdc = i_arm_mdc ; always @(posedge i_arm_mdc or negedge i_rst_n)begin if(!i_rst_n) begin s_mdio_word <= 36'b0; end else begin s_mdio_word <= {s_mdio_word[34:00],s_arm_out}; end end /* ---- mdio contrl ---- */ always @(posedge i_arm_mdc or negedge i_rst_n) begin if (!i_rst_n) begin s_add_mdio <= 1'b0; s_mdio_op <= 1'b0; end else begin if((s_mdio_word==36'hffffffff6||s_mdio_word==36'hffffffff5) && s_mdio_trans_cnt == 8'd35) s_add_mdio <= 1'b1; else if(s_cnt_mdio >= 16'd27) s_add_mdio <= 1'b0; else s_add_mdio <= s_add_mdio; if (s_add_mdio) s_cnt_mdio <= s_cnt_mdio + 1'b1; else s_cnt_mdio <= 1'b0; if(s_mdio_word==36'hffffffff6 && s_mdio_trans_cnt == 8'd35) s_mdio_op <= Read_bits; else if (s_mdio_word==36'hffffffff5 && s_mdio_trans_cnt == 8'd35) s_mdio_op <= Write_bits; else s_mdio_op <= s_mdio_op; end end always @(posedge i_arm_mdc or negedge i_rst_n)begin if(!i_rst_n)begin s_mdio_rd_en <= 1'b0; end else begin if(s_cnt_mdio>=6'd9 && s_mdio_op == Read_bits)/* 5-bit PHY_ADDR + 5-bit Reg_ADDR = 10-bit */ s_mdio_rd_en <= 1'b1; else s_mdio_rd_en <= 1'b0; end end
IOBUF #( .DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength .IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low Power - "TRUE", High Performance = "FALSE" .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard .SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate ) IOBUF_inst_arm ( .O (s_arm_out ), // .IO(io_arm_mdio ), // .I (s_phy_out ), // .T (!s_mdio_rd_en ) // 3-state enable input, high=input, low=output ); IOBUF #( .DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength .IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), // Low Power - "TRUE", High Performance = "FALSE" .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard .SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate ) IOBUF_inst_phy ( .O (s_phy_out ), // .IO(io_phy_mdio ), // .I (s_arm_out ), // .T (s_mdio_rd_en ) // 3-state enable input, high=input, low=output );
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