import nltk
[nltk_data] Error loading reuters: <urlopen error [WinError 10060]
[nltk_data] 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。>
3、从github下载:nltk_data 这个下载也很慢,半天刷不出来,耐心等待,会弹出下载窗口,然后移动到下面路径中的任意一个
一定要先建“corpora”文件,再把reuters.zip放进去。一开始我直接放到nltk_data下找不到,根据代码情况决定是否解压(我用pycharm运行不解压就可以,但是在Jupyter Notebook不解压报错:No such file or directory: ‘E:\nltk_data\corpora\reuters\test\14829’ ???)
import sys assert sys.version_info[0] == 3 assert sys.version_info[1] >= 5 from gensim.models import KeyedVectors # KeyedVectors:实现实体(单词、文档、图片都可以)和向量之间的映射。每个实体由其字符串id标识。 from gensim.test.utils import datapath import pprint # 输出的更加规范易读 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 5] # plt.rcParams主要作用是设置画的图的分辨率,大小等信息 import nltk nltk.download('reuters') # 建议github下载 from nltk.corpus import reuters # 导入路透社语料库 from numpy import * import numpy as np import random import scipy as sp from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD from sklearn.decomposition import PCA START_TOKEN = '<START>' END_TOKEN = '<END>' np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0)
def read_corpus(category="crude"):
""" Read files from the specified Reuter's category.
category (string): category name
list of lists, with words from each of the processed files
files = reuters.fileids(category) # 类别为crude的文档
# 每个文档都转化为小写,并在开头结尾加标识符
return [[START_TOKEN] + [w.lower() for w in list(reuters.words(f))] + [END_TOKEN] for f in files]
# pprint模块格式化打印
# pprint.pprint(object, stream=None, indent=1, width=80, depth=None, *, compact=False)
# width:控制打印显示的宽度。默认为80个字符。注意:当单个对象的长度超过width时,并不会分多行显示,而是会突破规定的宽度。
# compact:默认为False。如果值为False,超过width规定长度的序列会被分散打印到多行。如果为True,会尽量使序列填满width规定的宽度。
reuters_corpus = read_corpus()
pprint.pprint(reuters_corpus[:3], compact=True, width=100)
# 计算出语料库中出现的不同单词,并排序。 def distinct_words(corpus): """ Determine a list of distinct words for the corpus. Params: corpus (list of list of strings): corpus of documents Return: corpus_words (list of strings): list of distinct words across the corpus, sorted (using python 'sorted' function) num_corpus_words (integer): number of distinct words across the corpus """ corpus_words = [] num_corpus_words = -1 # ------------------ # Write your implementation here. flattened_list = [word for every_list in corpus for word in every_list] # 展平成一维 corpus_words = sorted(set(flattened_list)) # set去重,sorted排序 num_corpus_words = len(corpus_words) # 字典总数 # ------------------ return corpus_words, num_corpus_words
# 测试 def test_one(): # Define toy corpus test_corpus = ["START All that glitters isn't gold END".split(" "), "START All's well that ends well END".split(" ")] test_corpus_words, num_corpus_words = distinct_words(test_corpus) # Correct answers ans_test_corpus_words = sorted( list(set(["START", "All", "ends", "that", "gold", "All's", "glitters", "isn't", "well", "END"]))) ans_num_corpus_words = len(ans_test_corpus_words) # Test correct number of words assert (num_corpus_words == ans_num_corpus_words), "Incorrect number of distinct words. Correct: {}. Yours: {}" \ .format(ans_num_corpus_words, num_corpus_words) # Test correct words assert (test_corpus_words == ans_test_corpus_words), "Incorrect corpus_words.\nCorrect: {}\nYours: {}".format( str(ans_test_corpus_words), str(test_corpus_words)) # Print Success print("-" * 80) print("Passed All Tests!") print("-" * 80)
def compute_co_occurrence_matrix(corpus, window_size=4): """ Compute co-occurrence matrix for the given corpus and window_size (default of 4). Note: Each word in a document should be at the center of a window. Words near edges will have a smaller number of co-occurring words. For example, if we take the document "START All that glitters is not gold END" with window size of 4, "All" will co-occur with "START", "that", "glitters", "is", and "not". Params: corpus (list of list of strings): corpus of documents window_size (int): size of context window Return: M (numpy matrix of shape (number of corpus words, number of corpus words)): Co-occurence matrix of word counts. The ordering of the words in the rows/columns should be the same as the ordering of the words given by the distinct_words function. word2Ind (dict): dictionary that maps word to index (i.e. row/column number) for matrix M. """ words, num_words = distinct_words(corpus) M = None word2Ind = {} # ------------------ # Write your implementation here. word2Ind = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(words, range(num_words))} # print(word2Ind) M = np.zeros((num_words, num_words)) # !!!一个单词对应字典中的索引和当前文档中的索引,别混了。 for every_document in corpus: for doc_index, word in enumerate(every_document): # 遍历当前文档中的每个单词及单词在文档中的索引 # print(doc_index, word) dict_index = word2Ind[word] # 单词对应字典中的索引 for j in range(doc_index - window_size, doc_index + window_size + 1): # 文档中单词的索引位置-4/+4 if j >= 0 and j < len(every_document) and j != doc_index: # 窗口单词范围[0,len(doc)) outer_index = word2Ind[every_document[j]] M[dict_index, outer_index] += 1 # ------------------ # 老师的答案 # for document in corpus: # len_doc = len(document) # for index in range(0, len_doc): # center_index = word2Ind[document[index]] # for i in range(index - window_size, index + window_size + 1): # if i >= 0 and i < len_doc and i != index: # outer_index = word2Ind[document[i]] # # print('Incrementing for',document[index],document[i]) # M[center_index, outer_index] += 1.0 return M, word2Ind
def test_two(): # Define toy corpus and get student's co-occurrence matrix test_corpus = ["START All that glitters isn't gold END".split(" "), "START All's well that ends well END".split(" ")] M_test, word2Ind_test = compute_co_occurrence_matrix(test_corpus, window_size=1) # Correct M and word2Ind M_test_ans = np.array( [[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., ], [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., ], [1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., ], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., ], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., ], [1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., ], [0., 1., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., ]] ) word2Ind_ans = {'All': 0, "All's": 1, 'END': 2, 'START': 3, 'ends': 4, 'glitters': 5, 'gold': 6, "isn't": 7, 'that': 8, 'well': 9} # Test correct word2Ind assert (word2Ind_ans == word2Ind_test), "Your word2Ind is incorrect:\nCorrect: {}\nYours: {}" \ .format(word2Ind_ans, word2Ind_test) # Test correct M shape assert (M_test.shape == M_test_ans.shape), "M matrix has incorrect shape.\nCorrect: {}\nYours: {}" \ .format(M_test.shape, M_test_ans.shape) # Test correct M values for w1 in word2Ind_ans.keys(): idx1 = word2Ind_ans[w1] for w2 in word2Ind_ans.keys(): idx2 = word2Ind_ans[w2] student = M_test[idx1, idx2] correct = M_test_ans[idx1, idx2] if student != correct: print("Correct M:") print(M_test_ans) print("Your M: ") print(M_test) raise AssertionError( "Incorrect count at index ({}, {})=({}, {}) in matrix M. Yours has {} but should have {}." .format(idx1, idx2, w1, w2, student, correct)) # Print Success print("-" * 80) print("Passed All Tests!") print("-" * 80) # test_two()
def reduce_to_k_dim(M, k=2): """ Reduce a co-occurence count matrix of dimensionality (num_corpus_words, num_corpus_words) to a matrix of dimensionality (num_corpus_words, k) using the following SVD function from Scikit-Learn: - http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD.html Params: M (numpy matrix of shape (number of corpus words, number of corpus words)): co-occurence matrix of word counts k (int): embedding size of each word after dimension reduction Return: M_reduced (numpy matrix of shape (number of corpus words, k)): matrix of k-dimensioal word embeddings. In terms of the SVD from math class, this actually returns U * S """ n_iters = 10 # Use this parameter in your call to `TruncatedSVD` M_reduced = None print("Running Truncated SVD over %i words..." % (M.shape[0])) # ------------------ # Write your implementation here. svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=k, n_iter=n_iters, random_state=0) # svd.fit(M) # 训练数据 # M_reduced = svd.transform(M) # 降维 M_reduced = svd.fit_transform(M) # 等价于上面两句 # print(M_reduced) # 二维矩阵 # ------------------ print("Done.") return M_reduced
def test_three(): # --------------------- # Run this sanity check # Note that this not an exhaustive check for correctness # In fact we only check that your M_reduced has the right dimensions. # --------------------- # Define toy corpus and run student code test_corpus = ["START All that glitters isn't gold END".split(" "), "START All's well that ends well END".split(" ")] M_test, word2Ind_test = compute_co_occurrence_matrix(test_corpus, window_size=1) M_test_reduced = reduce_to_k_dim(M_test, k=2) # Test proper dimensions assert (M_test_reduced.shape[0] == 10), "M_reduced has {} rows; should have {}".format(M_test_reduced.shape[0], 10) assert (M_test_reduced.shape[1] == 2), "M_reduced has {} columns; should have {}".format(M_test_reduced.shape[1], 2) # Print Success print("-" * 80) print("Passed All Tests!") print("-" * 80) # test_three()
# 降维之后可视化 def plot_embeddings(M_reduced, word2Ind, words): """ Plot in a scatterplot the embeddings of the words specified in the list "words". NOTE: do not plot all the words listed in M_reduced / word2Ind. Include a label next to each point. Params: M_reduced (numpy matrix of shape (number of unique words in the corpus , k)): matrix of k-dimensioal word embeddings word2Ind (dict): dictionary that maps word to indices for matrix M words (list of strings): words whose embeddings we want to visualize """ # ------------------ # Write your implementation here. # 需要得到每个单词的x,y坐标。 # 单词:words。 x,y:M_reduced的[[x,y],[x,y]] for word in words: x = M_reduced[word2Ind[word]][0] y = M_reduced[word2Ind[word]][1] plt.scatter(x, y, marker='x', color='red') # marker:表示的是标记的样式,默认的是'o'。 # plt.text()给图形添加文本注释 plt.text(x+0.0002, y+0.0002, word, fontsize=9) # x、y上方0.002处标注文字说明,word标注的文字,fontsize:文字大小 plt.show() # ------------------
def test_four():
# The plot produced should look like the "test solution plot" depicted below.
# ---------------------
print("-" * 80)
print("Outputted Plot:")
M_reduced_plot_test = np.array([[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [0, 0]])
word2Ind_plot_test = {'test1': 0, 'test2': 1, 'test3': 2, 'test4': 3, 'test5': 4}
words = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5']
plot_embeddings(M_reduced_plot_test, word2Ind_plot_test, words)
print("-" * 80)
# test_four()
def plot_analysis(): # ----------------------------- # Run This Cell to Produce Your Plot # ------------------------------ reuters_corpus = read_corpus() # 二维列表数据 M_co_occurrence, word2Ind_co_occurrence = compute_co_occurrence_matrix(reuters_corpus) # 共现矩阵,字典 M_reduced_co_occurrence = reduce_to_k_dim(M_co_occurrence, k=2) # 降维 # Rescale (normalize) the rows to make them each of unit-length # 重新缩放(规格化)这些 行(axis=1),使它们成为每个单元长度 M_lengths = np.linalg.norm(M_reduced_co_occurrence, axis=1) # 8185个词--8185行。一维 # print(shape(M_reduced_co_occurrence)) # (8185, 2) # print(shape(M_lengths[:, np.newaxis])) # 二维(列)(8185, 1) # numpy的broadcasting知识:https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/02.05-computation-on-arrays-broadcasting.html M_normalized = M_reduced_co_occurrence / M_lengths[:, np.newaxis] # broadcasting words = ['barrels', 'bpd', 'ecuador', 'energy', 'industry', 'kuwait', 'oil', 'output', 'petroleum', 'venezuela'] plot_embeddings(M_normalized, word2Ind_co_occurrence, words) plot_analysis()
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