在高德坐标拾取器(坐标拾取器 | 高德地图API)中,如果输入北京,坐标获取结果为:116.407387,39.904179,这是经纬度坐标,在高德公开的全国所有区县编码表(https://a.amap.com/lbs/static/code_resource/AMap_adcode_citycode.zip)中,有3241行数据,字段分别为中文名,adcode,citycode,其中citycode就相当于电话区号,而adcode比较精确,每个区县是不同的,如果adcode最末位为0,表示前三位和它相同的adcode都是它的下辖区县。
中文名 | adcode | citycode |
中华人民共和国 | 100000 | |
北京市 | 110000 | 010 |
东城区 | 110101 | 010 |
可以使用高德开放平台(高德开放平台 | 高德地图API)的API采集经纬度,需要用到的是搜索POI。
具体参数详见(搜索POI-高级 API 文档-开发指南-Web服务 API | 高德地图API)
本次请求的url= 'https://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/text?city={}&keywords={}&citylimit=true&offset=20&page=1&key=YOURKEY&extensions=all'.format(city,keywords)
- def openUrl(_url):
- # 设置请求头 request header
- headers = {
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36"
- }
- response = requests.get(_url, headers=headers)
- if response.status_code == 200: # 如果状态码为200,寿命服务器已成功处理了请求,则继续处理数据
- return response.content
- else:
- return None
- def get_location(city,keywords):
- # return str(Lon,Lat)
- _url = 'https://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/text?city={}&keywords={}&citylimit=true&offset=20&page=1&key=YOURKEY&extensions=all'.format(city,keywords)
- content = openUrl(_url,False)
- if content:
- res = json.loads(content)
- pois = res.get('pois')
- if len(pois) > 0:
- return pois[0].get('location')
- else:
- return None
- print('request not return 200')
- return None
- def write_csv(filepath, data, head=None):
- if head:
- data = [head] + data
- with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8', newline='') as f:
- writer = csv.writer(f)
- for i in data:
- writer.writerow(i)
- def read_csv(filepath):
- data = []
- if os.path.exists(filepath):
- with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- lines = csv.reader(f) # #此处读取到的数据是将每行数据当做列表返回的
- for line in lines:
- data.append(line)
- return data
- else:
- print('filepath is wrong:{}'.format(filepath))
- return []
- # 处理一个地点经纬度后更新csv
- def process_lon_lat():
- data = read_csv(CSV_PATH)
- header = data[0]
- data = data[1:]
- data_new = []
- done = False
- for city in data:
- if not done and not city[3]:
- loc = get_location(city[1],city[0])
- if loc:
- loc_split = loc.split(',')
- print(city,loc_split)
- data_new.append([city[0],city[1],city[2],loc_split[0],loc_split[1]])
- done = True
- else:
- data_new.append([city[0],city[1],city[2],'None','None'])
- print(city,'None')
- else:
- data_new.append(city)
- write_csv(CSV_PATH, data_new, header)
- # 更新csv经纬度主控
- def LonLat_update():
- data = read_csv(CSV_PATH)
- data = data[1:]
- for city in data:
- process_lon_lat()
- time.sleep(6)
中文名 | adcode | citycode | Lon | Lat |
北京市 | 110000 | 010 | 116.407387 | 39.904179 |
东城区 | 110101 | 010 | 116.416334 | 39.928359 |
西城区 | 110102 | 010 | 116.36585 | 39.9126 |
- # coding: utf-8
- import os
- import requests
- import csv
- import json
- import time
- CSV_PATH = 'AMap_adcode_citycode.csv'
- def openUrl(_url):
- # 设置请求头 request header
- headers = {
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36"
- }
- response = requests.get(_url, headers=headers)
- if response.status_code == 200: # 如果状态码为200,寿命服务器已成功处理了请求,则继续处理数据
- return response.content
- else:
- return None
- def write_csv(filepath, data, head=None):
- if head:
- data = [head] + data
- with open(filepath, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8', newline='') as f:
- writer = csv.writer(f)
- for i in data:
- writer.writerow(i)
- def read_csv(filepath):
- data = []
- if os.path.exists(filepath):
- with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- lines = csv.reader(f) # #此处读取到的数据是将每行数据当做列表返回的
- for line in lines:
- data.append(line)
- return data
- else:
- print('filepath is wrong:{}'.format(filepath))
- return []
- ##################################################################################
- # 获取地点经纬度
- # {'status': '0', 'info': 'USER_DAILY_QUERY_OVER_LIMIT', 'infocode': '10044'}
- def get_location(city,keywords):
- # return str(Lon,Lat)
- _url = 'https://restapi.amap.com/v3/place/text?city={}&keywords={}&citylimit=true&offset=20&page=1&key=YOURKEY&extensions=all'.format(city,keywords)
- content = openUrl(_url,False)
- if content:
- res = json.loads(content)
- pois = res.get('pois')
- if len(pois) > 0:
- return pois[0].get('location')
- else:
- return None
- print('request not return 200')
- return None
- # 处理一个地点经纬度后更新csv
- def process_lon_lat():
- data = read_csv(CSV_PATH)
- header = data[0]
- data = data[1:]
- data_new = []
- done = False
- for city in data:
- if not done and not city[3]:
- loc = get_location(city[1],city[0])
- if loc:
- loc_split = loc.split(',')
- print(city,loc_split)
- data_new.append([city[0],city[1],city[2],loc_split[0],loc_split[1]])
- done = True
- else:
- data_new.append([city[0],city[1],city[2],'None','None'])
- print(city,'None')
- else:
- data_new.append(city)
- write_csv(CSV_PATH, data_new, header)
- # 更新csv经纬度主控
- def LonLat_update():
- data = read_csv(CSV_PATH)
- data = data[1:]
- for city in data:
- process_lon_lat()
- time.sleep(6)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- LonLat_update()
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