序号 | 英语基础词汇 | 摄影测量与遥感专业英语词汇 | 英语基础词汇 | 英语基础词汇-生态环境与遥感 |
1 | Absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR),吸收的光合有效辐射 | 001摄影测量学photogrammetry | BP网络 Back propagation network | 1.remotesensingusedinforestry林业遥感 |
2 | Absorption,吸收 | 002卫星摄影测量satellite photogrammetry | KL变换 KL transform | 2.restorationofnaturalresources自然资源的恢复 |
3 | Bands,吸收波段,吸收带 | 003摄影学photography | X射线 Xray | 3.abovegroundbiomass(AGB)地上生物量 |
4 | Hemispherical,半球吸收 | 004航天摄影space photography | Γ射线 Гray | 4.biogeochemicalcycle生物地球化学循环 |
5 | Accuracy assessment,精度评价 | 005航空摄影aerial photography | 按波段顺序 Band sequential,BSQ | 5.carboncycle碳循环 |
6 | Error matrix,误差矩阵 | 006航空摄影机aerial camera | 饱和度 Saturation | 6.standstructure林分结构 |
7 | Analytical evaluation分析评估 | 007立体摄影机stereocamera, stereometric camera | 被动式 Passive | 7.highdeforestationrates森林砍伐率 |
8 | Fuzzy analysis,模糊分析 | 008非量测摄影机non-metric camera | 比例尺 Scale | 8.carbonemissions碳排放 |
9 | KAPPA coefficient of agreement (KAPPA) 一致性系数 | 009量测摄影机metric camera | 比值植被指数 Ratio vegetation index,RVI | 9.environmentaldegradation环境恶化 |
10 | Descriptive evaluation,描述性评价 | 010全景摄影机panoramic camera, panorama camera | 编号 Number | 10.biomassestimation生物量估测 |
11 | Overall accuracy,总精度 | 011框幅摄影机frame camera | 标定参数 Calibration parameter | 11.fielddata样地数据 |
12 | Producer’s accuracy,生产者精度 | 012条幅[航带]摄影机continuous strip camera, strip camera | 表面粗糙度 Surface roughness | 12.remotelysenseddata遥感数据 |
13 | User’s accuracy,用户精度 | 013阵列摄影机array camera | 波段间扫描线逐行交替记录 Band interleaved by line,BIL | 13.statisticalrelationships统计相关性 |
14 | Ground reference information,地面参考信息,地面参考验证信息 | 014电荷耦合器件摄影机(简称“CCD摄影机”)charge-coupled device camera | 波段间像交叉 Band interleaved by pixel,BIP | 14.biomassestimationmodel生物量估测模型 |
15 | Training,地面参考训练信息 | 015多谱段摄影机multispectral camera | 波谱曲线 Spectral curve | 15.stemdiameter径阶 |
16 | Methods,方法 | 016地面摄影机terrestrial camera | 采伐迹地 Cleared area | 16.stemheight枝下高 |
17 | Qualitative confidencebuilding,定性的可信度评价 | 017弹道摄影机ballistic camera | 彩色片 Color film | 17.Treeheight树高 |
18 | Statistical measurements,统计测度 | 018水下摄影机underwater camera | 彩色原理 Color principle | 18.PrimaryForest原始森林 |
19 | Designbased inference,基于设计的推理 | 019大象幅摄影机large format camera,LFC | 操作向导 Wizard | 19.SuccessionalForest次生林 |
20 | Modelbased inference,基于模型的推理 | 020恒星摄影机stellar camera | 成分 Component | 20.Endmember端元 |
21 | Response design,响应设计 | 021地平线摄影机horizon camera | 成像过程 Imaging | 21.canopyshadow冠层阴影 |
22 | Sample size,样本容量 | 022反束光导管摄象机return beam vidicon camera, RBV | 臭氧总量测图光谱仪/系统 Total ozone mapping spectrometer/system,TOMS | 22.canopyclosure冠层郁闭度 |
23 | Sampling design,采样设计 | 023象幅picture format | 传感器 Sensor | 23.samplingstrategy抽样方案 |
24 | Cluster,整群采样 | 024框标fiducial mark | 传输与处理 Transportation and processing | 24.stratifiedrandom分层随机 |
25 | Random,随机采样 | 025象移补偿image motion compensation,IMC, forward motion compensation, FMC | 垂直投影 Vertical projection | 25.endmembers端元 |
26 | Stratified random,分层随机采样 | 026焦距focal length | 搭载校验数据 Payload Correction Date | 26.intrinsicdimensionality固有维数 |
27 | Stratified systematic unaligned,分层系统非均衡采样 | 027快门shutter | 大气窗口 Atmospheric window | 27.phenologicalchanges物候变化 |
28 | systematic,系统法采样 | 028中心快门between-the-lens shutter, lens shutter | 大气吸收波段 Atmospheric absorption band | 28.Chlorophyll叶绿素 |
29 | area,面积框架采样法 | 029帘幕快门(又称“焦面快门)focal plane shutter, curtain shutter | 大气影响 Atmospheric affection | 29.Absorption吸收 |
30 | sampling frame,采样框架 | 030景深depth of field | 道路 Roadway | 30.Amplitude振幅 |
31 | sampling units,采样单元 | 031超焦点距离hyperfocal distance | 等角点 Isocenter | 31.spatialfrequency空间频率 |
32 | areal,区域 | 032孔径(又称“光圈”)aperture | 地段 Segment | 32.Fouriertransformation傅立叶变化 |
33 | sources of error,误差源 | 033光圈号数f-number, stop-number | 地理信息系统 Geographic information system,GIS | 33.Decomposition分解 |
34 | active sensors,主动式传感器 | 034象场角objective angle of image field, angular field of view | 地理资源分析支持系统 Geographic Resources Analysis support system,GRASS | 34.graingradient纹理梯度 |
35 | adaptive box filter,自适应框滤波器 | 035瞬时现场(又称“空间分解力”,其值为地面分解力2.5~2.8倍)instantaneous field-of-view, IFOV | 地理坐标 Geodetic coordinates | 35.allometricmodel异速生长模型 |
36 | Abode Photoshop,Abode 公司Photoshop图像处理软件 | 036畸变[差]distortion | 地面 Ground | 36.freshweight鲜重 |
37 | Agriculture,农业 | 037全景畸变panoramic distortion | 地面分辨率 Ground resolution | 37.Dryweight干重 |
38 | Altitude changes,高度变化 | 038几何畸变geometric distortion | 地面记录与监测系统 Ground Recording & Monitoring System,GR&MS | 38.Multicollinearity多重共线性 |
39 | American Planning Association,美国规划协会 | 039径向畸变radial distortion | 地面接收站 Ground receiving station | 39.Overfitting过度拟合 |
40 | Analog image processing,模拟影像处理 | 040切向畸变tangential distortion, tangential lens distortion | 地面控制点 Ground control points,GCP | 40.successionalvegetationclassification次生林分类 |
41 | Analog-to-digital conversion(A to D),模数转换 | 041物镜分辨率resolving power of lens | 地面控制中心 Ground control center | 41.classifier分类器 |
42 | ancillary data,辅助数据 | 042影象分辨率resolving power of image (注:一毫米内能分辨线对条数) | 地球观测实验卫星(法国卫星系统) Systeme probatoire d’observation de la terre,SPOT | 42.supervisedclassification监督分类 |
43 | angular information,角度(坐标)信息 | 043正片positive | 地球观测卫星 Earth observation satellite,EOS | 43.unsupervisedclassification非监督分类 |
44 | animation,动画,放映 | 044负片negative | 地球观测卫星公司 Earth observation satellite corporation,EOSAT | 44.fuzzyclassifiermethod迷糊分类法 |
45 | anniversary dates (see change detection),周年时相差,(参阅变化检测) | 045透明负片dianegative | 地球观测卫星委员会 Committee on earth observation satellites,CEOS | 45.maximumlikelihoodclassification最大似然法分类 |
46 | archiving,存档,归档 | 046透明正片diapositive, transparent positive | 地球资源观测系统 Earth resources observation satellite/system,EROS | 46.minimumdistanceclassification最小距离法分类 |
47 | area,区域 | 047反转片reversal film | 地球资源技术卫星 Earth resources technology satellite,ERTS | 47.Bayesianclassification贝叶斯分类 |
48 | of interest (AOI),感兴趣区域 | 048盲色片achromatic film | 地球资源卫星 Land satellite,LANDSAT | 48.Imageanalysis图像分析 |
49 | measurement,测量区域 | 049正色片orthochromatic film | 地物波谱特征 Ground spectrum characteristics | 49.featureextraction特征提取 |
50 | arithmetic coprocessor,算术协处理器 | 050全色片panchromatic film | 电磁波 Electromagnetic wave | 50.featureanalysis特征分析 |
51 | arrangement,排列 | 051红外片infrared film | 电磁波谱 Electromagnetic spectrum | 51.patternrecognition模式识别 |
52 | array,阵列 | 052黑白片black-and-white film | 电荷耦合器件 Charge coupled device,CCD | 52.textureanalysis纹理分析 |
53 | area,面阵列 | 053彩色片color film | 调制传递函数 Modulation transfer function,MTF | 53.ratioenhancement比例增强 |
54 | linear,线阵列 | 054全色红外片panchromatic infrared film | 动态定位 Dynamic positioning | 54.edgedetection边缘检测 |
55 | artificial,人工 | 055彩色红外片(又称“假彩色片”)color infrared film, false color film | 短波红外 ShortWavelength infrared,SWIR | 55.imageenhancement影像增强 |
56 | intelligence,人工智能 | 056航摄软片aerial film | 多光谱扫描仪 MultiSpectral scanner,MSS | 56.referencedata参考数据 |
57 | neural networks,人工神经网络 | 057感光度sensitivity | 多光谱摄影机 Multispectral camera | 57.auxiliarydata辅助数据 |
58 | association,协会 | 058感光材料sensitive material | 多角度成像光谱辐射仪 MultiAngle imaging spectroradiometer,MISR | 58.principalcomponenttransformation主成分变化 |
59 | ATCOR (see radiometric correction) ATCOR模型(参阅辐射校正) | 059彩色感光材料color sensitive material | 二维直方图 2D histogram | 59.histogramequalization直方图均衡化 |
60 | ATLAS (see remote sensing sensor systems)机载陆地应用传感器(参阅传感器系统) | 060感光测定sensitometry | 反差 Contrast | 60.imagesegmentation图像分割 |
61 | Atmospheric,大气的 | 061感光特性曲线characteristic curve of photographic emulsion | 反差系数 Contrast coefficent | 61.geometriccorrection几何校正 |
62 | Absorption,吸收 | 062光谱感光度(又称“光谱灵敏度”)spectral sensitivity | 反差增强 Contrast enhancement | 62.geometricregistrationofimagery几何配准 |
63 | Aerosols,气溶胶 | 063黑白摄影black-and-white photography | 反光立体镜 Mirror(type) stereoscopy | 63.radiometriccorrection辐射校正 |
64 | Attenuation,衰减 | 064彩色摄影color photography | 反立体 Pseudostereoscopy | 64.atmosphericcorrection大气校正 |
65 | Clouds,云 | 065假彩色摄影false color photography | 反射 Reflection | 65.syntheticapertureradarSAR合成孔径雷达 |
66 | Correction (see radiometric correction)校正(参阅辐射校正) | 066红外摄影infrared photography | 反射角 Angle of reflection | 66.digitalsurfacemodel,DSM数字高程模型 |
67 | Diffuse sky irradiance,天空漫射辐照度 | 067全息摄影hologram photography, holography | 反束光导管摄像管 Return beam vidicon,RBV | 67.neighborhoodmethod邻近法 |
68 | extinction coefficient,衰减系数,消光系数 | 068缩微摄影microphotography, microcopying | 方差扩大因子法 Variance inflation factor | 68.leastsquarescorrelation最小二乘相关 |
69 | ozone,臭氧 | 069低倍放大摄影pnotomacrography | 非参数估计 nonpapametric estimation | 69.illuminanceofground地面照度 |
70 | path radiance,程辐射 | 070显微摄影photomicrography | 非成像 Nonimaging | 70.geometricdistortion几何畸变 |
71 | precipitation,降水 | 071多谱段摄影multispectral photography | 非林地 Nonforest land | 71.mosaic镶嵌 |
72 | refraction,折射 | 072全景摄影panoramic photography | 分辨单元 Resolution cell | 72.pixel像元 |
73 | scattering,散射 | 073竖直摄影vertical photography | 分辨率 Resolution | 73.quackgrassmeadow冰草草甸 |
74 | Mie,米氏散射 | 074倾斜摄影oblique photography | 分布式计算 Distributed computation | 74.quagmire沼泽地 |
75 | Nonselective,非选择性散射 | 075小象幅航空摄影small format aerial photography, SFAP | 分布式主动归档中心 Distributed active archive center,DAAC | 75.quantitativeanalysis定量分析 |
76 | Rayleigh,瑞利散射 | 076摄站camera station, exposure station | 分布图 Distribution map | 76.quantitativeinterpretation定量判读 |
77 | Temperature,温度 | 077摄影航线flight line of aerial photography | 分层抽样 Stratification sampling | 77.radarecho雷达回波 |
78 | Transmission coefficient,透射系数 | 078摄影分区flight block | 分类 Classification,Category | 78.radarimage雷达图像 |
79 | Transmittance,透射率,透过率 | 079摄影比例尺photographic scale | 分形 Fractal | 79.radarimagetexture雷达图像纹理 |
80 | Water vapor,水汽 | 080摄影基线photographic baseline, air base | 分形布朗运动 Fractal Brown motion | 80.radiation辐射 |
81 | Windows,大气窗口 | 081摄影质量photographic quality | 分形维数 Fractal dimension | 81.rainintensity降雨强度 |
82 | Atmospheric Correction Now (ACORN) (see radiometric correction),ACORN大气校正模型(参阅辐 | 082航摄领航navigation of aerial photography | 符号 Symbol | 82.randomdistribution随机分布 |
83 | 射校正) | 083航摄计划flight plan of aerial photography | 辐射校正 Radiation | 83.randomerror随机误差 |
84 | ATREM (see radiometric correction), ATREM大气校正模型(参阅辐射校正) | 084航摄漏洞aerial photographic gap | 俯仰角 Angle of pitch | 84.randomsampling随机抽样 |
85 | Attitude changes,姿态变化 | 085航高flying height, flight height | 复共线性 MultiCollinearity | 85.randomvariable随机变量 |
86 | AVIRIS (see remote sensing sensor systems),机载可见光/红外成像光谱仪(参阅遥感传感器系统) | 086相对航高relative flying height | 傅里叶变换 Fourier transform | 86.rarespecies稀有种 |
87 | Band,波段 | 087绝对航高absolute flying height | 改进型甚高分辨率辐射仪 Advanced very high resolution radiometer,AVHRR | 87.ratiomethod比值法 |
88 | Interleaved by line format,逐行按波段次序记录格式 | 088基一高比base-height ratio | 感光材料 Graphical materials | 88.reafforestation再造林 |
89 | Interleaved by pixel format,逐像元按波段次序记录格式 | 089航向重叠longitudinal overlap end overlap, forward overlap, fore-and-aft overlap | 高度 Altitude | 89.reconnaissancesurvey普查 |
90 | Ratioing,波段比值法 | 090旁向重叠lateral overlap, side overlap, side laP | 高分辨率可见光波段传感器 Haute resolution visible,HRV | 90.agestructure年龄结构 |
91 | Sequential format,按波段次序记录格式 | 091骨架航线(又称“构架航线”)control strip | 高分辨率视频 High resolution video,HRV | 91.recreation休养 |
92 | Bar graph spectral plots,柱状光谱图 | 092曝光exposure | 高分辨率图像传递装置 High resolution picture transmission,HRPT | 92.afforestation造林;植林 |
93 | Bhattacharyya distance Bhattacharyya距离 | 093摄影处理photographic processing | 高光谱 Hyperspectrum | 93.recovery再生 |
94 | Bilinear interpolation,双线性插值 | 094显影developing | 戈达德宇航中心 Global space flight center,GSFC | 94.abandonedland弃耕地 |
95 | Biophysical variables,生物物理变量 | 095定影fixing | 格式 Format | 95.absorption吸收〔作用〕 |
96 | Absorbed photosynthetically active radiation,吸收的光合有效辐射 | 096感光sensitising | 格网数据 Grid data | 96.climaticfactor气候因子 |
97 | Biomass,生物量 | 097接触晒印contact printing | 工矿 Industrial and mineral areas | 97.reflectedimage反射影像 |
98 | Chlorophyll,叶绿素 | 098投影晒印projection printing | 灌木林 Brush | 98.reforestation森林更新 |
99 | Hydrothermal alteration of rocks岩石的水热蚀变 | 099反差contrast | 光谱反射曲线 Spectral reflectance curves | 99.regenerationcutting更新伐 |
100 | moisture content,含水量 | 100反差系数contrast coefficient | 光谱分辨率 Spectral resolution | 100.regionalremotesensing区域遥感 |
101 | planimetric location(x,y),平面位置(x,y) | 101景物反差object contrast | 光谱辐射 Spectral radiance | 101.relativeerror相对误差 |
102 | surface roughness,表面粗糙度 | 102地面照度illuminance of ground | 光谱特性 Spectral properties | 102.reliability可靠性 |
103 | topographic/bathymetric (z) elevation地形高程 | 103影象质量image quality | 光谱效应 Spectral effect | 103.reversibleprocess可逆过程 |
104 | bitmapped,位图,一 | 104影象分辨力(又称“象元地面分辨力”。指象元地面尺寸。)image resolution ,ground resolution | 光速 Light velocity | 104.savannaforest稀瘦原林 |
105 | black and white,黑自像片 | 105像片photo,photograph | 光学 Optical | 105.heterogeneity土壤差异性 |
106 | hardcopy硬拷贝 | 106竖直摄影像片vertical photograph | 广角成像仪 Wide Field Imager,WFI | 106.spectralresolution光谱分辨率 |
107 | video display,视频显示, | 107倾斜摄影像片oblique photograph | 轨道 Orbit | 107.arealdifferentiation地域分异 |
108 | blackbody,黑体 | 108航摄像片aerial photograph | 国际地圈-生物圈计划 Integrated geospherebiosphere programme,IGBP | 108.substantialorsystematicreproduction实质性的或系统的繁殖 |
109 | bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)二向性反射分布函数 | 109地平线像片horizon photograph | 国际电信联盟 International telecommunications union,ITU | 109.initiated开始 |
110 | Brovey transform,Brovey变换 | 110像片比例尺photo scale | 国家海洋与大气管理局 National oceanographic and atmospheric administration,NOAA | 110.converted转变 |
111 | Brightness maps,亮度图 | 111数字影象(又称“数字图象”)digital image | 国家航空航天局 National aeronautics and space administration,NASA | 111.successionalstages演替系列 |
112 | Brightness value,亮度值 | 112数字化影象digitized image | 国家极轨环境卫星系统 National polar orbiting environmental satellite system,NPOESS | 112.uncertainties不确定性 |
113 | Byte,字节 | 113光学密度optical density | 国家气象中心 National meteorological center,NMC | 113.soilfertility土壤肥力 |
114 | Cadastral(property) mapping,地籍(地产)制图 | 114密度计densitometer | 哈达玛核 Hadamard kernel | 114.land-usehistory土地利用历史 |
115 | Calibration targets,校验目标 | 115测微密度计microdensitometer | 海拔 Elevation | 115.vegetationage植被年龄 |
116 | Cartography,制图学,绘图学 | 116光学传递函数optical transfer function, OTF | 海量存储器 Mass storage | 116.spatialdistribution空间分布 |
117 | Cathode-ray-tube (CRT),阴极射线管 | 117相位传递函数phase transfer function, PTF | 航高 Flight altitude | 117.fieldmeasurements样地测量 |
118 | Central processing unit (CPU),中央处理器 | 118调制传递函数modulation transfer function, MTF | 航空 Aerial | 118.characteristics特征 |
119 | Change detection,变化检测 | 119维纳频谱Winer spectrum | 航空侧视雷达 Aerial sideworking radar | 119.Saplings树苗 |
120 | Algorithms,算法 | 120透光率transmittance | 航空摄影 Aerial photography,Aerophotography | 120.primarydata原始数据 |
121 | Ancillary data source as date,(变化检测中)将辅助数据源作为时相的数据 | 121灰楔grey wedge, optical wedae | 航空摄影机 Aerial camera | 121.landcover土地覆盖 |
122 | binary change mask applied to date ,对时相影像进行二进制变化掩膜处理 | 122密度density | 航空摄影平台 Aerial platform | 122.trainingsample训练样本 |
123 | chi-square transformation ,卡方变换 | 123灰度grey level | 航空遥感 Aerial remoting sensing | 123.spectralsignature光谱特征 |
124 | composite image,合成影像 | 124象元pixel, picture element | 航偏角 Angle of yaw | 124.spatialinformation空间信息 |
125 | cross-correction,互相关校正 | 125密度分割density slicing | 航摄像片分辨力 Resolution of photo | 125.texturemetrics纹理度量 |
126 | image algebra,影像代数 | 126象主点principal point of photograph | 航天 Space | 126.texturemeasure纹理测量 |
127 | knowledge-based vision systems,。基于知识的的可视化系统 | 127象底点photo nadir point | 航天遥感 Space remote sensing | 127.datafusion数据融合 |
128 | post-classification comparison,分类后比较 | 128地底点ground nadir point | 航向重叠 Longitudinal overlap | 128.sensor传感器 |
129 | spectral change vector analysis 光谱变化矢量分析 | 129象等角点isocenter of photogrgaph | 合成孔径雷达 Synthetic aperture radar,SAR | 129.multispectraldata多光谱数据 |
130 | post-classification comparison,分类后比较 | 130等比线ipometric parallel | 核函数 Kernel function | 130.panchromaticdata全色数据 |
131 | Spectral change vector analysis,光谱变化矢量分析 | 131像片基线photo base | 红外 Infrared,IR | 131.radardata雷达数据 |
132 | visual onscreen digitization,在屏可视数字化 | 132象主纵线principal line[of photograph] | 红外彩色片 Infrared film | 132.classificationalgorithms分类算法 |
133 | write function memory insertion,写功能存储插入 | 133主垂面principal plane[of photograph], principal vertical plane | 红外扫描仪 Infrared scanner | 133.parametric参数 |
134 | considerations,考虑因素 | 134真地平线true horizon | 红外线 Infrared light | 134.classificationtreeanalysis分类树 |
135 | classification,分类 | 135视地平线apparent horizon | 宏纹理 Macro texture | 135.K-nearestneighborK近邻法 |
136 | hard or fuzzy logic,硬性的或模糊性的推理 | 136象地平线(又称“合线”、“真水平线”)image horizon, horizon trace, vanishing line | 互操作 Interoperate | 136.Artificealneuralnetwork(ANN)神经网络 |
137 | Per-pixel or object oriented,逐像元或面向对象的分类 | 137象点位移displacement of image | 环境植被指数 Environmental vegetation index,EVI | 137.per-pixel-based基于像元的 |
138 | Region of interest (ROD,感兴趣区域 | 138投影差relief displacement,height displacement | 荒山 Waste land | 138.environmentalfeatures环境要素 |
139 | System,分类系统 | 139倾斜位移tilt displacement | 灰标 Gray level | 139.preprocessing预处理 |
140 | Time period时期 | 140主合点principal vanishing point | 灰度比值 Ratio of gray value | 140.polarization极化 |
141 | Environmental,环境的 | 141核点epipole | 灰度值 Gray value | 141.resampled重采样 |
142 | Atmospheric,大气的 | 142核面epipolar plane | 灰阶 Gray scale | 142.image-to-imageregistration影像到影像配准 |
143 | phenological cycle,物候周期 | 143核线epipolar line, epipolar ray | 混交稀疏林 Mixed open forest | 143.vegetationtypes植被类型 |
144 | soil moisture,土壤水分 | 144主核线principal epipolar line | 混交郁闭林 Mixed close forest | 144.intensity-hue-saturation亮度色度饱和度 |
145 | tidal stage潮位 | 145主核面principal epipolar plane | 机载成像光谱仪 Airborne imaging spectrometer,AIS | 145.BroveytransformBrovey变换 |
146 | remote sensing system,遥感系统 | 146垂核面vertical epipolar plane | 基本控制 Basic control | 146.Evaluated评价 |
147 | radiometric resolution,辐射分辨率 | 147垂核线vertical epipolar line | 基准点 Origin of a datum | 147.errormatrix混淆矩阵 |
148 | spatial and look angle,空间分辨率与观测角 | 148同名核线corresponding epipolar line | 极地球面投影 Polar stereography project,PSP | 148.Landuse/coverclassifation土地利用/覆盖分类 |
149 | spectral resolution,光谱分辨率 | 149像片方位角azimuth of photograph | 集成电路 Integrated circuit,IC | 149.Misclassification误分 |
150 | temporal resolution时间分辨率 | 150像片内方位元素elements of interior orientation | 几何校正 Geometric correction | 150.Classificationaccuracy分类精度 |
151 | channel (see band),通道(参阅波段) | 151像片外方位元素elements of exterior orientation | 计算机兼容磁带 Computer compatible tape,CCT | 151.producer’saccuracy生产者精度 |
152 | charge-coupled device (CCD),电荷耦合器件 | 152像片方位元素photo orientation elements | 技术系统 Technical system | 152.user’saccuracy用户精度 |
153 | chromaticity color coordinate system,色度坐标系统 | 153姿态attitude | 加拿大遥感中心 Canada center for remote sensing,CCRS | 153.Opticalmultispectralimage光学多光谱影像 |
154 | classification,分类 | 154姿态参数attitude parameter | 加色法 Addictive mixtures | 154.opticalsensor光学传感器 |
155 | fuzzy,模糊 | 155像片倾角tilt angle of photograph | 假彩色 False color | 155.fusiontechniques融合技术 |
156 | general steps used一般步骤 | 156航向倾角longitudinal tilt, pitch | 监督分类 Supervision classification | 156.uncertaintyanalysis不确定性分析 |
157 | hard硬分类 | 157旁向倾角lateral tilt, roll | 减色法 Subtractive mixture | 157.datasaturation数据饱和 |
158 | hierarchical decision tree classifier,分级决策树分类器 | 158像片旋角swing angle, yaw | 焦距 Focus | 158.Parametricvsnonparametricalgorithms参数非参数算法 |
159 | hybrid,混合方式 | 159立体象对stereopair | 角速度 Angular rate | 159.globalchange全球变化 |
160 | nonmetric非计量的,非度量的,非量度的 | 160立体观测stereoscopic observation | 接收站 Receiving station | 160.processmodel–based基于模型的过程 |
161 | decision tree classifier (see expert systems),决策树分类 | 161互补色立体观察anaglyphical stereoscopic viewing | 结构 Structure | 161.empiricalmodel–based基于经验的模型 |
162 | nonparametric,非参数的,非参量的 | 162偏振光立体观察vectograph method of stereoscopic viewing | 介质 Dielectric | 162.biomassexpansion/conversionfactor生物量扩展/转换因子 |
163 | minimum distance to means classifier,最小距离分类器 | 163立体视觉stereocopic vision | 经度 Longitude | 163.hyperspectralsensor多光谱传感器 |
164 | nearest neighbor classifier最近邻法分类器 | 164正立体orthostereoscopy | 经纬度注记 Annotation of longitude and latitude | 164.radardata雷达数据 |
165 | neural network (see neural network),神经网络分类器 | 165反立体pseudostereoscopy | 精度 Accuracy | 165.belowgroundbiomass地下生物量 |
166 | nearest neighbor classifier,最近邻法分类器 | 166左右视差horizontal parallax, x-parallax | 净初级生产力 Net primary productivity,NPP | 166.abovegroundbiomass地上生物量 |
167 | neural network (see neural network),神经网络分类器 | 167上下视差vertical parallax, y-parallax | 静态定位 Static positioning | 167.GIS-based基于GIS的 |
168 | Parallelepiped classifier,平行六面体分类器 | 168同名象点corresponding image points,homologous image points | 镜头分辨力 Resolution of len | 168.ecosystemmodels生态模型 |
169 | Object oriented image segmentation,面向对象的影像分割 | 169标准配置点Gruber point | 镜像 Mirror image | 169.photosynthesis光合作用 |
170 | parametric,参数的,参量的 | 170定向点orientation point | 居民点 Residence | 170.anthropogeniceffects人为影响 |
171 | maximum likelihood classifier,最大似然法分类器 | 171内部定向interior orientation | 局部比例尺 Local scale | 171.homogeneousstands均一的立地条件 |
172 | supervised,监督的 | 172外部定向exterior orientation | 局部地区覆盖 Local area coverage,LAC | 172.empiricalregressionmodels经验回归模型 |
173 | schemes(参阅土地利用和地面覆盖分类方案) | 173相对走向relative orientation | 绝对定位 Absolute position | 173.variables变量 |
174 | supervised | 174绝对定向absolute orientation | 绝对航高 Absolute height | 174.subcompartment小斑 |
175 | training site selection,训练样区选择 | 175相对定向元素elements of relative orientation | 军用设施 Military establishment | 175.DBH胸径 |
176 | unsupervised,非监督的 | 176绝对定向元素elements of absolute orientation | 均方差 Mean square error | 176.Spectralfeatures光谱特征 |
177 | chain method,链式 | 177几何反转原理principle of geometric reverse(注:根据光路可逆性,建立所摄对象模型的原理) | 均方根误差 Root mean square error,RMSE | 177.Spatialfeatures空间特征 |
178 | cluster busting logic,聚类整理推理 | 178同名光线corresponding image rays | 可见光 Visible light | 178.Subpixelfeatures亚像元特征 |
179 | Isodata,迭代自组织数据分析 | 179全能法测图universal method of photogrammetric mapping, yнивepcaльн-ый метод | 可见光和近红外光 Visible and near infrared,VNIR | 179.Activesensor主动传感器 |
180 | Cluster labeling聚类标识 | аэрофотограмметрической сьёмки(俄) | 可视化 Visualization | 180.Lidardata雷达数据 |
181 | Collateral data,间接数据,次要资料 | 180分工法测图(又称“微分法测图”)differential method of photogrammetric mapping, | 空间分辨率 Spatial resolution | 181.vegetationindices植被指数 |
182 | Color,色彩,彩色 | дифференцированный метод аэрофотограмметрической сьёмки(俄) | 空间分布 Spatial distribution | 182.biophysicalconditions生物物理条件 |
183 | Composites,合成 | 181综合法测图photo planimetric method of photogrammetric mapping, комбинированный | 空间结构 Spatial structure | 183.soilfertilities土壤特征 |
184 | Coordinate systems 坐标系统 | метод аэрофотограмметрической сьёмки(俄) | 空间信息 Spatial information | 184.near-infrared近红外 |
185 | Chromaticity色度 | 182纠正rectification | 空间坐标系 Space coordinate system | 185.extractingtextures纹理提取 |
186 | Intensity-hue-saturation (HS),强度色度饱和度 | 183像片纠正photo rectification | 快速格式 Fast Format | 186.mean均值 |
187 | Red green and blue (RGB)红绿蓝 (RGB) | 184像片平面图photoplan | 宽视场传感器 Wide field sensor,WIFS | 187.variance方差 |
188 | Displays 显示 | 185光学纠正optical rectification | 框标 Fiducial mark | 188.homogeneity同质性 |
189 | lookup tables,查找表 | 186光学机械纠正optical-mechanical rectification | 扩展二进制编码的十进制交换代码 Extended binary coded decimal interchange code,EBCDIC | 189.contrast对比度 |
190 | film,胶片 | 187图解纠正graphical rectification | 阔叶稀疏林 Open broadleaf forest | 190.entropy信息熵 |
191 | infrared film,红外胶片 | 188光学图解纠正optical graphical rectification | 阔叶郁闭林 Close broadleaf forest | 191.matureforest成熟林 |
192 | spectrum,光谱 | 189仿射纠正affine rectification | 雷达图像 Radar image | 192.secondaryforest次生林 |
193 | theory理论 | 190分带纠正zonal rectification | 离散分形布朗随机场 Discrete fractal Brownian random field | 193.nonphotosyntheticvegetation非光合作用植被 |
194 | additive color combining,加色组合 | 191多级纠正multistage rectification | 离散余弦变换 Discrete cosine transform,DCT | 194.shadefraction阴影分量 |
195 | subtractive 求差 | 192纠正图底basis for rectification | 立体感觉 Stereoscopic perception | 195.soilfraction土壤分量 |
196 | compiler,编译器 | 193光学条件optical condition(注:保证纠正仪上物、象平面光学共轭的条件) | 立体观察 Stereoscopograph stereovision | 196.biomassdensity生物量密度 |
197 | compression,压缩 | 194几何条件geometric condition(注:保证纠正仪上正确投影关系的条件) | 立体模型 Stereoscopic model | 197.vegetationcharacteristics植被特征 |
198 | computers计算机 | 195纠正元素element of rectification | 立体效应 Stereoscopic effect | 198.speciescomposition树种组成 |
199 | mainframes,大型机 | 196合点控制vanishing point control | 联合研究中心 Joint research center,JRC | 199.growthphase生长期 |
200 | personal,个人计算机 | 197交线条件 (又称“向甫鲁条件”、“恰普斯基条件”)condition of intersection, | 粮农组织 Food and agriculture organization,FAO | 200.spectralsignatures光谱信息 |
201 | workstations,工作站 | Scheimpflug condition, Czapski condition | 亮度 Lightness | 201.moisttropical热带雨林 |
202 | conduction,传导 | 198透视旋转定律(又称“沙尔定律”)rotation axiom of the perspective, rotational theorem, Chasles theorem | 林班 Compartment | 202.primarydata原始数据 |
203 | contextual logical channel,上下文逻辑通道 | 199像片镶嵌photo mosaic | 林地 Forest land | 203.unstable不稳定 |
204 | continuous spectrum连续光谱 | 200光学镶嵌optical mosaic | 林分类型 Stand type | 204.soilmoisture土壤水分 |
205 | contrast enhancement,对比度增强 | 201镶嵌索引图index mosaic | 林网 Forest network | 205.horizontalvegetationstructures水平植被结构 |
206 | linear,线性的 | 202调绘annotation | 林业遥感 Remote sensing of forestry | 206.canopycover灌层覆盖度 |
207 | minmax contrast stretch,最小—最大对比度拉伸 | 203像片判读photo interpretation | 岭参数 Ridge parameter | 207.canopyheight灌层高度 |
208 | percentage and standard deviation’百分比和标准差 | 204目视判读visual interpretation | 岭迹分析 Ridge trace analysis | 208.regressiontechnique回归技术 |
209 | piecewise,分段 | 205明显地物点outstanding point. | 陆地卫星 Landsat | 209.interferometrytechnique干涉技术 |
210 | nonlinear,非线性的 | 206人工标志【点】artificial target | 陆地卫星影像数据质量评定 Landsat image data quality assessment,LIDQA | 210.terrainproperties地形要素 |
211 | histogram equalization直方图均衡 | 207辐射三角测量radial triangulation | 陆地资源卫星系统 Landsat system | 211.backscatteringcoefficient后向散射系数 |
212 | inverse log,反对数 | 208立体摄影测量stereophotogrammetry, twoimage photogrammetry | 滤光镜 Filter | 212.canopyelements灌层要素 |
213 | logarithmic对数 | 209模拟法测图analog photogrammetric plotting | 绿色植被指数 Green vegetation index,GVI | 213.backscatteringvalues散射值 |
214 | convection对流 | 210变换光束测图affine plotting | 漫散射 Diffuse reflection | 214.coherenceofdata数据一致性 |
215 | convergence of evidence证据趋同 | 211光学投影optical projection | 美国标准化协会 American standards association,ASA | 215.thetotalcoherenceofaforest森林的一致性 |
216 | convolution,卷积 | 212机械投影mechanical projection | 美国地质调查局 United States geological survey,USGS | 216.foresttransmissivity森林透射率 |
217 | filtering (see spatial convolution filtering),滤波(参阅间卷积滤波) | 213光学机械投影optical-mechanlcal projection | 米氏散射 Mie scattering | 217.largescalebiomass大区域生物量 |
218 | kernel,核 | 214像片主距principal distance of photo | 面积估计 Area estimation | 218.PolarizationCoherenceTomography极化相干断层扫描 |
219 | mask,掩膜 | 215摄影机主距principal distance of camera | 面状目标 Area target | 219.filteringmethods滤波方法 |
220 | correction (see radiometric correction geometric correction) 校正(参阅辐射校正几何校正) | 216投影器主距principal distance of projector | 目视判读 Visual interpretation | 220.outliers异常值 |
221 | cubic convolution,三次卷积 | 217立体模型stereoscopic model | 牧地 Grazing land | 221.stereoviewing立体视觉 |
222 | cursor evaluation,光标评价 | 218几何模型geometric model | 农地 Farm land | 222.laserreturnsignal激光反馈信号 |
223 | collection,数据采集 | 219视模型perceived model | 诺阿卫星 NOAA satellite | 223.characterizinghorizontal水平特征 |
224 | dimensionality 数据维度,数据维数 | 220模型缩放scaling of model | 欧洲空间局 European space agency,ESA | 224.characterizingvertical垂直特征 |
225 | formats,数据格式 | 221模型置平leveling of model | 欧洲遥感卫星 European remote sensing satellite,ERS | 225.canopystructure灌层结构 |
226 | band interleaved by line,bil,逐行按波段次序记录格式 | 222模型连接bridging of model | 旁向重叠 Lateral overlap | 226.biomassprediction生物量预测 |
227 | band interleaved by pixel,bip,逐像元按波段次序记录格式 | 223空中三角测量aerotriangulation | 配准 Calibration | 227.heightinformation树高信息 |
228 | band sequential,bsq,按波段次序记录格式 | 224空中水准测量aeroleveling | 品质保证 Quality assurance,QA | 228.hypotheticalexample假设样本 |
229 | decision tree classifier,决策树分类器 | 225空中导线测量aeropolygonometry | 平均残差平方和 Residual mean squares | 229.meanheight平均树高 |
230 | densitometer,密度计 | 226模拟空中三角测量analog aerotriangulation | 平台 Platform | 230.univariatemodel单变量模型 |
231 | density,密度 | 227阿贝比长原理Abbe comparator principle | 坡向 Aspect | 231.metric度量标准 |
232 | density slicing,密度分割 | 228波罗一科普原理Porro-Koppe principle | 乔木树种 Arboreal species | 232.biomassaccumulation累计生物量 |
233 | depth深度 | 229空间后方交会Space resection | 桥式立体镜 Bridgetype stereoscopy | 233.categoricalvariables绝对变量 |
234 | derivative spectroscopy微分光谱学 | 230空间前方交会space intersection | 倾斜角 Angle of tilt | 234.differentsourcedata不同源数据 |
235 | digital 数字的 | 231摄影测量坐标系photogrammetric coordinate system | 全球(气候、海洋、陆地)观测系统 Global (Climate,Ocean,Terrestrial)observing systems,G3OS | 235.DEMdataDEM数据 |
236 | bathymetric models,数字水深模型 | 232象平面坐标系photo coordinate system | 全球成像仪 Global imager,GLI | 236.optimalvariables最佳变量 |
237 | elevation models (DEM),数字高程模型 | 233象空间坐标系image space coordinate system | 全球大地测量系统 World geodetic system,WGS | 237.expertknowledge专家知识 |
238 | frame cameras,框幅式数码相机 | 234物空间坐标系object space coordinate system | 全球定位系统 Global positioning system,GPS | 238.strongcorrelations强相关 |
239 | image processing,数字影像处理 | 235罗德里格斯矩阵Rodrigues matrix | 全球分区覆盖 Global area coverage,GAC | 239.weakcorrelations弱相关 |
240 | hardware,硬件 | 236构象方程imaging equation | 全球森林覆盖观测 Global observation of forest cover,GOFC | 240.stepwiseregressionanalysis逐步回归分析 |
241 | software,软件 | 237共线方程collinearity equation | 全球综合观测战略 Integrated global observing strategy,IGOS | 241.independentvariables独立变量 |
242 | system considerations,系统考虑因素 | 238共面方程coplanarity equation | 全色片 Panchromatic film | 242.Parametricalgorithms参数算法 |
243 | terminology术语 | 239投影方程projection equation | 全站仪 Total station instrument | 243.nonparametricalgorithms非参数算法 |
244 | number,数字 | 240加密点pass point | 热(红外)波段 Themal band | 244.linearregressionmodels线性回归模型 |
245 | digital to analog conversion (DAC),数—模转换 | 241连接点tie point | 人工神经网络 Artificial neural network,ANN | 245.nonlinearlyrelated非线性相关 |
246 | digitalization 数字化 | 242解析空中三角测量(俗称“电算加密”)analytical aerotriangulation | 入射角 Angle of incidence | 246.powermodels指数模型 |
247 | charge-coupled-device digitization CCD(电荷耦合器件)数字化 | 243航带法空中三角测量strip aerial triangulation | 三次卷积 Cubic convolution | 247.nonlinearmodels非线性模型 |
248 | optical-mechanical scanning 光机扫描 | 244独立模型法空中三角测量independent model aerial triangulation, aerotriangulation by independent model | 三基色 Three base colors | 248.randomforest随即森林 |
249 | flatbed平板式 | 245光束法空中三角测量bundle aerial triangulation | 三维表面模拟 3D surface modeling | 249.supportvectormachine(SVM)支持向量机 |
250 | rotating drum,滚筒式 | 246联机空中三角测量on—line aerophotogrammetric triangulation | 散射 Scatter | 250.MaximumEntropy最大熵 |
251 | video digitization,视频数字化 | 247区域网平差block adjustment | 扫描 Scanning | 251.Simulation仿真 |
252 | display显示 | 248自检校self-calibration | 色调 Hue | 252.co-simulation协同仿真 |
253 | alternatives,供选方案 | 249联合平差combined adjustment | 色盲片 Blind film | 253.normaldistribution正态分布 |
254 | resolution,分辨率 | 250数据探测法data snooping | 森林覆盖率 Forest coverage rate | 254.spatialconfiguration空间结构 |
255 | Pixels,像元 | 251粗差检测gross error detection | 森林资源调查 Forestry resources survey | 255.randomlysetting随机设置 |
256 | Distance measurement,距离量测 | 252选权迭代法iteration method with variable weights | 神经元 Neural cell | 256.pixelestimation像素估计 |
257 | Divergence,离散度 | 253解析纠正analytical rectification | 时表 Timer | 257.samplevariance样本方差 |
258 | Dots-per-inch,每英寸点数,点每英寸 | 254解析定向analytical orientation | 时间分辨率 Temporal resolution | 258.nationalforestinventorysampleplotdata国家森林库存样地数据 |
259 | Resource Technology satellite (ERTS),地球资源技术卫星 | 255解析测图analytical mapping | 实时差分定位 Real time differential positioning | 259.naturaldeciduousforests自然落叶森林 |
260 | Science Enterprise,地球科学计划 | 256数控绘图桌digital tracing table | 矢量图 Vector map | 260.linearrelationships线性关系 |
261 | System,地球系统 | 257机助测图computer-assisted mapping, computer-aided mapping | 世界向量式海岸线 World vector shoreline,WVS | 261.approximation近似法 |
262 | edge enhancement边缘增强 | 258正射投影技术orthophoto technique | 树种 Tree species | 262.mathematicalfunctions数学函数 |
263 | linear,线性边缘增强 | 259微分纠正differential rectification | 数据反演局 Data assimilation office,DAO | 263.black-boxmodel黑箱模型 |
264 | compass gradient masks,罗盘梯度模版 | 260正射像片orthophoto | 数据获取 Data collection | 264.iteratingtraining迭代训练 |
265 | directional first difference,方向一阶差分 | 261立体正射像片orthophoto stereo-mate | 数据库 Database | 265.rootnode根节点 |
266 | embossed,浮雕的 | 262正射影象图orthophotoquad(注:不带等高线影象图) | 数据压缩 Data compression | 266.internalnodes,内部节点 |
267 | Laplacian,Laplacian算子,拉普拉斯算子 | 263正射影象地图orthophoto map(注:带等高线影象图) | 数据与信息系统 Data and information system,DIS | 267.recursivepartitioningalgorithm逐步分割算法 |
268 | Nonlinear,非线性 | 264量化quantizing, quantization | 数字地面模型 Digital Terrain Model | 268.stratified分层 |
269 | Kirsch,Kirsch算子 | 265采样sampling | 数字地球 Digital Earth | 269.terminalnode终端节点 |
270 | Sobel,Sobel算子,索泊尔算子 | 266重采样resampling | 数字地形高程数据 Digital terrain elevation data,DTED | 270.regressiontreetheory回归树理论 |
271 | Electromagnetic radiation,电磁辐射 | 267采样间隔sampling interval | 数字高程模型 Digital elevation model,DEM | 271.split分割 |
272 | Interactions交互作用 | 268数字测图digital mapping | 数字化仪 Digitizer | 272.statisticallearningalgorithm统计学习算法 |
273 | Models模型 | 269数字纠正digital rectification | 数字世界航图 Digital chart of the world,DCW | 273.high-dimensionalfeaturespace高维特征空间 |
274 | Particle,粒子 | 270数字镶嵌digital mosaic | 数字图像处理 Digital image processing | 274.kernel卷积核 |
275 | Wave,波 | 271影象匹配image matching | 数字信号级 Digital signal level,DSL | 275.empiricalaverages经验平均值 |
276 | Electron volts,电子伏特 | 272影象相关image correlation | 双线性内插法 Bilinear interpolation method | 276.subsections分段 |
277 | Elements of image interpretation,影像解译要素 | 273光学相关optical correlation | 双向反射比分布函数 Bidirectional reflectance distribution function,BRDF | 277.Accuratelyestimating精度评价 |
278 | Embossing’,浮雕 | 274电子相关electronic correlation | 水域 Water | 278.relativeerrors相对模糊 |
279 | Empirical line calibration,经验线定标 | 275数字相关digital correlation | 速度 Velocity | 279.globalscales全球尺度 |
280 | Endmembers,端元, | 276核线相关epipolar correlation | 缩放晒印 Ratio print | 280.rootmeansquareerror(RMSE)均方根误差 |
281 | Energy,能量 | 277最小二乘相关least squares correlation | 太阳辐射 Solar radiation | 281.correlationcoefficient相关系数 |
282 | Energy-matter interactions,能量—物质交互作用 | 278目标区target area | 太阳高度角 Sun angle | 282.systematicsampling系统抽样 |
283 | Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) ENVI遥感影像处理软件 | 279搜索区searching area | 太阳同步卫星 Sunsynchronous satellite | 283.datacollection数据收集 |
284 | EOSAT,对地观测卫星 | 280邻元法neighborhood method | 特性 Characteristic | 284.subset子集 |
285 | EOS Science Plan,对地观测卫星科学计划 | 281数字高程模型digital elevation model, DEM | 特征根 Eigenroot | 285.mappingforestbiomass/carbon生物量/碳储量制图 |
286 | ERDAS Imagine Earth Resource Data Analysis System Imagine,ERDAS 遥感影像处理软件 | 282数字表面模型digital surface model,DSM | 天底角 Angle of nadir | 286.sequestration隔离 |
287 | EROS Data Center,EROS 数据中心 | 283摄影测量内插photogrammetric interpolation | 天线 Antenna | 287.forestmanagementandplanning森林管理和规划 |
288 | Error误差 | 284多项式法polynomial method | 条件数法 Condition number | 288.allometricmodels异速生长的模型 |
289 | Cumulative,累积误差 | 285双线性内插bi-linear interpolation method | 通用横轴墨卡托投影 Universal transverse mercator projection,UTM | 289.representativeness代表性 |
290 | External,外部误差 | 286双三次卷积bi-cubic convolution | 投影 Projection | 290.lidardata激光雷达数据 |
291 | Internal,内部误差 | 287样条函数法splines method | 投影差 Projection difference | 291.vegetationstructuregradient植被结构梯度 |
292 | Method produced,方法误差 | 288有限元法finite elements method | 透射 Transmission | 292.randomlyperturbing随机扰动 |
293 | Exitance,出射度 | 289移动拟合法moving average method | 图像分割 Image segmentation | 293.northcoordinates北坐标 |
294 | expert systems,专家系统 | 290地面摄影测量terrestrial photogrammetry | 图像分类 Image classification | 294.coarserspatialresolution粗分辨率 |
295 | creating the knowledge base,建立知识库 | 291正直摄影normal case photography | 图像结构 Image structure | 295.groupingerrors分组误差 |
296 | decision tree classifiers,决策树分类器 | 292等偏摄影parallel—averted photography | 图像理解 Image understanding | 296.Mediumspatialresolution中分辨影像 |
297 | human-derived production rules,人工提炼的规 | 293交向摄影convergent photography | 图像增强 Image enhancement | 297.populationparameters人口参数 |
298 | machine learning-derived production rules机器学习生成的规则 | 294等倾摄影equally tilted photography | 图像增强处理 Image enhancement processing | 298.Mixedpixels混合像元 |
299 | inference engine推理机 | 295全息摄影测量hologrammetry | 土地覆盖工作组 Land cover working group,LCWG | 299.Mismatch误差 |
300 | user interface,用户界面 | 296显微摄影测量microphotogrammetry | 拓扑关系 Topology relation | 300.highspatialresolutionimages高分辨率影像 |
301 | external errors,外部误差 | 297电子显微摄影测量nanophotogrammetry | 拓扑维数 Topology dimension | |
302 | Feathering羽化 | 298双介质摄影测量two-medium photogrammetry | 微波 Microwave | |
303 | Feature selection,特征选择 | 299近景摄影测量close-range photogrammetry | 微纹理 Micro texture | |
304 | Graphic methods,图示法 | 300超近摄影测量macrophotogrammetry (注:物距在0.l~0.0lm的摄影测量) | 纬度 Latitude | |
305 | Bar graph spectral plots,柱状光谱图 | 301直接线性变换direct linear transformation, DLT | 纹理 Texture | |
306 | Cospectral parallelepiped plots,余谱平行六面体图 | 302穆瓦条纹图(曾用名“莫尔条纹图”)moire topography | 稳健估计 Robust estimation | |
307 | Feature space plots,特征空间图 | 303弹道摄影测量ballistic photogrammetry | 沃尔什变换 Walsh transform | |
308 | Statistical methods,统计方法 | 304工程摄影测量engineering photogrammetry | 无线电波 Wireless wave | |
309 | Bhattacharyya distance,Bhattacharyya距离,巴特查里刃距离 | 305工业摄影测量industrial photogrammetry | 误差反传算法 Back propagation algorithm | |
310 | Divergence,离散度 | 306建筑摄影测量architectural photogrammetry | 吸收 Absorption | |
311 | Jeffreys-Matusita distance,Jeffreys-Matusita距离 | 307考古摄影测量archaeological photogrammetry | 稀疏纯林 Open pure forest | |
312 | Feature space plots,特征空间图 | 308生物医学摄影测量biomedical photogrammetry | 系统畸变 System distortion | |
313 | Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC),美国联邦地数据委员会 | 309X射线摄影测量X-ray photogrammetry | 先进地球观测卫星 Advanced earth observation satellite,ADEOS | |
314 | FLAASH (see radiometric correction), FLAASH模型(参阅辐射校正) | 310实时摄影测量real-time photogrammetry | 先进型甚高分辨辐射仪 Advanced very high resolution radiometer,AVHRR | |
315 | Forward mapping logic,前向映射逻辑 | 311计算机视觉computer vision | 先进沿轨扫描辐射计 Advanced along track scanning radiometer,AATSR | |
316 | Fourier transform,傅里叶变换 | 312遥感remote sensing | 现代林业 Modern forestry | |
317 | Frequency spectrum,频谱 | 313资源与环境遥感remote sensing of natural resources and environment | 线性扩展 Linear expansion | |
318 | Inverse Fast Fourier transform,快速傅里叶逆变换 | 314主动式遥感active remote sensing | 相对定位 Relative positioning | |
319 | Magnitude image,振幅影像 | 315被动式遥感passive remote sensing | 像底点 Photographic nadir | |
320 | Phase,相位 | 316多谱段遥感multispectral remote sensing | 像片编号 Photo number | |
321 | Spatial filtering in frequency domain,频域空间滤波 | 317多时相遥感multitemporal remote sensing | 像片倾斜角 Tilt angle of photograph | |
322 | stationary periodic noise,稳定的周期性噪声 | 318红外遥感infrared remote sensing | 像移补偿器 Imagemotion compensator | |
323 | stationary periodic noise,稳定的周期性噪声 | 319微波遥感microwave remote sensing | 像元 Pixel | |
324 | fractals,分形 | 320太阳辐射波谱solar radiation spectrum | 像主点 Principal point | |
325 | frame buffer,帧缓冲器 | 321大气窗atmospheric window | 小班 Subcompartment | |
326 | frequency,频率 | 322大气透过率atmospheric transmissivity | 信息系统 Information System | |
327 | fuzzy classification,模糊分类 | 323大气噪声atmospheric noise | 形状 Shape | |
328 | gap analysis,缝隙分析 | 324大气传输特性characteristic of atmospheric transmission | 虚拟现实 Virtual reality | |
329 | geocoded images,地理编码影 | 325波谱特征曲线spectrum character curve | 蓄积量 Stock volume | |
330 | geodetic control,大地测量控制 | 326波谱响应曲线spectrum response curve | 蓄积量估测 Estimation of forest stock | |
331 | geographic,地理学的 | 327波谱特征空间spectrum feature space | 悬崖 Precipice | |
332 | signature extension,特征延展 | 328波谱集群spectrum cluster | 雪山 Snowy mountain | |
333 | stratification,地理分层 | 329红外波谱infrared spectrum | 压平线 Frame of image | |
334 | functions,功能 | 330反射波谱reflectance spectrum | 衍射 Diffraction | |
335 | geometric correction,几何校正 | 331电磁波谱electro-magnetic spectrum | 眼基线 Eye base | |
336 | image-to-image registration,影像—影像配准 | 332功率谱power spectrum | 阳坡 Sunny slope | |
337 | image-to-map rectification,影像—地图纠正 | 333地物波谱特性object spectrum characteristic | 样地 Sample plot | |
338 | intensity interpolation,亮度插值 | 334热辐射thermal radiation | 遥感 Remote Sensing | |
339 | bilinear,双线性 | 335微波辐射microwave radiation | 野外调绘 Field classification survey | |
340 | cubic convolution,三次卷积 | 336数据获取data acquisition | 野外检察 Field check | |
341 | nearest-neighbor,最近邻像元 | 337数据传输data transmission | 阴坡 Shady slope | |
342 | spatial interpolation,空间插值 | 338数据处理data processing | 应用 Application | |
343 | input-to-output (forward) mapping,输入—输出的映射 | 339地面接收站ground receiving station | 应用软件包 Application package | |
344 | order of transformation | 340数字磁带digital tape | 有偏估计 Bias estimation | |
345 | output-to-input (inverse) mapping,输出—输入的映 | 341模拟磁带analog tape | 郁闭纯林 Close pure forest | |
346 | root mean square error, (RMSE)均方根误差 | 342计算机兼容磁带computer compatible tape,CCT | 郁闭度 Crown density | |
347 | geometric error,几何误差 | 343高密度数字磁带high density digital tape, HDDT | 元数据 Metadata | |
348 | external,外部的 | 344图象复原image restoration | 圆形的 Cycle | |
349 | altitude changes,高程变化 | 345模糊影象fuzzy image | 运行周期 Orbital period | |
350 | attitude changes,姿态变化 | 346卫星像片图satellite photo map | 造林地 Afforestation land | |
351 | internal,内部 | 347红外图象infrared imagery | 增强型专题成像仪 Enhanced thematic mapper plus,ETM+ | |
352 | one-dimensional relief displacement ,一维投影差 | 348热红外图象thermal infrared imagery, thermal IR imagery | 栅格图 Raster map | |
353 | scanning system induced distortion,扫描系统引起的畸变 | 349微波图象microwave imagery | 招标 Announcement of opportunity,AO | |
354 | skew,偏斜,倾斜 | 350成象雷达imaging radar | 沼泽 Swamp | |
355 | tangential scale distortion,切向比例(缩放)畸变 | 351熵编码entropy coding | 折射 Refraction | |
356 | geostatistical analysis,地统计分析 | 352冗余码redundant code | 折射角 Angle of refraction | |
357 | kriging克里金法 | 353冗余信息redundant information | 针叶稀疏林 Open conifer | |
358 | semi-variance,半方差 | 354信息量contents of information | 针叶郁闭林 Close conifer | |
359 | semi-variogram,半方差图 | 355信息提取information extraction | 振幅 Amplitude of oscillation | |
360 | GIScience,地理信息科学(geographic information science) | 356月球轨道飞行器lunar orbiter | 正规化植被指数 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI | |
361 | global positioning systems( GPS),全球定位系统 | 357空间实验室Spacelab | 正交植被指数 Perpendicular vegetation index,PVI | |
362 | GOES,地球静止轨道环境业务卫星 | 358航天飞机space shuttle | 正立体 Orthostereoscopy | |
363 | Goniometer,角度计 | 359陆地卫星Landsat | 正色片 Orthochromatic film | |
364 | graphical user interface,图形用户界面 | 360海洋卫星Seasat | 正射投影 Orthographic map projection | |
365 | grayscale,灰度,灰阶 | 361测图卫星Mapsat | 正态植被指数 Normal vegetation index,NVI | |
366 | ground,地面 | 362立体卫星Stereosat | 直方图扩展 Histogram expansion | |
367 | ground control points (gcp),地面控制点(gcp) | 363礼炮号航天站Salyut space station,op6иTaльная станция “Caлют”(俄) | 植被指数 Vegetation Index,VI | |
368 | reference information,地面参考信息 | 364联盟号宇宙飞船Soyuz spacecraft, KOPa6ль“Coюз”(俄) | 专题成像制图仪 Thematic mapper,TM | |
369 | hardcopy,硬拷贝 | 365SPOT卫星SPOT satellite,systeme probatoire d’observation de la terse(法) | 最大似然估计法 Maximum likelihood | |
370 | image,影像 | 366地球资源卫星earth resources technology satellite, ERTS | 中巴资源卫星 China/Brazil earth resources satellite,CBERS | |
371 | hardware,硬件 | 367环境探测卫星environmental survey satellite | 中度多角度成像光谱辐射仪 Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer,MRIS | |
372 | high-frequency filter( high-pass),高频滤波器(高通) | 368地球同步卫星geo-synchronous satellite | 中国标准 GB | |
373 | histogram,直方图 | 369太阳同步卫星sun-synchronous satellite | 中心投影 Centering projection | |
374 | equalization,直方图均衡 | 370卫星姿态satellite attitude | 重叠 Overlap | |
375 | hybrid variables,混合变量 | 371遥感平台remote sensing platform | 主动式 Active | |
376 | hydrothermal alteration,水热蚀变 | 372主动式传感器active sensor | 主数据处理机 Master data processor,MDP | |
377 | hyperspectral,高光谱的 | 373被动式传感器passive sensor | 注释 Annotating | |
378 | data collection,高光谱数据采集 | 374推扫式传感器push-broom sensor | 姿态 Attitude | |
379 | derivative spectroscopy,微分光谱学 | 375静态传感器static sensor | 紫外片 Ultraviolet film | |
380 | endmember determination,端元确定 | 376动态传感器dynamic sensor | 紫外扫描仪 UV scanner | |
381 | n-dimensional visualization—维可视化 | 377光学传感器optical sensor | 紫外线 Ultraviolet light | |
382 | Pixel purity index,像元纯度指数 | 378微波传感器microwave remote sensor | 组合式光电多波段扫描仪 Modular optoelectric multispectral scanner,MOMS | |
383 | general steps to extract information,信息提取基本步骤 | 379光电传感器photoelectric sensor | 最大似然准则 Maximum likelihood criterion | |
384 | geometric correction,几何校正 | 380辐射传感器radiation sensor | 最近临分析 Nearest neighbor analysis | |
385 | indices指数 | 381星载传感器satellite-borne sensor | 坐标系统 Coordinate system | |
386 | Crop Chlorophyll Content Prediction,作物叶绿素含量预测指数 | 382机载传感器airborne sensor | ||
387 | Narrowband derivative-based vegetation Indices,窄波段微分植被指数 | 383姿态测量传感器attitude-measuring sensor | ||
388 | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,归一化植被指数 | 384探测器detector | ||
389 | Normalized Difference Water Index,归一化水指数 | 385摄谱仪spectrograph | ||
390 | Physiological Reflectance index,生理反射指数 | 386航空摄谱仪aerial spectrograph | ||
391 | Red-edge Position Determination,红端位置的确定 | 387波谱测定仪spectrometer | ||
392 | Yellowness Index,黄色指数,黄度指数 | 388地面摄谱仪terrestrial spectrograPh | ||
393 | Mapping and matching,制图与匹配 | 389测距雷达range-only radar | ||
394 | Linear spectral unmixing,线性光谱分解 | 390微波辐射计microwave radiometer | ||
395 | matched filtering 匹配滤波 | 391红外辐射计infrared radiometer | ||
396 | spectral angle mapper光谱角制图 | 392侧视雷达side-looking radar, SLR | ||
397 | quality assessment,质量评价 | 393真实孔径雷达real-aperture radar | ||
398 | animation,动画,放映 | 394合成孔径雷达synthetic aperture radar, SAR | ||
399 | color composite examination彩色合成检查 | 395专题测图传感器thematic mapper, TM |
400 | individual band examination,单波段检查 | 396红外扫描仪infrared scanner |
401 | statistical examination,统计检查 | 397多谱段扫描仪multispectral scanner. M SS |
402 | radiative transfer-based atmospheric correction基于辐射传输的大气校正 | 398数字图象处理digital image processing |
403 | ACORN,ACORN大气校正模型,+ | 399光学图象处理optical image processing |
404 | ATREM/EFFORT,ATREM/EFFORT大气校正型模型 | 400实时处理real-time processing |
405 | empirical line calibration经验线定标 | 401地面实况ground truth |
406 | duce dimensionality降维 | 402几何校正geometric correction |
407 | Minimum noise fraction,最小噪声分离 | 403辐射校正radiometric correction |
408 | IKONOS IKONOS影像 | 404数字滤波digital filtering |
409 | Enhancement,影像增强 | 405图象几何配准geometric registration of imagery |
410 | Local operations局部处理 | 406图象几何纠正geometric rectification of imagery |
411 | Point operations,点处理 | 407图象镶嵌image mosaic |
412 | Processing处理 | 408图象数字化image digitisation |
413 | Mathematical notation,数学符号 | 409彩色合成仪additive colir viewer |
414 | Systems,系统 | 410假彩色合成false color composite |
415 | Commercial,商业的 | 411直接法纠正direct scheme of digital rectification |
416 | Functions功能 | 412间接法纠正indirect scheme of digital rectification |
417 | Public,公共机构,公众 | 413图象识别image recognition |
418 | Processor,处理器 | 414图象编码image coding |
419 | Frame buffer,帧缓冲器 | 415彩色编码color coding |
420 | Memory,存储器 | 416多时相分析multitemporal analysis |
421 | Quality assessment,质量评价 | 417彩色坐标系color coordinate system |
422 | Smoothing平滑 | 418图象分割image segmentation |
423 | Understanding,理解 | 419图象复合image overlaying |
424 | Image-to-map rectification,影像,地图纠正 | 420图象描述image description |
425 | Inference,推理 | 421二值图象binary image |
426 | Design-based,基于设计的 | 422直方图均衡histogram equalization |
427 | Model-based,基于模型的 | 423直方图规格化histogram specification |
428 | information,信息 | 424图象变换image transformation |
429 | classes类 | 425彩色变换color transformation |
430 | extraction,提取 | 426伪彩色pseudo-color |
431 | nonmetric,非计量的,非量化的,非量度的 | 427假彩色false color |
432 | nonparametric,非参数化的,非参量化的 | 428主分量变换principal component transformation |
433 | parametric,参数化的 | 429阿达马变换Hadamard transformation |
434 | presentation,表达 | 430沃尔什变换Walsh transformation |
435 | input-output relationship,输入输出关系 | 431比值变换ratio transformation |
436 | instantaneous-field-of-view (IFOV),瞬时视场(IFOV) | 432生物量指标变换biomass index transformation |
437 | INTEL CPUs,英特尔中央处理器 | 433穗帽变换tesseled cap transformation |
438 | Intensity hues saturation (HIS),强度—色调—饱和度(ills) | 434参照数据reference data |
439 | Intensity interpolation,强(亮)度插值 | 435图象增强image enhancement |
440 | Internal errors,内部误差 | 436边缘增强edge enhancement |
441 | Inverse mapping logic,后向映射逻辑 | 437边缘检测edge detection |
442 | Irradiance,辐照度 | 438反差增强contrast enhancement |
443 | ISODATA,迭代自组织数据分析 | 439纹理增强texture enhancement |
444 | Joules,焦耳 | 440比例增强ratio enhancement |
445 | Kappa coefficient of agreements, (Kappa) 致性系数 | 441纹理分析texture analysis |
446 | Kirsch (see edge enhancement),Kirsch算子(参阅边缘增强) | 442彩色增强color enhancement |
447 | Knowledge acquisition bottleneck,知识获取瓶颈 | 443模式识别pattern recognition |
448 | Kriding (see geostatistical analysis),克里金(参阅地统计分析) | 444特征feature |
449 | Lambertian surface,朗伯表面 | 445特征提取feature extraction |
450 | Land cover/land use,地面覆盖/土地利用 | 446特征选择feature selection |
451 | Definitions,定义 | 447特征编码feature coding |
452 | Landscape ecology metrics,景观生态测度 | 448距离判决函数distance decision function |
453 | Leaf additive reflectance,叶面加性反射 | 449概率判决函数probability decision function |
454 | Leaf-area-index (LAD,叶面积指数(LAD | 450模式分析pattern analysis |
455 | Light,光 | 451分类器classifier |
456 | Drop outs,缺失 | 452监督分类supervised classification |
457 | Start problems,行起始问题 | 453非监督分类unsupervised classification |
458 | Striping,条带 | 454盒式分类法box classifier method |
459 | Pairs per millimeter,线对每毫米 | 455模糊分类法fuzzy classifier method |
460 | Lineage documentation,谱系文件 | 456最大似然分类maximum likelihood classification |
461 | Line printer/plotter brightness maps,行式打印机/绘图机亮度 | 457最小距离分类minimum distance classification |
462 | Liquid crystal display (LCD),液晶显示器(LCD) | 458贝叶斯分类Bayesian classification |
463 | Local operations,局部处理 | 459机助分类computer-assisted classification |
464 | Deductive,演绎的 | 460图象分析image analysis |
465 | Inductive,归纳的 | |
466 | Technological,技术的 | |
467 | Lookup table,查找表 | |
468 | Lowpass filter,低通滤波器 | |
469 | Machine learning,机器学习(能力) | |
470 | Magnification,放大 | |
471 | Mainframe computers,大型计算机 | |
472 | Mapping sciences,制图学 | |
473 | Map projections,地图投影 | |
474 | Conformal,等角的 | |
475 | Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM),通用横轴墨卡托 | |
476 | Equivalent,等积的 | |
477 | Mass storage,大容量存储器 | |
478 | Maximum filter,最大值滤波器 | |
479 | maximum likelihood classifier,最大似然法分类器 | |
480 | measurement,测量,测度 | |
481 | area,面积量测 | |
482 | distance,距离量测 | |
483 | shape,形状测度 | |
484 | vector,向量测度 | |
485 | mean,均值测度 | |
486 | median filter,中值滤波器 | |
487 | memory’,存储器 | |
488 | random access,随机存取存储器 | |
489 | read only,只读存储器 | |
490 | merging different types of imagery,不同类型(多源)影像融合 | |
491 | addition of high frequency information,高频信息加法 | |
492 | band substitution波段替换 | |
493 | color space transformation and substitution,色彩空间转换与替换 | |
494 | principal component substitution,主成分替换 | |
495 | smoothing filter-based,基于滤波器的平滑 | |
496 | metadata,元数据 | |
497 | microdensitometer digitization,测微密度计数字化,“ | |
498 | microprocessor,微处理器 | |
499 | history of发展历史 |
500 | minimum,最小值 | 599 | Radiance,辐射率,辐亮度,辐射 | 698 | Mie,米氏散射 | 797 | Three-dimension views,三维视图 |
501 | distance to means classification,最小距离分类 | 600 | Radiometric correction,辐射校正 | 699 | Nonselective,非选择性散射 | 798 | Training site,训练样区 |
502 | noise fraction transformation,最小噪声分离变换 | 601 | Absolute atmospheric correction,绝对大气校正 | 700 | Rayleigh,瑞利散射 | 799 | Translation,转换,, |
503 | mode of operation,操作模式 | 602 | ACORN,ACORN大气校正模型 | 701 | Scatterplots,散点图 | 800 | Transmittance,透光率, |
504 | models,模型 | 603 | ACTOR,ACTOR大气校正模型 | 702 | Scientific visualization (see visualization),科学可视化(参阅可视化) | 801 | True color,真彩色 |
505 | deterministic,确定性模型 | 604 | ATREM,ATREM大气校正模型 | 703 | second simulation of the satellite signal in the solar spectrum(S),大气校正 S模型 | 802 | Turgidity,膨润 |
506 | empirical,经验模型 | 605 | Empirical line calibration,经验线定标 | 704 | serial processing,串行处理 | 803 | Turing test,图灵测试 |
507 | knowledge-driven,知识驱动模型 | 606 | FLAASH,FLAASH模型 | 705 | shadow,阴影 | 804 | Ultra-spectral remote sensing,超光谱遥感 |
508 | lumped-parameter,集总式参数(过程)模型 | 607 | Target and path radiance,目标与程辐射 | 706 | shape measurement,形状测度 | 805 | Univariate statistics,一元统计学 |
509 | Predictive,预测模型 | 608 | Detector error,探测器误差 | 707 | Sheffield Index,谢菲尔德指数,Sheffield指数, | 806 | Unsupervised classification,非监督分类 |
510 | Process-driven,过程驱动模型 | 609 | Line or column dropouts,行或列信息丢失 | 708 | Sigmoid distortion,“S”形畸变 | 807 | Chain method,链法 |
511 | Scene,场景模型 | 610 | Line start problems,行起始问题 | 709 | Site,场所 | 808 | Cluster busting logic,(非监督)聚类整理推理 |
512 | Stochastic,随机模型 | 611 | n-line striping, n 行条带 | 710 | Skew,歪斜,偏斜 | 809 | ISODATA,迭代自组织数据分析 |
513 | Mosaicking,影像拼接,镶嵌 | 612 | random bad pixels (shot noise),随机坏像元(散粒噪声) | 711 | Snow,雪 | 810 | Urban-suburban phenology,城市—郊区物候学 |
514 | Multi concept,“多”的概念 | 613 | hyperspectral data,高光谱数据 | 712 | Sobel (see edge enhancement),Sobel算子(参阅边缘增强) | 811 | Vegetation,植被 |
515 | Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics,多分辨率地面特征 | 614 | relative atmospheric normalization,相对大气归一化 | 713 | Softcopy photogrammetry,软拷贝摄影测量 | 812 | Absorption spectrum’吸收光谱, , |
516 | Multispectral remote sensing,多光谱遥感 | 615 | multiple-date image normalization,多时相影像归一化 | 714 | Software,软件 | 813 | APAR,吸收的光合有效辐射 |
517 | National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDD,国家空间数据基础设施 | 616 | single image normalization,单影像归一化 | 715 | Soil moisture,土壤水分 | 814 | Canopy structure,冠层结构 |
518 | Nearest-neighbor,最近邻 | 617 | slope and aspect effect,坡度与坡向影响 | 716 | Soils,土壤 | 815 | Carotenes,胡萝卜素 |
519 | Classification,分类 | 618 | C-correction, C校正 | 717 | Spatial,空间的(域的) | 816 | Chlorophyll,叶绿素 |
520 | Interpolation,插值 | 619 | Cosine correction,余弦函数校正 | 718 | Convolution filtering,卷积滤波 | 817 | Chlorotic,萎黄病的 |
521 | Networks,网络 | 620 | Minnaert correction, Minnaert校正, | 719 | Adaptive box,自适应框 | 818 | Dominant factors controlling leaf reflectance,控制叶面反射率的主导因素 |
522 | Neural networks,神经网络 | 621 | Statistical empirical correction,统计—经验校正 | 720 | Edge-preserving median,边缘保留中值滤波 | 819 | Pigments in palisade,栅栏组织内的色素 |
523 | Backpropagation,后向传播 | 622 | Radiometric resolution,辐射分辨率 | 721 | High-frequency,高频 | 820 | Plant water content,植物含水量 |
524 | Pattern associator,模式联接器 | 623 | Radiometric variables,辐射变量 | 722 | Low-frequency,低频 | 821 | Epidermis,表皮 |
525 | Nonmetric,非计量的,非度量的,非量度的 | 624 | Radiosondes,无线电探空仪 | 723 | Mask (kernel),掩膜(核) | 822 | Evapotranspiration,蒸腾作用 |
526 | Nonparametric,非参数的 | 625 | Random access memory (RAM),随机存取存储器(RAM) | 724 | Maximum,最大值 | 823 | rana,(复)叶绿体基粒 |
527 | Normal distribution,正态分布 | 626 | Ratioing (see band ratioing),比值运算(参阅波段比值 | 725 | Olympic,Olympic算子,奥林匹克算子 | 824 | Leaf area index,叶面积指数 |
528 | Object-oriented classification,面向对象的分类方法 | 627 | Read only memory (ROM),只读存储器(ROM) | 726 | Decision support system (SDDS),决策支持系统(SDDS) | 825 | Phenology,物候学 |
529 | Object to background contrast,目标与背景的对比度 | 628 | Rectification (see geometric correction),纠正(参阅几何校正) | 727 | Interpolation,插值 | 826 | Photosynthesis,光合作用 |
530 | Off-nadir viewing,非星下点观测,非天底点观测 | 629 | Red edge shift;红移 | 728 | Profiles,剖面,横端面,廓线 | 827 | Phycocyanin,藻青蛋白 |
531 | Olympic filter, Olympic滤波器 | 630 | Reduction,缩小 | 729 | Resolution,分辨率 | 828 | Phycoerythrin,藻红蛋白 |
532 | One-dimensional relief displacement,一维投影差 | 631 | Reflectance,反射率 | 730 | Spectra,光谱 | 829 | Red edge shift,红移 |
533 | Opacity,不透明度 | 632 | Apparent,表观反射率 | 731 | Spectral,光谱(的) | 830 | Stomata,气孔 |
534 | Operating system,操作系统 | 633 | Diff use,漫反射 | 732 | Angle mapper,光谱角制图 | 831 | Stress,胁迫 |
535 | Optical disks,光盘 | 634 | Near-perfect specular,近似/准理想镜面 | 733 | Change vector analysis change detection,变化矢量分析与变化检测 | 832 | Transpiration,蒸腾、蒸腾作用 |
536 | Optimum index factor (OIF),最佳指数因子(oIF) | 635 | Scaled surface,折合表面反射率 | 734 | Classes,类别 | 833 | Turgidity,膨润 |
537 | Orbits,轨道 | 636 | Specular,镜面的 | 735 | Library,库 | 834 | Xanthophyll,叶黄素 |
538 | Inclination,倾角 | 637 | Refraction,折射 | 736 | Mixture analysis,混合分析 | 835 | Vegetation indices,植被指数 |
539 | Path/row,列/行号 | 638 | Relative radiometric correction,相对辐射校正 | 737 | Polishing,平滑 | 836 | Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (AFRI),不受气溶胶影响的 |
540 | Orb-View,轨道观测-卫星 | 639 | REMOTE AGENT,远程代理 | 738 | Profiles,剖面 | 837 | 植被指数( AFRI),晴空植被指数 |
541 | Ortho-potography,正射影像(技术) | 640 | Remote sensing,遥感 | 739 | Spectroradiometer,光谱辐射计 | 838 | Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI),大气阻抗植被指数(ARVI) |
542 | Parallelepiped classification,平行六面体分类算法 | 641 | Definition,定义 | 740 | Spectroscopy,光谱学 | 839 | Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index (CARI) , 叶绿素吸收反射率指数(CARD |
543 | ParaUel processing,并行处理,‘ | 642 | Process,过程 | 741 | Derivative,微分(光谱)分析 | 840 | Crop Chlorophyll Content Prediction,作物叶绿素含量预测指数 |
544 | Parametric,参数的 | 643 | Data analysis,数据分析 | 742 | Statistics,统计学 | 841 | Enhanced Vegetation Index( EVI),增强型植被指数(EVI), |
545 | Passive sensors,被动传感器 | 644 | Analog (visual) image processing,模拟(光学)影像处理 | 743 | Feature selection,特征选择 | 842 | Greenness Above Bare Soil( GRABS),裸土绿度指数(GRABS), |
546 | 阳出radiance,程辐射 | 645 | Digital Image processing,数字影像处理 | 744 | Histogram,直方图 | 843 | Infrared Index (ID,红外指数(ID |
547 | Pattern,模式 | 646 | Data collection,数据采集 | 745 | Landscape ecology metrics,景观生态学测度 | 844 | Kauth Thomas Tasseled Cap, KT变换,缨帽变换 |
548 | Pattern recognition,模式识别 | 647 | Data requirements,数据需求 | 746 | Multivariate statistics,多元统计分析 | 845 | Af Water Content Index (LWCI),叶片含水量指数(LW |
549 | PCI Geomatica,PCI遥感处理软件 | 648 | information presentation,信息表达 | 747 | Coefficient of determination,判定系数/决定系数 | 846 | Mid-IR Index,中红外指数 |
550 | Per-pixel logical channel classification,逐像元(像元级)逻辑通道分类法 | 649 | statement of the problem,陈述问题 | 748 | Correlation coefficient,相关系数 | 847 | Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index( MCARI),修正的叶绿素吸收反射率指数(MCARD |
551 | Personal computers,个人计算机 | 650 | remote sensing sensor systems,遥感传感器系统 | 749 | Normal distribution,正态分布 | 848 | Moisture Stress Index (MSD,水分胁迫指数(MSI) |
552 | Phenological cycle,物候周期 | 651 | ADAR,机载数据获取与配准,ADAR | 750 | Principal component analysis( PCA),主成分分拆 | 849 | New Vegetation Index (NVD,新植被指数(NVI) |
553 | Urban-suburban,城市—郊区 | 652 | Digital frame cameras,框幅式数码相机 | 751 | Regression,回归分析,( | 850 | Normalized Difference,归化 |
554 | vegetation,植被,, | 653 | Emerge Digital Sensor System,Emerge 数字传感器系统 | 752 | Variance covariance matrix,方差—协方差矩阵,, | 851 | Built-up Index (NDBD,归一化建筑指数(NDBD |
555 | Photoelectric effect,光电效应 | 654 | Russian SPIN,俄罗斯SPIN 卫星 | 753 | Notation,符号 | 852 | Vegetation Index( NDVI),归一化植被指数(NDVI) |
556 | Photogrammetry,摄影测量, | 655 | Earth Observer (EO),地球观测者卫星(EO) | 754 | Population,总体, | 853 | Water Index (NDWD,归一化水指数(NDWD |
557 | Photons,光子 | 656 | Geostationary Operational Environment Satellites (GOES地球静止轨道环境业务卫星( GOES) | 755 | Sample,样本 | 854 | Optimized Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (OSAVI),优化的土壤调整植被指数(OSAVI) |
558 | Photosynthesis,光合作用 | 657 | GOES Imager,地球静止轨道环境业务卫星成像仪,GOES | 756 | Sampling error,采样误差 | 855 | Perpendicular Vegetation Index( PVI),垂直植被指数(PVI), |
559 | Picture element (see pixel),图像单元(像元) | 658 | HYDICE, hyperspectral digital imagery collection experiment,高光谱数字影像采集试验(系统) | 757 | univariate, 一元 | 856 | Physiological Reflectance Index,生理反射率指数 |
560 | Pixel,像元 | 659 | Indian Linear Imaging Self-Scanning camera (LISS) ,印度线性成像自扫描相机( LISS) | 758 | kurtosis,峰度 | 857 | Ratio TCARI/OSAVI, TCARI/OSAVI比值指数 |
561 | Purity index,纯度指数 | 660 | Intermap Stari,Intermap 公司星载三倾角干涉合成孔径雷达 | 759 | mean,均值,, | 858 | Red-edge Position Determination,红端位置的确定 |
562 | plasma,等离子体,l | 661 | Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+),陆地卫星增强型专题制图仪加(ETM+),Landsat ETM+ | 760 | median,中值,, | 859 | Reduced Simple Ratio (RSR),简化的简单比值指数 |
563 | point operations,点处理 | 662 | Landsat Return Beam Vidicon (RBV),陆地卫星反束光导管摄像仪( RBV) | 761 | mode,众数 | 860 | Simple Ratio (SR),简单比值指数 |
564 | polarization,极化、偏振 | 663 | Landsat Thematic Mapper,陆地卫星专题制图仪 | 762 | range,值域,, | 861 | Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI),土壤调整植被指数 |
565 | post-classification,分类后 | 664 | LIDAR,激光雷达 | 763 | skewness,偏度,, | 862 | Soil and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (SARVI),土壤和大气阻抗植被指数 |
566 | comparison change detection,比较变化检测 | 665 | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), 中分辨率成像光谱仪( MODIS) | 764 | standard deviation,标准差,, | 863 | Triangular Vegetation Index( TVI),三角植被指数 |
567 | sorting,分类后处理 | 666 | Multiangle Imaging Spectrometer (MISR),多角度成像光谱仪( MISR) | 765 | variance,方差 | 864 | Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI),可见光大气阻抗植被指数 |
568 | Posterization,多色调分色法 | 667 | National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP),美国国家航空摄影计划(NAPP) | 766 | Stephan-Boltzmann,斯蒂芬—玻尔兹曼 | 865 | Yellowness Index,黄色指数,黄度指数 |
569 | Preprocessing,预处理 | 668 | RADAR,雷达 | 767 | Constant,斯蒂芬—玻尔兹曼常量 | 866 | Video image,视频图像 |
570 | geometric,几何的 | 669 | Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS),宽视场海洋观测传感器( SeaWiFS) | 768 | Stereoscopic viewing,立体观测 | 867 | Display,显示 |
571 | radiometric,辐射的 | 670 | Shuttle,航天飞机,飞机 | 769 | Stochastic,随机的 | 868 | Temporary,临时 |
572 | principal components analysis主成分分析 | 671 | Imaging Radar (SIR ABC),成像雷达(SIR ABC) | 770 | Stratification,分层 | 869 | Vignetting,晕渲 |
573 | components,成分 | 672 | Photography,摄影 | 771 | Geographical,地理分层 | 870 | Visualization,可视化 |
574 | eigenvalues,特征值 | 673 | analog,模拟 | 772 | Striping,条纹,条带 | 871 | Volcanic,火山 |
575 | eigenvectors,特征向量 | 674 | High Resolution Visible (HRV),高分辨率可见光传感器 | 773 | sun synchronous orbit,太阳同步轨道 | 872 | chlorophyll,叶绿素 |
576 | factor loadings,因子载荷 | 675 | Vegetation sensor,植被传感器 | 774 | supervised classification,监督分类(法) | 873 | dissolved organic matter,溶解有机质 |
577 | minimum noise fraction (MNF),最小噪声分离(MNF)变换 | 676 | Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) ,热红外多光谱扫描仪(TIMS) | 775 | surface roughness,表面粗糙度 | 874 | suspended mine,als,悬浮无机物 |
578 | standardized,标准化(的) | 677 | TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission),热带测雨卫星 | 776 | tangential scale distortion,切向比例(缩放)畸变 | 875 | wavelength,波长 |
579 | unstandardized,非标准化(的) | 678 | Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS),高层大气研究卫星( UARS) | 777 | Terra satellite, Terra 卫星 | 876 | dominant,主要波长 |
580 | probability density function,概率密度函数 | 679 | Resolution,分辨率 | 778 | Temperature,温度 | 877 | Wein’s displacement law,维恩位移定律 |
581 | Production rules,产生式规则 | 680 | Radiometric,辐射分辨率 | 779 | Temporal resolution,时间分辨率 | 878 | Workstations,工作站 |
582 | Pseudo-invariant features,伪不变特征 | 681 | Spatial,空间分辨率 | 780 | Temporary video display,临时视频显示 | 879 | Worldwide referencing system (WRS),全球参考系(系统)(WRS) |
583 | Quanta,量子(复数) | 682 | Temporal,时间分辨率 | 781 | Testing,测试 | 880 | write function memory insertion change detection,写功能存储插入变化检测 |
584 | Quantization,量化 | 683 | RGB color coordinate system,红绿蓝色彩坐标系(统) | 782 | Texture,纹理 | 881 | Zoom,缩放 |
585 | Quantum,量子 | 684 | Roam,漫游 | 783 | Texture transformations,纹理变换 | ||
586 | Leap,跃迁 | 685 | Roberts (see edge enhancement),罗伯茨算子,Roberts算子(参阅边缘检测) | 784 | First order statistics in the spatial domain,空间域一阶统计 | ||
587 | Selection rules,选择规则 | 686 | Roll pitch and yaw,翻滚、俯仰和偏航 | 785 | Average,平均数 | ||
588 | Theory,(量子)论 | 687 | Root mean square error (RMSE),均方根误差(RMSE) | 786 | Conditional variance detection,条件方差检测 | ||
589 | RADAR,雷达 | 688 | Rotation,旋转 | 787 | Entropy,熵 | ||
590 | Radiance,辐射率,辐亮度,辐射 | 689 | Sampling,采样 | 788 | Minmax,最小—最大 | ||
591 | Radiative transfer modeling,辐射传输模拟 | 690 | Design,(采样)设计 | 789 | Standard deviation,标准差 | ||
592 | Hemispherical absorptance,半球吸收率 | 691 | Error,(采样)误差 | 790 | Fractal dimension,分形维数 | ||
593 | Hemispherical reflectance,半球反射率 | 692 | Frame,框架 | 791 | Second-order statistics in the spatial domain,空间域二阶统计 | ||
594 | Hemispherical transmittance,半球透射率 | 693 | Area,面积 | 792 | Gray-level cooccurrence matrices,灰度共生矩阵 | ||
595 | Radiant flux,辐射通量 | 694 | List,列表 | 793 | Semi-variogram statistics,半方差图统计 | ||
596 | Density,辐射通量密度 | 695 | Theory,理论 | 794 | Texture spectrum,纹理光谱(信息) | ||
597 | Exitance,出射率,出射度 | 696 | Scale,比例尺 | 795 | Texture units,纹理单元 | ||
598 | Irradiance,辐照度,辐射通量密度 | 697 | Scattering,散射 | 796 | Thematic map accuracy, 专题图精度 |
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