""" 项目介绍 情景假设:一位考生根据题目要求写出了一份作文,考生略做修改后提交第二份文档, 考生将题目、两份作文输入程序后得到一份评分报告。评分报告给出以百分数为形式的数据为考生提供修改建议。 实现功能:该项目主要关注以下几点:主题契合度、词汇高级度、查重率与体检报告。 考生输入文本后,评分报告以pyGUI的形式呈现给用户,显示各类指标、图表和建议。 """
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter import scrolledtext
- import nltk
- from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter import scrolledtext
- import nltk
- from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
- import matplotlib
- matplotlib.use("TkAgg")
- import re
- import hashlib
- import pandas as pds
- import numpy as np
- import string
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- import os
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import re
- import hashlib
- import pandas as pds
- import numpy as np
- import string
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- import time
- """
- 项目介绍
- 情景假设:一位考生根据题目要求写出了一份作文,考生略做修改后提交第二份文档,
- 考生将题目、两份作文输入程序后得到一份评分报告。评分报告给出以百分数为形式的数据为考生提供修改建议。
- 实现功能:该项目主要关注以下几点:主题契合度、词汇高级度、查重率与体检报告。
- 考生输入文本后,评分报告以pyGUI的形式呈现给用户,显示各类指标、图表和建议。
- """
- # 数据库输入
- word_storage = pds.read_excel('词库.xlsx')
- """
- 从不同词库中提取单词
- 词库有四个,分别为:初中词汇,高中词汇,四六级词汇,托福词
- """
- """
- TF-IDF计算词频以体现主题契合度,徐铭阳提供
- """
- def TF_IDF():
- # 函数封装:对词频进行统计
- def word_tfidf_calculating(the_address_of_text):
- # 读取文本
- with open(the_address_of_text) as f:
- text=f.read()
- # 提取关键词
- tfidf=TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', tokenizer=None)
- tfs=tfidf.fit_transform([text])
- # 获取关键词和对应的得分
- feature_names=tfidf.get_feature_names_out()
- scores=tfs.todense().tolist()[0]
- # 将关键词和对应的得分组成元组,然后根据得分进行排序
- # 将关键词和对应的得分组成元组,然后根据得分进行排序
- keywords_in_list=sorted(zip(feature_names, scores), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- keywords_in_dic=dict(keywords_in_list)
- return keywords_in_list
- # 调用TF-IDF函数,实现对题目、文本对词频统计
- keyword_topic=word_tfidf_calculating("topic.txt")
- keyword_text1=word_tfidf_calculating("text1.txt")
- keyword_text2=word_tfidf_calculating("text2.txt")
- # keyword_topic为一个字典,其键为关键词,值为得分,找出得分前十的关键词,以字典形式输出
- # 函数封装:输出得分前十的关键词,以字典形式输出 # 函数封装:输出得分前十的关键词,以字典形式输出
- def the_top_word_output(which_text):
- the_top_word={}
- for item in which_text[:10]:
- the_top_word[item[0]]=item[1]
- return the_top_word
- top_word_topic = the_top_word_output(keyword_topic)
- top_word_text1 = the_top_word_output(keyword_text1)
- top_word_topi2 = the_top_word_output(keyword_text2)
- # 函数封装: 关键词词频得分计算
- def the_total_score_of_keyword(which_text):
- set1=set([item[0] for item in keyword_topic])
- set2=set(item[0] for item in which_text)
- keyword_common_elements=list(set1.intersection(set2))
- # 函数封装:从列表中抓取元素
- def extract_element1_in_list(the_list, element0):
- global element1
- for item in the_list:
- if item[0] == element0:
- element1=item[1]
- return element1
- # 利用自定义数学公式计算得分
- the_total_score_of_keyword_in_circle=0
- for marks_of_keys in keyword_common_elements:
- the_total_score_of_keyword_in_circle+=extract_element1_in_list(keyword_topic, marks_of_keys) \
- * extract_element1_in_list(which_text, marks_of_keys)
- return the_total_score_of_keyword_in_circle
- # 调用函数:求得text1与text2的得分
- score_of_text1=the_total_score_of_keyword(keyword_text1)
- score_of_text2=the_total_score_of_keyword(keyword_text2)
- # 得出关键词词频结论
- the_ratio_after_modified=1 - score_of_text2 / score_of_text1
- print("您的文章修改后,关键词复现词频得分提高了{:%}".format(the_ratio_after_modified))
- return [top_word_topic, top_word_text1, top_word_topi2]
- x = TF_IDF()
- """
- SimHash—Hamming算法比较文本相似度,以计算查重率,徐铭阳提供
- """
- def CALC_repetition(text1_address, text2_address):
- def CALC_SimHash_Hamming(text1_address1, text2_address1): # 徐铭阳提供
- """
- 计算出两个文本的哈希值,返回汉明距离
- """
- global distance_between_texts
- with open(text1_address, 'r') as f:
- text_topic=f.read()
- with open(text2_address, 'r') as f:
- text1=f.read()
- class Simhash:
- def __init__(self, text, hashbits=64):
- self.hashbits=hashbits
- self.hash=self.simhash(text)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.hash)
- def simhash(self, tokens):
- # 初始化一个64位的列表,用于存储特征哈希值
- v=[0] * self.hashbits
- # 遍历每一个单词
- for t in [self._string_hash(x) for x in tokens]:
- # 对每一个哈希值的每一个位进行更新
- for i in range(self.hashbits):
- bitmask=1 << i
- if t & bitmask:
- v[i]+=1 # 如果该位为1,则该位的计数器加1
- else:
- v[i]-=1 # 如果该位为0,则该位的计数器减1
- fingerprint=0
- for i in range(self.hashbits):
- if v[i] >= 0:
- fingerprint|=1 << i # 如果计数器大于等于0,则该位设为1
- return fingerprint
- def _string_hash(self, v):
- # 将字符串进行hash,产生一个64位的整数
- return int(hashlib.md5(v.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16)
- def hamming_distance(self, other):
- # 计算两个整数二进制表示的汉明距离
- x=(self.hash ^ other.hash) & ((1 << self.hashbits) - 1)
- d=0
- while x:
- d+=1
- x&=x - 1
- return d
- def get_words(text):
- # 按照空格进行分词,同时过滤掉长度小于等于1的词语
- words=re.compile('\w+').findall(text.lower())
- return [w for w in words if len(w) > 1]
- def get_stopwords():
- # 获取停用词表
- stop_words=set()
- with open("停用词.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- for line in f:
- stop_words.add(line.strip())
- return stop_words
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- text_a=text_topic
- text_b=text1
- words1=get_words(text_a)
- words2=get_words(text_b)
- stopwords=get_stopwords()
- words1=[w for w in words1 if w not in stopwords]
- words2=[w for w in words2 if w not in stopwords]
- sh1=Simhash(words1)
- sh2=Simhash(words2)
- distance_between_texts=sh1.hamming_distance(sh2)
- return distance_between_texts
- def text_split(text):
- """
- 将文本按句子划分
- """
- with open(text, 'r') as f:
- text_after_split=f.read()
- sentences=text_after_split.split(". ")
- sentences=[s.strip() for s in sentences]
- return sentences
- def text_compared_based_on_sentences(list_sentence_of_text1,
- list_sentence_of_text2):
- """
- 以两个被分割的文本进行比较,返回相同的句子数目、总句子数所组成的列表
- 其中text1作为文本库,text2作为待查重的文本
- 返回「重复的句子的单词数,待查重的文本的单词数」
- """
- def CALC_words_in_sentences(list1):
- word_lst=' '.join(list1).split()
- return len(word_lst)
- list1=text_split(list_sentence_of_text1)
- list2=text_split(list_sentence_of_text2)
- the_words_amount_of_list2=CALC_words_in_sentences(list2)
- amount_of_words_of_similar_sentence=0 # 双列表遍历后找哈希近似,统计重复的句子数和句子词数
- for element1 in list1:
- for element2 in list2:
- if CALC_SimHash_Hamming(element1, element2) <= 1000:
- the_words_amount_similar=CALC_words_in_sentences(element2)
- amount_of_words_of_similar_sentence+=the_words_amount_similar
- info_text_compared_based_on_sentences=[amount_of_words_of_similar_sentence, the_words_amount_of_list2]
- return info_text_compared_based_on_sentences
- a=text_compared_based_on_sentences(text1_address, text2_address)
- def CALC_ratio(info_text_compared_based_on_sentences):
- """
- 输入被计算后的文本比较信息,其格式为:「重复的句子的单词数,待查重的文本的单词数」
- 输出目标文本的重复比例
- 其中text1作为文本库,text2作为待查重的文本
- """
- the_amount_of_sentence_in_texts=int(info_text_compared_based_on_sentences[0])
- the_amount_of_sentence_similar=int(info_text_compared_based_on_sentences[1])
- the_ratio_of_repetition=the_amount_of_sentence_similar / the_amount_of_sentence_in_texts
- print(f"您这篇文章的重复率为:{the_ratio_of_repetition:.2%}")
- return the_ratio_of_repetition
- b=CALC_ratio(a)
- return b
- rating1_of_repetition = CALC_repetition("topic.txt",
- "text1.txt")
- rating2_of_repetition = CALC_repetition("topic.txt",
- "text2.txt")
- ratio_of_repetition = rating2_of_repetition/rating1_of_repetition
- """
- 高频词汇统计与评分
- """
- class Storage_level: # 定义Storage_level类
- def __init__(self, text):
- import string
- with open(text, 'r') as fp: # 打开目标作文
- self.text = fp.read() # 读取作文并保存在self.text中
- words = self.text.split() # 读取作文单词,并保存在一个列表中
- self.words = [word.lower().strip(string.punctuation + string.whitespace) for word in words]
- def word_level(self, excel, sheet): # 定义word_level函数,对词库进行处理
- read = pds.read_excel(excel, sheet_name=sheet) # 读取词库,将单词储存在列表中
- data = read.values.tolist()
- words_set = set(tuple(i) for i in data) # 将列表化为集合
- words_level = {str(word[0]).replace(',', '') for word in words_set}
- return words_level
- def word_storage(self, storage, junior, high, universe, toefl): # 定义word_storage函数,将词库划分为四个等级
- # 运用word_level函数处理词库
- words_junior = self.word_level(storage, junior)
- words_high = self.word_level(storage, high)
- words_universe = self.word_level(storage, universe)
- words_toefl = self.word_level(storage, toefl)
- # 用集合的方法将词汇进行分类,共分为四个等级,等级越高,词汇越高级
- word_level1 = words_junior - (words_high | words_universe | words_toefl)
- word_level2 = words_high - words_junior - words_universe - words_toefl
- word_level3 = words_universe - words_high - words_toefl - words_junior
- word_level4 = words_toefl - words_junior - words_universe - words_high
- return [word_level1, word_level2, word_level3, word_level4]
- def analysis(self, storage, junior, high, universe, toefl): # 定义analysis函数分析作文
- level1 = self.word_storage(storage, junior, high, universe, toefl)[0]
- level2 = self.word_storage(storage, junior, high, universe, toefl)[1]
- level3 = self.word_storage(storage, junior, high, universe, toefl)[2]
- level4 = self.word_storage(storage, junior, high, universe, toefl)[3]
- quantity_of_word = len(self.words)
- quantity_of_advanced_word = 0
- total_goals = 0
- quantity_of_level2 = 0
- quantity_of_level3 = 0
- quantity_of_level4 = 0
- for word in self.words: # 运用循环结构对词汇进行赋分
- if word in level2:
- quantity_of_level2 += 1
- quantity_of_advanced_word += 1
- total_goals += 60
- elif word in level3:
- quantity_of_level3 += 1
- quantity_of_advanced_word += 1
- total_goals += 80
- elif word in level4:
- quantity_of_level4 += 1
- quantity_of_advanced_word += 1
- total_goals += 100
- # 计算普通词汇和四个等级的高级词汇占比
- ordinary_word = 1 - quantity_of_advanced_word/quantity_of_word
- advanced_word = quantity_of_advanced_word/ quantity_of_word
- level2_word = quantity_of_level2/quantity_of_word
- level3_word = quantity_of_level3/quantity_of_word
- level4_word = quantity_of_level4/quantity_of_word
- average_advanced_score = total_goals/quantity_of_advanced_word
- # 返回计算结果
- try:
- return [ordinary_word, advanced_word, level2_word, level3_word, level4_word, average_advanced_score]
- except:
- print('请重新输入数据')
- # 定义get_result函数,输入原文和修改后作文
- def get_result(text_name1, text_name2):
- text1 = Storage_level(text_name1)
- text2 = Storage_level(text_name2)
- text1_analysis = text1.analysis("词库.xlsx", 'junior', 'high', 'universe', 'toefl')
- text2_analysis = text2.analysis("词库.xlsx", 'junior', 'high', 'universe', 'toefl')
- # 将分析数据存储在result字典中
- result={'Proportion of Common Words': text1_analysis[0],
- 'Proportion of Advanced Words': text1_analysis[1],
- 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words': text1_analysis[2],
- 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words': text1_analysis[3],
- 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words': text1_analysis[4],
- 'Average Score of Advanced Words': text1_analysis[5],
- 'Proportion of Common Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[0],
- 'Proportion of Advanced Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[1],
- 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[2],
- 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[3],
- 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[4],
- 'Average Score of Advanced Words in Modified Text': text2_analysis[5]}
- return result
- words_level= get_result('text1.txt', 'text2.txt')
- selected_keys = ['Proportion of Common Words', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Common Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words in Modified Text']
- selected_words_level = {k: words_level[k] for k in selected_keys}
- words_level = get_result('text1.txt', 'text2.txt')
- selected_keys = ['Proportion of Common Words', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Common Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words in Modified Text']
- selected_words_level1 = {k: words_level[k] for k in selected_keys[:4]}
- words_level = get_result('text1.txt', 'text2.txt')
- selected_keys = ['Proportion of Common Words', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words', 'Proportion of Common Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 2 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 3 Advanced Words in Modified Text', 'Proportion of Level 4 Advanced Words in Modified Text']
- selected_words_level2 = {k: words_level[k] for k in selected_keys[-4:]}
- # 计算原文和修改后作文的'Average Score of Advanced Words'的比值
- ratio_of_words_level = words_level['Average Score of Advanced Words in Modified Text']/words_level['Average Score of Advanced Words']
- # 输出结果
- print(get_result('text1.txt', 'text2.txt'))
- """
- 体检报告
- """
- # 基本的语法修改
- def correct_text(text):
- # 将中文标点替换为英文标点
- text=text.replace(",", ",")
- text=text.replace("。", ".")
- text=text.replace("!", "!")
- text=text.replace("?", "?")
- text=text.replace(";", ";")
- text=text.replace(":", ":")
- # 如果标点后忘记加空格,则在标点后面补上一个空格
- for i in range(len(text)):
- if text[i] in [",", ".", "!", "?", ";", ":"] and i < len(text) - 1 and text[i + 1] not in [" ", "\n"]:
- text=text[:i + 1] + " " + text[i + 1:]
- return text
- text1 = correct_text(open("text1.txt", "r").read())
- text2 = correct_text(open("text2.txt", "r").read())
- # 体检报告
- def get_info(text):
- # 段落数初始化为1
- num_paragraphs=1
- # 句子数初始化为0
- num_sentences=0
- for i in range(len(text)):
- if text[i] == "\n":
- num_paragraphs+=1
- if text[i] in [".", "?", "!"]:
- num_sentences+=1
- # 获取词汇列表
- totalwords=text.split()
- word_list=[word.lower().strip(string.punctuation + string.whitespace) for word in totalwords]
- # 统计形符数(词数)
- num_of_words=len(word_list)
- # 统计类符数(不重复出现的形符数)
- num_of_nonrep_words=len(set(word_list))
- # 统计平均词长
- avg_length=sum(map(len, word_list)) / len(word_list)
- # 统计词长标准差
- standard_diviation=sum(map(lambda x: (x - avg_length) ** 2, map(len, word_list))) / len(word_list)
- return num_paragraphs, num_sentences, num_of_words, num_of_nonrep_words, avg_length, standard_diviation
- """
- 可视化输出
- """
- my_dict = {"key1": 0.25, "key2": 0.25, "key3": 0.25, "key4": 0.25}
- workDir = os.getcwd()
- def zhifangtu(a_dict):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Times New Roman']
- keys=list(a_dict.keys())
- values=list(a_dict.values())
- # 设置直方图边界和颜色等属性
- plt.bar(keys, values, align='center', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
- for i, v in enumerate(values):
- plt.text(i, v + 1, str(v), ha='center', va='bottom', fontweight='bold')
- # 设置标题和标签等属性
- title_font={'fontsize': 50, 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontstyle': 'italic', 'color': 'blue'}
- title_font1={'fontsize': 40}
- plt.title('TF–IDF Word Frequency Chart', fontdict=title_font)
- plt.xlabel('Words', fontdict=title_font1)
- plt.ylabel('TF–IDF Word Frequency', fontdict=title_font1)
- fig=plt.gcf()
- fig.set_size_inches(20, 30)
- fontprop=fm.FontProperties(size=20)
- fontprop1=fm.FontProperties(size=30)
- plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right', fontproperties=fontprop)
- plt.yticks(ha='right', fontproperties=fontprop1)
- # 显示图像
- plt.savefig('TF–IDF Word Frequency Chart 1')
- def zhifangtu1(a_dict):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Times New Roman']
- keys=list(a_dict.keys())
- values=list(a_dict.values())
- # 设置直方图边界和颜色等属性
- plt.bar(keys, values, align='center', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2)
- for i, v in enumerate(values):
- plt.text(i, v + 1, str(v), ha='center', va='bottom', fontweight='bold')
- # 设置标题和标签等属性
- title_font={'fontsize': 50, 'fontweight': 'bold', 'fontstyle': 'italic', 'color': 'blue'}
- title_font1={'fontsize': 40}
- plt.title('TF–IDF Word Frequency Chart', fontdict=title_font)
- plt.xlabel('Words', fontdict=title_font1)
- plt.ylabel('TF–IDF Word Frequency', fontdict=title_font1)
- fig=plt.gcf()
- fig.set_size_inches(20, 30)
- fontprop=fm.FontProperties(size=20)
- fontprop1=fm.FontProperties(size =30)
- plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right', fontproperties=fontprop)
- plt.yticks(ha='right', fontproperties=fontprop1)
- # 显示图像
- plt.savefig('TF–IDF Word Frequency Chart 2')
- '''fic_of_TFIDF1 = zhifangtu(x[0])
- fic_of_TFIDF2 = zhifangtu(x[1])
- fic_of_TFIDF3 = zhifangtu(x[2])'''
- def bing(b):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Times New Roman']
- keys=list(b.keys())[:4] # 仅选择前四个键
- values=list(b.values())[:4] # 仅选择前四个值
- colors=['pink', 'red', 'red', 'purple', 'blue']
- alpha=[0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.8]
- title_font1={'fontsize': 15, 'color': 'black'}
- plt.title('Chart of Advanced Words1', fontdict=title_font1)
- pie_chart=plt.pie(values, labels=keys, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, counterclock=False)
- for i in range(len(pie_chart[0])):
- pie_chart[0][i].set_color(colors[i])
- pie_chart[0][i].set_alpha(alpha[i])
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1''.png'))
- fig=plt.gcf()
- fig.set_size_inches(5, 5)
- fontprop=fm.FontProperties(size=16)
- plt.legend(prop=fontprop)
- bing(selected_words_level1)
- def bing1(b):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['Times New Roman']
- keys=list(b.keys())[:4] # 仅选择前四个键
- values=list(b.values())[:4] # 仅选择前四个值
- colors=['pink', 'red', 'red', 'purple', 'blue']
- alpha=[0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.8]
- title_font1={'fontsize': 15, 'color': 'black'}
- plt.title('Chart of Advanced Words2', fontdict=title_font1)
- pie_chart=plt.pie(values, labels=keys, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, counterclock=False)
- for i in range(len(pie_chart[0])):
- pie_chart[0][i].set_color(colors[i])
- pie_chart[0][i].set_alpha(alpha[i])
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words2'+'.png'))
- fig.set_size_inches(5, 5)
- fontprop=fm.FontProperties(size=16)
- plt.legend(prop=fontprop)
- bing(selected_words_level2)
- def get_info(text):
- # 段落数初始化为1
- num_paragraphs=1
- # 句子数初始化为0
- num_sentences=0
- for i in range(len(text)):
- if text[i] == "\n":
- num_paragraphs+=1
- if text[i] in [".", "?", "!"]:
- num_sentences+=1
- # 获取词汇列表
- totalwords=text.split()
- word_list=[word.lower().strip(string.punctuation + string.whitespace) for word in totalwords]
- # 统计形符数(词数)
- num_of_words=len(word_list)
- # 统计类符数(不重复出现的形符数)
- num_of_nonrep_words=len(set(word_list))
- # 统计平均词长
- avg_length=sum(map(len, word_list)) / len(word_list)
- # 统计词长标准差
- standard_diviation=sum(map(lambda x: (x - avg_length) ** 2, map(len, word_list))) / len(word_list)
- return [[num_paragraphs], [num_sentences], [num_of_words], [num_of_nonrep_words], [round(avg_length, 2)],
- [round(standard_diviation, 2)]]
- def blocki(f):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- headers=['Result']
- table=plt.table(cellText=f, colLabels=headers,
- rowLabels=['Paragraph Num', 'Sentence Num', 'Word Num', 'Nonrep word Num', 'Average word Length',
- 'Word Standard Divation'], colWidths=[0.2], cellLoc='center', loc='center')
- plt.axis('off')
- plt.savefig(os.path.join(workDir, 'ff.png'))
- blocki(get_info(text1))
- def calculate_time(func):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- start_time = time.time()
- result = func(*args, **kwargs)
- end_time = time.time()
- print(f"程序运行时间为 {end_time - start_time} 秒")
- return result
- return wrapper
- @calculate_time
- def my_function():
- # 这里放你要计算时间的代码
- pass
- my_function() # 程序运行时间为 X 秒 ··
- from tkinter import *
- from tkinter import scrolledtext
- from PIL import Image, ImageTk
- Img1Open = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1.png'))
- Img2Open = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1.png'))
- Img3Open = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1.png'))
- Img4Open = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1.png'))
- Img5Open = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'Chart_of_Advanced_Words1.png'))
- checkReportPng = Image.open(os.path.join(workDir, 'ff.png'))
- windowTitle = "作文评分系统"
- # 用format方法给windowPrompt1和windowPrompt2传入参数text1、2
- windowPrompt1 = str.format("文本1:{}", text1)
- windowPrompt2 = str.format("文本2(已为您纠正基本的标点与空格错误):{}", text2)
- similarityDecPercent = str(ratio_of_repetition * 100) + "%"
- wordLevelIncPercent = str(ratio_of_words_level * 100) + "%"
- themeFitIncPercent = ""
- # 用format方法给requirementText数据:打开题目文件,读取题目文件内容
- requirementText = "题目:\n" + str.format("{}", open("text1.txt", "r").read())
- img1Png = None
- img2Png = None
- img3Png = None
- img4Png = None
- img5Png = None
- checkReportPng = None
- # 窗口参数
- # 窗口宽度
- windowWidth = 1200
- # 窗口高度
- windowHeight = 600
- # 子窗口百分比宽度
- subWindowWidth = 0.3
- # 子窗口百分比高度
- subWindowHeight = 0.8
- # 按钮百分比宽度
- buttonWidth = 0.25
- # 按钮百分比高度
- buttonHeight = 0.2
- # 控件类
- class mainWindow(Frame):
- def __init__(self, master = None):
- super().__init__(master)
- # 创建窗口
- self.rootFrame = Frame(root, width = windowWidth, height = windowHeight)
- self.rootFrame.pack(side = "top", fill = "both", expand = 1)
- self.createMainWindow(self.rootFrame)
- # 创建主窗体
- def createMainWindow(self, mainFrame):
- # 创建左子窗体
- mainFrame.leftSubWindow = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(mainFrame)
- mainFrame.leftSubWindow.insert(END,windowPrompt1)
- mainFrame.leftSubWindow.place(relheight = subWindowHeight, relwidth = subWindowWidth, relx = 0.1, rely = 0.05)
- # 创建中子窗体
- mainFrame.midSubWindow = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(mainFrame)
- mainFrame.midSubWindow.insert(END,windowPrompt2)
- mainFrame.midSubWindow.place(relheight = subWindowHeight, relwidth = subWindowWidth, relx = 0.4, rely = 0.05)
- # 创建右子窗体
- mainFrame.rightSubWindow = Frame(mainFrame)
- self.createRightWindow(mainFrame.rightSubWindow)
- mainFrame.rightSubWindow.place(relheight = subWindowHeight, relwidth = subWindowWidth, relx = 0.7, rely = 0.05)
- # 创建退出按钮
- mainFrame.quit = Button(mainFrame, text = "退出", bg = "red", command = self.master.destroy)
- mainFrame.quit.place(anchor = S, relheight = 0.05, relwidth = 0.2, relx = 0.5, rely = 0.95)
- # 填充右子窗体内容
- def createRightWindow(self, rightWindow):
- # 创建显示子窗体
- rightWindow.showWindow = Frame(rightWindow)
- rightWindow.showWindow.place(relheight = 0.7, relwidth = 0.8, relx = 0.1, rely = 0.25)
- # 创建评分比较按钮
- rightWindow.scoreCompare = Button(rightWindow, text = "评分比较", command = lambda : self.showScore(rightWindow.showWindow))
- rightWindow.scoreCompare.place(relheight = buttonHeight, relwidth = buttonWidth, relx = 0.1, rely = 0)
- # 创建检测报告按钮
- rightWindow.checkReport = Button(rightWindow, text = "检测报告", command = lambda : self.showCheckReport(rightWindow.showWindow))
- rightWindow.checkReport.place(relheight = buttonHeight, relwidth = buttonWidth, relx = 0.4, rely = 0)
- # 创建题目要求按钮
- rightWindow.requirement = Button(rightWindow, text = "题目要求", command = lambda : self.showRequirement(rightWindow.showWindow))
- rightWindow.requirement.place(relheight = buttonHeight, relwidth = buttonWidth, relx = 0.7, rely = 0)
- # 显示评分
- def showScore(self, subWindow):
- # 清空子窗体内控件
- for widget in subWindow.winfo_children() :
- widget.destroy()
- # 将子窗体分为两部分
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow = Frame(subWindow)
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.place(relheight = 0.5, relwidth = 1, relx = 0, rely = 0)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow = Frame(subWindow)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.place(relheight = 0.5, relwidth = 1, relx = 0, rely = 0.5)
- # 初始化要显示的图片
- global img1Png
- img1Png = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img1Open,master = subWindow.rightUpSubWindow)
- global img2Png
- img2Png = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img2Open,master = subWindow.rightUpSubWindow)
- global img3Png
- img3Png = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img3Open, master = subWindow.rightDownSubWindow)
- global img4Png
- img4Png = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img4Open, master = subWindow.rightDownSubWindow)
- global img5Png
- img5Png = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img5Open, master = subWindow.rightDownSubWindow)
- # 显示相似度降低值
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.similarityDec = Label(subWindow.rightUpSubWindow, text = "您的文章相似度降低了:" + similarityDecPercent)
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.similarityDec.place(relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.05)
- # 显示高级度提升值
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.wordLevelInc = Label(subWindow.rightUpSubWindow, text = "您的文章词汇高级度提升了:" + wordLevelIncPercent)
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.wordLevelInc.place(relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.2)
- # 显示fig1
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.fig1 = Label(subWindow.rightUpSubWindow, image = img1Png)
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.fig1.place(relheight = 0.4, relwidth = 0.4, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.5)
- # 显示fig2
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.fig2 = Label(subWindow.rightUpSubWindow, image = img2Png)
- subWindow.rightUpSubWindow.fig2.place(relheight = 0.4, relwidth = 0.4, relx = 0.55, rely = 0.5)
- # 显示文章主题契合度提升值
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.themeFit = Label(subWindow.rightDownSubWindow, text = "您的文章主题契合度提升了:" + themeFitIncPercent)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.themeFit.place(relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.05)
- # 显示关键词分布
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.keyword = Label(subWindow.rightDownSubWindow, text = "具体关键词分布如下:")
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.keyword.place(relheight = 0.1, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.2)
- # 显示fig3
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig3 = Label(subWindow.rightDownSubWindow, image = img3Png)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig3.place(relheight = 0.4, relwidth = 0.3, relx = 0, rely = 0.5)
- # 显示fig4
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig4 = Label(subWindow.rightDownSubWindow, image = img4Png)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig4.place(relheight = 0.4, relwidth = 0.3, relx = 0.35, rely = 0.5)
- # 显示fig5
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig5 = Label(subWindow.rightDownSubWindow, image = img5Png)
- subWindow.rightDownSubWindow.fig5.place(relheight = 0.4, relwidth = 0.3, relx = 0.7, rely = 0.5)
- # 显示检测报告
- def showCheckReport(self, subWindow) :
- # 清空子窗体内控件
- for widget in subWindow.winfo_children() :
- widget.destroy()
- # 初始化报告图片
- global checkReportPng
- checkReportPng = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Img1Open,master = subWindow)
- # 显示报告
- subWindow.checkReport = Label(subWindow, image = checkReportPng)
- subWindow.checkReport.place(relheight = 0.9, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.05)
- # 显示题目要求
- def showRequirement(self, subWindow) :
- # 清空子窗体内控件
- for widget in subWindow.winfo_children() :
- widget.destroy()
- # 显示题目要求
- subWindow.requirementTextBox = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(subWindow)
- subWindow.requirementTextBox.insert(END,requirementText)
- subWindow.requirementTextBox.place(relheight = 0.9, relwidth = 0.9, relx = 0.05, rely = 0.05)
- root = Tk()
- root.title(windowTitle)
- window1 = mainWindow(master = root)
- window1.mainloop()
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