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python super()函数介绍(允许子类访问其超类的方法)superclass父类、超类;subclass子类

python super

理解Python中的super()函数(Understanding the super() Function in Python)


The super() function in Python plays a crucial role in facilitating(促进) polymorphism(多态) and code reuse by enabling subclasses to access methods of their superclass. This article delves into the depths(深入探讨) of super(), covering its mechanisms, benefits, and practical applications with comprehensive examples.

什么是super()?(What is super()?)

In object-oriented programming, super() is a built-in function that returns a temporary(临时的) object of the superclass, allowing the subclass to access inherited methods that have been overridden(否决). This capability is essential for calling a method from the superclass from within a method in the subclass.

“This capability is essential for calling a method from the superclass
from within a method in the subclass.”


  1. 主体和谓语:

    • 主体是"This capability"(这项能力)。
    • 谓语是"is essential"(是必不可少的)。
  2. 目的:

    • 短语"for calling a method from the superclass"(为了从超类调用一个方法)说明了这项能力的用途。
    • "for"引导的是目的状语,说明这项能力的用途或目的。
  3. 方位和范围:

    • “from within a method in the subclass”(在子类的一个方法内部)说明了调用的环境或范围。
    • “from within"是一个固定搭配,表示"从…里面”。
    • “a method in the subclass”(子类中的一个方法)指明了这个行为发生的具体位置。
  4. 两个"from"的区别:

    • 第一个"from"在"from the superclass"中用来指代方法的来源,即方法定义在哪个类中。
    • 第二个"from"是"from within"的一部分,用来描述行为的发生位置,即在子类的方法内部。


为什么使用super()?(Why Use super()?)


  • Avoids Hardcoding: By using super(), the superclass name does not need to be hardcoded, making the code more maintainable(可维护的) and adaptable(能适应的) to changes.
    避免硬编码: 通过使用super(),不需要硬编码超类名称,使得代码更加可维护和适应变化。


  • Multiple Inheritance(遗产继承): It plays a critical role in the context of multiple inheritance, ensuring that the correct superclass methods are called in the right order.
    多重继承: 它在多重继承的上下文中扮演着关键角色,确保以正确的顺序调用正确的超类方法。

super()是如何工作的?(How Does super() Work?)

单继承(Single Inheritance)

In a single inheritance scenario, super() allows us to call methods of the superclass from within the subclass without explicitly(明确的) naming(说出…的名称;准确陈述) the superclass.

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

class Dog(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, breed):
        super().__init__(name)  # No need to use Animal.__init__(self, name)
        self.breed = breed      # 品种

dog = Dog("Buddy", "Golden Retriever")
print(dog.name)  # Outputs: Buddy
print(dog.breed)  # Outputs: Golden Retriever(金毛寻回犬)

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多重继承(Multiple Inheritance)

When dealing with multiple inheritance, super() ensures that methods from all bases are called in the proper order, following the Method Resolution Order (MRO).

class BaseClass:
    def __init__(self):
        print("BaseClass __init__")

class FirstLevel(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self):
        print("FirstLevel __init__")

class SecondLevel(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self):
        print("SecondLevel __init__")

class ThirdLevel(FirstLevel, SecondLevel):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__()  # This follows MRO
        print("ThirdLevel __init__")

# Expected Output:
# BaseClass __init__
# SecondLevel __init__
# FirstLevel __init__
# ThirdLevel __init__

# [<class '__main__.ThirdLevel'>, <class '__main__.FirstLevel'>, <class '__main__.SecondLevel'>, <class '__main__.BaseClass'>, <class 'object'>]

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MRO 定义了类继承体系中方法和属性查找的顺序,当使用 super() 调用方法时,Python 就是按照这个顺序来确定下一个应该被调用的方法是什么。

在你提供的例子中,ThirdLevel.mro() 输出的顺序是:

  1. ThirdLevel
  2. FirstLevel
  3. SecondLevel
  4. BaseClass
  5. object

这正是 Python 解释器查找方法和属性时遵循的顺序。当你创建了一个 ThirdLevel 的实例并调用其 __init__ 方法时,Python 会首先尝试在 ThirdLevel 中找到 __init__。找到后,因为 ThirdLevel.__init__ 中使用了 super().__init__(),Python 会继续按照 MRO 顺序查找下一个类,即 FirstLevel

但这里的关键在于 super() 的工作方式。当 super().__init__() 被调用时,它会查找 MRO 中当前类之后的类中的 __init__ 方法。所以,尽管 MRO 显示的顺序是 FirstLevelSecondLevel 之前,super() 调用在 FirstLevel.__init__ 中会跳到 SecondLevel,因为 SecondLevel 是在 MRO 中 FirstLevel 之后的下一个类。


  1. "BaseClass __init__"
  2. "SecondLevel __init__"
  3. "FirstLevel __init__"
  4. "ThirdLevel __init__"

实际的调用顺序是按照 super() 调用在代码中出现的顺序来决定的,结合 MRO 来确定下一个调用的具体是哪个类的方法。所以,在多重继承的情况下,super() 提供了一种方式来确保所有基类的方法都按照 MRO 顺序被适当地调用。

super()的高级用法(Advanced Usage of super()

动态分派(Dynamic Dispatch)

super() enables a form of dynamic dispatch when used in a method that is overridden in multiple subclasses. This can be especially useful in complex inheritance hierarchies.

调用其他方法(Calling Other Methods)

While super() is often used in constructors (__init__), it’s not limited to them. It can be used to call any method of the superclass.

class Vehicle:
    def start(self):
        print("Vehicle engine started")

class Car(Vehicle):
    def start(self):
        super().start()  # Calls Vehicle's start method
        print("Car engine started")

car = Car()
# Expected Output:
# Vehicle engine started
# Car engine started

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使用super()的提示(Tips for Using super()

  • Always use super() in a consistent manner(一致的方式) throughout(自始至终;贯穿整个时期) the inheritance hierarchy to avoid unexpected behaviors.

  • Be cautious with super() in dynamic environments where the inheritance hierarchy may change, as it relies on the MRO.

  • Understand the MRO in the context of multiple inheritance to predict the order in which methods will be called.


The super() function in Python is a powerful tool for object-oriented programming, enabling efficient and maintainable code through method reuse and polymorphism. Whether in simple single inheritance or complex multiple inheritance scenarios, super() simplifies(简化) calling superclass methods, promoting code reuse and maintainability. As(正如) demonstrated through examples, mastering super() is essential for any Python programmer looking to(希望,指望) leverage(利用) the full potential of object-oriented programming.

