Yara 是一个识别和分类恶意文件的工具,其安装的环境依赖比较多,安装前先执行yum update,然后在用yum install直接装automake、 libtool、 make、gcc、pkg-config环境。Yara安装软件到官网Getting started — yara 4.4.0 documentation下载并根据官网说明进行安装,我本地的版本为4.4.0。
查看yara的版本来验证安装:yara -v 或者 yara --version
yara /path/rules1.yar /path/rules2.yar /path/to/scan
/path/rules1.yar /path/rules2.yar:代表规则文件,多个以空格分割
返回结果格式:规则名 文件名(中间以空格隔开)
- import base64
- import os
- import yara
- import logging
- from yara import Error
- class YaraManager(object):
- """ doc """
- categories = {}
- def __init__(self):
- self.rules_path = os.path.join(HOME_ROOT, "data", "rules")
- @staticmethod
- def __get_categories(path):
- try:
- return [di for di in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, di))]
- except OSError as os_error:
- logging.warning("Please install sandbox-rules package to make yara detection normal. Exception:{0}"
- .format(os_error))
- return []
- def _generate_default_rules(self):
- log.debug("Initializing Yara Rules...")
- # Need to define each external variable that will be used in the
- # future. Otherwise Yara will complain.
- externals = {
- 'filename': "",
- 'filepath': "",
- 'extension': "",
- 'filetype': "",
- 'md5': ""
- }
- for category in self.__get_categories(self.rules_path):
- basepath = os.path.join(self.rules_path, category)
- if not os.path.exists(basepath):
- log.warning("Missing Yara directory: %s?", basepath)
- rules, indexed = {}, []
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basepath, followlinks=True):
- for filename in filenames:
- if not filename.endswith((".yar", ".yara")):
- continue
- filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
- try:
- assert len(str(filepath)) == len(filepath)
- except (UnicodeEncodeError, AssertionError):
- log.warning(
- "Can't load Yara rules at %r as Unicode filepaths are "
- "currently not supported in combination with Yara!",
- filepath
- )
- continue
- try:
- yara.compile(filepath=filepath, externals=externals)
- except yara.SyntaxError as e:
- log.warning("Error compiling the rules {0}".format(e))
- continue
- rules["rule_%s_%d" % (category, len(rules))] = filepath
- try:
- YaraManager.categories[category] = yara.compile(filepaths=rules, externals=externals)
- except yara.Error as e:
- log.warning(
- "There was a syntax error in one or more Yara rules: %s" % e
- )
- continue
- # The memory.py processing module requires a yara file with all of its
- # rules embedded in it, so create this file to remain compatible.
- for filename in indexed:
- f.write('include "%s"\n' % filename)
- # indexed = sorted(indexed)
- # for entry in indexed:
- # if entry == indexed[-1]:
- # log.debug("\t `-- %s %s", category, entry)
- # else:
- # log.debug("\t |-- %s %s", category, entry)
- # Store the compiled Yara rules for the "memory" category in $CWD/stuff/
- # so that we may easily pass it along to zer0m0n during an analysis.
- def generate_index(self):
- """Generates index for yara signatures."""
- self._generate_default_rules()
- @staticmethod
- def yara_match(externals, results):
- try:
- if isinstance(externals["filepath"], unicode):
- externals["filepath"] = externals.get("filepath").encode("utf8")
- if isinstance(externals["filename"], unicode):
- externals["filename"] = externals.get("filename").encode("utf8")
- for item, rules in YaraManager.categories.items():
- match_rules = []
- matches = rules.match(externals["filepath"], externals=externals, timeout=5)
- for match in matches:
- # skip duplicate rule
- if item in results and any([x for x in results[item] if match.rule == x.get("name", "")]):
- # if match.rule in self.rule_names:
- continue
- # else:
- # self.rule_names.append(match.rule)
- strings, offsets = set(), {}
- for _, key, value in match.strings:
- strings.add(base64.b64encode(value))
- offsets[key.lstrip("$")] = []
- strings = sorted(strings)
- for offset, key, value in match.strings:
- offsets[key.lstrip("$")].append(
- (offset, strings.index(base64.b64encode(value)))
- )
- meta = {
- "description": "(no description)",
- }
- meta.update(match.meta)
- match_rules.append({
- "name": match.rule,
- "tags": match.tags,
- "meta": meta,
- "strings": strings,
- "offsets": offsets,
- })
- if match_rules:
- results[item] = results[item] + match_rules if item in results else match_rules
- except Error as e:
- log.info("Unable to match {0} Heuristic signatures: {1}".format(item, e))
- except Exception as e:
- log.exception(e)
- return results

- def run(self):
- """Get Yara signatures matches.
- @return: matched Yara signatures.
- """
- results = {}
- for item, rules in YaraManager.categories.items():
- match_rules = []
- try:
- matches = rules.match(self.task.target, timeout=5)
- for match in matches:
- match_rules.append({
- "name": match.rule
- })
- except Error as e:
- log.info("Unable to match {0} Heuristic signatures: {1}".format(item, e))
- if match_rules:
- results[item] = match_rules
- return results

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